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Generally favorable reviews- based on 143 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 95 out of 143
  2. Negative: 34 out of 143
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  1. Jul 20, 2017
    rae sremmurd - sremmlife
    mini review
    lit like bic: 5/10 sway lees flow is great unlock the swag: 2/10 slow crap no flex zone: 6/10 grew on me my x: 3/10 slow trash this could be us: 5/10 nothing come get her: 1/10 generic trash up like trump: 3/10 annoying trash throw some more: 2.5/10 generic trash yno: 3/10 good hook trash verses but big sean is ok no type: 0/10 boring trash
    rae sremmurd - sremmlife
    mini review

    lit like bic: 5/10 sway lees flow is great
    unlock the swag: 2/10 slow crap
    no flex zone: 6/10 grew on me
    my x: 3/10 slow trash
    this could be us: 5/10 nothing
    come get her: 1/10 generic trash
    up like trump: 3/10 annoying trash
    throw some more: 2.5/10 generic trash
    yno: 3/10 good hook trash verses but big sean is ok
    no type: 0/10 boring trash
    safe sex pay checks: 4/10 eh

    fav tracks: no flex zone, lit like bic, this could be us
    worst tracks: no type, come get her, unlock the swag, throw some more, up like trump, my x

    mid 3
  2. Jan 31, 2015
    Utterly dreadful. They sound like children trying to imitative the worst of materialistic SWAG rap. While it's better than some of the other rap albums I've heard so far this year (Mike WiLL Made It and Mike Jones in particular), that isn't really saying much. It's just painful to listen to and I say that as someone who loves hip hop. I'm totally stunned that it's getting the amount ofUtterly dreadful. They sound like children trying to imitative the worst of materialistic SWAG rap. While it's better than some of the other rap albums I've heard so far this year (Mike WiLL Made It and Mike Jones in particular), that isn't really saying much. It's just painful to listen to and I say that as someone who loves hip hop. I'm totally stunned that it's getting the amount of praise that it is from critics. Expand
  3. Apr 20, 2015
    Sremmlife is one of the worst things that have ever happened to hip hop in music history. This whole album is just one contradiction after the other, it's actually amazing to me how this album got such high critic reviews, considering how completely useless and horrible this whole album is. I really hope Rae Sremmurd just stops making music now and run away with all the money they'veSremmlife is one of the worst things that have ever happened to hip hop in music history. This whole album is just one contradiction after the other, it's actually amazing to me how this album got such high critic reviews, considering how completely useless and horrible this whole album is. I really hope Rae Sremmurd just stops making music now and run away with all the money they've gotten from nasty twerking white girls. Expand
  4. Jan 7, 2015
    The only album I've listened to that has confused me so badly that I cried. Horrible rap, and how this album got over 70% meta is BEYOND me. Not only are the tracks awful, but the lyrics don't even rhyme together. Going off of the "Young Money style" where they don't rap, hardly work and call it a day.
  5. May 8, 2015
    The most "decent" songs have already been released on the radio. It's obvious why they haven't released any of the other songs on this "album". The songs are intolerable even with the knock in my trunk. I never write reviews, but I felt compelled to say something, that's how bad this album is. Go back to school boys.
  6. Mar 22, 2015
    0/10 .................................................................................................................................................
  7. Apr 20, 2015
    I do not know why critics praise the, they contradict themselves pretty much all the time. The songs gets stuck on your mind so i recommend this in small doses.
  8. Apr 20, 2015
    In my time, we didn't have **** music that included contradiction. Our generation is lost! Lost, I say. Kendrick Lamar is busting his ass over great and meaningfull, but it isn't a headbanger. Y'all **** need Jesus and Tupac.
  9. Jul 22, 2015
    No.........................................................................................................just no............................................................................................................

Generally favorable reviews - based on 15 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 15
  2. Negative: 0 out of 15
  1. Mar 18, 2015
    It's one-note, sure, but we're rooting for Rae Sremmurd.
  2. Mar 10, 2015
    SremmLife definitely lives up to the hype--yes, it's more focused towards the youth market, but it shouldn't preclude anyone reading this who enjoys the youthful energy of debut artists going nuts once they get a big chance.
  3. 75
    It’s an album that gives as much as it gains, both in trap-flow intensity and emotional catharsis.