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Generally favorable reviews- based on 161 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 23 out of 161
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  1. Oct 22, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Otro error en el que Kacey vuelve a repetir lo mismos errores de sus inicios al parecer siempre será la sombra de Taylor Swift.
    "The balance of star-crossed is full of cringe-worthy lyrics and failed efforts to move further into pop (“good wife”) and dance (“what doesn’t kill me,” “breadwinner”) realms. Produced by the same team as Golden Hour (Daniel Tashian and Ian Fitchuk), it’s hard to assess how that album’s gossamer sheen, that enchantingly revealed subtle hooks and melodies, gave way to almost nothing that stands out. " ...
  2. Oct 15, 2021
    What a joke. Kacey tries to sell it as a pop album and then her team complains when it is not eligible for the Country category. Stop worrying about labels. Try concentrating on making better music, Kacey. This album is utterly boring and unworthy of past country stars who transitioned to pop. You are not a Shania or a Taylor. You should have stuck to Outlaw Country.
  3. Sep 20, 2021
    Wow she did it again with flawless album. Omg can you believe that. Just wowwww
  4. Sep 19, 2021
    I’m sad to say that my favorite artist has derailed from my personal taste with this album. This album felt like it was the diet version of her previous work. I didn’t get the writing or the bops I’m used to. I’ll still be here for her next release.
  5. Sep 18, 2021
    If you want to listen to some good modern country music you are out of luck. If you like something that sounds like a 1970 James bond theme song, then I guess it's for you
  6. Sep 16, 2021
    I had mixed feelings about Golden Hour and always wondered why the album did so well and so many fans and musicians praised it. I guess I liked the production and Musgraves' vocals well enough, but the song lyrics were cliche and predictable. Star-Crossed confirms my hesitation about her work. Each song on the new album seems constructed around an idea, driven by a thesis, carefullyI had mixed feelings about Golden Hour and always wondered why the album did so well and so many fans and musicians praised it. I guess I liked the production and Musgraves' vocals well enough, but the song lyrics were cliche and predictable. Star-Crossed confirms my hesitation about her work. Each song on the new album seems constructed around an idea, driven by a thesis, carefully walking us (more like dragging us) through the process of a relationship's decline. The are cringe. Nothing about the emotions in the songs feels organic or heartfelt, as the songs seem driven by ideas rather than authentic emotions. They seems songs about what she thought and how she felt at the time, perhaps, but there's little feeling in them. The poet Robert Frost said, "No tears in the writer, no tears in the reader." The songs on Star-Crossed don't make me feel anything, and that's why the album fails. They are about emotions, but not of them. Listened to it a few times to give it a chance, but deleted it to save space on my phone for more interesting music. Expand
  7. Sep 11, 2021
    From someone who loves most of Kacey’s work in the past I just found this record boring. I don’t know if my expectations were just too high but the lyrics are lacking considering the songwriter, production is horrible, and just sounds like it’s trying too hard at being a pop record. I’m disappointed.
  8. Sep 10, 2021
    I'm honestly surprised how many positive reviews this got because despite having a really beautiful opener and a few good tracks, the rest felt quite bland. I'd recommend others to listen to her previous album, as it was a better project. This one had bland lyrics, not really too much to read into.
    Intro and outro are the best songs.
  9. Sep 10, 2021
    Naah, I didnt líke it. Snsndndndndjfjfjdjd djdjdbdbdbdddbdjdjdjdjdjsjshdhdbdvdvd
  10. Sep 10, 2021
    As Someone who has followed her career since the start, and owns all her albums on Vinyl (MORE THAN ONE COPY IN SOME CASES!), This album is an absolute abomination.

    GOLDEN HOUR managed to balance her country sensibilities and sound with her desire to expand beyond that genre. She wins a grammy for ALBUM OF THE FREAKING YEAR! Her choice then is to sell out, go full pop, and abandon
    As Someone who has followed her career since the start, and owns all her albums on Vinyl (MORE THAN ONE COPY IN SOME CASES!), This album is an absolute abomination.

    GOLDEN HOUR managed to balance her country sensibilities and sound with her desire to expand beyond that genre. She wins a grammy for ALBUM OF THE FREAKING YEAR!

    Her choice then is to sell out, go full pop, and abandon everything (Her unique sound, her fans etc.) that got her to the dance in the first place.

    Hookup Scene is LITERALLY the only track that sounds resolutely Kacey, and the only reason the album gets a 1 even.

    Otherwise, it's filled to the brim with narrative cliches, **** click tracks and digitial instrumentation, and a voice that sounds like it could easily be replaced with any other dime a dozen auto tuned pop star on the radio.

    Say what you will about her previous output, but Kacey has finally become exactly what all the critics have always said she was. A Sell Out. In fact, she's become something worse. Boring...
  11. Sep 10, 2021
    Just listen front to end and this album kinda fall flat to me, it’s meh tbh, background music that they play and you just vibing but won’t pay attention to, samey samey. Definitely her weakest album, same trailer different park and pageant material are much more interesting when you put her discography on rank (of course Golden hour is her peak), this feel half-baked. The lyrics doesn’tJust listen front to end and this album kinda fall flat to me, it’s meh tbh, background music that they play and you just vibing but won’t pay attention to, samey samey. Definitely her weakest album, same trailer different park and pageant material are much more interesting when you put her discography on rank (of course Golden hour is her peak), this feel half-baked. The lyrics doesn’t present that much about her divorce cause it’s just on the surface, the music is weird, especially when hear it on headphone, mixing seems off and muddy, idk it’s on purpose or anything…anyway this is boring Expand
  12. Sep 10, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Just common as a piece of paper
    And i can't understand why she transfered to pop music without great production and beats

Generally favorable reviews - based on 23 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 19 out of 23
  2. Negative: 0 out of 23
  1. Sep 21, 2021
    “Star-Crossed” is actually a less emotional experience than the blissed-out “Golden Hour,” which practically vibrated with feeling. ... Musgraves’ writing on “Star-Crossed” is squishier and more prone to cliché than on “Golden Hour” or her earlier albums.
  2. Uncut
    Sep 17, 2021
    Musgraves' superpower is her ability to convey complex emotions via concise phrasing, which means quieter songs such as "Good Wife" and "If This Was A Movie" hit especially hard. [Nov 2021, p.30]
  3. Sep 16, 2021
    It’s an album where she can be not so much “happy and sad at the same time” as heartsick, defiant, nostalgic, self-doubting, sassy, rueful and flatlining in the same divorce-court feedback loop. ... And one of the best things about “Star-Crossed” is its boldly weird but highly satisfying finale.