• Record Label: Republic
  • Release Date: Jul 21, 2023
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 18 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 18
  2. Negative: 1 out of 18
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  1. Aug 24, 2023
    For their third album, they push the boundaries of their musical dynamism, and I'm happy to hear them exploring themselves, even if this comes a little messy. The strength and perfection of Josh Kiszka's voice is undeniable, and is the thing that surpasses expectations on this album. Yet, I'm sure the complete band will see better days in the way they explore a genre that they are bothFor their third album, they push the boundaries of their musical dynamism, and I'm happy to hear them exploring themselves, even if this comes a little messy. The strength and perfection of Josh Kiszka's voice is undeniable, and is the thing that surpasses expectations on this album. Yet, I'm sure the complete band will see better days in the way they explore a genre that they are both empowering and making more accessible. What I can guarantee of their music is this always awesome and well appreciated sense of grand epicness. Long life. Expand
  2. Aug 11, 2023
    Dropping masterpieces left and right.
    Definitely a grower.
    Some really great songs
  3. Jul 30, 2023
    Vocals are great and even the instruments sound really good and it has a good mix, but some disappointing songs makes us feel that this record is not exacly like we wanted it to be. It´s not their best work, but definitely not their worst too
  4. Jul 22, 2023
    Another remarkable album by the gifted young rockers.
    These guys are masters at creating arrangements and atmospheres, a trait that is the real unsung hero of the whole GVF brand.
    The Archer is possibly one of the most beautiful songs ever, dwarfing some of the finest euro prog songs. Regarding “critics”, I noticed that YoyoMancuso, the author of the Sputnik review (who, for the record,
    Another remarkable album by the gifted young rockers.
    These guys are masters at creating arrangements and atmospheres, a trait that is the real unsung hero of the whole GVF brand.
    The Archer is possibly one of the most beautiful songs ever, dwarfing some of the finest euro prog songs.

    Regarding “critics”, I noticed that YoyoMancuso, the author of the Sputnik review (who, for the record, plays in 2023 in an atrociously bad “circa 2001 MTV” emo band, words could not suffice here) he bragged when his bad review hit the Metacritic. I always find it fascinating how untalented middle aged “musicians” are affected by the talent of this young rock band. (And no, I’m not old, I am in my 30s).

    Also I am not sure why Sputnik makes it to the Metacritic and other publications don’t, so for completeness these are the other Starcatcher ratings:

    Blues Rock Review 9/10
    Distorted Sound Magazine 9/10
    Ghost Cult Magazine 9/10
    Rock N Load Mag 9/10
    Blabbermouth 8.5/10
    American songwriter 4/5
    Entertainment focus 4/5
    Xs Noise 4/5
    Hot Press 7/10
    Riff Magazine 7/10
    Chorus FM Highly Reccomended
    Metal Talk gives no rating but only praises to Starcatcher
  5. Jul 21, 2023
    Be careful, the Metacritic algorithm is scraping from the internet only the average to negative reviews, leaving out the stellar ones. Lots of 9/10 reviews have been published by way more authoritative sources than Mojo (and when I say Mojo my eyes are rolling, although you can’t see it). As per this user, what can I say about Greta Van Fleet’s Starcatcher? They are branching out to coverBe careful, the Metacritic algorithm is scraping from the internet only the average to negative reviews, leaving out the stellar ones. Lots of 9/10 reviews have been published by way more authoritative sources than Mojo (and when I say Mojo my eyes are rolling, although you can’t see it). As per this user, what can I say about Greta Van Fleet’s Starcatcher? They are branching out to cover a different sonic territory with each new album, proving they can do most anything. No one compares to them at the moment. Any Led Zep contrived narrative for this 2023 album would be just the proof that the reviewer has not done much music listening in their lifetime. Much more psychedelic than Led Zep, this albums reminds more of non Anglo-Saxon European prog bands. Songwriting goes from good to amazing throughout. A stellar achievement for GVF, once again, that will be timeless. Expand
  6. Jul 22, 2023
    Starcatcher has many bluesy songs with interesting lyrics and top vocal and guitar performances. Drums and bass and keys also rock and the band members perform so well together. Highlights for me include “The Archer”, “Waited All Your Life” and “Meeting the Master” but there isn’t a bad song on here. I took 1 point off because I felt that the producer, Dave Cobb, liked effects a touch tooStarcatcher has many bluesy songs with interesting lyrics and top vocal and guitar performances. Drums and bass and keys also rock and the band members perform so well together. Highlights for me include “The Archer”, “Waited All Your Life” and “Meeting the Master” but there isn’t a bad song on here. I took 1 point off because I felt that the producer, Dave Cobb, liked effects a touch too much. But these songs still sound awesome and will be even better live. Expand
  7. Jul 22, 2023
    Is the air out yet?
    In the beginning, they were enthusiastic with fresh music and were hyped in the media until they waved off. Now a few years have gone by and Greta Van Fleet deliver more and more loose songs. No one can really inspire on this album anymore. They are in the generic and insignificant phase of their band history.
  8. Jul 22, 2023
    I seriously can't understand who employs these so called "critics" these days. but it's just sad to see how out of touch they are with real people. Is this album perfect? No. But it's better than 90% of the crap being published today. Personally, I think it can be a bit loud and hard to follow on some tracks (Looking at you Runaway Blues! There's a good song in there, but the producerI seriously can't understand who employs these so called "critics" these days. but it's just sad to see how out of touch they are with real people. Is this album perfect? No. But it's better than 90% of the crap being published today. Personally, I think it can be a bit loud and hard to follow on some tracks (Looking at you Runaway Blues! There's a good song in there, but the producer failed them on this one). However, the more I listen to the album, the more I absolutely love it. I'm a fan of all of the Singles they released, but farewell for now is pretty forgettable. Of the new tracks from the full Release, "The Indigo Streak" and "The Archer" are standout tracks. I also really enjoy "Frozen Light", which gives me hints of Black Sabbath. I guess the thing that really bugs me with the critics, is they only see a band that sounds like Led Zeppelin. Which yeah, they definitely do. But GVF is so much more than a mere imitation. These guys Rock! They are incredibly talented as individual musicians, but even better as a band. I don't see how sounding similar to the greatest Rock band of all time is a bad thing. The people who say they're just imitating Zeppelin clearly hasn't seen them perform, and it's just a lazy take. do better critics! Expand
  9. Jul 22, 2023
    Wow those critics are so incredibly clever aren’t they! they have spent the whole night desperately finding a drumbeat or any noise at all that reminds them of led zeppelin to justify their short sighted reviews for GVF. We actually listened to it…and it’s brilliant…in fact it gets better with each listen as you realise how much talent care and love for rock music went into each song.Wow those critics are so incredibly clever aren’t they! they have spent the whole night desperately finding a drumbeat or any noise at all that reminds them of led zeppelin to justify their short sighted reviews for GVF. We actually listened to it…and it’s brilliant…in fact it gets better with each listen as you realise how much talent care and love for rock music went into each song. Bands have been taking and building from each other since music began. The Stones and the Beatles released cover albums before writing their own stuff. GVF remain a beacon of light amongst the durge of over produced synth rubbish that fills the airwaves. Meeting the Master is a Masterpiece, Sacred the Thread is awesome and Waited all your life too.. in fact my favorite track keeps changing which is the sign of a great album. Well done lads…and i also love the fact that the lyrics sound completely stoned! exactly what we all need in these times. Expand
  10. Jul 21, 2023
    Critics be damned, this album is awesome!

    Somewhere between Rush and Zeppelin is this.

    Rock on, GVF, rock on!

Generally favorable reviews - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 8
  2. Negative: 1 out of 8
  1. 80
    They’re still unabashedly clicked into late ’60s-early ‘70s bygone rock, and Starcatcher is, indeed, classic Greta Van Fleet.
  2. Classic Rock Magazine
    Jul 21, 2023
    Starcatcher feels like their most consistent and complete record yet. [Aug 2023, p.74]
  3. Jul 21, 2023
    It’s a record so entrenched in referencing other music that it ceases to be artistic expression, and is entirely separated from expression as a concept, floating in its own sterility. Looks like it’s back to the drawing board for whichever craven startup CEO cooked this one up in the experience machine; you won’t be able to unplug fast enough.