• Record Label: Vagrant
  • Release Date: Jul 15, 2008
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 95 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 76 out of 95
  2. Negative: 12 out of 95

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  1. Sep 3, 2010
    A bit of a change for the Hold Steady. Putting their feet in Brooklyn, they are adapting to a little New York sound but remain steadily themselves. Not as exciting, however, than some previous albums.
  2. JsdonqW
    Oct 14, 2008
    Great album... Constructive summer kicks things off perfectly and Slapped Actress continues the Hold Steady tradition of having epic finishing songs on albums.
  3. IsaacO.
    Jul 14, 2008
    in reality, this is about an 8+, rather than 9. It's the weakest of all their albums. That said, it's still better than 90% of the rest of the music that has come out this year. or is likely to come out.
  4. Jimmy
    Jul 15, 2008
    This is the most fun album the has been released this year.
  5. MichaelV.
    Jul 16, 2008
    Had to build my own chill-out tent to recover from my first listen of "Stay Positive". Brilliant lyrically and musically, I may need an intervention.
  6. HarryS.
    Jul 18, 2008
    Never cease to amaze.
  7. JakeB
    Aug 26, 2008
    The Hold Steady proove yet again that they are one of the best bands in America. On Stay Posotive they tried to expand their sound and did so with great achievment. Althouthg some of the songs fall short, (Navy Sheets, Yeah Saphire) the rest are as good as it gets. The Bonus Tracks are also phenomenal arguably the best songs on the record.
  8. ArchieS
    Jan 3, 2009
    Wow what an album!!! This has to be one of the best albums i've ever heard. Consistently good, no amazing! No duds, serious. If you like good old fashion rock n roll you'll like this. If you like music lyrically dense and quality, you'll like this. If you love music, you'll love this!!!
  9. LoganF
    Dec 8, 2008
    The Hold Steady reiterate themselves lyrically a lot, it's good for connection with a long time listener, but the tunes don't beat the last three albums.
  10. RickR.
    Jul 14, 2008
    very good. a little too much sameness from boys and girls in america in the sound, and from separation Sunday in the lyrics. not really a huge step forward. but hey, they do what they do well. best tracks are 'lord I'm discouraged' (despite the cookie-cutter guitar solo), 'magazines', 'joke about jamaica', and 'slapped actress'.
  11. MattS.
    Jul 14, 2008
    After three albums that all register a perfect 10 in my book, it's not all that surprising that these guys would eventually drop a 9. But when your band's weakest album is also one of the best releases of the year, you probably don't have too much to worry about. Really, my only complaint here is that Craig's characteristic sing/speak delivery sometimes leans a bit too After three albums that all register a perfect 10 in my book, it's not all that surprising that these guys would eventually drop a 9. But when your band's weakest album is also one of the best releases of the year, you probably don't have too much to worry about. Really, my only complaint here is that Craig's characteristic sing/speak delivery sometimes leans a bit too far in the sing direction (a bit further than on Boys and Girls, which I thought struck a perfect balance). That aside, his lyrics here are as incredible as ever, the band has never sounded better, and the album - hell, their entire catalogue to date - achieves greater cohesiveness and more consistency than most artists can sustain over the course of a single song. There is not a better rock n' roll band anywhere. Go see them live immediately. Expand
  12. Pat
    Jul 15, 2008
    I don't know what the reviewer from Spin was smoking, because this is in no way mellower than any other Hold Steady release. It's a great followup to the absolutely classic Boys & Girls In America, and together they are an almost perfect 1-2 punch of good old-fashioned, roll-the-windows-down-and-crank-it rock. Great album.
  13. MarkS.
    Jul 15, 2008
    Party on Wayne, party on Garth, party on America! "Stay Positive" brings back memories of all the times that my buddy and I prepared the party site in the woods - you know, the railroad ties, bonfire, kegger - and then ended up rocking in a teenage wasted utopia with all our high school friends. Bruce Springsteen was taking America by storm being on the cover of Time and Newsweek the same Party on Wayne, party on Garth, party on America! "Stay Positive" brings back memories of all the times that my buddy and I prepared the party site in the woods - you know, the railroad ties, bonfire, kegger - and then ended up rocking in a teenage wasted utopia with all our high school friends. Bruce Springsteen was taking America by storm being on the cover of Time and Newsweek the same week, and Jimmy Carter was dealing with a different type of oil crisis. Craig and company pay homage to all that and more, and have recorded their best album to date in doing so. Expand
  14. GuyH
    Jul 16, 2008
    The title 'Stay Positive' is a bit of a risky one - what is conceived as a rallying call could end up sounding like a desperate plea if the album falls flat - and this release has a lot to live up to. 'Boys & Girls' was a fun listen and carved out a niche for the band as the feel good rockers who boasted untypically clever lyrics. The band seem a little too aware of The title 'Stay Positive' is a bit of a risky one - what is conceived as a rallying call could end up sounding like a desperate plea if the album falls flat - and this release has a lot to live up to. 'Boys & Girls' was a fun listen and carved out a niche for the band as the feel good rockers who boasted untypically clever lyrics. The band seem a little too aware of this on the opening two tracks which follow the blueprint established on 'Boys & Girls' a little too closely. The next two songs throw a lot of new ideas in the mix but aren't 100% successful. At this point on my first listen I was a little worried - not one of these songs is a patch on the first 4 songs that opened the last album. 'Lord...' marks the breakthrough - it is a steady, stately slow burner that boasts an awesome guitar solo that ignites the album. The next three songs continue the winning run - 'Sapphire' has a mean guitar sound, 'Crosses' would have probably been the best song on the recent Gutter Twins album and the title track contains this album's great impassioned (and slightly comical) Finn vocal. The quality dips slightly on 'Magazines' - but it is still a catchy rocker with those strange part punk, part muppet guest vocals on the chorus. 'Stay Positive' then rallies for a big 1-2 finish. 'Jamaica' is a bit kitchen sink with its Specials organ, rambling piano, voice box solo and the rest but it is theatrical in a good way and works pretty well. Even more successful is the stunning 'Actress'. It is the grandest of grand finales and recalls the more dramatic moments from last year's Okkervil River album 'The Stage Names'. Despite 'Stay Positive's imperfections I still believe this is exactly the sort of album they needed to release after their breakthrough - this is no weak retread and if some of the experiments don't quite come off you still have to applaud The Hold Steady for their positive ambition. Expand
  15. MaxC.
    Jul 16, 2008
    Not their best but any Hold Steady record is better than just about any non-Hold Steady record these days.
  16. DavidA.
    Jul 16, 2008
    I find it less consistent than their previous 2 efforts, but it is still a great album. You can tell they are trying new things and attempting to stay fresh. It works in some areas, and doesn't in others. The key to them has always been the lyrics, and Craig Finn has once again written some great songs.
  17. MycroftW.
    Jul 17, 2008
    One of the most likable bands out there shows consistency with another triumph. The Hold Steady is well on the way to become the Drive By Truckers of the big city.
  18. StephenL.
    Jul 17, 2008
    Really, really amazing. Constructive Summer might be one of the best songs I've heard in a long, long time. Classic rock. Go buy or at least download. The experience will justify itself.
  19. EricN.
    Jul 25, 2008
    Stay Positive is my favourite The Hold Steady album, even better than Separation Sunday and that's saying something. I like the maturity and world-weariness in Craig Finn's voice this time around and the band has never been tighter. Franz Nicolay's keyboards, rather than overpowering the mix like they did on Boys and Girls complement the songs so well. Anyone who comments Stay Positive is my favourite The Hold Steady album, even better than Separation Sunday and that's saying something. I like the maturity and world-weariness in Craig Finn's voice this time around and the band has never been tighter. Franz Nicolay's keyboards, rather than overpowering the mix like they did on Boys and Girls complement the songs so well. Anyone who comments that the songs all sound the same just haven't spent any time with this album. The variety of music here is amazing. I was listening to some old Lifter Puller tunes yesterday -- and to see where Finn started out and where he is today is like watching an epic movie unfold. Simply outstanding. If you've never heard this band, pick up this album, listen to it 3-4 times with the lyrics in hand and prepare to be swept away. You will be a fan for life. Expand
  20. Joe
    Jul 27, 2008
    I officially consider the Hold Steady my favorite modern band. There has been a pretty big void for me since Weezer stopped making real songs. The album is everything you want in an album. Catchy, unpretentious, smart, modern, clever, and its actually pretty rockin'. I have never considered anyone pop/rock artist a better lyricist than Elvis Costello but a few more albums like this I officially consider the Hold Steady my favorite modern band. There has been a pretty big void for me since Weezer stopped making real songs. The album is everything you want in an album. Catchy, unpretentious, smart, modern, clever, and its actually pretty rockin'. I have never considered anyone pop/rock artist a better lyricist than Elvis Costello but a few more albums like this and I would be comfortable saying that. I can't imagine giving any album a 10 besides Abbey Road or My Aim is True but this is about the closest thing to it. Expand
  21. SteveO
    Aug 1, 2008
    It's listenable, but i agree... we've all heard this stuff before! Same old power chords, same old, same old. Try something new please!
  22. JordanS.
    Aug 11, 2008
    Best album of the year so far.
  23. bda
    Aug 12, 2008
    Positive: Finn's lyrics are as good as ever, the dearth of Minnesota references notwithstanding. Not so positive: Like Boys and Girls in America, there's too much keyboard.
  24. BasV.
    Aug 17, 2008
    Kick ass record! The hard part is making it look so easy.
  25. TonyP
    Aug 28, 2008
    Forget the naysayers - this is the best album of the year so far from a fantastic live band who have no airs and graces - they just make great rock music with great stories.
  26. StephenC
    Sep 3, 2008
    I'm sorry nut the Hold Steady have not tried to change one thing on this album.. They've continued with their tried and tested form and it works brilliantly. The song writing is magnificent and the story telling on 'Sequested In Memphis' is staggering. If these are classed as "boring and overrated" then you need to have a big long look at your life, because something I'm sorry nut the Hold Steady have not tried to change one thing on this album.. They've continued with their tried and tested form and it works brilliantly. The song writing is magnificent and the story telling on 'Sequested In Memphis' is staggering. If these are classed as "boring and overrated" then you need to have a big long look at your life, because something is wrong with you. Expand
  27. JayD
    Oct 14, 2008
    Album of the year, without doubt. Also, Brendan D is a 'tard. "seminally overrated"? Get over yourself.
  28. AndrewC
    Dec 12, 2008
    Let's agree these guys are good at one thing, old fashioned rocking. This isn't groundbreaking or anything incredibly different. I can always count on these guys for a great rock record and amazing lyrics. This is probably my favorite record they've released. Just too solid all the way through. No skippers! Great record!!
  29. GuillaumeB
    Dec 23, 2008
    The Hold Steady is why good old simple rocking goods, and then some, are still around. And they deserve a damn big round of applause for their work.
  30. JoeyjojoS.
    Jul 14, 2008
    Another outstanding album from the best band out there

Universal acclaim - based on 34 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 32 out of 34
  2. Negative: 0 out of 34
  1. Ultimately, Stay Positive achieves the admirable feat of being a record you can listen closely to or rock out to, equally adaptable to late-night wallowing and the party at the water tower.
  2. It is not only the Hold Steady's best record, but acts as a culmination of all of the ideas, stories, musical paths and character journeys that they've so pointedly led us down before.
  3. Despite some subtle new touches --a harpsichord, a banjo, light strings--the sound proposes constancy.