• Record Label: Hyperdub
  • Release Date: Mar 2, 2018

Generally favorable reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
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  1. Mar 8, 2018
    Still Trippin' builds on Taye's past triumphs, such as the remarkable 2015 EP Break It Down, and ends up a sprawling yet cohesive work that reaches toward mainstream accessibility without diluting or compromising the genre's essence. If you're new to footwork, this is just as valid a starting point as DJ Rashad's Double Cup.
  2. Apr 23, 2018
    The album’s first half sees Taye relish the experimental nature that first drew him to the scene, and to its defining Teklife cohort. When it works, it’s weird - but it definitely works. ... The latter half of the record serves a more straightforward (if such a thing is possible) footwork rinse-out. And it sings.
  3. Mar 8, 2018
    His album is at once beyond footwork and of it completely--a case for the form being strengthened, not diluted, by the push and pull of influences over the years.
  4. Apr 18, 2018
    Still Trippin' is, in turn, a satisfying listen for classicists and interested experimenters alike.
  5. Q Magazine
    Mar 13, 2018
    It's the vocals which gives this debut its distinctive flavour. [May 2018, p.107]
  6. Mar 8, 2018
    Still Trippin’ showcases Taye’s ability to structure an album so that it has a genuine sense of dynamics, even if individual songs mainly consist of stuttering beats and vocals.
  7. Jul 5, 2018
    Still Trippin’ doesn’t have the crossover punch of DJ Rashad’s Double Cup, which definitely influenced it, but the potential is there just the same.
  8. The Wire
    Apr 5, 2018
    Each track feels like an experiment in throwing footwork principles at other genres to see what might stick, but the results are uniformly excellent. [Apr 2018, p.62]
  9. Apr 6, 2018
    Like an imagined conversation set before the waves, Still Trippin’ folds and unfolds. It is still unsettled, in me and out.
  10. Mar 8, 2018
    He showcases the breadth of footwork and pushes the sound forward by building links with trap, R&B, and Jersey. In doing so, he reinvigorates footwork and brings it up to date with 2018 dance culture.
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User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 1 out of 1
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 1
  3. Negative: 0 out of 1
  1. Apr 9, 2018
    Still Trippin’ showcases Taye’s ability to structure an album so that it has a genuine sense of dynamics, even if individual songs mainlyStill Trippin’ showcases Taye’s ability to structure an album so that it has a genuine sense of dynamics, even if individual songs mainly consist of stuttering beats and vocals. Full Review »