• Record Label: RCA
  • Release Date: Jul 15, 2014

Generally favorable reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 11
  2. Negative: 1 out of 11
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  1. Jul 15, 2014
    Even the infectious energy of “Rollercoaster” can’t quite overcome a demo-like lack of polish that keeps the songs earthbound even as they reach higher.
  2. Jul 15, 2014
    Strange Desire is like a John Hughes film without the nuance and humor, all ‘80s schmaltz and all catharsis, or at least attempted catharsis.
  3. Jul 15, 2014
    Nothing else on Bleachers' debut quite reaches ["I Wanna Get Better's"] height, and enticing collaborations with art-pop heavies like Yoko Ono fall flat. But the bright ideas keep coming like mosquitoes at a backyard BBQ.
  4. Jul 15, 2014
    What gets stultifying over the course of 38 minutes can be invigorating in small, pep-talk size bursts.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 41 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 35 out of 41
  2. Negative: 1 out of 41
  1. Oct 29, 2014
    This album would have fit perfectly in 1987! It just so happens to also fit perfectly in 2014. This is one of my favorite albums. I can'tThis album would have fit perfectly in 1987! It just so happens to also fit perfectly in 2014. This is one of my favorite albums. I can't wait for more from Bleachers! Full Review »
  2. Oct 25, 2018
    The debut album from the pop-rock band Bleachers earned the new band plenty of attention, with the two popular songs "Rollercoaster" and "IThe debut album from the pop-rock band Bleachers earned the new band plenty of attention, with the two popular songs "Rollercoaster" and "I Wana Get Better." It reached a peak position of number 2 on the Billboard Top Rock Albums chart and the Top Alternative Albums chart. The album has two guest artist appearances - two more than Gone Now. Grimes on "Take Me Away" and Yoko Ono on "Reprise."

    Musically, Strange Desire is much more straightforward than Gone Now, and unfortunately it makes it less interesting. Most of the music on this album sounds good, but not terribly original or creative. Also, the production on this album sounds much less polished as the music on Bleachers' sophomore album. The biggest example of the occasionally unpolished, undercooked music on this album would be "Shadow," which has weird, offbeat music during the choruses. "Reckless Love" is catchy, but a little underwhelming. "Like A River Runs" is overdramatic as heck, but still fun. "Mystery" is alright, but hard to call great. The last two songs have varied, slightly experimental music that really stands out, highlighting Jack's creativity. The last song is really good, while "Reprise" falls a little short.

    Lyrically, Strange Desire isn't great. Most of the lyrics are about teenage love, and the problems and drama resulting from it. The lyrics are not terribly original or insightful; tired, but not entirely true. Most of the lyrics on this album are meant to be fun-loving and carefree, so I can't bash the lyrics too hard. "Better" has some really interesting, memorable lyrics.

    Bleachers' debut album has a solid amount of fun, enjoyable content, but also leaves plenty to be DESIRED, in terms of music and lyrics. Jack shows potential on this album, but really delivers on his second album. 6.5/10
    Full Review »
  3. Mar 11, 2015
    New up-and-comers Bleachers, headed by fun. guitarist and Steel Train frontman Jack Antonoff recently dropped their debut album StrangeNew up-and-comers Bleachers, headed by fun. guitarist and Steel Train frontman Jack Antonoff recently dropped their debut album Strange Desire. Filled with art-pop icon collaborations, light bouncy tunes, and two drummers, Antonoff digs deep into some very intricate feelings with the use of 80s synths. Collaborations with big names like Yoko Ono and Grimes don't seem to meet the standard of other songs on this album which makes you question if handing the artistic reigns over to the woman who ruined the Beatles was truly a good idea albeit for, thankfully, only one song. “Take Me Away” is just a reprise of “Wild Heart”, it probably should've just stayed that way. Despite my very strong feelings for this album, it does have a truly demo-like vibe to it that can only be overcome with experience in Bleachers. For a very energetic debut, Antonoff still leaves much room for improvement, however, created something that is truly unusual in this day and age and deserves to be treated as so. Full Review »