
Generally favorable reviews - based on 4 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 4
  2. Negative: 0 out of 4
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  1. Jan 21, 2015
    He's able to tap into the dark side of slackerdom without losing sight of what makes a permanent-daydream lifestyle so seductive, allowing Strange Dreams to work as both a subversive take on millennial indie's chilled-out obsessions and an album of simple pop pleasures.
  2. Jan 21, 2015
    The album might scare off some fans who were reeled in by his perky pop songs, but it might find a home with those who like their pop seriously murky and gray.
  3. Jan 21, 2015
    Whether that is especially important to Calder is another thing entirely, but regardless, Strange Dreams is an enviable platform for any musician to vault from.
  4. Jan 21, 2015
    At times his vocals sound too distant in the mix and overpowered by guitars (No Device), but singing any more forcefully would undermine the peculiar comfort that most of the record maintains.

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