• Record Label: Warp
  • Release Date: Aug 24, 2010
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 10 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 10
  2. Negative: 1 out of 10
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  1. Dec 9, 2010
    A tedious minimal-electro-pop record delivered by this Sacramento Ca. band, that helps as a shopping, or elevator background music. It just causes the boring reaction, because of its way, using almost the same regular tempo while trying to make a tribute to the disco, electro & funk records. Beware of the singer who tries to be "sexy" and stylish, 7 people on his band and no one stopedA tedious minimal-electro-pop record delivered by this Sacramento Ca. band, that helps as a shopping, or elevator background music. It just causes the boring reaction, because of its way, using almost the same regular tempo while trying to make a tribute to the disco, electro & funk records. Beware of the singer who tries to be "sexy" and stylish, 7 people on his band and no one stoped him? A perfect gift for your friend the clothes store clerk... a burned copy of course. Expand
  2. Nov 18, 2010
    I must be getting old, but I am finding most of the critics out of touch with what I find great this year. Strange Weather is tyher case in point: Is it as fresh as their earlier works? No. Is it a great pop record? Damn straight it is. Great on the stereo and the idevice, it'll make your day a happy one.
  3. Sep 28, 2010
    For a band that seemed to be on the verge of collapse after two untimely deaths and some departing members, !!! are more focused than ever on Strange Weather, Isn't It? I like the focus on solid grooves that form the basis of every track on the album. The late Jerry Fuchs provides his tight drumming talent on "The Hammer" and "The Most Certain Sure" sounds like something you'd see DirkFor a band that seemed to be on the verge of collapse after two untimely deaths and some departing members, !!! are more focused than ever on Strange Weather, Isn't It? I like the focus on solid grooves that form the basis of every track on the album. The late Jerry Fuchs provides his tight drumming talent on "The Hammer" and "The Most Certain Sure" sounds like something you'd see Dirk Diggler dancing to at Boogie Nights. It goes by rather quickly at about 40 minutes, but there isn't one weak song to be found. Collapse
  4. Aug 30, 2010
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Much more assured of what they are, !!! bring us the best pop action in ages. By the corrosive dance rock of "The Hammer" to the lo-fi rap of "Hollow", Strange Weather, Isn´t it? came out on the right place at the right time. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 26 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 15 out of 26
  2. Negative: 0 out of 26
  1. Strange Weather, Isn't It? is not life-altering fare, but the album's 40 minutes of club-approved funk-rock signals another noteworthy entry in the band's discography.
  2. These layered, multi-directional numbers stand out rather than fit in. On either side are tunes a little too straightforward, big ideas a little too self-contained to really mesh in the way you want them to.
  3. 60
    Berlin's long-running tendency toward grit-glitz, which musicians from Bowie to Peaches have channeled in their work, is the inspiration for this fourth record of functional fun.