• Record Label: Epitaph
  • Release Date: Oct 21, 2003
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 16 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 15 out of 16
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 16
  3. Negative: 1 out of 16

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  1. LynnG
    Oct 7, 2007
    Joe went down with the last eerie words on this album "That's a take." And he was gone, just like that. Joe Strummer's great hero was Johnny Cash. And as in Joe's own tribute to Cash,"He cast a long shadow on the ground. Joe never forgot his core values, the downtrodden he was fighting for--he was a gentle and compassionate warrior. And if this album is any thing judge Joe went down with the last eerie words on this album "That's a take." And he was gone, just like that. Joe Strummer's great hero was Johnny Cash. And as in Joe's own tribute to Cash,"He cast a long shadow on the ground. Joe never forgot his core values, the downtrodden he was fighting for--he was a gentle and compassionate warrior. And if this album is any thing judge from, he went out at the height of his genius. R.I.P. Joe, we love you. Expand
  2. GuidovanEs
    Jun 30, 2007
    I listen to it now and it fills my ears with pure joy every time :)
  3. LawrenceP
    Feb 5, 2005
    Thanks for all the good music...Joe Strummer is the only musican that changed the way i lived my life.
  4. loki
    Sep 20, 2004
    A stunningly beautiful album. Even, perhaps espescially, after repeated listenings, this album truly illustrates the man behind the legend. The unfinished quality makes it all the more spectacular. A perfect final album for one of music's most important, influential geniuses.
  5. JoshL
    Dec 25, 2003
    i was mostly a fan of joe strummer's early work in the awesome punk band The Clash, but this album rocks anyway with phenominal musicianship on strummer's part all around. its an awesome buy
  6. rislac
    Dec 12, 2003
    Once I warmed to it, this work revealed itself as a fitting final chapter to the Book of Strummer. He's another one we'll badly miss...
  7. BenJ
    Nov 11, 2003
    A great record by a great artist - good work Joe, not a bad way to sign off!
  8. kifpunkypunk
    Nov 3, 2003
    are you moving forward or are you moving backwards? are you taking over or are you taking over? strummer is a music god
  9. DanielF
    Oct 28, 2003
    joe strummer is in all ways an underappreciated legend. his solo work has been more or less critically ignored, until this, his posthumous collection of material. it's not so much an album as a group of works in progress. but that's part of its charm. gone is the crackling polish of 'rock art' or the over-the-top worldbeat influence of 'global a go-go'. here, joe strummer is in all ways an underappreciated legend. his solo work has been more or less critically ignored, until this, his posthumous collection of material. it's not so much an album as a group of works in progress. but that's part of its charm. gone is the crackling polish of 'rock art' or the over-the-top worldbeat influence of 'global a go-go'. here, strummer's talent as a vocalist and as a songwriter really shine through. it would have been interesting to see the final product, had strummer been able to finish the album before his untimely death. if anything the flaw is that it's so short, and maybe not a full exploration of strummer's potential with the mescaleros - tymon dogg's fiddle is used far less than on 'global'. but otherwise, a near-perfect album from a perfect musican, writer and cultural icon. Expand
  10. SeanW
    Oct 28, 2003
    Quite possibly the best Joe Strummer release ever. A bittersweet reminder to a man that embodied the true spirit of rock n'roll.

Universal acclaim - based on 20 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 19 out of 20
  2. Negative: 0 out of 20
  1. In a way, the tinny sound and half-finished feel makes it seem more touching and direct than the final result might otherwise have been.
  2. Uncut
    Streetcore negotiates a resolution between the ethnocentric beats that hallmarked the two previous Mescaleros albums and the classic Clash sound that remained pivotal to Joe's live performances. [Nov 2003, p.110]
  3. While the record fails at living up to the hyperbolic critical proclamations of London Calling's second coming, it does make for a pretty decent, if somewhat unexpected, sweat-soaked finale for The Clash's legendary golden boy.