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Universal acclaim- based on 417 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 29 out of 417
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  1. Feb 19, 2014
    Wonderful album. Meant to be taken as a whole. Vocals are great and it's a great listen all the way through. Along with The Mire, my favorite metal album of 2013 onward. People hating on Sunbather probably don't understand the concept or sound of the album.

    Hate on, while we listen with glee.
  2. Jun 12, 2013
    I've honestly never heard anything like this. Granted, I'm not as seasoned in metal, but it skews more post-rock than anything. That being said, as an album, this is truly a remarkable effort from a group that has something interesting to say. There's a lot of complex songwriting, and enough of a dynamic experience that this is as an accessible of a challenge any newcomers are ever goingI've honestly never heard anything like this. Granted, I'm not as seasoned in metal, but it skews more post-rock than anything. That being said, as an album, this is truly a remarkable effort from a group that has something interesting to say. There's a lot of complex songwriting, and enough of a dynamic experience that this is as an accessible of a challenge any newcomers are ever going to find. One of the best of the year. Expand
  3. Jan 30, 2014
    Just because you are not a fan of a genre does not mean the album isn't good. These 0's that this album is getting are ridiculous. This is one of the best albums of 2013. It is a beautiful mix between post-rock and black metal. I seriously suggest people that cant get past the screaming vocals try to look past them and hear the music that is already washing out the vocals anyways.
  4. Jun 14, 2013
    An incredible release. Deafheaven continues to evolve. Roads to Judah was a masterpiece and Sunbather is no different. Cannot wait to hear what these guys do next.
  5. Jun 13, 2013
    I'm just reviewing this so the user score goes up. This is an incredible album that fully deserves the score it is getting from the critics. This is dope
  6. Jun 18, 2013
    One of the best records this year for sure. Regardless of genre.
    It plays like a huge metal symphony: elegant, intelligent & furious.
    The negative user reviews reek of close mindedness & a lack of understanding.
  7. Feb 25, 2014
    Never heard this band before until I saw Sunbather's metacritic score and it lit my interest. I've been listening to black metal, death metal etc for over 15 years so I've heard pretty much it all.. but Deafheaven was something different.. It was a crossover between Darkthrone and Oasis, which both I liked very much.. well, Darkthrone not so much but still.. Since the first song ofNever heard this band before until I saw Sunbather's metacritic score and it lit my interest. I've been listening to black metal, death metal etc for over 15 years so I've heard pretty much it all.. but Deafheaven was something different.. It was a crossover between Darkthrone and Oasis, which both I liked very much.. well, Darkthrone not so much but still.. Since the first song of Sunbather started to play, I was sold.. It just was so great and all those great reviews are earned. Expand
  8. Jun 17, 2013
    I never knew such a thing could exist but I personally believe this is a perfect album. A great mixture of 90's screamo/Post Hardcore/Speed Metal/Black Metal. Lyrically phenominal. I've played it over and over and it never gets old. 10/10
  9. Jul 4, 2013
    For anyone who loves traditional black metal AND post rock. If you're a fan of Burzum and also a fan of Explosions in the Sky, I recommend this album.
  10. Jun 14, 2013
    I've never heard an album like this is truly unique and has a certain attraction that I like, is an exquisitely produced album. Sunbather flows like air, is a long drive but it is a fast album, trances toughest interspersed perfectly. You may drop them sticks everywhere, but I think Deatfheaven deserves a big opportunity to shine with his music and I think everyone should take theI've never heard an album like this is truly unique and has a certain attraction that I like, is an exquisitely produced album. Sunbather flows like air, is a long drive but it is a fast album, trances toughest interspersed perfectly. You may drop them sticks everywhere, but I think Deatfheaven deserves a big opportunity to shine with his music and I think everyone should take the opportunity to listen. Expand
  11. Jun 28, 2013
    Incredible album. Its as if angels decided to try black metal, of all genres. But its amazing. Record of the year so far hands down.
    To all the black metal purists out there, I understand that you feel the need to defend your genre, but just because this isn't one of your Norwegian old school black metal bands doesn't mean you need to bash it. Deafheaven is not trying to be straight up
    Incredible album. Its as if angels decided to try black metal, of all genres. But its amazing. Record of the year so far hands down.
    To all the black metal purists out there, I understand that you feel the need to defend your genre, but just because this isn't one of your Norwegian old school black metal bands doesn't mean you need to bash it. Deafheaven is not trying to be straight up black metal. It is what it is.
  12. Jun 21, 2013
    My favorite album of the year. If you are not predisposed to extreme music, best give it some listens before buying. But if you are adventurous, the type of album that rewards repeated listens.
  13. Jun 17, 2013
    I made an account just to review this album. It is hardly deserving of the numerous 0's it is receiving by the users. Please note that anyone who gives this album a 0 is either a troll or a very closed minded person who does not appreciate/understand black metal. For this reason, while I normally would've given the album a 9, I gave it a 10 to balance out the reviews.

    This work is truly
    I made an account just to review this album. It is hardly deserving of the numerous 0's it is receiving by the users. Please note that anyone who gives this album a 0 is either a troll or a very closed minded person who does not appreciate/understand black metal. For this reason, while I normally would've given the album a 9, I gave it a 10 to balance out the reviews.

    This work is truly an emotional masterpiece-it brought tears to my eyes the first time that I heard it. It cannot be described in words; it can only be felt. So do yourself a favor and go listen to it/buy it and support these artists and their incredible work of art.
  14. Jun 25, 2013
    Best record in at least 10 years, maybe longer. Period. Listen for yourself. If you're not moved, check that, if you're not blown away by every aspect of this record, then you'd better check yourself for a pulse to make sure your still alive. Finally, some "NEW" stuff.
  15. Sep 22, 2014
    Deafheaven have obviously created one of the most controversial records on Metacritic—which is saying a lot, considering it's not by an allegedly 'washed-up' metal band or some album in the top 40. However, Sunbather deserves to be talked about. A lot. Even today. It's magnificent record to take in, whether you end up on its side or on the opposite. It has us talking and that's all that'sDeafheaven have obviously created one of the most controversial records on Metacritic—which is saying a lot, considering it's not by an allegedly 'washed-up' metal band or some album in the top 40. However, Sunbather deserves to be talked about. A lot. Even today. It's magnificent record to take in, whether you end up on its side or on the opposite. It has us talking and that's all that's important—at least there's something there to discuss.

    Let's get one thing out of the way: Sunbather isn't the first album conceptual art metal album on the market and it's certainly not Deafheaven's first time experimenting with this kind of sound. Their EP Roads to Judah was when the group gave us a vision into what we'd see in the future, however, we didn't expect it to be Sunbather, something so groundbreaking and well-detailed in a genre that began to lose its shine. George Clarke's faint yet deep-and-drenched-in-emotion screams haunt on every track. ("I'm dying"/"Is is blissful?"/"It's like a dream"/"I want to dream") The opening 9-minute rock opera "Dream House" has a finale that'll raise the goosebumps on even the most conservative of music listeners.

    The shoegazing influences are ingrained throughout the album like a forest; "Please Remember" is easily one of the most surprisingly ambitious and climactic highlights on the record, with its spoken word dialogue—which you should Google the words to as soon as possible if you want even more goosebumps—and seemingly lost musical composition of backwards guitar loops and a piledriving mechanic-esque noise that eventually dissolve into another beautiful acoustic moment. You'll find a lot of unexpected twists and turns on this album, despite using the same formula throughout: loud, humming guitars, seemingly time signature-less drums, and Clarke's screams leading into melancholy instrumental moments and spoken word speeches.

    Sunbather isn't for everyone and it'll have haters by the numbers, whether it's from the metalheads who refuse to buy into the hype or your mother simply saying, "It's still just screaming to me, turn it off!" But when an album creates that much controversy and develops that much of an interest from music listeners everywhere, you know it's more than word-of-mouth that drew them in and caused a reaction. But for my own opinion, I'm gonna call Sunbather a masterpiece. If I wanted to hate on it to sound 'unique' or love it to sound, again, 'unique', I wouldn't go into so much—still minimal compared to much, much better reviews written here, both good and bad—detail trying to explain why it is in fact one of the greatest albums in recent years.
  16. Jun 29, 2013
    This is a breakthrough album along the lines of Husker Du's Zen Arcade. Yes, the skinhead purists of the American hardcore scene shouted "sellout" in the summer of 1984 when the Minneapolis trio released that sonic masterpiece, changing forever the landscape of American punk rock. Sunbather transcends genres and subgenres. It is thrash that is both melodic and intense with chord changesThis is a breakthrough album along the lines of Husker Du's Zen Arcade. Yes, the skinhead purists of the American hardcore scene shouted "sellout" in the summer of 1984 when the Minneapolis trio released that sonic masterpiece, changing forever the landscape of American punk rock. Sunbather transcends genres and subgenres. It is thrash that is both melodic and intense with chord changes that recall Unforgettable Fire/Joshua Tree era U2. Deafheaven emerges from the black metal underground with a record that would also be at home on Will Johnson's or Glenn Branca's turntable. Expand
  17. Jul 2, 2013
    I had never heard of Deafheaven before, but I feel like I've been waiting for this album for years.

    A necessary redirection of instrumental post-rock, combined with the welcome recent resurface of shoegazing. Jaw-dropping.
  18. Jul 4, 2013
    From post-hardcore guitars to metal drums to elegant piano-- it is a wonderful collage of genres narrated by George's screaming voice. Excellent. Listen and re-listen.
  19. Jul 11, 2013
    "I'm dying"
    "Is it blissful?"
    "It's like a dream"
    "I want to dream"
    Deafheaven accomplished that goal, for me at least; this album is a dream. "Sunbather" is required listening, begging to be played at the loudest possible volume--Spinal Tap's mythical "11" setting. This work is the literal definition of awesome: a thing that inspires awe.
  20. Jul 26, 2013
    Sunbather is the best album of this year, period.

    Sunbather is a unique and amazing black metal album that I truly enjoyed. With beautiful and rock hard beats that created a symphony of Black Metal in your ears, Sunbather proves to be an album that creates melodies that even I, a person who is not a fan of Black Metal, enjoys. That is saying something. Sunbather is a great album that
    Sunbather is the best album of this year, period.

    Sunbather is a unique and amazing black metal album that I truly enjoyed. With beautiful and rock hard beats that created a symphony of Black Metal in your ears, Sunbather proves to be an album that creates melodies that even I, a person who is not a fan of Black Metal, enjoys. That is saying something. Sunbather is a great album that even people who aren't fans of Black metal should listen to.
  21. Aug 13, 2013
    Sunbather is a masterpiece that somehow manages to be crushingly heavy and ethereally beautiful for the entire 60 minutes that it lasts. It's very nature is polarizing, and I wouldn't say this album is accessible, even to fans of the genres it takes takes its influence from. It's not necessarily a new idea either, but it provides some of the most epic moments I've heard in recent memory.Sunbather is a masterpiece that somehow manages to be crushingly heavy and ethereally beautiful for the entire 60 minutes that it lasts. It's very nature is polarizing, and I wouldn't say this album is accessible, even to fans of the genres it takes takes its influence from. It's not necessarily a new idea either, but it provides some of the most epic moments I've heard in recent memory. The title track stands out especially with it's airy beginning and the shift in the middle of the song that absolutely explodes into apocalyptic fury. The slower moments in between the heavier tracks don't have a lot to say on their own, but really tie the album together nicely as a whole. The greatest strength of the album is scope and ambition, as it takes quite a few listens to swallow, but will give you still give you goosebumps after the 20th time you've listened to it. Easily the best album of 2013 so far, and I don't see it being beat. Expand
  22. Sep 11, 2018
    Totally innovating and ethereal. Paradoxically mixing metal's aggressiveness with shoegaze's delicacy, resulting in a painful-shouting and gorgeous work. Idiots will gonna say that this kind of music kills rock/metal, opposite of it, lack of creativity does. And creativity Subnbather has to give and sell. Break your stupid prejudice and just listen to it. RIGHT NOW
  23. Oct 22, 2013
    Instead of barraging listeners with a bunch of musical odysseys, the band breaks up their signature post-black metal songs with more post-rock and shoegaze interludes and influences.[With a] great mix of genres, awesome lyricism, impressive production and another reason to keep Deafheaven under the radar. Probably one of the Top 10 albums of the year, Sunbather, presents itself as one ofInstead of barraging listeners with a bunch of musical odysseys, the band breaks up their signature post-black metal songs with more post-rock and shoegaze interludes and influences.[With a] great mix of genres, awesome lyricism, impressive production and another reason to keep Deafheaven under the radar. Probably one of the Top 10 albums of the year, Sunbather, presents itself as one of the least accessible albums of the year. Open up to it and you won't regret it. One day when everyone looks back, Sunbather will be heralded as a modern classic, a beautiful symphony. It's what Deafheaven orchestrates that makes the entire project so enthralling, engaging, triumphant and yet it's haunting and angelic. To better put it, it's a masterpiece. Expand
  24. Jan 3, 2014
    It's a deep experience listening to this music. Instead of thinking about genres if this is black-metal, post-rock or whatever, you'd better to feel so intense experience about dark and light, about music always rebuilding, about screams that really sound in a lot of moods.

    Music to listen out of prejudices. Maybe it's a real new path to run for old genres.
  25. Jan 4, 2014
    Black metal. The only difference, it is ARMONIC Black Metal, and that is joyfull to hear. Deafheaven just means future and a new way of looking music for every single genre
  26. Jul 7, 2014
    this album is great, every song is well recorded and all the ambient of the songs is just amazing.
    This album rocks! All the circle-jerking black metal elitists are jealous, your genre has been hijacked by Deafheaven.
  27. Jun 2, 2014
    This album is something else. When I thought I didn't like metal music, this started to ease me into it. Every main track has a melody to it and they all climb constantly, never slowing down or losing strength. And the interludes have this perfect and possessive quality that is almost like your in some drugged up movie scene. I honestly love this album. It is a lot of noise that is pushedThis album is something else. When I thought I didn't like metal music, this started to ease me into it. Every main track has a melody to it and they all climb constantly, never slowing down or losing strength. And the interludes have this perfect and possessive quality that is almost like your in some drugged up movie scene. I honestly love this album. It is a lot of noise that is pushed together and distorted into this trance like tune that seems to never end until the very last track of the album. A wild ride of strong melodies and screams that fit it so well, I seem to have fallen in love with it. Expand
  28. Jun 1, 2016
    This is possibly the most polarizing album I've ever seen/heard. In my opinion, this album is an instant classic. I remember listening to this the day it came out and being in complete awe after it was over. I still feel the same way nearly 3 years later. The sad part is that it doesn't seem like 3 years since it came out. "The Pecan Tree" and "Sunbather" are particularly noteworthy.This is possibly the most polarizing album I've ever seen/heard. In my opinion, this album is an instant classic. I remember listening to this the day it came out and being in complete awe after it was over. I still feel the same way nearly 3 years later. The sad part is that it doesn't seem like 3 years since it came out. "The Pecan Tree" and "Sunbather" are particularly noteworthy.

    Sure it may take some inspirations from here and there, but ultimately it turns it into something new. Really and truly and album of this caliber only comes out once or twice a decade, and I'm so thankful for it. Overall, I think that the majority giving it bad reviews don't understand the music or haven't given it the time. It's both accessible and inaccessible at the same time. If you're not into this type of music, its quite hard to get into. If you have somewhat of a background in 90's screamo and a little metal, you'll fall in love. This album is one of my favorites in a long time. It's a trippy, trancy, hazy, heavy wonderland of an album. I can understand not digging it, but I think anyone passing it up because of the "hipster metal" description that this album has apparently developed is seriously closed-minded and missing out on one of this decade's best albums
  29. Aug 26, 2014
    There is no album I've ever listened to that delivered on every level possible. It's not really metal but as a fan of bands like Russian Circles, I loved it! Musically, it's unmatched in atmosphere. The chords echo in your head for hours after you've finished the whole album. It's tragic, yet beautiful. The vocals, clawed, yet suitable to the feel of Sunbather. ALL these elements combinedThere is no album I've ever listened to that delivered on every level possible. It's not really metal but as a fan of bands like Russian Circles, I loved it! Musically, it's unmatched in atmosphere. The chords echo in your head for hours after you've finished the whole album. It's tragic, yet beautiful. The vocals, clawed, yet suitable to the feel of Sunbather. ALL these elements combined create the most atmospheric post-rock album in history. Sunbather is my pick, as well as many other critics' pick for album of 2013. Anyone who dismissed this album based on the "Hipster Metal" label was really missing out. Expand
  30. Apr 28, 2015
    What a mess. A beautiful mess. It’s hard to conceive the amount of work and dedication put in this record. Roads to Judah was a monster LP but I don’t think we’ll ever hear such an immense album any time soon. The album cover itself is incredible enough to make you want to dive into this 1 hour, yet 7 track masterpiece. I don't often use the word “flawless” because it doesn't make senseWhat a mess. A beautiful mess. It’s hard to conceive the amount of work and dedication put in this record. Roads to Judah was a monster LP but I don’t think we’ll ever hear such an immense album any time soon. The album cover itself is incredible enough to make you want to dive into this 1 hour, yet 7 track masterpiece. I don't often use the word “flawless” because it doesn't make sense but nothing else would fit for this case. It’s dark, painful, noisy, melodic and still very approachable by those who aren't used to metal. These unbelievably young architects have built a colossal and expansive monument to be remembered as, with zero doubt, the best album of 2013 and one of the best music albums of all time.

    Best track: Vertigo
    Exact score: 10

Universal acclaim - based on 18 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 17 out of 18
  2. Negative: 0 out of 18
  1. Dec 2, 2013
    Sunbather is an emotionally overwhelming but truly absorbing listen. But best of all, it’s cleansing.
  2. Aug 12, 2013
    The mood stays ominous, even as sonic details thrill headphone-equipped headbangers.
  3. Jul 3, 2013
    Many bands go through their entire career without making an album as well crafted, fully realized, and downright gorgeous as Sunbather, and somehow, Deafheaven have managed to nail it on their second outing, with an album that seems to get bigger and more affective with each listen.