
Generally favorable reviews - based on 17 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 17
  2. Negative: 0 out of 17
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  1. Jan 3, 2013
    Like other such endeavors-acoustic re-imaginings, that is-the results aren't that poor. They're just boring.
  2. Uncut
    Oct 26, 2012
    Stripped of the usual bells and whistles, and backed by unplugged instruments, it's left to his voice to do the work and, given the length of the thing, it soon starts to grate. [Dec 2012, p.79]
  3. Mojo
    Oct 22, 2012
    As an experiment in revisionism, the results are mixed. [Nov 2012, p.85]
  4. Oct 19, 2012
    He's re-released a handful of already beloved songs in a version that rarely match their initial power.
  5. Oct 16, 2012
    The album neither works on its own merits nor captures what's made Wolf one of today's most compelling musical talents. Sundark and Riverlight takes one of the most captivating, progressive catalogues in contemporary pop and makes it sound like a Picnic with the Pops concert.
  6. 60
    A sharper edit and this would have made a great EP.
  7. Oct 11, 2012
    It's hard to shake the feeling, though, that it's all a bit self-indulgent. These rewrites, though confident, are as much a curiosity as anything else, more an exercise in shape and form than an improvement.
  8. Oct 11, 2012
    When it works – as on the heartbreaking 'Together' and a barrelling 'The Magic Position' – it highlights his gifts as a songwriter, but on the dreary 'Bitten' and a seemingly endless 'Vulture' it makes you long for something simpler to mark his brilliance.

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