• Record Label: Mute
  • Release Date: Mar 7, 2006
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 79 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 69 out of 79
  2. Negative: 6 out of 79

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  1. Dozirulf
    Oct 23, 2007
    Supernature is absolutely fantastic. Anyone who claims that Goldfrapp were trying to be commercial just for the sake of selling CDs doesn't realize that people can enjoy (and enjoy creating) more than just one or two styles of music. :P
  2. DecepticonPom
    Sep 25, 2005
    I'm a gay guy who is out of the closet but very blokey. I own over 1,100 CD's and not one of them is by Kylie. But this album just brings out the absolute fabulousness in me to such an extent I'm almost embarrassed! Dead good pop for those who normally don't do that kind of thing. :)
  3. SebW
    Sep 6, 2005
    Well below Black Cherry. It lacks the inventivity of the previous record. It's just plain electro pop, full of keyboard waves, heard-a-thousand-times-black-cherrish sound effects, some na na na and la la la, lousy lyrics. Aimed to terrific critics and success though. I had come to expect too much from that album I guess. Whatever...
  4. slawekk
    Oct 30, 2005
    it is a good album, but unfortunally for it, the previous one was much better. and there is no visible revolution so... - let's wait for the fourth goldfrapp, and let's wait it will bring something truely new.
  5. DennisM
    Aug 26, 2005
    Every bit was good as Black Cherry. A logical progression. This album is well executed. An instant classic.
  6. LevvyO
    Aug 30, 2005
    Ever so slightly superior to Black Cherry. The album just works better and the songs are just lovely (especially Koko and Number 1).
  7. jasons
    Aug 30, 2005
    This is such a great CD, I have to give it a 10! I would have even given it a 10 without seeing Leonardo F's scathing rating--hey, the guy likes that UNLISTENABLE new Bjork avant-garde wankery (sorry Bjork--love your "music" projects more).
  8. LeonardoF
    Aug 30, 2005
    this is crap - i thought i was listening to britney spears' or geri halliwell's electroclash album.
  9. AndersDK
    Sep 5, 2005
    I was very disappointed, as this album repeats the few bad moments on Black Cherry into endless repetition. God! This genre is SOOOO dead! At least if you don´t manage to add any melodic or creative elements into the basic electroclash-formula. It´s all noise and tweaks and very very boring... and not even funky enough to dance to. So what´s the actual use of this I was very disappointed, as this album repeats the few bad moments on Black Cherry into endless repetition. God! This genre is SOOOO dead! At least if you don´t manage to add any melodic or creative elements into the basic electroclash-formula. It´s all noise and tweaks and very very boring... and not even funky enough to dance to. So what´s the actual use of this record? It´s a don´t buy that is. Expand
  10. EW
    Jan 14, 2006
    This is what it sounds like to be alive in 2006
  11. JasonR
    Mar 10, 2006
    Forget comparing it to the other Goldfrapp records (do you really want more of the same anyway?). Compare it to other artists in the genre... It's gotta be the best thing out there right now. There'd be no need to feel guilty about liking pop music if it was all this good.
  12. JasonR
    Mar 10, 2006
    Forget comparing it to the other Goldfrapp records (do you really want more of the same anyway?). Compare it to other artists in the genre... It's gotta be the best thing out there right now. There'd be no need to feel guilty about liking pop music if it was all this good.
  13. DwayneD
    Mar 18, 2006
    Mindnumbingly vapid, but well crafted and will sound good in your Camaro. Put simply, it has song titles that replace 'you' with "U," and 'to' with '2.' I can't wait for the next 2Unlimited record.
  14. NathanCo
    Jan 7, 2010
    Supernature is a classy, glamorous and sexy album which you can tell has been well produced. Any track from the album could be a hit single.
  15. FranG.
    Nov 22, 2005
    El mejor disco de goldfrapp.
  16. TheOnlyMisterKevin
    Oct 13, 2005
    What makes Goldfrapp so good on each new release is the inimitable vocals of Alison. This is sexy, sultry, electronic dance pop of the highest calibre. I would rate this higher, even though I can't stop listening to the album, but the writing and arrangements of the songs do not approach the brilliant creativity of previous works like Felt Mountain and Black Cherry. In fact, the What makes Goldfrapp so good on each new release is the inimitable vocals of Alison. This is sexy, sultry, electronic dance pop of the highest calibre. I would rate this higher, even though I can't stop listening to the album, but the writing and arrangements of the songs do not approach the brilliant creativity of previous works like Felt Mountain and Black Cherry. In fact, the intros to nearly all of the songs are rather uninspired. But no other group today makes such great music, and Alison's my favorite deer from across the pond! Expand
  17. OwenB
    Oct 21, 2005
    c'mon, this is a lousy album. ooh la la works, but all the rest is crap. lovely to c u makes me wanna throw up.
  18. SP
    Aug 26, 2005
    Just wicked. A leap forward from Black Cherry. Poppy perfection.
  19. DamianM
    Aug 28, 2005
    Let Alison seduce you. Let Will blow your mind. What an album!
  20. YonH
    Sep 12, 2005
    Pure, un-adulterated, butt-grinding joy! Beautiful & sexy, but with the feeling you could get killed at any moment. Dance music is dead? Jeez, buddy, maybe it's your HEART that died...
  21. PeterH
    Sep 7, 2005
    Genre whingers: rock 'n roll is a genre and it's been done to death so get over it. This is a fantastic pop record. Every song on it is excellent. Alison's vocals ignore the predictable melodic path and produce really high quality pop music - quite like the eurythmics. Definately worth buying.
  22. DennisS
    Oct 25, 2006
    Utterly Fantastic! Rugged and space bendingly musical.
  23. MarkC
    Feb 14, 2006
    Good Album definately more commercialised But has a more dance edge to it. Still dosn't beat Black Cherry to the Spot Now thats an album. I do feel like they have wrote Supernature to appeal to the Radio Stations After There first two albums got no airway. But why change for the radio ? It's the fans that make Goldfrapp Popular Keep doing albums like Felt Mountain and BC thats Good Album definately more commercialised But has a more dance edge to it. Still dosn't beat Black Cherry to the Spot Now thats an album. I do feel like they have wrote Supernature to appeal to the Radio Stations After There first two albums got no airway. But why change for the radio ? It's the fans that make Goldfrapp Popular Keep doing albums like Felt Mountain and BC thats what the fans love you for dont turn like other bands and lose your style and creativity just to try and fit in to the commercial radio stations they only play Teenage crap Expand
  24. Nathan
    Mar 10, 2006
    Great album! I just bought it a few days ago and have not bee able to get it out of my CD player. It's very infectious.
  25. ameraal
    Mar 13, 2006
    Wonderful album. Truly a huge departure from Felt Mountain, even from Black Cherry, it's what it is - stylish/glam/electro/synth pop. Solid all around and ever growing on you. If you like sophisticated dance/electro music this is your album. All the pretentious folks out there who's biggest problem with the album is that it's more "accessible" than the previous two should Wonderful album. Truly a huge departure from Felt Mountain, even from Black Cherry, it's what it is - stylish/glam/electro/synth pop. Solid all around and ever growing on you. If you like sophisticated dance/electro music this is your album. All the pretentious folks out there who's biggest problem with the album is that it's more "accessible" than the previous two should really get over themselves. Expand
  26. Anyway
    Mar 16, 2006
    Not the surprise Black Cherry might have been, but still by far better than most music out there. It might not fulfill all expectations (since they were very , very high) but a great album with a lot of great songs (actually, there ain´t a single bad song) . It´s still their unique sound and it´s still great .
  27. JS
    Mar 20, 2006
    this album is lots of fun and very well done.
  28. MeyaC.
    Mar 24, 2006
    i love goldfrapp and i enjoyed this album just a bit better than black cherry. allison's voice is so seductive. wahaha, i have something to dance to!!
  29. davew
    Mar 8, 2006
    pretty poor effort all round. At this rate they will sound like the Black Eyed Peas when LP4 comes around
  30. Sonia
    Mar 19, 2007
    One of the best albums I have ever heard...completely timeless as I am still listening to it now.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 27 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 23 out of 27
  2. Negative: 0 out of 27
  1. So the form of vaguely electroclash pop delivered with frighteningly robotic efficiency has been mastered, but the content itself is the problem.
  2. It's a curious, rather than classic, record - with the hooks to make the leap to the mainstream, but with enough residual oddness to maintain Goldfrapp's air of mystery a while longer.
  3. Q Magazine
    Supernature sounds brilliantly here and now. Less coldly perverse than Black Cherry, it's also a lot of fun. [Sep 2005, p.110]