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Universal acclaim- based on 127 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 4 out of 127

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  1. Jun 18, 2017
    Talk about wasted potential. Chance does his best but not even he can salvage most of these bland, poorly mixed, and completely forgettable "soulful" jazz rap tracks.
  2. Jan 13, 2016
    This is boring af ....................................................................................................................................
  3. Oct 1, 2015
    This album had a ton of potential but this was just very bland and boring. I just did not seem to be very interested in any of the songs on this album. Thank God this album was free on iTunes, because if it wasn't, I would be asking for my money back. This isn't the worst music I have listened to, but it is definitely not great music.
  4. Jun 14, 2015
    Even though Chance the Rapper said from the beginning that this isn't his album and that he won't be featured on this record as much as we expected him to be, I cannot help but have this thought in the back of my mind while listening to this record. People would tell me it would be unfair to compare this record to an album like Undun by the Roots, another hip hop band. But I think it isEven though Chance the Rapper said from the beginning that this isn't his album and that he won't be featured on this record as much as we expected him to be, I cannot help but have this thought in the back of my mind while listening to this record. People would tell me it would be unfair to compare this record to an album like Undun by the Roots, another hip hop band. But I think it is fair, as Chance is one of the most exciting young rappers as of late. But while this is an ambitious record with a lot more instrumentation than other hip hop records, it doesn't come without it's failures, which I hear in many parts over this record. While I won't question Chance's top fans to exclaim about the "good vibes" that the album brings, sometimes musically and focus wise The Social Experiment falls short. Fantastic songs like "Slip Slide", "Familiar", and "Sunday Candy" standout much more than they should, because the album should've been a lot more of these kinds of songs. The band playing as a strong ensemble bringing out the best of all the members of the group. But In many parts of the album I simply see many examples of a failure of building off of melodies, such as in songs like "Cool", "Caretaker", "Just Wait" and "Questions". Many of these tracks also are completely watered down by the amount of features all over this record. It was so watered down that J. Cole didn't even stand out to me, because there were just too many verses from so many people all over the place. I didn't hate this record. I respect the creativity the group has come up with on this record. But unfortunately, for the amount of time I was anticipating this record, it was a disappointment for me. But I still see potential in these young musicians still in their young 20s, and while they have a lot to learn, I'll still be listening to their next release. Expand

Awards & Rankings


Universal acclaim - based on 17 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 17 out of 17
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 17
  3. Negative: 0 out of 17
  1. The Source
    Aug 4, 2015
    Surf's arbitrary, spontaneous nature is one of the chief reason's it's such a well put together album. [Jun-Jul 2015, p.89]
  2. 80
    So Surf continues--infectious, light and upbeat, but never inane. It begs you to feel included, and wide-awake.
  3. Jun 16, 2015
    A warm, evocative pop-soul-jazz album that comes straight from the heart.