• Record Label: XL
  • Release Date: Oct 26, 2018

Universal acclaim - based on 19 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 18 out of 19
  2. Negative: 0 out of 19
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  1. Oct 26, 2018
    Altogether, Suspiria is an appropriate accompaniment to the film, generating fear and discomfort as much by what's presented by Yorke as what's left to the imagination.
  2. Classic Rock Magazine
    Nov 7, 2018
    Yorke's minimalist fragility fits the bill entirely. [Dec 2018, p.89]
  3. Oct 31, 2018
    Suspiria benefits from Yorke’s attention to atmosphere. But there’s no getting around the fact that perhaps half of the soundtrack is unmemorable and (out of context, at least) incredibly dull. There’s a right way to experience this music, and that’s by viewing the film, just as Yorke intended.
  4. Oct 26, 2018
    From micro passages like the 30-second ‘An Audition’ to the 14-minute swell of ambient vocal track ‘A Chorus Of One’, he successfully contrasts optimism and tenderness with hopelessness and terror, with an impressive breadth of emotion being evoked across each track.
  5. Oct 25, 2018
    Despite its supernatural setting and modern day political commentary, you get the sense that Yorke remains hopeful amongst the darkness. Perhaps this is down to age, perhaps it’s some sort of foolishness--but the optimism never completely fades from Suspiria and gives it a human quality that is not immediately obvious amidst the Seventies synths and modal incantations.
  6. Mojo
    Oct 25, 2018
    It's an album that is, by turns, melancholy and unsettling, tragic and nightmarish, unfolding with a creeping narrative dread. [Dec 2018, p.93]
  7. Oct 29, 2018
    In its minimalist opacity and Vantablack depths, it’s the polar opposite of Goblin’s playfully neon-hued approach, and it’s in going to that extreme that Yorke has made Suspiria his own.
  8. Q Magazine
    Oct 25, 2018
    At its best you're reminded of Yorke's eminent skill: a fluency in dark, otherworldly romance that makes the alien sound familiar. [Dec 2018, p.106]
  9. Oct 25, 2018
    “Suspirium” is a radium-glow piano ballad that would have fit in nicely on Radiohead’s most recent album; the jazzy soul of “Unmade” and the trip-hop shiver of “Has Ended” are even more surprising, carrying welcome echoes of Yorke and co.’s brilliant Amnesiac-era B-sides. These tunes are vintage Yorke, and they make you wish he’d written more of them for Suspiria. At least until you hear the second half of this record, where the song-songs thin out in favor of even weirder electronic buzzes.
  10. Nov 12, 2018
    Despite avoiding it for a period of time, Yorke came through with his best solo album yet. He assuredly created a multi-layered horror soundtrack that serves as an engrossing confection of new musical landscapes in its own right while being essential to the film’s effect.
  11. Oct 26, 2018
    Its ballet scenes are climactic, cathartic centerpieces, dramatically illustrating the power of sound to move, to manipulate, to conjure. Yorke’s score is a shrine to that dark power.
  12. 80
    A handful of tracks stand out, and are among Yorke’s best solo work.
  13. 80
    It achieves the toughest task for a soundtrack--to maintain interest independent of the images it was built to accompany and accentuate--with impressive ease.
  14. Oct 29, 2018
    It’s to Yorke’s credit that the sense of foreboding he conjures, whether in the discordant Volk or the more elegant Olga’s Destruction (Volk Tape), manages to be so evocative even without Guadagnino’s visuals.
  15. Oct 25, 2018
    As gorgeous and misstep-free as it is, the soundtrack risks a bit of that souvenir, collector’s item feel native to score-based soundtracks. That being said, it’s nowhere near as padded-out as those typically are. While melodies and tones recur, track to track, it plays out with an ear toward immersion.
  16. Uncut
    Oct 25, 2018
    Thom Yorke's Suspiria might not be to everyone's taste--but it feel enough, for now. [Dec 2018, p.20]
  17. Oct 26, 2018
    It's not quite the complete package of course. Like most music composed for cinema, it suffers without the images, sound that exists to enhance is often lacking when left alone. It doesn't lack anywhere near as much as most scores do though, suggesting Yorke might match his bandmate after all.
  18. Nov 13, 2018
    Yorke’s job here is to maximise the impact of the film through sound, something he does masterfully whenever employed. ... The film itself may have done some harm to Guadagnino’s reputation as a defining director of this era. The soundtrack, however, will do no damage to Yorke’s credentials as a composer.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 71 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 64 out of 71
  2. Negative: 6 out of 71
  1. Oct 26, 2018
    It's been a year and a half since we learned that Thom was working on the soundtrack for Suspiria's remake. Modernized and deprived of thatIt's been a year and a half since we learned that Thom was working on the soundtrack for Suspiria's remake. Modernized and deprived of that glamorous gloss the predecessor was startling with, the new movie is directed by the Italian filmmaker Luca Guadagnino, mostly known for his last-year's drama Call Me By Your Name.

    There are no strict reasons why it is that the director chose Yorke to write music for this flick (Well, it's not hard to guess - let's just say they wanted to promote each other). But, anyways, with the news coming from the media, the fact of our beloved musician contributing to such an iconic movie came a bolt from the blue.

    Basically, the album is considered to be both the soundtrack and the full LP in Yorke's discography. It consists of two discs, with the overall length of 80 minutes, compounding a very varied atmosphere in itself.

    The first part is more of a chill show. We've got some fine and mesmerizingly sad instrumentals and a bunch of airy songs that complete the film and appear to be one of the best in the entire musician's catalogue. The story builds up, we get to know the characters, the main villains, and, with the end of this disc, guided by 'Unmade' of heavenly beauty, seems like we get a slight hint on what that Mother of Tears is.
    The second portion opens with the previously released track called 'Volk'. And it's really intense, making easiness of the film coagulate rapidly. I think, right from this moment the scene becomes a closed space, making you feel like you're watching a horror play. There are not so many songs on the 2nd disc – only a couple, with one being a rearrangement of the original Suspirium, and the other one being a country ballad, backed by belligerent synths. 'A Choir of One' is the track which gained my respect not less than any of the masterfully created songs on this album. That is, probably, one of the most terrifying moments on the record, as well as having the longest duration – 14 minutes of an experimental ambient, with Yorke howling here and there. Then 'Synthesizer Speaks' breaks in, bringing even more terror with it, followed by a procession of a handful of instrumentals creepy to nearly the same extent. 'The Epilogue' pretty sums it all up, enthralling with its eeriness and leaving you in bewilderment: 'Is it future or is it past?'

    Speaking of Suspiria OST, in a row with Yorke's top-notch material, this album makes a noticeable appearance. Sometimes too noticeable that you want to name it his best solo work. It's pure heaven (sorry, I mean, hell...), and I wish you all feel 'suspirium' listening to this one...
    Full Review »
  2. Feb 11, 2019
    Thom Yorke's Suspiria is a macabre yet mesmerizing experience.
    Sometimes really creepy and others melancholic that fits perfectly as a
    Thom Yorke's Suspiria is a macabre yet mesmerizing experience.
    Sometimes really creepy and others melancholic that fits perfectly as a polished soundtrack.
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  3. Dec 8, 2018
    Este soundtrack es difícil de describir, logró armonizar todos mis sentidos, es simplemente fantástico