• Record Label: Republic
  • Release Date: Aug 17, 2018
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  1. Jun 26, 2022
    This album sounds like Pharrell's the owner, there's authenticity's lack in so many tracks. I wonder how 'no tears left to cry', 'God is a woman' and R.E.M (one of the best songs of her career) can divide the same space in a such bad album as sweetener. She lost her time featuring with big artists in a shameful and poor production. She could do more. This album is completely forgetable.
  2. Aug 25, 2021
    All the Pharrell song suk and all the other producers songs were masterpiece hurts to give an ari album a 6 but that's the best u can do
  3. Apr 24, 2021
    Não consigo defender esse álbum, sei que é um projeto aclamado pela crítica especializada, mas acho a sonoridade dele, principalmente a que é tocada por phareell, muito desagradável. Acho várias faixas descartáveis e teria arranjado a tracklist de outra forma.
  4. Jan 30, 2021
    Sweetener by Ariana Grande: 3.21

    raindrops (an angel cried): 1 blazed: 0.75 the light is coming: 0 R.E.M: 0.75 God is a woman: 0.25 sweetener: 0.25 successful: 0.25 everytime: 0.5 breathin: 1 :) no tears left to cry: 1 :) borderline: 1 :) better off: 0.75 goodnight n go: 0.5 pete davidson: 0 get well soon: 0.5 8.5/15 ~ .567 -> 3.21 Sweetener, Ariana Grande’s fourth
    Sweetener by Ariana Grande: 3.21

    raindrops (an angel cried): 1
    blazed: 0.75
    the light is coming: 0
    R.E.M: 0.75
    God is a woman: 0.25
    sweetener: 0.25
    successful: 0.25
    everytime: 0.5
    breathin: 1 :)
    no tears left to cry: 1 :)
    borderline: 1 :)
    better off: 0.75
    goodnight n go: 0.5
    pete davidson: 0
    get well soon: 0.5

    8.5/15 ~ .567 -> 3.21

    Sweetener, Ariana Grande’s fourth studio release, was a major disappointment. Coming after “Dangerous Woman” (which I couldn’t quite give a good review but I loved many of its songs), I was hoping for something more like that (wonderful, upbeat, unique pop). Instead, I got generic drum beats and bass patterns on a good number of tracks and over-processed material across the board. In all, there are probably only three-ish songs from Sweetener that I would listen to again. A lot of the music was annoyingly similar in regards to percussive instruments, but I will give to it that some of the synth layering (and Ari’s voice when she isn’t overdoing it on autotune) is very impressive in its complexion. I was also fairly annoyed by almost every track being marked as explicit (especially as a lot of the labels were “false positives”), as then I was unable to see what was coming in terms of content within the song, which was also a bummer. I wish I could give my entire song to song commentary, as that would help people understand my ratings better, but I cannot because of the character limit. All in all, not a huge fan of Sweetener. I suppose there were some good songs hidden in here (the “three in a row” was nice), but overall there isn’t much in here that I was hoping for. I guess this means I will have to lower my expectations a bit for the next (see what I did there?) album, despite already anticipating an uneven work. If you are a fan of generic pop/trap music from five years ago, you’ll probably like this album. If you were hoping for a decent sequel to Dangerous Woman, you will be disappointed, as I was. All I can say is, I sure hope that “thank you, next” is a heck of a lot better than this misfire. Highlights: raindrops, breathin, no tears left to cry, and borderline.
  5. Nov 1, 2020
    it's was really hard to judge this album because sweetener includes some of my favorites songs of her but also the worst ones. The single 's choice are so good because it's truly the best ones on the album and shows ariana 's vocals. However songs like Blazed, the light is coming, successful, borderline and sweetener really ruin the album for me.
    Favorites: Breathin, God is a Woman, No
    it's was really hard to judge this album because sweetener includes some of my favorites songs of her but also the worst ones. The single 's choice are so good because it's truly the best ones on the album and shows ariana 's vocals. However songs like Blazed, the light is coming, successful, borderline and sweetener really ruin the album for me.
    Favorites: Breathin, God is a Woman, No Tears Left To Cry, Better Of and Goodnight n Go.
  6. Oct 31, 2020
    There are two sides for me, one that I love a lot such as god is a woman, breathin, no tears left to cry, better off, everytime and goodnight n go. But I don't like at all songs like blazed, the light is coming, successful, borderline and sweetener.
  7. Aug 17, 2018
    This album is full of filler tracks and lacks actual substance, Lyrically weak, the songs have no personality and are bland, the production for most of the tracks are all over the place and messy. For an album after a tragic loss of her fans, I expected a song that was dedicated to them, instead we got a track dedicated exclusively to her fiancé . This is her fourth album so I expectedThis album is full of filler tracks and lacks actual substance, Lyrically weak, the songs have no personality and are bland, the production for most of the tracks are all over the place and messy. For an album after a tragic loss of her fans, I expected a song that was dedicated to them, instead we got a track dedicated exclusively to her fiancé . This is her fourth album so I expected artistic growth. Though she has "experimental" tracks on this album, when you listen to them, they are either completely terrible songs, or they sound production wise different from what she has done, but lyrically it's in the same vein of everything else she has done. The songs that I like, I really like. Goodnight n go, god is a woman, her well soon, no tears left to cry, better off, breathin are good. Every time is ok. Pete Davidson is a cute interlude. REM is boring, TLIC is messy production wise. Successful, Borderline, blaze, and sweetener are not songs I go back to. Expand
  8. Aug 29, 2020
    Ariana.. eu espero que você tenha bloqueado o Pharell em todos os meios de comunicações possíveis. Vocês juntos conseguiram cometer um crime contra a humanidade!!!
    Absolutamente todas as músicas que não tiveram esse homem envolvidas são DELICIOSAS. Perceba o que você fez... ou melhor, o que você NÃO fez
  9. Aug 20, 2020
    "Sweetener" was released two years ago this week.
    It’s Ariana's favorite album and was praised by critics. However, I stopped stanning her after this album because I just couldn’t connect with this album...at all.
    First the positive bits: The album's intro "raindrops (an angel cried)" is cute. She shows off her incredible voice in this interlude. The first track "blazed" featuring
    "Sweetener" was released two years ago this week.
    It’s Ariana's favorite album and was praised by critics. However, I stopped stanning her after this album because I just couldn’t connect with this album...at all.

    First the positive bits:
    The album's intro "raindrops (an angel cried)" is cute. She shows off her incredible voice in this interlude.
    The first track "blazed" featuring Pharrell Williams is universally hated but it’s actually one of the few songs on the album that I like. I like the breathing in the background and the funk influences.
    There’s two groups of people when it comes to "the light is coming"; one group loves the song and the other group hates it. I immediately liked the song. It’s very different and actually probably the only experiment on this "experimental" album that worked for me. It’s very hip-hop influenced and I like the sample. Nicki's part is a little short on this one.
    "God is a woman", the album's second single, is an anthem! The message about female sexual empowerment is very powerful and Ariana's vocals on this song are outstanding.
    The album's third single "breathin" was immediately my favorite song when I first heard the album. It has a dance pop sound and is definitely the most poppy track on the album. Lyrically it talks about overcoming anxiety which is an incredible message and relatable for someone like me who struggles a lot with anxiety.
    Everyone knows the album's lead single "no tears left to cry" and everyone loves it. Rightfully so because it’s one of those perfect Max Martin pop songs. That man is a pop genius! It talks about the tragic Manchester attack and about overcoming a tragic event. Very serious theme but that song just always puts me in a good mood. The harmonies in the background are stunning.

    Now the negative parts:
    First the album's title track. Really? What is that? Not only are the lyrics annoyingly repetitive, bland and just stupid in parts but also the production is so damn messy and weird.
    "successful" is a song about Ariana being....successful. The chorus of the song can be fun at times but that Wii music in the background is almost laughable. It sounds a bit unfinished.
    "R.E.M" is a Beyoncé reject. It’s obvious why Bey didn’t want to put this on her album because it’s just so damn boring. There’s no lows or highs in this song it’s just so monotone. It’s funny that she sings about sleeping because the song will literally put you to sleep.
    "borderline" features the legendary Queen of Hip-Hop Missy Elliott. I expected a lot from it but it’s easily the worst song on this album. And that says a lot. Just like "R.E.M" there’s no highs or lows and the song is extremely monotone and it’s just...there. Missy's verse is boring too unfortunately.
    The album's final track "get well soon" talks about Ariana's personal anxiety and trauma following the Manchester attack. Beautiful meaning, terrible song. It’s extremely messy and feels like 90 different song rolled into one.

    I don't mind "everytime", "better off", "goodnight n go" and the "pete davidson" interlude. Those four tracks were simply okay. Not terrible but nothing special either.

    So "Sweetener" was not for me. It’s a very messy album with a lot of bad songs and fillers. Ariana constantly adding "yuh" to every line she sings doesn’t help as it just gets annoying at some point. I have no idea how this album got the critical acclaim it received but that’s just me. Anyway, the 5 (or 6) tracks that are good would’ve made a nice EP.

    At the end of the day though, Ariana likes the album, it helped her work through some things and her fans like it. That’s all that matters.
  10. Feb 6, 2020
    It performs its clever, but it is even a little disappointing considering ariana's trajectory. They are tracks that offer something great and good to hear and other basic productions and something median, a difficulty to enjoy an album descends. Not the highlight to differentiate pop music in the current scenario.
  11. Jan 17, 2020
    It's not her best work, but it also not her worst. I did enjoy the album but she could have done so much better.
  12. Dec 20, 2019
    'Sweetener' foi uma péssima combinação entre Pharrell Williams e Ariana Grande. Muitas músicas desse álbum possuem uma produção repetitiva e extremamente bagunçada. "raindrops", "God is a Woman" e "breathin" são as únicas três faixas em que Ariana possui um destaque vocal de excelência e são músicas extremamente bem produzidas. Mesmo sendo um álbum que faz um recorte de um momento bem'Sweetener' foi uma péssima combinação entre Pharrell Williams e Ariana Grande. Muitas músicas desse álbum possuem uma produção repetitiva e extremamente bagunçada. "raindrops", "God is a Woman" e "breathin" são as únicas três faixas em que Ariana possui um destaque vocal de excelência e são músicas extremamente bem produzidas. Mesmo sendo um álbum que faz um recorte de um momento bem delicado para Grande, o problema do álbum está na produção e na falta de organização. Tudo parece uma grande bagunça.
    "blazed", colaboração de Ariana com Pharrell, é um exemplo de uma faixa com uma produção bagunçada. Parece que tentaram misturar r&b com alguma outra coisa, e deixou a música completamente estranha e sem nenhuma característica. "sweetener", faixa título do álbum, é mais uma canção sem a mínima estrutura, que possui um refrão repetitivo, enjoativo, e que surge do nada na música; completamente desconexo, fazendo parecer que existem 5 músicas em uma. "the light is coming" um feat completamente desconexo com a rapper Nicki Minaj, uma batida bagunçada, enjoativa, com uma letra repetitiva e melodia mal criada; tornando-se uma das piores canções do álbum.
    "God is a Woman" e "breathin" são duas canções em que Ariana consegue fazer um trabalho muito bom. Tanto em relação à letra, quanto em relação a melodias e arranjos. Talvez sejam as melhores canções da carreira de Ariana Grande. São essas que sustentam o álbum todo e trazem uma sensação de verdade neste disco, que Grande ao menos tentou realizar.
  13. Dec 8, 2019
    raindrops (an angel cried) - 5/10
    blazed (feat. Pharrell Williams) - 5,3/10
    the light is coming (feat. Nicki Minaj) - 5/10
    R.E.M - 5,3/10
    God is a woman - 7/10
    sweetener - 5,6/10
    successful - 4,9/10
    everytime - 5,2/10
    breathin - 7/10
    no tears left to cry - 8/10
    borderline (feat. Missy Elliott) - 5/10
    better off - 5,3/10
    goodnight n go - 6/10
    pete davidson - 4/10
    get well soon - 5/10
  14. Aug 30, 2019
    I feel this albums production can be decent on some songs as Pharrell has a unique style of production that comes down to personality taste but some tracks definitely don’t make sense at all. Borderline and Sweetener are quite messy and the track ‘the light is coming’ is very questionable, both meaning, and production wise. Ilya served great production on this album with tracks like ‘NoI feel this albums production can be decent on some songs as Pharrell has a unique style of production that comes down to personality taste but some tracks definitely don’t make sense at all. Borderline and Sweetener are quite messy and the track ‘the light is coming’ is very questionable, both meaning, and production wise. Ilya served great production on this album with tracks like ‘No tears left to cry’ and ‘Breathin’ But this album doesn’t really live up to a standard Ariana should be reaching for. Expand
  15. Aug 25, 2019
    Esse album e medio , tem musicas de qualidade mas ainda não é um otimo album
  16. Jul 28, 2019
    The album isn't as well polished or extravagant as thank u, next, but there are some elements of this album that are really enjoyable. The album feels all over the place and I'd argue the musical directions feel a bit forced and uncomfortable for Ariana, but it's still a pop album that makes most look very bland.
  17. Jun 10, 2019
    Lamentablemente estamos frente al peor album de Ariana Grande, haber trabajado con Pharrel Williams fue un gran error, canciones como Blazed, Borderline y The Light Is Coming hacen que este album sea monótono, aburrido y mal hecho, si no fuera por Breathin o God Is A Woman este album seria intolerable, otros tracks son buenos, pero no rescatan el album.
  18. Feb 22, 2019
    don't get me false, i like sweetener n its style. but.. the other albums have just a better personality, story...... just better songs. there's no song in sweetener which makes BANG. the other albums did. of course im glad she won a grammy for that but its pathetic (sorry, not sorry) that dangerous woman didn't. im a big arianator but sweetener disappointed me.
  19. Feb 9, 2019
    Ariana's 4th album is a failed experiment,the lack of cohesiveness,consistency and quality makes the album extremely difficult to listen there are few great songs such as the chosen singles and a couple other decent ones but overall this is probably ari's worst album to date
  20. Jan 19, 2019
    I think it is fair to say that we knew that Ariana was never going to top Dangerous Woman this era after 'no tears left to cry'. However in saying that, Sweetener is a close second to that album. The album is different to what listeners got to know from Ariana's last 3 eras. I think the laidback attitude of the album helps exude the whole theme of 'sweetening' tragic events so toxicI think it is fair to say that we knew that Ariana was never going to top Dangerous Woman this era after 'no tears left to cry'. However in saying that, Sweetener is a close second to that album. The album is different to what listeners got to know from Ariana's last 3 eras. I think the laidback attitude of the album helps exude the whole theme of 'sweetening' tragic events so toxic relationships, the terrible Manchester Attack. My personal favourites are 'God is a woman' and 'sweetener'. However in saying this, I don't think that trap suits Ariana. It has shown that from Yours Truly and Dangerous Woman that R&B suits her and is her best music. Expand
  21. Jan 15, 2019
    Grande got so much generic with this album. the light is coming featuring Nicki Minaj is one of the worst songs I've ever heard. God is a woman, which is average offended us, pete davidson and goodnight n' go were really good. no tears left to cry was promising, but this is a let down.
  22. Dec 2, 2018
    God is a woman, no tears left to cry, the light is coming are the only songs that make the difference for me. The rest is just okay. Nothing wow, nothing awful, just a cute album. Listenable.
  23. Sep 26, 2018
    pharrel ruined the album and borderline was the worst collaboration and song
  24. Sep 14, 2018
    the album disappoints in lyrics, I expected to see the dark moment of Manchester in a powerful ballad, the production is crap for pharrell, its worst album at the moment.
  25. Sep 7, 2018
    half of this album sounds like madonna's hard candy thanks to pharrel, thats not bueno
  26. Sep 6, 2018
    Ariana's voice sounds a lot fuller in this album compared to her others. The first few tracks are some decent bangers, and I started to realise why the album was rated so highly by critics. But the album takes a nosedive very quickly. Too many tracks and she doesn't sing with enough emotion. Catchy in parts though.
  27. Sep 5, 2018
    I can tolerate about 40% of this album hence the 4 out of 10 ranking. I don't know if she was experimenting with her sound or truly believed the album was good?? And Pete Davidson as a track title?!? That's more permanent than a tattoo.
  28. Sep 4, 2018
    An album that has some great singles, but the other tracks are very basic to say so, not bad for the queen of anal sex
  29. Aug 29, 2018
    Sweet Fluff

    I listened to Sweetener multiple times to ensure I knew how I felt about it. At first I thought it was mostly vapid fluff music with no personality. Others said the album was good so I kept listening and waited to review. On multiple re-listens it only confirmed my original feelings were correct. None of the songs on the album are bad. They're all light and pop fun. But
    Sweet Fluff

    I listened to Sweetener multiple times to ensure I knew how I felt about it. At first I thought it was mostly vapid fluff music with no personality. Others said the album was good so I kept listening and waited to review. On multiple re-listens it only confirmed my original feelings were correct.

    None of the songs on the album are bad. They're all light and pop fun. But none of the songs are ground breaking or even interesting. Most songs feel so designed for radio. The pleasant songs that I did like didn't actually have enough staying power for me to add any of them to a regular listening cycle.

    Ultimately a simple light album with nothing amazing on it but is fun.
  30. Aug 28, 2018
    Sweetener, Ariana Grande's 4th studio album, is a very nicely collated album with songs like God Is A Woman, No Tears Left To Cry, and Breathin' that makes not only her fans but also the general public to listen. However, the album is generally, for me, not vibrant and colorful like her previous albums. Ariana Grande is entitled the Princess of Pop but her album didn't include much pureSweetener, Ariana Grande's 4th studio album, is a very nicely collated album with songs like God Is A Woman, No Tears Left To Cry, and Breathin' that makes not only her fans but also the general public to listen. However, the album is generally, for me, not vibrant and colorful like her previous albums. Ariana Grande is entitled the Princess of Pop but her album didn't include much pure pop records. Most songs in the album generally sound the same to the ears of a person who hasn't listened to the album thoroughly thus generally discouraging them to listen to the album. Simply put, the album lacks bops and catchy songs. I suggest she never collabs with Pharell again since in my opinion, he ruins potentially good songs with his production just like The Light Is Coming. Overall, it's a pretty good album. It's not Ariana's complete fault that this wasn't her best although she definitely should have done something to make it better. Expand

Universal acclaim - based on 20 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 20
  2. Negative: 0 out of 20
  1. Aug 31, 2018
    Grande’s new sound, the Williams-produced Not-Bangers, only make up half of the album. These standout tracks are interspersed between standard pop tracks. ... That’s not to say that the Bangers on Sweetener are bad--it’s more that they belong in previous era of Grande and they spoil the flow between songs. Sweetener may not be the dawning of a new age for Ariana but it could be a step towards somewhere weird and wonderful.
  2. Aug 29, 2018
    Ms. Grande backs up her statements with song-and-dance mastery. ... She’s her own choir, support group and posse. While a few guest vocalists (Mr. Williams, Nicki Minaj, Missy Elliott) provide a little grit for contrast, Ms. Grande sails above any fray, past or present. Her aplomb is her triumph.
  3. Aug 28, 2018
    An album that coheres in a way other Ariana Grande albums don't, which means Sweetener is something of a double triumph: she's come through a tough time stronger and better than before.