• Record Label: Republic
  • Release Date: Aug 17, 2018
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  1. Aug 17, 2018
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Even I prefer a full-pop job, sweetener really caught me; the intro with only-vocal is so amazing, and God is a woman is my favorite of course! breathing' need to be a single Expand
  2. Aug 17, 2018
    is not Ariana's best album, but it shows that it is much more than the sameness and this is incredible
  3. Aug 17, 2018
    Que arte este álbum uno de los mejores del 2018 sin duda lo mejor de Ariana el trabajo más personal con sonidos increíbles ah excepción de blazed que es una de las no muy buenas del álbum pero igual es muy buena para mí breathin es la mejor de Sweetener
  4. Feb 14, 2020
    Aged like fine wine. The superior album in a flawless discography rivaling thank u, next
  5. Aug 17, 2018
    I loved !!! Another great work from Ariana Grande !!! We can hear your impeccable vocals in a new musical proposal !!!
  6. Aug 17, 2018
    Ariana Grande stuns on her forth studio album. whether it be discussing bad love, anxiety, or her soon-to be husband, she delivers in several different ways, whether it be through production, vocals, lyricism, or the general vibe.
  7. Aug 17, 2018
    Filled with dreamy, chill and simply gorgeous tracks such as "breathin" where Grande sings about her struggles with anxiety, the Imogen Heap-cover/remix "goodnight n go" and the mesmerizing closing track "get well soon" which ends with a 40 second-long moment of silence - a tribute to the victims of the Manchester attack. Along with these she also put out fun and upbeat songs, the titleFilled with dreamy, chill and simply gorgeous tracks such as "breathin" where Grande sings about her struggles with anxiety, the Imogen Heap-cover/remix "goodnight n go" and the mesmerizing closing track "get well soon" which ends with a 40 second-long moment of silence - a tribute to the victims of the Manchester attack. Along with these she also put out fun and upbeat songs, the title track "sweetener", the self empowerment anthem "successful" and the fun Pharrell-feature "blazed" are all something you would expect from any Grande album. The only slip in her fourth album is the repetitive "the light is coming" that would have suited much better as an interlude than as a full song. Overall very good production, lyrical depth and improved enunciation. Expand
  8. Aug 17, 2018
    your truly ,my everything,dangerous woman are the best album!and sweetener just so-so...
  9. Aug 17, 2018
    Her best album! I don't understand the hate it's receiving, it's a great album. I do think Pharrell's work is a bit messy but there are other songs on the album which are better.
  10. Aug 17, 2018
    Sweetener é um trabalho totalmente diferente dos outros álbuns da Ariana, ele mestra musicas “ chiclete” com ritmos novos, além de explorar um novo lado da voz e da potência da Ari
    Ela realmente surpreendeu no conceito do álbum, tendo um resultado incrivelmente doce
  11. Aug 17, 2018
    Another good album by Ariana Grande. Favorite songs: blazed, R.E.M, everytime, breathin, better off, goodnight n go, get well soon and the singles.
  12. Aug 17, 2018
    Is this Ariana's worst album? Many will hate this album because they are not accustomed ...
    Ariana made her work grow too much, her album is DW's best predecessor because her sounds are impressive
  13. Aug 17, 2018
    The album is clearly a grower but Ariana stil needs to use her voice more, raindrops & sweetener (the song) are the best
  14. Aug 18, 2018
    Fifteen tracks that put a smile on my face and a tear in my eye. Production duties were granted primarily to Pharrell Williams, allowing Ariana to explore a more experimental sound, but honestly, her voice is so strong, it’s hard to imagine a genre it wouldn’t suit.
  15. Aug 17, 2018
    Out of fanaticism, Ariana was able to prove that by renewing his music he shows his essence, his lyrics, all of it. We see that their participation is total and that it feels more, now we know it more. I thank you for opening up to us in this way, different sounds that in some way get along very well with the voice of Ariana, simply... Spectacular.
  16. Aug 18, 2018
    Este é definitivamente O trabalho de Ariana Grande. Para além das letras extremamente pessoais, a artista expressa-se através de diferentes sonoridades. Não é, de todo, um álbum comercial. É um album para os fãs. Nota-se claramente o envolvimento do Pharrel visto que em algumas das músicas há uma constante repetição da palavra que dá título à respectiva música.

    "Sweetener", mesmo tendo
    Este é definitivamente O trabalho de Ariana Grande. Para além das letras extremamente pessoais, a artista expressa-se através de diferentes sonoridades. Não é, de todo, um álbum comercial. É um album para os fãs. Nota-se claramente o envolvimento do Pharrel visto que em algumas das músicas há uma constante repetição da palavra que dá título à respectiva música.

    "Sweetener", mesmo tendo três altos momentos claramente POP - God is a Woman, No Tears Left to Cry e Breathin, "Breathin" é sem dúvida o melhor momento do álbum. É uma música extremamente honesta e consegue transparecer todas as emoções que nela estão inseridas.

    Definitivamente a quebra do álbum e o momento mais fraco é "Borderline". Para além de não conseguir relacionar a canção com o resto do álbum, a presença da Missy Elliot só estraga a música. Profere os versos como se estivesse a fazer um favor. Não é de todo a Missy Elliot enérgica que todos conhecem.
  17. Aug 18, 2018
    el album es bueno canciones como NTLTC, GIAW, TLIC, Breathin, everytime, raindrops (an angel cry) son las mejores pero en otras canciones muy adelantada para sacar nuevos tonos y no son buenas son largas y aburridas
  18. Aug 18, 2018
    O álbum mais coerente e maduro da Ariana. Senti a falta dos vocais mais potentes que ela têm e que se encaixariam muito bem com o som mais r&b do sweetener.
  19. Aug 18, 2018
    É um álbum bastante controverso para uma cantora do nível da Ariana - se não, o mais controverso de sua carreira -, mas não deixa de ser um trabalho impecável. Nesse trabalho, Grande deixa de lado os seus poderosos vocais, marca registrada do seu álbum anterior: "Dangerous Woman", porém ainda podemos notá-los em faixas como "raindrops" e "God is a woman", por exemplo. O único ponto ruim doÉ um álbum bastante controverso para uma cantora do nível da Ariana - se não, o mais controverso de sua carreira -, mas não deixa de ser um trabalho impecável. Nesse trabalho, Grande deixa de lado os seus poderosos vocais, marca registrada do seu álbum anterior: "Dangerous Woman", porém ainda podemos notá-los em faixas como "raindrops" e "God is a woman", por exemplo. O único ponto ruim do álbum são as músicas produzidas pelo Pharrel, que deixam um pouco de lado características próprias da Ariana e se mostram como um "The Pharrel Show" (como afirma o "The Independent (UK)"). Infelizmente, muitos esperavam uma chamada "salvação do pop", e se desapontaram, mas para quem realmente conhece a Ariana, sabe o quanto é importante esse álbum para ela. Contudo, em linhas gerais, é incrível como a Ariana conseguiu sair de sua zona de conforto (pop dançante e vocais bem marcados) e trouxe realmente um álbum bem "adoçado", com suas melodias, letras e vocais amenos. Expand
  20. Aug 18, 2018
    Iconic diosariana dando arte nada nuevo, proxima reina del pop asi esza
  21. Aug 19, 2018
    O destaque aqui vai para os singles lançados anteriormente, everytime, breathin, goodnight n go, pete davidson, better off e get well soon que salvam o álbum no melhor estilo da Ariana.
  22. Aug 20, 2018
    This album i so incredible and different (unique). My favourite song is goodnight n go this is so amazing like angels in the sky! I love Ariana so much but i can't give her 10/10 because of Blazed ft. Pharrell....This is **** OMG!
  23. Aug 26, 2018
    Hoy, cuando la paciencia y el interés son bienes virtuales escasísimos para el mundo de la cultura y la satisfacción debe ser tirando a inmediata, las primeras impresiones –a menudo las más certeras– suelen ser cruciales. En ese sentido, ‘Sweetener’ ha llegado al mundo con mal pie: las primeras reseñas y reacciones del público general están siendo relativamente negativas, con la palabraHoy, cuando la paciencia y el interés son bienes virtuales escasísimos para el mundo de la cultura y la satisfacción debe ser tirando a inmediata, las primeras impresiones –a menudo las más certeras– suelen ser cruciales. En ese sentido, ‘Sweetener’ ha llegado al mundo con mal pie: las primeras reseñas y reacciones del público general están siendo relativamente negativas, con la palabra “decepción” a modo de mantra. Y la culpa, en este caso, la podría tener las altísimas expectativas despertadas por dos singles sobresalientes como ‘No Tears Left To Cry’ y ‘God Is A Woman’, de largo las dos mejores canciones del cuarto largo de Ariana Grande.

    ¿Hizo bien Ariana en presentar el álbum con la crema? Sí, sin duda: en no pocas ocasiones hemos visto cómo una mala elección en los primeros indicios de un disco pop pueden hacer que el público dé la espalda a obras que, a posteriori, se han revelado mejores de lo que anticipaban. Sin embargo, el “mal” que aquellas dos canciones han hecho a ‘Sweetener’ es que no eran representativas de su sonido. Porque, en realidad, Max Martin y sus estrechos colaboradores Ilya Salmanzadeh y Savan Kotecha, productores y co-autores de aquellas, apenas están presentes en dos canciones más, que, a todas luces, conforman lo mejor del largo: el sensual –amargo en lo lírico– mediotiempo trap-pop ‘Everytime’, y ‘Breathin’, un banger al estilo ‘Into You’ –un clip a la altura y quizá un buen remix, podrían hacer de ella un hit– en el que Grande envía un mensaje bonito y positivo sobre superar la ansiedad.

    El resto del disco, con excepción de un par de concesiones al equipo de TBHits –capaz de cosas tan monas como ‘Better Off’, y también tan prescindibles como ‘Goodnight N Go’ –que no es ni la mitad de chula que el original de Imogen Heap– o la bromilla ‘Pete Davidson’–, se caracteriza casi al completo por contar con el traicionero “sello Pharrell”, convertido en el Timbaland de esta era: su sonido es tan reconocible como predecible, confundiendo el minimalismo con la cutrez y lo rácano. Williams consigue que la vocalmente sobrenatural Ariana resulte no ya inane –como en ’Get Well Soon’– sino también irritante, como en ’Blazed’, ‘The Light Is Coming’ –curioso cómo, al contrario que ‘Bed‘, se ha hecho pequeña con los días, quedando en nadería en esta secuencia– o ‘Borderline’. Curiosamente, estas tres coinciden en ser los tres únicos featurings de ‘Sweetener’: el primero, con la innecesaria intervención del productor, y las otras con dos raperas como Nicki Minaj y Missy Elliott, que generalmente dan lustre y magnetismo a lo que tocan y en este caso suenan impersonales y marciales, como meras funcionarias del rap.

    Sin embargo, agrupar todo lo que ha tocado Pharrell en ‘Sweetener’ bajo esa visión sería simplista: las escuchas hacen que brille ostensiblemente una “clase media” de canciones como ‘R.E.M.’ –aparentemente dedicada a su actual pareja, el ya citado Davidson, con explícitos “tú sabes como comerlo”–, ‘Sweetener’ –con un estribillo que, de nuevo, parece aludir simpáticamente al sexo oral femenino–, o la juguetona ‘Succesful’ –un aparente autohomenaje a la par que un himno de sororidad–, en las que el tratamiento feo/bonito, dulce/salado, cándido/picante que Williams aplica al pop R&B de la cantante resulta tremendamente adictivo. Es en estas donde este tándem cobra sentido, y revela una faceta versátil de Grande, capaz de equilibrar gorgoritos y swag, que la aproxima a eso que tan buenos réditos da a Bruno Mars, por ejemplo.

    Ese trío, a la postre, hace que la balanza se incline hacia el lado positivo y que ‘Sweetener’, aunque no llegue a superar el que es, hasta hoy, el mejor disco de Grande, ‘Dangerous Woman’, sea un más que aceptable paso hacia la consolidación de su talento. Si los fans y la industria resisten esas prisas inherentes a esta época, parece indudable que Ariana Grande llegará a publicar discos a la altura de su inconmensurable talento.
  24. Sep 5, 2018
    Este álbum é diferente do que a Ariana costuma fazer habitualmente. Sweetener é um album que contem musicas felizes e melodicas ao nivel pop e logo aí tem muito a ganhar por ser um album completamente diferente ao que estamos habituados no mundo da musica. A única coisa negativa que me chateia é o facto do album ter menos tempo do que o habitual e haver uma musica com 30Este álbum é diferente do que a Ariana costuma fazer habitualmente. Sweetener é um album que contem musicas felizes e melodicas ao nivel pop e logo aí tem muito a ganhar por ser um album completamente diferente ao que estamos habituados no mundo da musica. A única coisa negativa que me chateia é o facto do album ter menos tempo do que o habitual e haver uma musica com 30 segundos(raindrops) outra com 1:15(Pete Davidson) e aqueles 40 segundos mudos na ultima musica.....acho que no fator tempo a Ariana tem um pouco a perder neste album. Quanto menos musica fizer, tambem menos erros dá. Expand
  25. Nov 25, 2018
    Ariana Grande evolved when making the album. The lyrical content is improved a lot. The album is obviously divided into 2 parts: Pharrell's part and the other part. It is glad to see that Ariana attempts different styles. Nevertheless, most of these songs are not very successful. Blazed(5/10) and Botherline(5/10) are insipid. The Light is Coming is a little bit repetitive andAriana Grande evolved when making the album. The lyrical content is improved a lot. The album is obviously divided into 2 parts: Pharrell's part and the other part. It is glad to see that Ariana attempts different styles. Nevertheless, most of these songs are not very successful. Blazed(5/10) and Botherline(5/10) are insipid. The Light is Coming is a little bit repetitive and weird(6/10).(MV is pretty bad) REM has the potential to be a bop but the breath sound is annoying(7/10). So does Sweetener(8/10 because some of the parts are really good). Successful is actually good(8.5/10). Get well soon is unexpected but overall it is fair(8/10). For the second part, the tracks are more like the original Ariana. Most of the tracks are bops. The best track is absolutely Breathin and the meaning behind it is wonderful(10/10). Everytime is cute especially the laughter in the end(9.5/10). Raindrops is a great intro(9.5/10 Ariana is always good at making intro). God is a woman is powerful(10/10). No tears left to cry is a grower(9.5/10). Goodnight n go is beautiful especially the finale of the tone(10/10). Better off is cute(9.5/10). Pete Davidson is sweet but too short(9/10). Overall it is good but not perfect. In my opinion, Dangerous Woman is more catchy despite the lyrical content is not good. Expand
  26. Jun 26, 2019
    Maturity is the key word to describe this spectacular album, which gave us a very positive perspective of Grande sound evolution in the industry and that is shown in a fantastic way in this album
  27. Aug 24, 2019
    I love this album, is the most different of her, the vibe "sweet" is everything. NTLTC, GIAW and Everytime are perfects.
  28. Aug 31, 2019
    The album is great, it doesn't disappoint, its a different turn from her previous, heavy pop, album (Dangerous Woman) the album is r&bish with some pop infused songs. The album has mixed lyrics, some of them are very good and some of them are just fun songs with meaningless lyrics, on terms of production, Pharrell did an amazing job yet you can see the difference from the songsThe album is great, it doesn't disappoint, its a different turn from her previous, heavy pop, album (Dangerous Woman) the album is r&bish with some pop infused songs. The album has mixed lyrics, some of them are very good and some of them are just fun songs with meaningless lyrics, on terms of production, Pharrell did an amazing job yet you can see the difference from the songs non-produced by Pharrell. On this album Ari showed a sweet side. Healing from past circumstances. T

    he album starts good yet it goes downhill from there, the light is coming is a good song, a song for the club, it had potential but it wasn't used, the album closes with get well soon, probably her best written and best song yet.
  29. Oct 13, 2019
    Incredible, Ariana's creativity at its best, is a musical hug, too sweet in her lyrics; I consider that the tracks produced by Ilya and Max Martin are better than those of Phraell, they show more professionalism.
    Sweetener tries to be very happy, in a world of colors and happiness, and he succeeds, the songs are of love and dreams.
    I think the grammy truly deserves.
  30. May 23, 2020
    Ariana Grande has found the light on her fourth studio album, 'Sweetener'. During times of heartbreak, tragedy, and anxiety, Grande is able to provide one of the happiest records the world has ever heard. With her sweet vocals meshed with the quirky, cute production Grande is able to make you smile, dance, cry, and smile some more. This record is powerful and shows much growth from theAriana Grande has found the light on her fourth studio album, 'Sweetener'. During times of heartbreak, tragedy, and anxiety, Grande is able to provide one of the happiest records the world has ever heard. With her sweet vocals meshed with the quirky, cute production Grande is able to make you smile, dance, cry, and smile some more. This record is powerful and shows much growth from the legend herself.

    Album Track Ranking:
    1. God is a woman
    2. no tears left to cry
    3. everytime
    4. breathin
    5. goodnight n go
    6. better off
    7. get well soon
    8. raindrops (an angel cried)
    9. successful
    10. pete davidson
    11. sweetener
    12. R.E.M.
    13. borderline (feat. Missy Elliott)
    14. the light is coming (feat. Nicki Minaj)
    15. blazed (feat. Pharrell Williams)
  31. Nov 2, 2020
    I'm writing this after the Positions album release and Sweetener continues her best work to date, the complexity behind this album is amazing, maybe it is not a favourite for a lot of mainstream pop fans but it is her most unique, singular work ever.
  32. Oct 31, 2020
    Let's address this. This album has had amazing singles, and an amazing intro. I was so disappointed at first, but it turned out to be my favorite Ariana Grande album. I would give it a personal 8.5, but as I can only give exact numbers, I'm giving it an 8. Why? Because there are still songs that I don't connect with: Borderline, The Light Is Coming (sometimes) or Pete Davidson are those songs.
  33. Jan 19, 2020
    The best Ariana's album for sure, the songs are so magical, and this album deserved so much more
  34. Jul 24, 2020
    Sin duda el mejor álbum de Ariana Grande, la producción es muy buena y la lírica se nota más madura respecto a sus anteriores trabajos. Los singles son de lo mejor del álbum, que si bien tiene tropiezos como the light is coming, se escuchan sonidos muy frescos. La armonización simplemente es excelsa, de las mejores vocales que he escuchado. 91/100
  35. Oct 6, 2020
    Maduro, coeso e conceitual! Um álbum bem trabalhado e muito bem pensado. Melodias e letras que fazem sentido num todo. Algo certamente inovador!
  36. Nov 1, 2020
    Amazing album! No tears left to cry is Ariana's best comeback, she gave us a masterpiece.
  37. Oct 31, 2020
    It's Ariana's best album. The themes are well-developed, the lyrics are powerful, the sound is not always the same, it's a mix of pop and R&B. The whole album sounds like a story. Good job, one of my favourite albums of 2018.
  38. Aug 28, 2020
    Um doce escape dos problemas reais para um mundo feliz, doce e provocante.
    Com vocais incríveis, composições suaves e uma sonoridade experimental, a já consolidada estrela pop consegue adoçar a vida de todos e mostrar mais uma vez seu incrível talento em um álbum inesperado porém magnífico
  39. Oct 3, 2022
    Knowing her stable place in pop music, Ariana releases her most experimental project so far, even after everything she went through in 2018. Pharell´s touch is noticed in many tracks in this sugary pop album.
    Top Track: God Is A Woman
    Worst Track: The Light Is Coming ft Nicki Minaj
  40. Aug 20, 2021
    pra mim é o melhor álbum da ariana. são poucas as músicas que eu não curto.
  41. Apr 18, 2021
    Her most healing era it was. Songs like no tears left to cry, everytime, goodnight n go, are masterpieces. My overall score is a 9, because songs like blazed, borderline or pete davidson are not as strong contenders as the other songs on the album imo. Overall I love this album, it will always have a special place in my heart
  42. Dec 12, 2020
    Je vais dire la vérité, cet album élèvera la carrière d'Ariana à un nouveau niveau, si après cela elle pouvait continuer à écrire de la musique comme ça.
  43. Apr 18, 2021
    It is no coincidence that Sweetener is the first record by Ariana Grande to have a color image as its cover. The period following the 2017 Manchester attack was one of the most difficult of her life for the singer: the lack of a light to follow and the arrival of frequent anxiety and panic attacks clearly marked the person Grande wants to tell in Sweetener.
    Sweetener is definitely on
    It is no coincidence that Sweetener is the first record by Ariana Grande to have a color image as its cover. The period following the 2017 Manchester attack was one of the most difficult of her life for the singer: the lack of a light to follow and the arrival of frequent anxiety and panic attacks clearly marked the person Grande wants to tell in Sweetener.
    Sweetener is definitely on another level compared to past records when it comes to the personal sphere. For the first time, Grande contributes to the writing of all the lyrics of a record by her, adding a well-marked and refined sentimental note, which was decidedly less evident in previous albums. The themes told on the disc are certainly more mature and developed than the previous ones: healing, recovery, self-empowerment, self-confidence, true love, hope and love for life. Furthermore, for the first time in Grande's discography, the presence of a deeply felt artistic concept is strong, centered on the sweetness of life, spiritual serenity, hope, grief and dreams.
    However, Ariana Grande does not abandon her role as a pop star: international hits such as God Is A Woman and No Tears Left To Cry perfectly convey the idea of ​​an independent woman and exquisitely reconcile the commercial imprint with the personal one, which is not easy.
    Sweetener's sound manages to be as cohesive as that of Dangerous Woman, but the styles explored are decidedly different: Grande engages very well in elements of house, funk, neo soul, hip hop, trap and disco, while maintaining a solid pop and R&B base.
    However, Sweetener is not an album without flaws: despite her almost perfect performance, her collaborations with Williams, Minaj and Elliott turn out to be decidedly weaker tracks than expected, despite managing to maintain a more than sufficient quality level.
    Overall, Sweetener is an excellent album from every point of view, despite some exceptions. The personal intimacy and lyrical maturity and freedom enjoyed by Grande is perhaps what makes Sweetener the best record in the singer's discography, along with Grande's versatility in being able to excel in new and unexplored musical styles in an accurate and meticulous way. Sweetener is definitely one of the best pop albums of the 2010s.
  44. Sep 26, 2021
    This is one of her best works. It’s experimental and it works as a pop album. She balances the line between making the album for herself and for her fans.
  45. Jan 19, 2023
    When this album first came out, I hated it. I found it mediocre and full of fillers, but, my gosh, it aged like the finest of wine. I love how simple yet funny and catchy the production is, and Ariana's voice just adds the perfect touch. I don't know if it already is, but this album is gonna be timeless. Ariana was ahead of her time when she made it and she put her entire grandussy intoWhen this album first came out, I hated it. I found it mediocre and full of fillers, but, my gosh, it aged like the finest of wine. I love how simple yet funny and catchy the production is, and Ariana's voice just adds the perfect touch. I don't know if it already is, but this album is gonna be timeless. Ariana was ahead of her time when she made it and she put her entire grandussy into it. If we ignore the mess that is "blazed", this album is just *chef's kiss* Expand
  46. Aug 17, 2022
    É um álbum muito gostoso de ouvir, bem agradável, a melhor faixa na minha opinião é everytime, muito bem projetada em todos os sentidos, é um álbum bem profundo sobre a fase que ariana estava atravessando.
  47. Aug 21, 2022
    This album is generally an amazing up-step from Ariana Grande’s discography. It also serves as a step upward and forward momentum towards Grande’s next project, thank u next.
  48. Aug 17, 2018
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. First of all, don't expect it to be a #20gayteen bop machine. I was honestly a little thrown back by the new direction and sound Ariana is going for with the new album. At first I wasn't too into it, but on further reflection, I am glad she is taking a risk and not just giving us the same album over and over again. In the end, I thought it was a success. It is a solid album that shows that she is capable of more and is willing to go there.

    #triggerwarning, she does have a song called pete davidson. #goodnews, it's barely over a minute long.
  49. Aug 17, 2018
    Sweetener finds an Ariana with the eagerness to experiment and explore her "artist" side, much like her idol Imogen Heap (sampling her in Goodnight n Go), while preserving her Pop Star persona, therefore forgetting that experimenting entails walking through uncharted terrain, in which Sweetener rarely strays. It is noticeable that in the cuts produced by Ilya and Pop deity Max Martin (GodSweetener finds an Ariana with the eagerness to experiment and explore her "artist" side, much like her idol Imogen Heap (sampling her in Goodnight n Go), while preserving her Pop Star persona, therefore forgetting that experimenting entails walking through uncharted terrain, in which Sweetener rarely strays. It is noticeable that in the cuts produced by Ilya and Pop deity Max Martin (God Is A Woman and Breathin) we can hear an Ariana that is comfortable and secure of her singing abilities (preserving the sound she experimented with in Dangerous Woman), while she feels somehow drowned in the songs produced by Pharrell Williams, overtaking much of Ariana's identity as a singer in spite of the impeccable production. Regardless, Sweetener is an enjoyable ride in the artistry of a singer with one of the best voices in the current Pop landscape and a good footnote in her, hopefully, long-lasting career. Expand
  50. Aug 17, 2018
    Sweetener, for me, didn't fail to amaze me; it is everything I expected (and more) from Ariana. It is personal and experimental, totally unconventional, which I love. Obviously, the songs we're already familiar with (No Tears Left To Cry, The Light Is Coming, and God Is A Woman) continue to be favourites from the album. And for my first listen, songs like Breathin, R.E.M., Better Off,Sweetener, for me, didn't fail to amaze me; it is everything I expected (and more) from Ariana. It is personal and experimental, totally unconventional, which I love. Obviously, the songs we're already familiar with (No Tears Left To Cry, The Light Is Coming, and God Is A Woman) continue to be favourites from the album. And for my first listen, songs like Breathin, R.E.M., Better Off, Goodnight N Go, and Get Well Soon stood out for me; my personal favourite, and the most relatable one to me, is Breathin. Ariana Grande has really sweetened my life with this album. Expand
  51. Aug 17, 2018
    Estou feliz com esse album, letras muito boas, produções diferentes e ótimas, nada genérico, diferente de seus antecessores mas as vezes me lembrou o Yours Truly ❤. Infelizmente não me parece muito com o tipo de música que os fãs dela gostam(mas especificamente os farofeiros) então prevejo muita reclamação
  52. Dec 7, 2020
    Sweetener is a good record, but definetely not the best in Ariana's career, it has a lot of well-written and well-produced songs like "no tears left to cry" and "God is a woman", but there are some songs that doesn't sound like something that Ariana would've done, because they have messy productions or arrangements, like its title track "sweetener" and "the light is coming", besides ofSweetener is a good record, but definetely not the best in Ariana's career, it has a lot of well-written and well-produced songs like "no tears left to cry" and "God is a woman", but there are some songs that doesn't sound like something that Ariana would've done, because they have messy productions or arrangements, like its title track "sweetener" and "the light is coming", besides of that, there are great vocal moments that demostrate the impressive voice and range that Ariana has, like "raindrops" and "goodnight and go", as well as the emotional closing track "get well soon" where she adresses what happened in Manchester. To sum up, a good album, but it could've been better. Expand
  53. Aug 17, 2018
    Ariana really delivered with this record. She and Pharrell make a surprisingly delightful pairing, his innovative beats nicely complementing her powerhouse vocals without overshadowing them (if that's even possible with a voice as formidable as hers), and I take particular pleasure in how strongly Sweetener is influenced by hip hop. Granted, there are moments of adherence to top-40Ariana really delivered with this record. She and Pharrell make a surprisingly delightful pairing, his innovative beats nicely complementing her powerhouse vocals without overshadowing them (if that's even possible with a voice as formidable as hers), and I take particular pleasure in how strongly Sweetener is influenced by hip hop. Granted, there are moments of adherence to top-40 conventions, but such moments are few and far between; when the album hits, it sticks, and this fourth release proves that Grande is an artist only interested in moving forward - personally and musically.

    Highlights include 'God is a woman,' 'sweetener,' 'no tears left to cry,' and 'better off'.
  54. Aug 24, 2018
  55. Nov 29, 2020
    Sweetener is a mix of the new Ariana Grande. She explored a new interesting sound, her vocals improved as always nobody can deny how great a vocalist she is, Pharell was unnecessary in Sweetener in my opinion but Ariana can save her fourth album with an amazingly pure voice and I am so proud of it." Breathin", "God is a woman" and "No Tears Left To cry" are a good representation of new Ari.
  56. Aug 18, 2018
    O álbum acerta muito em suas composições e letras que tornam desse o trabalho mais maduro da Ariana, embora a produção do Pharrell deixe um pouco a desejar com alguma batidas fracas e genéricas,e Ariana talvez devesse ter utilizado um pouco mais seus poderosos vocais como principal ferramenta, o álbum consegue ser um trabalho promissor,
  57. Aug 31, 2018
    wish there were more songs like R.E.M, God is a woman and no tears left to cry. Trying to reignite the 90s chill diva vibe, sweetener is a good album to clean the house and do the homework. Ariana found the perfect style for her music tho Dangerous Woman still sounds like her pinnackle.
  58. Aug 17, 2018
    Um dos melhores álbuns de Ariana Grande. Para os fans, eles vão "estranhar" pela ousadia em que ela se propôs a fazer, explorando outras sonoridades. Sweetener se considera com um dos trabalho mais coeso de sua carreira.
  59. Sep 5, 2018
    Okay, let's get this out of the way. Borderline sucks and is a waste of Missy Elliot. However, everything else on this album ranges from good to great. The production is a change for Ari, but still bops, as do her vocals
  60. Aug 19, 2018
    All songs on sweetener are exceptional, but almost all of them adopt the same dream-pop sound. The fifteen-track album could have been an EP and would leave the same sonical effect on listeners. Favourite tracks: the light is coming, R.E.M, God is a woman, borderline
  61. Aug 17, 2018
    (Saga das Músicas, blog) ‘Sweetener’ é nitidamente seu trabalho mais maduro até então. Suas letras fogem da fofura extrema que a cantora estava fadada a viver graças à seu personagem infantil. Ariana decidiu investir em sua felicidade em primeiro lugar, talvez após perceber que a vida não é eterna. Ela está cantando algo que gosta, compondo sobre o que quer, e aos poucos, conquistando(Saga das Músicas, blog) ‘Sweetener’ é nitidamente seu trabalho mais maduro até então. Suas letras fogem da fofura extrema que a cantora estava fadada a viver graças à seu personagem infantil. Ariana decidiu investir em sua felicidade em primeiro lugar, talvez após perceber que a vida não é eterna. Ela está cantando algo que gosta, compondo sobre o que quer, e aos poucos, conquistando novos fãs. Talvez não agrade o mainstream e os seus fãs que a vem acompanhando desde 2012, mas é claramente uma mudança para melhor. Uma pena não ter mais mulheres envolvidas em sua produção! Expand
  62. Aug 30, 2018
    Sweetener is an album that incorporates a new facet in the musical career of Ariana Grande. With letters of superacion and a great and intimate love to her boyfriend Pete Davidson. The strong point of the album is the voice of Ariana, personally I think it is her best album vocally.
    In if the album is very good, but we expected more.
  63. Aug 17, 2018
    Cohesive, intelligent, emotional, personal and punctuated by thrilling tributes to Manchester attack, Ariana Grande's new work is one of her bests. Grande delivers a psychological journey through her philosophy of life, with creative and addictive beats and well-chosen optimistic songs. The album would be perfect for listening while watching the stars or a meteor rain, due to itsCohesive, intelligent, emotional, personal and punctuated by thrilling tributes to Manchester attack, Ariana Grande's new work is one of her bests. Grande delivers a psychological journey through her philosophy of life, with creative and addictive beats and well-chosen optimistic songs. The album would be perfect for listening while watching the stars or a meteor rain, due to its brushstrokes of critical thinking, deep tracks and its cosmic, weird and sensual aura. The fact that Ariana swims against the tide of mainstream music and puts more politeness in her voice are also insights to consider.
    Despite the good aspects, Ariana stumbles on making a great album - just like her previous ones, but not a thunderous pop-anthems filled album, which she needs to secure her place in mainstream and establish her as the best one in the new generation of female pop artists.
  64. Sep 29, 2018
    A very solid work of art that was compounded by the commercial and musical success of every single on the album. Featured notable contributions from established artists and the artist tracks delivered well. The album, however, lacked consistency and, despite being a shift in Ariana's nature, was somewhat messy. A great album overall.
  65. Aug 17, 2018
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Definitely not her best album but it feels like a really good and cohesive body of work, perfect mix of R&B and Pop music. The only thing I actually didn't enjoyed at all was Pharrel production above some songs. Best on the record: R.E.M, God Is A Woman, Successful, Everytime, Breathing, NTLTC and Borderline because of Missy Elliott part Expand
  66. Aug 17, 2018
    From start to finish, this album is a fun, unique, ray of sunshine. The title track is an infectious and very odd sounding song, but leaves you dancing and smiling. From pop perfection like God is a Woman, No Tears Left To Cry, and Breathin, to emotional deep cuts like Better Off and Get Well Soon, to the very exploratory Pharrell R&B songs like Successful and Sweetener, there's so manyFrom start to finish, this album is a fun, unique, ray of sunshine. The title track is an infectious and very odd sounding song, but leaves you dancing and smiling. From pop perfection like God is a Woman, No Tears Left To Cry, and Breathin, to emotional deep cuts like Better Off and Get Well Soon, to the very exploratory Pharrell R&B songs like Successful and Sweetener, there's so many different things to enjoy, from sounds to themes. Expand
  67. Aug 17, 2018
    Ariana’s fourth studio album ‘Sweetener’ is all about being balance. The first half of the record features glitchy, R&B infused Pharrell produced songs - including the tropical mediocrity of Blazed and the brilliant dreamy state of REM. It’s a risky move for such an established pop star, known for her huge choruses and pop deliciousness. However, the risk pays off. Ariana’s taken a newAriana’s fourth studio album ‘Sweetener’ is all about being balance. The first half of the record features glitchy, R&B infused Pharrell produced songs - including the tropical mediocrity of Blazed and the brilliant dreamy state of REM. It’s a risky move for such an established pop star, known for her huge choruses and pop deliciousness. However, the risk pays off. Ariana’s taken a new approach rom her music that sounds incredibly refreshingly. Those fans who feared Ariana might not be the pop starlet they once loved anymore can rest easy from track eight (the Max Martin standard pop of Everytime) onwards, as Ariana throws back her sound back to her warm, R&B roots from ‘My Everything’ with the explicit and raw Better Off and the uneventfully dull Pete Davidson. Her ‘Dangerous Woman’ days pop up in many ways also, with the runner for third single, Breathin and the Imogen Heap covered Goodnight n Go. Ariana’s at her best when she’s gets personal about her anxiety in emotional tracks such as Get Well Soon - a chaotically beautiful collection of her panicked thoughts that finishes with 40 seconds to spare; a haunting tribute to the victims of the 2017 Manchester Attack. Expand
  68. Aug 18, 2018
    Very cohesive. It's more of my preference musically. It's great that she's doing something different from the usual sound that the general public usually knows her for, but is still very much "her". Lyrically, she sings more about her feelings and other topics and not just sing about love. While not all tracks are..."worthy", it's still an overall good album. Definitely not as bad as mostVery cohesive. It's more of my preference musically. It's great that she's doing something different from the usual sound that the general public usually knows her for, but is still very much "her". Lyrically, she sings more about her feelings and other topics and not just sing about love. While not all tracks are..."worthy", it's still an overall good album. Definitely not as bad as most people say (though they're probably biased, trolling, etc.). People need to at least appreciate the effort that was put in this album. Expand
  69. Aug 17, 2018
    This is Ariana's best album to date! No filler just quality! I think others dont like this album because this is different from her past three album.
  70. Mar 27, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. "Sweetener" is quiet and melodic album but sometimes unpredictable. Grande did a step forward and showed us her great power. No tears left to cry, god is a woman, breathin, everytime. raindrops(an angel cried), goodnight n go demonstrate us all power of her voice and opportunities. But I can't deny that some tracks like Pete Davidson, successful and borderline are cheap. But anyway Grande made a beautiful album and you should listen to it! Expand
  71. Aug 23, 2018
    I've listened to this album about 5 times since it came out and at first I really enjoyed it, and I still do, but with more listens a few of the songs go stale for me. The standout singles God is a woman and No Tears Left To Cry were to me also the best songs on the album to me. Songs like The Light Is Coming (feat. Nicki Minaj) and Better Off miss the mark and make for easily forgettableI've listened to this album about 5 times since it came out and at first I really enjoyed it, and I still do, but with more listens a few of the songs go stale for me. The standout singles God is a woman and No Tears Left To Cry were to me also the best songs on the album to me. Songs like The Light Is Coming (feat. Nicki Minaj) and Better Off miss the mark and make for easily forgettable songs. Overall I still think this is a great album and is a great showcase of Grande's beautiful vocals and now more adult songwriting skills. Expand
  72. Aug 31, 2018
    I love this album it's so different from what she has put out before, there are some skippable songs on the album but that's normal for any album honestly but there are a lot of bops on this album: breathin got me wigless, Better off has me crying in singleness, and goodnight n go cleared my skin... h2gkmo and stream sweetener.
  73. Aug 31, 2018
    Ariana Grande is moving from her musical comfort zone, and she's doing good anyways.
    I can't say "Sweetener" is a perfect album, but it's a great new start for Ariana, who must follow this flow of change.
    In this album we can't notice, as much as the previous ones, notable tracks (except "No tears left to cry"). But this is not necessarily a negative thing. The production is well done,
    Ariana Grande is moving from her musical comfort zone, and she's doing good anyways.
    I can't say "Sweetener" is a perfect album, but it's a great new start for Ariana, who must follow this flow of change.

    In this album we can't notice, as much as the previous ones, notable tracks (except "No tears left to cry"). But this is not necessarily a negative thing. The production is well done, the vibe is good and we can all notice the work behind this album. I really enjoyed Pharrel's productions, even though many people didn't. But the only big problem with "Sweetener" is the lyrics, that work for most of the songs, but not in every of them.

    My top 3 is:
    1. "R.E.M"
    2. "The light is coming" ft. Nicki Minaj
    3. "successful"
    bonus: "God is a woman"

    This may not be the best album of the year, but Ariana is working to achieve this goal.

    7,6/10 (8 for Metacritic)
  74. Sep 19, 2018
    Grande is expanding her music style, and the result is sweet pop recipe that goes beyond modern pop standards.
  75. Jan 7, 2019
    Truly the most artistic project by the artist. It feels like a post-traumatic portrait of Ariana's life, with her lifting herself up like a soft yet heavenly breeze. Sustained by an experimental R&B sound, the most calm tracks reveal either a genuine and sincere vision of the singer's relationships, or her struggles and meditation about life. On the other hand, the Pop side of the albumTruly the most artistic project by the artist. It feels like a post-traumatic portrait of Ariana's life, with her lifting herself up like a soft yet heavenly breeze. Sustained by an experimental R&B sound, the most calm tracks reveal either a genuine and sincere vision of the singer's relationships, or her struggles and meditation about life. On the other hand, the Pop side of the album shows a mature and vivid figure confessing out with her own powerful voice. The entire piece is like a pastel drawing of a gaseous landscape, with stronger or weaker strokes in peacefully rhythms composing a bright state of mind glowing in a dark space. Expand
  76. Apr 16, 2019
    At first listening, I didn't really like the album. But it grows on you as you listen to every song. Not catchy, and it didn't left a mark on me, but it's the kind of album you listen once and again because you actually enjoyed, not because it is a mix of bubblegum pop songs.
  77. May 8, 2019
    É um ótimo album, coeso e interessante, Ariana sempre lançando trabalhos de qualidade

    Melhores do album

    The Light Is Coming♥️
    God Is A Woman♥️
    No Tears Left To Cry♥️
    Get Well Soon♥️
  78. Jun 3, 2019
    Um álbum bem construído, foge do pop que estávamos acostumados, o que causa certa estranheza, apesar de ter os hinos No Tears Left To Cry e God Is A Woman
  79. Dec 6, 2019
    It's one of most original and diversified Ariana's album. A great and cohesive work.
  80. Aug 24, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Ariana nesse álbum ousa na sua criatividade. Uma mescla de pop e r&b, Sweetener foi realmente o melhor álbum pop de 2018. The light is coming e goodnight n go são exemplos no contraste em que o álbum possui em certos momentos. Mesmo assim, ambas são diferenciadas e combinam com a temática do álbum. A cantora, que antes tinha feito trabalhos bem inferiores mesmo, mostra neste álbum sua verdadeira potência vocal. Sweetener é a verdadeira evolução de Ariana Grande. Expand
  81. Aug 31, 2019
    The single in this album (Breatin ,NTLTC, GIAW) is the best song from her but for me the songs in the album is lack of replay value such as Sweetener,TLIC, Successful and Blazed. I think this is not her best album because she produce the album with Pharrell Williams.
  82. Nov 4, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album has: concept, acclaim, feminism. This album is perfect! congratulations ariana Expand
  83. Jan 10, 2020
    Sweetener has many incredible song, such as “breathin” or “get well soon”, but some of them are disappointing (for example borderline). Nonetheless, it’s a very good album.
  84. Apr 1, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Un álbum pop, experimental para ser de Ariana Grande siendo un gran ejemplo de reflejo de los problemas mentales.
    Aún así tiene muchos contrapuntos en la producción de un par de canciones, por ejemplo; Blazed, Goodnight n go, Get Well Soon.
  85. Apr 19, 2020
    Tiene muy buenas canciones como God Is A Woman, NASA y Raindrops. Sin embargo muchas suenan a relleno. Le doy créditos por intentar algo más experimental y cambiar un poco el sonido que llevaba, sin embargo este disco no es uno de mis favoritos. Si no fuera porque honestamente pienso que God Is a Woman es una obra de arte de principio a fin (producción, letra, visuales, coreografías enTiene muy buenas canciones como God Is A Woman, NASA y Raindrops. Sin embargo muchas suenan a relleno. Le doy créditos por intentar algo más experimental y cambiar un poco el sonido que llevaba, sin embargo este disco no es uno de mis favoritos. Si no fuera porque honestamente pienso que God Is a Woman es una obra de arte de principio a fin (producción, letra, visuales, coreografías en los shows en vivo, etc) mi puntuación sería bastante más baja. Ojalá le hubiera dado ese rumbo a todo el disco. Ps: alguien dígale que las colaboraciones con Nicki Minaj ya no funcionan. Gracias Expand
  86. May 29, 2020
    Poderia ter sido melhor, não que seja ruim, mas a Ariana tem um potencial melhor. Há muitas musicas iguais. Esperava muito mas infelizmente não foi o que eu ganhei.
  87. Jul 24, 2020
    This album gave 'no tears left to cry' and 'God is a woman.' This is like chapter 1 for Ariana before dropping the entire thesis which is 'thank u, next'.
  88. Nov 28, 2020
    This is her freshest sounding album, it hasn't aged a day sonically speaking. Because of that, I can look past the fact that she literally has a track named after a now-ex of hers, because this album really shines among her discography.
  89. Nov 2, 2020
    Game changing album in her career, with Sweetener she became the most powerful woman in the industry. Album contains elements of different genres and that's what makes it's production so interesting and unique. Sweetener is also her most experimental and non-commercial album, because of that many people found it strange and unfortunately they don't like it.
  90. Oct 14, 2020
    É o album mais pessoal da Ariana e também o mais controverso pois tem musicas que para alguns pode significar blasfemia (na verdade God is woman é uma musica de empoderamento feminino com algumas alusões á obra divina talvez seja por isso que religiosos não gostaram), tem também uma musica dedicada ao seu ex-noivo (a canção é perfeita o que estraga é o seu titulo), na minha opinião esteÉ o album mais pessoal da Ariana e também o mais controverso pois tem musicas que para alguns pode significar blasfemia (na verdade God is woman é uma musica de empoderamento feminino com algumas alusões á obra divina talvez seja por isso que religiosos não gostaram), tem também uma musica dedicada ao seu ex-noivo (a canção é perfeita o que estraga é o seu titulo), na minha opinião este album é muito angelical tanto que na musica intro parece que estamos entrando no céu, esse album conseguiu ajudar mentalmente a Ariana pois ela passou por um trauma (atentado no seu show em Manchester) depois disso ela ficou muito abalada e acabou ficando mais ansiosa, melancólica, e sensível nas coisas, a produção do album foi uma auto-ajuda para ela conseguir superar e seguir em frente, por isso ela conseguiu se abrir e relatar todas as suas dores nessa album com a ajuda do produtor Pharrell. É um ótimo album para ficar calmo/a e com muitos conceitos incríveis por isso minha nota é 8.0 Expand
  91. May 8, 2021
    We can definetly say that this is her most experimental album, it is also her first album that is actually personal. There are 3 skips but the other songs are amazing! My favorites are R.E.M, God Is A Woman, Breathin, Better off, Goodnight N Go and Get Well Soon.
  92. Sep 30, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The album is interesting. There are songs that convey a vibe, a delicious and addictive energy to feel. There are tracks that aren't that good, I would take them off if I were Ariana. The compositions are strong and very reflective. The tracks are pretty well lined up, with good instrumentals and harmonics to listen to, an interesting excellence. Expand
  93. Mar 24, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. dou uma nota 8 pq tem algumas músicas que salvam, raindrops é uma delasjdjdjddksdkkdjdkdkdk Expand
  94. Aug 18, 2018
    Two years after the release of her monumental third studio album, "Dangerous Woman", Ariana Grande is back with a fourth album that is solid, not quite as accomplished nor nearly as perfectly-crafted as its precedent.

    After the beautiful acapella opener 'raindrops', "Sweetener" starts to find Grande experimenting with broader sounds than she did with her previous projects, teaming up
    Two years after the release of her monumental third studio album, "Dangerous Woman", Ariana Grande is back with a fourth album that is solid, not quite as accomplished nor nearly as perfectly-crafted as its precedent.

    After the beautiful acapella opener 'raindrops', "Sweetener" starts to find Grande experimenting with broader sounds than she did with her previous projects, teaming up with Pharrell Williams to create urban trap/hip-hop productions that turn out to not always work for her: 'blazed' for instance is so dull and monotonous, 'the light is coming' with Nicki Minaj, even though a grower, is nevertheless the weakest collaboration the two artists released, the title-track feels like a three-tracks-in-one all-over-the-place mess, and 'successful' is forgettable and doesn't live up to its title. However, not all the Pharrell-assisted tracks are a miss: the closer, 'get well soon' is a beautiful rendition to the Manchester terrorist attack and to the fans, and it sounds like it could fit perfectly on her debut, "Yours Truly".

    What is very noticeable about this record, is that its second half is way better than its first. The album truly starts to shine when Ariana ditches the trappy experimental sounds, and goes back to her power-pop gems with tracks like 'breathin', 'God is a woman' (which is one of the absolute best tracks Grande has ever released), and 'everytime'. She gets vulnerable on other highlight 'better off' and puts her beautiful pipes to use on the beautiful 'goodnight n go'.

    "Sweetener" may not live up to the greatness of "Dangerous Woman", which will forever stand as the pinnacle in Grande's career, but it sure has a bunch of songs to not be slept on.
  95. Feb 15, 2019
    Sweetener can sometimes be bitter at first, but it can be a good job in the course of your listening. Although their vocals are impeccable, some songs leave something to be desired, especially those featuring songs.

    Sweet Tracks: Breathin 'and Goodnight N Go
    Bitter tracks: The light is coming
  96. Sep 16, 2018
    Definitely accomplishes it's sweet premise, but it disappoints considering Ariana's trajectory. Many tracks on this album offer a well-produced and well-written sweet mature tracks but it also has tracks with average writing and messy production that make really hard for the listener to be able to enjoy the first listens and some others just don't do enough to differentiate from an averageDefinitely accomplishes it's sweet premise, but it disappoints considering Ariana's trajectory. Many tracks on this album offer a well-produced and well-written sweet mature tracks but it also has tracks with average writing and messy production that make really hard for the listener to be able to enjoy the first listens and some others just don't do enough to differentiate from an average pop radio song. Expand
  97. Oct 9, 2018
    When the triple threat "No Tears Left To Cry" - "The Light is Coming" - "God is a Woman" came out, I was really excited for this album to be released. However, I was disappointed. The songs on the album are just great, but the production has been ruined by Pharrell Williams, except those tracks that were produced by Max Martin and Ilya. You can see that Ariana Grande's team is very smartWhen the triple threat "No Tears Left To Cry" - "The Light is Coming" - "God is a Woman" came out, I was really excited for this album to be released. However, I was disappointed. The songs on the album are just great, but the production has been ruined by Pharrell Williams, except those tracks that were produced by Max Martin and Ilya. You can see that Ariana Grande's team is very smart as they have released almost all the songs that weren't made by Pharrell as singles. The only 2 songs that were produced by him that I can enjoy on this album is TLIC (as I mentioned) and R.E.M. Expand
  98. Aug 24, 2018
    When this record starts with blazed, i thought to myself this was gonna be a different kind of album, it's different style of production, the groovy flow, and pharell's presence make it stand out in the song, but as the album goes on, the becomes a true pop album.

    This is still a quality pop album, pharell influence is really a welcomed one, Ariana Grande's voice is simply amazing, the
    When this record starts with blazed, i thought to myself this was gonna be a different kind of album, it's different style of production, the groovy flow, and pharell's presence make it stand out in the song, but as the album goes on, the becomes a true pop album.

    This is still a quality pop album, pharell influence is really a welcomed one, Ariana Grande's voice is simply amazing, the way she makes it look effortless makes me love it even more.

    although some songs fall flat like R.E.M or Sweetener most songs go from good to great in quality, the great production, Ariana Grande's amazing and passionate voice make this a good listen for sure

    Favorite songs: God is a woman, no tears, left to cry, blazed, goodnight and go, better off
    Least Favorite songs: R.E.M, Sweetener
  99. Aug 17, 2018
    The album is not bad. The second part is so good. But the first part is awful. Pharrell is a good producer and he has made great hits, but lately he’s not that good. The songs produced by him are bad. Thanks God Max Martin and Ilya were on the production of some songs. Ari, you can do better. Dangerous Woman remains superior.
  100. Aug 17, 2018
    Now when I say everyone was waiting to see the return of Ariana, after what happened in May last year, I don’t think anyone expected her to comeback with such grace, and as much confidence, as soon as she did. This is what makes her such an incredible human. Not only did she go back to Manchester and hold a real **** you hate” concert, and to celebrate the lives of the 22 angels thatNow when I say everyone was waiting to see the return of Ariana, after what happened in May last year, I don’t think anyone expected her to comeback with such grace, and as much confidence, as soon as she did. This is what makes her such an incredible human. Not only did she go back to Manchester and hold a real **** you hate” concert, and to celebrate the lives of the 22 angels that heaven gained, she continued with her bravery and carried on making music. Even though what happened put her in a really bad place, she took that and turnt what could have lead to her silence for years, and bounced back with some beautiful music, and she came back more mature and more brave and daring that she probably has ever been in her life.This album, really marks a huge milestone. Not only in Ariana’s career, but for her fans, and generally in music too. Not many artists would have thought back the way that Ariana did and I think she has gained a new level of respect from the music industry, other artists, her fans, people who aren’t her fans, those from the UK, and everyone else from around the world. I do feel this album will be remembered as a symbol of bravery because of that, and Ariana, and her fans should be so proud.The album as a whole actually is incredible. Not only because of the triumphant return, and the story behind it, but because Ariana took risks musically and it payed off. There was a few songs on the album that after a few listens could get better, and there are a few songs that may not, but generally, the album is great. There are some great songs. I’m excited to see more from Ariana in the future.I feel proud of Ariana, and I feel everyone else should too. Congratulations Ariana for making such a bomb ass album, and reminding us that we can all say **** you to hatred. Expand

Universal acclaim - based on 20 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 20
  2. Negative: 0 out of 20
  1. Aug 31, 2018
    Grande’s new sound, the Williams-produced Not-Bangers, only make up half of the album. These standout tracks are interspersed between standard pop tracks. ... That’s not to say that the Bangers on Sweetener are bad--it’s more that they belong in previous era of Grande and they spoil the flow between songs. Sweetener may not be the dawning of a new age for Ariana but it could be a step towards somewhere weird and wonderful.
  2. Aug 29, 2018
    Ms. Grande backs up her statements with song-and-dance mastery. ... She’s her own choir, support group and posse. While a few guest vocalists (Mr. Williams, Nicki Minaj, Missy Elliott) provide a little grit for contrast, Ms. Grande sails above any fray, past or present. Her aplomb is her triumph.
  3. Aug 28, 2018
    An album that coheres in a way other Ariana Grande albums don't, which means Sweetener is something of a double triumph: she's come through a tough time stronger and better than before.