• Record Label: BMG
  • Release Date: Nov 10, 2017
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 57 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 48 out of 57
  2. Negative: 7 out of 57
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  1. Jun 17, 2018
    Their best album since their 2011 selftitled abum. I really love the cohesion in it.
  2. Jun 17, 2018
    This album deserves one or two Grammy's.
  3. Jun 9, 2018
    Synthesis is a beautiful conceptual work by the rock band, it's a mix of modern rock with electro-orchestral arrangements. Gone are the heavy guitars and drums, leaving away nothing but Amy's beautiful vocals over the new stunning instrumentation.
    While the new version of Bring Me Back to Life kind of put me down, Imperfection & Lacrymosa made believe in this project once again. But
    Synthesis is a beautiful conceptual work by the rock band, it's a mix of modern rock with electro-orchestral arrangements. Gone are the heavy guitars and drums, leaving away nothing but Amy's beautiful vocals over the new stunning instrumentation.
    While the new version of Bring Me Back to Life kind of put me down, Imperfection & Lacrymosa made believe in this project once again. But nothing was much more fresher than when I first heard it on full, the flow of the tracks was heavenly.
    Some tracks aren't so strong as stand alone's but End of the Dream, Hi-Lo and the gorgeous transition between Unravelling interlude and Imaginary are one of the most beautiful musical moments of this year.
    I definitely recommend this album to anyone who's looking for good music in this such disappointing year. It's something you'd listen to on the road, while working, studying, before you sleep, anytime & anywhere.
  4. Nov 30, 2017
    It's so amazing! Synthesis is a mix of orchestra with alternative rock. Amy Lee's voice is so powerful, the guitars are great and the drums are incredible!
  5. Jun 17, 2018
    Not their best album but they did a great job, my favorite is definitely Hi-Lo.
  6. Sep 8, 2019
    Ótimo álbum, Amy Lee como sempre uma excelente compositora nas poucas músicas novas. Esperando pelo próximo álbum.
  7. Nov 11, 2019
    This album is a breath of fresh air. What Synthesis does is aim to re imagine some of Evanescence Older Singles and Deep Cuts, and it does it really well. Each track is really well done, and the Orchestra does a beautiful job of preforming these songs. If you enjoy more Orchestrated music and less production, this is the Album for you.
  8. Aug 27, 2020
    Este álbum es realmente increíble, contiene unas instrumentales realmente preciosas, unos de los mejores álbumes de remasterizaciónes!, amy lee una voz impecable unos altos increible! Muy versátil, imperfection y hi-lo las nuevas canciónes son Realmente increibles el mensaje que transmite imperfection es único y la colaboración con Lindsey Stirling en hi-lo es única!
  9. Feb 25, 2022
    I love Amy Lee and Evanescence
  10. Jul 17, 2018
    Evanescence have grown up considerably, and it does show here. There are many tracks here that are simply better than the originals, and the band takes a step forward with some of the decisions made here. Songs like "End of the Dream" (a song that slowly builds on itself, ending with a triumphant chorus) and "Hi-Lo" (featuring a distinct middle-eastern melody and a piano-violin duelEvanescence have grown up considerably, and it does show here. There are many tracks here that are simply better than the originals, and the band takes a step forward with some of the decisions made here. Songs like "End of the Dream" (a song that slowly builds on itself, ending with a triumphant chorus) and "Hi-Lo" (featuring a distinct middle-eastern melody and a piano-violin duel between Lindsey Stirling and Singer Amy Lee) bring forth a lasting impact on the listener, while the piano intro, interlude, and outro feature some classically-inspired music that should simultaneously be something new and familiar to long-time Evanescence fans. Lee's vocals have also improved considerably, and truly shine in tracks like "Lacrymosa" and "Your Star".
    Highlights: "Hi-Lo", "Lacrymosa", "End of the Dream", "Never Go Back", "Lost in Paradise"
  11. Dec 1, 2017
    Amy Lee's dream made real. A stunning work, perfect voice, perfect orchestration, perfect electronics, the rest of the band a little bit shaded. I only would have insert some different songs, in the play-list, such as THE CHANGE and GOOD ENOUGH.
    Can't wait to see them in march!
  12. Nov 24, 2018
    I've been an Evanescence fan for a really long time. Love the band and their amazing work!

    But let's be honest here. When Synthesis was announced and the intent. Many of us were kinda scratching our heads trying to figure out what was trying to be achieved here and it's' quite simple: "The rework of familiar and icon songs with the usage of a blend of old and new music styles."
    I've been an Evanescence fan for a really long time. Love the band and their amazing work!

    But let's be honest here. When Synthesis was announced and the intent. Many of us were kinda scratching our heads trying to figure out what was trying to be achieved here and it's' quite simple:

    "The rework of familiar and icon songs with the usage of a blend of old and new music styles."

    And was it done well? For some songs. Hell yeah! But for others you need to really listen to it over and over again. Because some songs like imaginary for example didn't really need a rework. but with Bring Me to Life that song is quite better than the original rendition.

    This is truly a heads or tails album that you may love some of the songs but for others. You wish it was replaced or not in the album at all.

    I still recommend grabbing this album and giving it a try.
  13. Oct 4, 2020
    It is more of a rearrangement or revision of old tracks then a complete new album. As fan of Evanescence I like it but it is also a bit of a disappointment. They wanted to go through their previous songs and rework them. For itself it is well done. Great orchestral music in combination with Amy Lees beautiful voice. Surprisingly I like the reworked songs while going in with poorIt is more of a rearrangement or revision of old tracks then a complete new album. As fan of Evanescence I like it but it is also a bit of a disappointment. They wanted to go through their previous songs and rework them. For itself it is well done. Great orchestral music in combination with Amy Lees beautiful voice. Surprisingly I like the reworked songs while going in with poor expectations. “My Hearth is Broken, “End of a Dream”, “Imaginary”, “Lithium” “My Immortal” and “Bring me to Live” still deliver. So much beautiful and sad songs. Also there is “Hi-Lo” which is a collaboration with Lindsey Stirling who I also like. Would recommend her YouTube medleys and her albums “Shatter Me” and “Lindsey Stirling”. Then there is “Imperfection” which is another great and new song that fits well. Has on a side-note also a good music video. Overall I am divided. On one hand this is close to a best of album and is really good. On the other hand it is a small disappointment and has not much new material. I will give an 8/10 and recommendation as final rating because of this. Expand
  14. Aug 31, 2019
    A good recreation of previous music. However the lack of new songs makes it rather boring for old fans and does not give the excitement other albums have given. But overall it is a good album and shines light on a new side of Evanescence and shows off Amy’s vocal ability.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 4 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 4
  2. Negative: 0 out of 4
  1. Kerrang!
    Nov 30, 2017
    It frequently feels like one of those remix albums where tinkering guests have tried too hard to put their own stamp on proceedings, resulting in curios that are momentarily interesting, but will never replace the established versions in your affections on your playlists. [11 Nov 2017, p.50]
  2. Nov 30, 2017
    This kind of proudly theatrical arrangement would suit Amy Lee well for years, and that's why Synthesis doesn't feel like a holding pattern: It feels like the start of a new chapter.
  3. 70
    A handful of solo piano interludes also summon inescapable echoes of Spinal Tap’s Lick My Love Pump. Overall, though, Synthesis feels like a successful experiment.