• Record Label: Atlantic
  • Release Date: Mar 20, 2022

Generally favorable reviews - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 7
  2. Negative: 0 out of 7
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  1. Mar 30, 2022
    These are recognizably Weezer songs, but they're livelier in execution, benefitting from a palpable sense of playfulness on the part of the band.
  2. Mar 29, 2022
    That’s how Spring feels: a lot of planning, a shrug to finish. Like OK Human, this is a product of the pandemic. Unlike OK Human, it actually sounds like it.
  3. Mar 28, 2022
    Whether or not you can stomach this will depend on your schmaltz tolerance. In truth, the sum total of these seven songs is insubstantial. They sound like spring only superficially, the Vivaldi connection isn’t carried past the first song, and Cuomo’s lyrics rarely ascend above cliché.
  4. Mar 21, 2022
    This EP finds Weezer safely in its comfort zone, leaving a big challenge for the rest of the EPs in the series. But for now, fans can still enjoy the fact that Weezer can sometimes—when the right effort is made—sound genuinely great.
  5. Mar 21, 2022
    Spring certainly isn't the worst Weezer album (don't worry, Pacific Daydream, that title still belongs to you!), but it's frustrating to hear them sabotaging their own songs in a futile attempt to pin down the sound of a season. So far, SZNZ feels less like a lofty concept and more like silly gimmick.
  6. Mar 21, 2022
    Grading on a curve, the composition, “Opening Night,” deserves a solid B. It’s dorky, catchy, and whimsical. ... The rest of their springtime retreat sounds generally more Weezerish. ... As with the corniness of “Opening Night,” Cuomo’s strong knack for vocal melodies throughout saves a lot of otherwise half-baked or cliched lyrics.
  7. Mar 21, 2022
    Spring really is more interesting than a one-off single yet not so great that it begs for the full-LP treatment. The little-loved EP format, with its equal space for consistency and experimentation, suits this incarnation of Weezer just fine.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 16 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 16
  2. Negative: 0 out of 16
  1. Mar 21, 2022
    A continuation with the experimentation that OKH brought along. It's a lighter affair to fit the season of Spring but a collection of 7 solid tracks.
  2. Mar 24, 2022
    If we’re being honest here, this album isn’t for everyone, but at this point in Rivers’ career I don’t think he cares what people think of theIf we’re being honest here, this album isn’t for everyone, but at this point in Rivers’ career I don’t think he cares what people think of the albums he writes. This seems like a passion project for him and I can’t hate him for it. I have higher hopes for summer but who knows. The only track I actually enjoy a fair amount is angels on vacation, which has the most weezer-y sound. I will say this album is original at least, you won’t hear anything else like it. Full Review »
  3. Mar 23, 2022
    Really love all the tracks here. Angels On Vacation, Garden Of Eden, Sound Of Drums, All This Love and Wild at Heart are definite highlights.