• Record Label: Atlantic
  • Release Date: Mar 20, 2022
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 16 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 16
  2. Negative: 0 out of 16
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  1. Oct 16, 2022
    While it does not reach the heights and emotion of the masterpiece that is OK Human and would have been better had Jake Sinclair been its sole producer, this is still a masterfully written and arranged LP (I refuse to call it an EP because it is too good to be an EP), one that is beyond addictive. Listening to 'A Little Bit of Love' alone feels like being injected with an extra dose ofWhile it does not reach the heights and emotion of the masterpiece that is OK Human and would have been better had Jake Sinclair been its sole producer, this is still a masterfully written and arranged LP (I refuse to call it an EP because it is too good to be an EP), one that is beyond addictive. Listening to 'A Little Bit of Love' alone feels like being injected with an extra dose of dopamine; the chorus of 'Opening Night' sends me back to The Blue Album; the bridge of 'Angels on Vacation' tears at my heartstrings; 'Garden of Eden' is as sweet as homemade apple pie; the chorus of 'The Sound of Drums' reminds me of the under appreciated Green Album; 'All This Love', once again, sees the band delve into yet another emotional bridge while delivering the most classical song on the album, reminiscent of OK Human; and last but not least, perhaps the best song on the album, 'Wild at Heart' combines the folk nature of this humble LP with the big guitars many associate the band with, while the huge outro guitars signal the beginning of something new as we look forward to Summer! Expand
  2. Oct 4, 2022
    One of the less offensive pop centric Weezer releases. It lacks in any rock style tracks in favor of very laid back and poppy music. For what it is it's not bad at all, just very standard Weezer.
  3. Jun 10, 2022
    A great background music to relax, to study or drowse to.
    Can't wait for another - Summer, Autumn and Winter - chapters.
  4. Mar 26, 2022
    Every track is great and original sounding. I have found myself listening through the entire album multiple times and not once feeling like I didn’t like what I was hearing. You can’t say that about many albums. I will say my first listen, I was not complaining sold on it, but after a few more tries it really convinced me how incredible this album is. I think it ranks with some of the bestEvery track is great and original sounding. I have found myself listening through the entire album multiple times and not once feeling like I didn’t like what I was hearing. You can’t say that about many albums. I will say my first listen, I was not complaining sold on it, but after a few more tries it really convinced me how incredible this album is. I think it ranks with some of the best of Weezer, even how different it may sound. I’m not sure how they did it, but it feels like Spring! Expand
  5. Mar 24, 2022
    If we’re being honest here, this album isn’t for everyone, but at this point in Rivers’ career I don’t think he cares what people think of the albums he writes. This seems like a passion project for him and I can’t hate him for it. I have higher hopes for summer but who knows. The only track I actually enjoy a fair amount is angels on vacation, which has the most weezer-y sound. I will sayIf we’re being honest here, this album isn’t for everyone, but at this point in Rivers’ career I don’t think he cares what people think of the albums he writes. This seems like a passion project for him and I can’t hate him for it. I have higher hopes for summer but who knows. The only track I actually enjoy a fair amount is angels on vacation, which has the most weezer-y sound. I will say this album is original at least, you won’t hear anything else like it. Collapse
  6. Mar 23, 2022
    Really love all the tracks here. Angels On Vacation, Garden Of Eden, Sound Of Drums, All This Love and Wild at Heart are definite highlights.
  7. Mar 21, 2022
    A continuation with the experimentation that OKH brought along. It's a lighter affair to fit the season of Spring but a collection of 7 solid tracks.
  8. Mar 21, 2022
    Undeniably light on substance but still plenty affable and charming all the same, the folk-rock stylings of "SZNS: Spring" prove a natural fit for Weezer's more whimsical tendencies (although big guitars are by no means completely out) and a good match for the vibe of the titular season, ensuring that the band's year-long project gets off to a breezily agreeable start.

    Choice Cuts:
    Undeniably light on substance but still plenty affable and charming all the same, the folk-rock stylings of "SZNS: Spring" prove a natural fit for Weezer's more whimsical tendencies (although big guitars are by no means completely out) and a good match for the vibe of the titular season, ensuring that the band's year-long project gets off to a breezily agreeable start.

    Choice Cuts: "Angels on Vacation," "A Little Bit of Love," "The Garden of Eden"

Generally favorable reviews - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 7
  2. Negative: 0 out of 7
  1. Mar 30, 2022
    These are recognizably Weezer songs, but they're livelier in execution, benefitting from a palpable sense of playfulness on the part of the band.
  2. Mar 29, 2022
    That’s how Spring feels: a lot of planning, a shrug to finish. Like OK Human, this is a product of the pandemic. Unlike OK Human, it actually sounds like it.
  3. Mar 28, 2022
    Whether or not you can stomach this will depend on your schmaltz tolerance. In truth, the sum total of these seven songs is insubstantial. They sound like spring only superficially, the Vivaldi connection isn’t carried past the first song, and Cuomo’s lyrics rarely ascend above cliché.