• Record Label: Iamsound
  • Release Date: Feb 1, 2011

Generally favorable reviews - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 14
  2. Negative: 0 out of 14
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  1. Dec 19, 2011
    A firebrand debut album, Talk About Body celebrates the struggle and freedom in defying easy classification.
  2. Feb 14, 2011
    Talk About Body, the band's first album, sounds alternative, but not off to the side; it's not the greatest record you'll hear this year, but it's pretty remarkable as a political and musical polemic.
  3. Feb 11, 2011
    Talk About Body is so ridiculously accessible musically, that audiences dancing along to MEN's absurdly addictive pop songs are likely to be blindsided if they ever listen carefully to the lyrics.
  4. Feb 11, 2011
    MEN's debut is one of the best of the year. Or, at least, the best of the niche area where gender politics and dance music intersect.
  5. Uncut
    Feb 8, 2011
    This Brooklyn-based trio make hedonistic dance-pop with brainy-sexy lyrics informed by gender politics, third-wave feminism and Queer Theory. [Feb 2011, p.90]
  6. Feb 2, 2011
    Talk About Body is a long, long way from the oblique post-shoegaze blur of chillwave, witch house, ill-bient and experimental dubstep at the cutting edge of the alternative.
  7. Feb 2, 2011
    When an album's main faults are that its too upbeat and lyrically too ambitious, it really is one that deserves to be talked about.
  8. 75
    Whatever it might lack in inventiveness, MEN makes up for with a smart, detailed comprehension of dance floor dynamics: the tension of the build and the satisfaction of the release.

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