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Universal acclaim- based on 13 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 13
  2. Negative: 0 out of 13
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  1. Aug 12, 2023
    For me, it is a summit of BBNG at this moment. It is perfect and I keep listening to it. If not for **** russians, I would be enjoying this album in Kyiv on the BBNG concert
  2. Jan 10, 2022
    Best Jazz Album of 2021! The depth of composition is insane. It literally gives me the chills. Signal from the Noise is mind boggling in a fantastic way.
  3. Nov 19, 2021
    The most beautiful album! It is so thoughtful, artistic, and I can't stop listening to it!
  4. Oct 14, 2021
    Greetings all, it is your humble emperor Glorpius. We are all equal, it's just a title!

    Where do I start with this album... I usually don't review albums on a song-by-song basis so if you're looking for that, you are free to look elsewhere. Nay, as a complete package, this album is virtually perfect. Perfect is a lofty label for sure, but if BBNG doesn't deserve such a title to be even
    Greetings all, it is your humble emperor Glorpius. We are all equal, it's just a title!

    Where do I start with this album... I usually don't review albums on a song-by-song basis so if you're looking for that, you are free to look elsewhere. Nay, as a complete package, this album is virtually perfect. Perfect is a lofty label for sure, but if BBNG doesn't deserve such a title to be even thrown around their work then I don't know who does on this decade. Talk Memory is a wonderful ode to old jazz greats while slapping you in the face with modern, exciting composition ONLY... to let you down gently when you need it. With instrumentation as IMMOVABLY solid as King Crimson's seminal "In the Court of the Crimson King," I couldn't help but simply be swept away with full trust for wherever they're taking me. Not one time did I stop the album. It's one of those you have to listen through completely every time; not because it requires it, but because your brain will DEMAND it (of course, only if you're not opposed to this genre).

    Though I said I don't review songs on a singular basis, the opening track, "Signal From The Noise," is just such a wonderful, glowing entryway to what you're in for. If you're wont to test albums before devoting time for a whole listen, look no further than the opener.

    Speaking of the opener, it's one of two songs on the whole album that DOESN'T feature other artists. Arthur Verocai (legend), Terrace Martin, Laraaji, Karriem Riggins (such awesome drumming, damn), Brandee Younger. They all come together to make something truly special. Something good enough to consider a being, a person, telling you a wonderful story.

    "Talk Memory" by BADBADNOTGOOD 9. 5/10

Generally favorable reviews - based on 15 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 15
  2. Negative: 0 out of 15
  1. The Wire
    Dec 20, 2021
    There’s a heavy Eddie Henderson vibe here, propulsive, warm and engaging, and by the time the album closes on the jagged street vignette of its title track, it’s evident that BBNG have gone back to find a new future, a new lease of life. [Nov 2021, p.48]
  2. Dec 1, 2021
    BBNG have been doing this since 2010 and over a decade+ they’ve gotten really good at what they do.
  3. Nov 9, 2021
    Talk Memory is their most compositionally refined album yet, an ode to their maturity as songwriters and their abilities as conceptualists; a form of anti-bombast; a subtle listen that soothes just as often as it surprises; that not only wears its influences on its sleeves but invites them to the recording studio. Don’t miss it.