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Generally favorable reviews- based on 380 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 65 out of 380

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  1. Stoo
    Jul 20, 2008
    Guess what ? It's an amazing album. It's crazy controversial because it's audaciously and crazily good, and different, and it scares those who can't deal with something that is actually progressive quality music developing out of the mainstream rap they were already becoming way out of touch with. When all the reviews of an album are mostly very positive, praising its Guess what ? It's an amazing album. It's crazy controversial because it's audaciously and crazily good, and different, and it scares those who can't deal with something that is actually progressive quality music developing out of the mainstream rap they were already becoming way out of touch with. When all the reviews of an album are mostly very positive, praising its uniqueness, or reviews that give it a 0 saying "OMG THIS IS HORRENDOUS TRASH I AM PERSONALLY OFFENDED", you KNOW that there is something good going on there. every innovative artist faces the same narrow-sighted critics. Expand
  2. KennyM
    Jul 18, 2008
    "rap isn't music," says a anonymous coward who calls him/herself 'A Normal Person.' He/She should retreat back to the hipster hole from whence he/she came, turn death cab for cutie back on, and cry him/herself to sleep. On another note, this album is great, but by no means the best in years. There are some incredible songs on the album (3 peat, mr. carter, dr. carter, shoot "rap isn't music," says a anonymous coward who calls him/herself 'A Normal Person.' He/She should retreat back to the hipster hole from whence he/she came, turn death cab for cutie back on, and cry him/herself to sleep. On another note, this album is great, but by no means the best in years. There are some incredible songs on the album (3 peat, mr. carter, dr. carter, shoot me down...etc.), but there's also some commercial bullshit (lollipop, got money, a milli). Overall, a great album. Lil Wayne does things with his voice that no other commercial rapper would ever dare. Lastly, "Normal Person," before you spout your hip-as-fuck wisdom again, listen to Aesop Rock's "Labor Days", or "None Shall Pass," and if you can create something more musical and groundbreaking, then and only then do you have the right you deny rap the hip-hop a classification under "music." by the way, death cab sucks. Expand
  3. Feb 26, 2013
    I think Lil 'Wayne proves that you can make good rap music and at the same time cover broader musical genres. This is an album that contains the best rap mixtapes of 2007 and a good production that is pleasant to listen in any radio station.

    Lil 'Wayne made ​​a radical shift in what we were used to seeing in previous rap albums that were talking about the same issues and the same beats
    I think Lil 'Wayne proves that you can make good rap music and at the same time cover broader musical genres. This is an album that contains the best rap mixtapes of 2007 and a good production that is pleasant to listen in any radio station.

    Lil 'Wayne made ​​a radical shift in what we were used to seeing in previous rap albums that were talking about the same issues and the same beats and productions. Looking backwards, it is clear that since this album was released rappers began to make good use of auto-tune until a few years ago.

    The best album of 2008 and the best of Lil 'Wayne.
  4. Dec 6, 2013
    Amazing album. Those users giving him Negatives and 0-5, really? This album shook up Hip Hop and is one of the most significant mainstream albums out there. This album is a great mainstream crossover, and features one of the greatest songs in the whole Hip Hop genre, "Dr. Carter". Those hating on this album need to remember, he's a legend and your reviews won't tarnish his legacyAmazing album. Those users giving him Negatives and 0-5, really? This album shook up Hip Hop and is one of the most significant mainstream albums out there. This album is a great mainstream crossover, and features one of the greatest songs in the whole Hip Hop genre, "Dr. Carter". Those hating on this album need to remember, he's a legend and your reviews won't tarnish his legacy whatsoever. Great job, Wayne. Hoping Carter 5 could be another classic. Expand
  5. Aug 31, 2018
    One of Wayne's best works. The main substance of the album tends to be better than the commercial hits like Lollipop, but overall the album is a banger, one of the greats.
  6. Oct 17, 2014
    This album isn't the Blueprint, Get Rich or Die Trying, or The Eminem Show, but it is a step below which is good enough to have an ninety rating. The album is a little bit of both the mix-tape Lil Wayne, like A Milli and the friendlier Lil Wayne, like Got Money.
  7. sashaj
    Sep 6, 2008
    I was expecting good from Lil Wayne on this album considering the horrible guest appearences of him on various songs in the months prior to the release. On June 5th, a friend of mine sent me a link where I could download the album. I did, and after hearing 3 Peat and Mr. Carter I was amazed and decided that I would buy it in stores. After I bought it I thorougly listened to it and decided I was expecting good from Lil Wayne on this album considering the horrible guest appearences of him on various songs in the months prior to the release. On June 5th, a friend of mine sent me a link where I could download the album. I did, and after hearing 3 Peat and Mr. Carter I was amazed and decided that I would buy it in stores. After I bought it I thorougly listened to it and decided that this is the first album where I didn't have to skip any songs. Some might say the album did not have had a concept or a general idea but trust me it did. The general message was: All of these songs are the new Lil Wayne. Expand
  8. Nov 17, 2010
    The best album of 2008. Lil Wayne shows his rap skills and out-does his singing skills. Even though with autotune, the effect has a unique way with him. Album of the year... No Doubt!
  9. Aug 13, 2011
    This album gets an 8 mostly because of the relative strength of a few tracks towards the beginning of the album. It's difficult to tell if the other tracks - which are of the elite tier of production value as rap can get - are actually just slightly above average tracks or whether the heavy hitters at the beginning just make the rest of the tracks seem dull only in comparison.

    This album gets an 8 mostly because of the relative strength of a few tracks towards the beginning of the album. It's difficult to tell if the other tracks - which are of the elite tier of production value as rap can get - are actually just slightly above average tracks or whether the heavy hitters at the beginning just make the rest of the tracks seem dull only in comparison.

    Standing far above the other top-tier tracks on this album is "A Milli", a no-holds barred surreal flow of apocryphal lil wayne non sequitors, laced with as phrases as clever and nonchalantly vulgar as it is required for Weezy to explain to us in such brilliant creative ways why he is the best. All this is set against a surprisingly palatable (assumedly hefty) dude just saying "A Milli" over and over again.

    A Milli seems to be the most revered track on the biggest studio album - 1,000,000 copies in a week, and the #1 best-selling album of 2008 - the pop-mega rap star has so far released. Known for achieving success simultaneously, if not primarily, because of underground, non-radioplay mixtape releases, the song stands on its own as a stalwart in rap's history books.

    3 Peat is a formidable beginning to any album, a firm, bold roar of the arrival of Wayne, obviously not only as the beginning of this album, but as a dominating figure in the spotlight of rap.

    With the crescendo of 3-Peat coming near the end, as soon as it brings you back from Wayne's planet to Earth, you turn right over into Mr. Carter, a relaxed track with a solid kick and a chantable chorus held up by a high-pitched Kanye-like sample. Lil Wayne's birth name being Dwayne Carter, the song speaks for his fans and friends, asking where he has been recently, while he reveals the new heights his life has reached, and through a barrel's worth of clever phrases, explains that he's been traveling all around the world being a superstar rapper. His point is capped off when another Mr. Carter, Shawn Carter, aka Jay-Z pops in to say, yes, I am a legend and, yes, we few superstar rappers are too hard to catch, a true jet setter. Keep 'em searchin.

    In full disclosure, the author of this article has as a surname Carter, so feels a certain affinity for this track. Hopefully this wasn't evident.

    If you haven't heard Lollipop and are an American and under 35, I'm guessing you have never been social in a public place. That American part might be irrelevant. Lollipop was a genuine radioplay megahit, indeed the best selling digital single of 2008, and is one of the reasons Wayne remains interesting to critics - and labels - alike: he can please intellectual Pitchfork critics while blowing up the pockets of the radio conglomerates. The other tracks on this album suffers from common-rap album syndrome. At times, listening from beginning to end, it feels too disjointed due to the sheer quantity of producers submitting different types of tracks to what's supposed to be a like-minded compilation. That said, the all-star producers who composed Tha Carter iii - from Swizz Beatz to David Banner to Kanye - definitely do their job individually.

    Yet still, the themes of this album are scatterbrained, despite, obviously all being loosely based around the fact that Lil Wayne, is in fact, "Ill, not sick," an expert rapper and lyrically genius. Of course, this isn't actually far from the truth, but this album ends up being much more a bunch of interesting tracks featuring a five-star rapper and a few of his peers and forefathers, than a classic album.
  10. Oct 4, 2011
    This is a pretty awesome album the reason is is because if this album wasnt aound lil wayne wouldnt be half as popular as he is now because rebirth and im not a human being failed everyone hated carter 4 this album had great songs some songs like lollipop were just stupid but a milli and got money were great

    1 A milli
    2 got money
    3 let the beat build
    4 3 peat
    5 Dr carter
  11. Aug 4, 2013
    All these people with negative reviews are simply hating on the album for the sake of hating on it. This album is a masterpiece, Lil Wayne's Magnum Opus, an album that will put Lil Wayne with the greats. The song has a great mix of emotion with songs like Shoot Me Down, and bangers like A Milli, and Pop masterpieces like Lollipop, there is something mesmerizing about the way Lil WayneAll these people with negative reviews are simply hating on the album for the sake of hating on it. This album is a masterpiece, Lil Wayne's Magnum Opus, an album that will put Lil Wayne with the greats. The song has a great mix of emotion with songs like Shoot Me Down, and bangers like A Milli, and Pop masterpieces like Lollipop, there is something mesmerizing about the way Lil Wayne flows so easily over his tracks. "Swallow my words, taste my thoughts, And if it's too nasty, spit it back at me" raps Lil Wayne on the intro, "3 Peat." This I feel is the definition of Lil Wayne's music, sharp edged words that sting and strike deep, and extreme sexual perversion to the point where it almost gets disgusting on a song like Monster." To the people that hate this album, give it an objective listen instead of judging it because it is a Lil Wayne album, this is a masterpiece. Expand
  12. Aug 13, 2014
    Absolutely the best Wayne's album ever: 16 awesome songs (Playing with Fire original) and eccellent Weezy.. Only one bad song: La La is terrible, but Tie My Hands and Dontgetit are just amazing. If you don't like this album you probably don't like hip hop music.
  13. Mar 19, 2014
    The single greates album released all time in the history of rap music or any genre ever. Lollipop changed rap forever. Lil Wayne is the greatest of all time
  14. JeffP
    Sep 20, 2008
    The best album I have ever heard in my life! People hate Wayne because he uses the auto-tune but he only uses it on Lollipop, Got Money and the hook of You Ain't Got Nuthin. If you REALLY listen to it, he is hands down the greatest MC to ever live, and how he took his time to come out with the album proves it. I love it.
  15. SolG
    Feb 16, 2009
    The album is very strong with some tracks like "Mr.Carter", "Comfortable", "Tie my hands", "Dr.Carter", "Let the Beat Build" and "I'm Me" are all more or less instant 5 star classics, in my opinion. But overall the album does not live up to the enourmous hype and awards it receives. I would've been much more willing to give the Grammy to either Jay, Lupe or Nas (although my The album is very strong with some tracks like "Mr.Carter", "Comfortable", "Tie my hands", "Dr.Carter", "Let the Beat Build" and "I'm Me" are all more or less instant 5 star classics, in my opinion. But overall the album does not live up to the enourmous hype and awards it receives. I would've been much more willing to give the Grammy to either Jay, Lupe or Nas (although my personal all time favourite is, of course, Mr.West and his inspired 808's...). Don't get me wrong, in some sense Weezy deserves the most plaudits he receives, the album is very good and highly original, but not a classic by any means. It lacks a concept first of all, and sorry but I really do not get his obsession with constant use of a words like "Pussy" in every second verse he uses. Expand
  16. AliB
    Jun 13, 2009
    Best rap album ever. this is my favorite number 1 rap album. lil wayne is the best rapper alive.
  17. MGF.
    Aug 23, 2009
    The album was brilliant and is still a favorite listen a year after it's release. Be warned that you have to look past the radio singles of "millionare" and "lollipop" and listen to the meat of the album which lies in brilliant songs like "comfortable," "tie my hands," "Missunderstood," and "Shoot Me Down" brilliant tracks and for an age in hip hop where content has been lost, this The album was brilliant and is still a favorite listen a year after it's release. Be warned that you have to look past the radio singles of "millionare" and "lollipop" and listen to the meat of the album which lies in brilliant songs like "comfortable," "tie my hands," "Missunderstood," and "Shoot Me Down" brilliant tracks and for an age in hip hop where content has been lost, this album has plenty once you peel the layers past the songs meant to garner radio airplay. Expand
  18. RandomP.
    Sep 23, 2009
    The dyanamics are great.And btw Lil wayne is hot as it gets yo i luv it yo His voice so hot.
  19. JoeC.
    Jan 24, 2010
    This album is much better than all u people r saying how can u give this less than a 8 do u people actually listen to the albums or just hate it because of all the good reviews damn listen to this first!
  20. Sep 29, 2018
    Tha Carter III was a great album. Honestly some of the "critics" are against rap culture...
  21. YeahYeah
    Jun 20, 2008
    Very good album. Wayne has shown growth with concept tracks and introspective lyrics. With an all round very good album with tracks for everybody. Wayne can do better basically cuz he gets better every year but this album shows his growth.
  22. PaulC
    Jul 16, 2008
    One of the best rap albums in years.
  23. Joe
    Jul 17, 2008
    Solid mix of lyrical swag and though provoking lyrics. Wayne delivers and with incredible sales has put Hip Hop back on top.
  24. JacobM.
    Jul 2, 2008
    This is what hip-hop needs: Creativity. I would love to see Wayne pick some new topics to tackle, but even when he says the same thing as every other rapper, he does it in a completely new way. He is way out there, and I like that.
  25. DeepA.
    Jan 30, 2009
    This is the best rap album from 2008. Nearly no filler and on an album with this many tracks, its a feat. How can anyone not like his flows? On 'Dr. Carter', he flows like a poet. Its impressive without beats and with them, he's knocked it out of the park!
  26. JesseJ
    Feb 8, 2009
    The beat production is eclectic, and Lil' Wayne adapts to all of them like a chameleon. His lyrics from this album get stuck in my head all the time!
  27. jarvist
    Jun 11, 2008
    It lived up to the hype instant classic I can't stop listening to it since I heard the leak 2 weeks before the actual release
  28. DemicoL
    Jun 12, 2008
    One of the greatest rappers of this generation! Weezy did it big with this album; he definitely deserves it. Favorite: Mr. Carter Least Favorite: Mrs. Officer
  29. MatthewC
    Jun 12, 2008
    In tha family, weezy done it again!!! He delivered this album with power, and has changed a lot, but for the best. Keep it up weezy!!!
  30. dimitriusf
    Jun 16, 2008
    This is by far one of waynes best performances widely spreading his abilities to be more than just a hardcore gangster rapper but a laid back different mellow lyricist who speaks for the people. Lil Wayne gets mad respect from me and I believe he is the best rapper out right now and this cd better go diamond.
  31. NormanY.
    Jun 17, 2008
    All-around HOT album, he could have kept the phone home song. Other than that he has stepped his game up and is all alone at the top.
  32. ArangeofJ.
    Jun 22, 2008
    What is wrong with the user's giving bad reviews on this. Wayne is in his prime , and carter 3 is an essential. The record is so broad and wayne touches on everything, every on alt. rock which Lupe failed miserable on the cool with the collab with UNKLE. Lupe completely ruined UNKLE's song and it was a mess. Wayne comes out on top when comparing carter with the cool. Cool had What is wrong with the user's giving bad reviews on this. Wayne is in his prime , and carter 3 is an essential. The record is so broad and wayne touches on everything, every on alt. rock which Lupe failed miserable on the cool with the collab with UNKLE. Lupe completely ruined UNKLE's song and it was a mess. Wayne comes out on top when comparing carter with the cool. Cool had horrible beats and lupe was all over the place and shitty production even production from fall out boy ( wtf?). Carter 3 is legit as it gets. Expand
  33. AndrewG
    Jun 23, 2008
    My favorites are the weird tracks: Phone Home, Dr. Carter, and Mrs. Officer in particular. Sorta reminds me of Dr. Octagon at points. The single-ready songs are solid as well, but the album is particularly good because of the tracks that twist things up.
  34. JamSession
    Jun 24, 2008
    A must has sold well over a million, that should tell you something. The hip hop world will be taken to another plateau with this album. Lil wayne was featured in The New Yorker last year and even they agreed, he's the "best rapper alive".
  35. ToddS.
    Jun 26, 2008
    Not quite a classic, but definitely one of the better rap albums to come out in a long time. It's unfortunate that so much material leaked prior to C III's release. Could have been one of the all time great albums. The weak bonus tracks actually weigh the album down. Nonetheless, Weezy F. Baby is a great talent and if it wasn't for him, Ghostface and Bun B...hip hop would be dead.
  36. Johndoe
    Jun 30, 2008
    It has alot of good tracks: "tie my hands", "shoot me down", 'mr.carter" ......but also some not so good ones: 'lala', 'misunderstood', and some average ones.....the creativity is very good, but some of the punchlines dont make sense...... The album is good but it is kinda dumb that this site gave Carter 3 a 83 and Eminem Show a 75.......The eminem show >> The It has alot of good tracks: "tie my hands", "shoot me down", 'mr.carter" ......but also some not so good ones: 'lala', 'misunderstood', and some average ones.....the creativity is very good, but some of the punchlines dont make sense...... The album is good but it is kinda dumb that this site gave Carter 3 a 83 and Eminem Show a 75.......The eminem show >> The Carter 3 ......but wayne did a good job, the best song was 'tie my hands'. Expand
  37. AlexM.
    Aug 16, 2008
    Unbeliveable the best album of the year!!!!!!!!! Some club banngers but listen to the lyrics they have meaning. Guess how many albums he sold the first week...... A Milli A Milli A Milli.$$$
  38. ErikH.
    Jan 27, 2009
    The Spin score needs to be changed. They placed this album #2 on their AOTY list. That being said, this is an inconsistent, but occasionally brilliant, album that's certainly better than what usually finds mainstream success.
  39. DS
    Jan 5, 2009
    I bought the hype and was disappointed with it at first but after listening to it a couple times I cannot stop Lil Wayne destroys so many lines.
  40. SimonW.
    Oct 13, 2008
    A solid album...but definitely overrated compared to the hype it receives. The production is very well I will admit, however lyrically Lil Wayne falters. Songs like "Phone Home", "Mrs. Officer", "Lolipop", "Comfortable", "Got Money" are just commercial songs. Another rapper has once again, "Sell out". Best Songs + A Milli + Shoot Me Down + Tie My Hands Worst - Lolipop - Got Money - Mrs. A solid album...but definitely overrated compared to the hype it receives. The production is very well I will admit, however lyrically Lil Wayne falters. Songs like "Phone Home", "Mrs. Officer", "Lolipop", "Comfortable", "Got Money" are just commercial songs. Another rapper has once again, "Sell out". Best Songs + A Milli + Shoot Me Down + Tie My Hands Worst - Lolipop - Got Money - Mrs. Officer - Phone Home. Expand
  41. SamuelL
    Dec 16, 2008
    Im basically saying the same thing as Bryan T. The Spin rating isn't a 0, they basically said it's unratable because it's so subjective. you either like it or you dont. The review is actually pretty positive.
  42. KyleZ
    Jun 11, 2008
    Instant Classic. Tracks such as A Millie and Dr. Carter really show off his lyricism and skill on the mic.
  43. JohnMunson
    Jun 12, 2008
    This is a great album, just wish I wouldn't have heard half the songs a month before it dropped. Much better than anything on the radio right now.
  44. Wesley
    Jun 22, 2008
    Not entirely consistent; nevertheless, it stands up to (and improves upon) multiple listenings.
  45. SteveO.
    Jun 25, 2008
    A very good hip hop albums. but he still hasnt prooved to me that he is better than the notorious b.i.g.
  46. CMeezy
    Jun 29, 2008
    A good record, but really repetitive after a couple plays. Weezy's delivery, while clever and tight, doesn't leave much to discover with repeated listens. How many scatalogical jokes does a rap album really need?
  47. yoyo
    Jul 13, 2008
    Very good album. Takes some time to get used to. Its just so much more creative than the other crap coming out now. "Stage on fire", "milli", "let the beat build" and "shoot me down" all great songs others pretty good. If you cut out the songs with robin thicke, bobby v, and busta this would be an all time great. Too bad their on there but anyway good job wayne keep doin it.
  48. kittyc
    Jul 14, 2008
    My score of 7 was generous only because you cant give half ratings .. this was ok .. compared to efforts by artists like Madviilain, Lupe Fiasco and Common i am confused as to all the 'buzz' surrounding him .. I agree with other voters that some of punchlines/bars dont make sense and that at times seem very forced and illogical .. I also feel like someone told him he was the My score of 7 was generous only because you cant give half ratings .. this was ok .. compared to efforts by artists like Madviilain, Lupe Fiasco and Common i am confused as to all the 'buzz' surrounding him .. I agree with other voters that some of punchlines/bars dont make sense and that at times seem very forced and illogical .. I also feel like someone told him he was the best rapper alive before he made this as it is ripe and oozes with arrogance and a sense of entitlement .. the fact that he is on every other song/mixtape/remix contributes to his overexposure and in fact may burn out too quickly .. while he is superb as making club/radio friendly songs, this is nothing memorable. Expand
  49. BryanT.
    Aug 16, 2008
    I have not actually listened to this album at all, I just thought i would comment on how Metacritic screwed up on the rating that Spin magazine gave the album. If one actually reads Spin's review it would seem more like a 60 or 70, not a zero.
  50. Jun 17, 2021
    Lil Wayne’s best album to date. A classic, this was most successful album Wayne had up to that point in 2008. Lil Wayne uses clever wordplay to make memorable songs. His flow is at its best, and the production on the album is from some big name producers like Bangladesh, Jim Jonsin, Kanye West, and Cool & Dre among others with Weezy as executive producer. You can listen to the album fromLil Wayne’s best album to date. A classic, this was most successful album Wayne had up to that point in 2008. Lil Wayne uses clever wordplay to make memorable songs. His flow is at its best, and the production on the album is from some big name producers like Bangladesh, Jim Jonsin, Kanye West, and Cool & Dre among others with Weezy as executive producer. You can listen to the album from start to finish without skipping anything, but the best tracks are Got Money, A Milli, Lollipop, Comfortable, and Mrs. Officer. Expand
  51. Sep 26, 2013
    The best Wayne album ever. That's not saying a lot, though. The main issue with this album is that there are way too many track and not enough substance too those tracks. After the track La La I found myself saying hey this sounds just like this track from earlier. The stand out awesome tracks are Mr. Carter, A Milli, Dr. Carter, Phone Home, Tie My Hands, and Lollipop. If you are a fan ofThe best Wayne album ever. That's not saying a lot, though. The main issue with this album is that there are way too many track and not enough substance too those tracks. After the track La La I found myself saying hey this sounds just like this track from earlier. The stand out awesome tracks are Mr. Carter, A Milli, Dr. Carter, Phone Home, Tie My Hands, and Lollipop. If you are a fan of Tha Carter 2, or any of his later work, you'll love this, but if you are a Tha Block Is Hot or Lights Out type of guy, you may be disappointed. Expand
  52. Mar 1, 2014
    This album's strong point is easily the beat selection, along with Wayne's outlandish metaphors ("We are not the same, I am a Martian" he explains in the ET-inspired track "Phone Home") which make for an enjoyable album. As an avid hip hop listener the songs that I didn't find as appealing were the radio hits such as "Got Money", "Mrs. Officer" and "Lollipop" which, despite being poppyThis album's strong point is easily the beat selection, along with Wayne's outlandish metaphors ("We are not the same, I am a Martian" he explains in the ET-inspired track "Phone Home") which make for an enjoyable album. As an avid hip hop listener the songs that I didn't find as appealing were the radio hits such as "Got Money", "Mrs. Officer" and "Lollipop" which, despite being poppy and dumbed down, are by no means unenjoyable. Expand
  53. Aug 6, 2017
    Tha Carter III is one of my favorite Hip Hop Albums in the last ten years. Probably the peak in his career. Still have this as a cd, one of the few i kept.
  54. Dec 8, 2014
    The entire time throughout "Tha Carter III," you can just tell Wayne is having way too much making the record; what would it hurt to maybe revel in the excitement and enjoy the moment with him? From beginning to end, Mr. Carter is constantly on his game, throwing many different themes at you all at once, yet keeping the whole album balanced like it was his odd, confused, wild child (whichThe entire time throughout "Tha Carter III," you can just tell Wayne is having way too much making the record; what would it hurt to maybe revel in the excitement and enjoy the moment with him? From beginning to end, Mr. Carter is constantly on his game, throwing many different themes at you all at once, yet keeping the whole album balanced like it was his odd, confused, wild child (which is important because, as a group of singles, it would sound disheveled). Sleek production coats the entire project, and Wayne's wordplay is something glorious to behold, as it begs for other emcees to one-up him. A fantastic job, and one of his best (probably his best) work yet. Expand
  55. May 17, 2015
    Tha Carter III is undoubtedly one of Lil Wayne's best albums (if not THE best). I don't think it's a classic, but it was probably one of the best albums of 2008. Diverse production is all over Tha Carter III, ranging from Robin Thicke's neo-soul production on "Tie My Hands" to jazz on "Dr. Carter" to Nina Simone sampling on "Dontgetit". In addition to the great production, Lil Wayne showsTha Carter III is undoubtedly one of Lil Wayne's best albums (if not THE best). I don't think it's a classic, but it was probably one of the best albums of 2008. Diverse production is all over Tha Carter III, ranging from Robin Thicke's neo-soul production on "Tie My Hands" to jazz on "Dr. Carter" to Nina Simone sampling on "Dontgetit". In addition to the great production, Lil Wayne shows that he is an entertaining rapper. Sure, his lyricism isn't Nas or Jay-Z but he has some funny lyrics and entertaining punchlines. And he even addresses some serious topics on here ("Tie My Hands", "Dontgetit"). And speaking of "Dontgetit", him talking for the last half didn't bore me at all like Kanye West's "Runaway" did (nothing against "Runaway"). That proves that Tha Carter III never bores at all. It's uplifting and puts you in a good mood with his entertaining lyrics and great production. Grade: B+/A-. Highlights: "3 Peat", "A Milli", "Phone Home" (I seem to be the only one that likes this song), "Dontgetit". Worst song: This was a hard one, but probably "La La" because of those annoying babies singing throughout the whole song. Expand
  56. May 15, 2016
    " The Carter III " tem tudo aquilo que um bom álbum de Rap precisa para ser consagrado. (B+)
  57. Jul 28, 2019
    Lil Wayne is at his peak lyrical genius here, but with more flavor and eclectic production than his earlier work. The album is a rollercoaster and fun to listen to with it's genius quotables, eclectic production (soulful, alien-like), quick pace and surprisingly solid depth.
  58. Jun 9, 2018
    88 which rounds up to a 9/10. I'd say this is the most enjoyable lil wayne album. The album was made of consistently good beats which were way ahead of it's time. The album starts off with 3-peat which is an instant hard hitting song. The lyrical content of this album was full of the greatest punchlines and using those punchlines he was able to send a message. Songs such as Tie My Hands88 which rounds up to a 9/10. I'd say this is the most enjoyable lil wayne album. The album was made of consistently good beats which were way ahead of it's time. The album starts off with 3-peat which is an instant hard hitting song. The lyrical content of this album was full of the greatest punchlines and using those punchlines he was able to send a message. Songs such as Tie My Hands with Robin Thicke are the most relaxing songs and have such a good message about persisting through struggling times. However, the only disappointment of this album is Ms. Carter. Expand
  59. Jul 30, 2019
    Great album. This album was great. It is a classic without a doubt. My favorite Lil Wayne album
  60. Feb 3, 2020
    One of the greatest albums of all time. Changed music as we know it. Leaked a week before release and still sold A MILLI the first week. Absolutely legendary and essential.
  61. Feb 4, 2020
    Best rap album ever made in the history, Wayne is the GOAT and this album proved it.
  62. Jun 20, 2020
    Lil Wayne is a GOAT, and this album proves it. One of the best albums of all time.
  63. Jul 29, 2022
    The greatest rap album i’ve listened to, amazing rhymes and wordplay all across the album

Universal acclaim - based on 26 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 23 out of 26
  2. Negative: 0 out of 26
  1. Filled with bold, entertaining wordplay and plenty of well-executed, left-field ideas, Tha Carter III should be considered as a wild, somewhat difficult child of Weezy's magnum opus in motion, one that allows the listener an exhilarating and unapologetic taste of artistic freedom.
  2. That said, it's not an instant classic, but it is the best rap album since Kanye West dropped "Graduation" last year.
  3. We should have known. If his raspy, cartoonish voice didn't mark him as different, his quick wit, offhanded wordplay and quirky subject matter should have in a genre populated largely by grim-faced imitators.