• Record Label: Capitol
  • Release Date: Jun 5, 2012
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 22 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 15 out of 22
  2. Negative: 1 out of 22
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  1. Jul 1, 2012
    On first listen I thought it wasn't too good. Now I think its okay. They'll do better next time though. My favourite tracks are Isn't It Time, From There To Back Again(feels most like a Pet Sounds track), Pacific Coast Highway, and Summer's Gone. I think I would've liked the album much more if it was filled with tracks like the final three...
  2. Jun 17, 2012
    After the band such as The Beach Boys you can have huge expectations - which unfortunately does not always match with what is presented. Twenty-ninth album is the first release in twenty years whereupon there was contained new material, which is moreover effectively defined by the album's title, because the songs are still works in kept surf rock and pop climates - perfectly suitable as aAfter the band such as The Beach Boys you can have huge expectations - which unfortunately does not always match with what is presented. Twenty-ninth album is the first release in twenty years whereupon there was contained new material, which is moreover effectively defined by the album's title, because the songs are still works in kept surf rock and pop climates - perfectly suitable as a radio, fplaying in the background compositions. In the long run however, this patent has stopped working - even in the case of The Beach Boys. Expand
  3. Jun 12, 2012
    This is an album that is mainly for fans of nostalgia. I personally cannot get excited about Brian and company (guys in their 60's and early 70's) singing about cruisin', spring vacation, going steady, dancing the night away (etc). This sort of lyrical content is just lazy and is hardly believable. The guys fare better musically, though too many moments are just retreads of the type ofThis is an album that is mainly for fans of nostalgia. I personally cannot get excited about Brian and company (guys in their 60's and early 70's) singing about cruisin', spring vacation, going steady, dancing the night away (etc). This sort of lyrical content is just lazy and is hardly believable. The guys fare better musically, though too many moments are just retreads of the type of melody that Jimmy Buffett specializes in. The songs that work best are the three that close the album. With this melancholy mini-suite, the album finally reaches a point of some lyrical depth and musical sophistication. From what I've been reading, these three tracks are not even new. They apparently date back to 1998. Brian still had it then, but on the newer stuff Brian and his collaborators don't really seem to be trying. Perhaps if The Beach Boys had spent more time putting the album together--maybe even brought in Van Dyke Parks for assistance with the lyrics--the end result would have been something closer to "wonderful" instead of just "it's okay". Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 27 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 27
  2. Negative: 1 out of 27
  1. Aug 9, 2012
    That's Why God Made the Radio isn't a bad album. It's just not the album everyone wanted.
  2. The Wire
    Aug 2, 2012
    They most definitely lack a soloist. Yet the way in which these sunkissed survivors pull together is touching. [Jun 2012, p.42]
  3. Mojo
    Jul 19, 2012
    Though no Pet Sound, this album, at its best so wistfully reliving out golden yesterdays, ranks up there with Today! [Aug 2012, p.92]