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  1. Mar 17, 2017
    If you haven't seen this trio live, then you have missed out. They're one of the truly great rock bands to have come out of the Long Beach scene in the last decade. Incredible guitars (inventive riffs, great melodic structures), wild drums, and bad-ass vocals. This rock opera is right up there for me with the greats. Do yourself a favor and pick this up.
  2. Feb 23, 2016
    I caught these guys on their recent West Coast swing and picked up this album along with their first. Put simply, I'm blown away. Where did these guys come from? Incredible drummer, amazing vocals, and a throwback technician for a lead guitar. The songs are so good, it hurts, and I love that they had the balls to do a Rock Opera which such a great freakin' set of themes. I need to getI caught these guys on their recent West Coast swing and picked up this album along with their first. Put simply, I'm blown away. Where did these guys come from? Incredible drummer, amazing vocals, and a throwback technician for a lead guitar. The songs are so good, it hurts, and I love that they had the balls to do a Rock Opera which such a great freakin' set of themes. I need to get their latest, and I have to see them live again. Really, they're not to be missed. Expand
  3. Jun 18, 2015
    The Archeress is one of the all-time great rock operas in my opinion. The themes that bind the album together are well-maintained and it's got some of the catchiest hits that bring the whole thing together, ie Going the Distance and The Archeress. If you're at all into The Wall, Tommy, or even The Rocky Horror Show, give this a spin. Oh yeah, and the whole zombie apocalypse setting is delicious.
  4. Dec 25, 2014
    That The Archeress is an amazing album was not surprising to me given the musical heft of Bella Novela’s first album, “Battlelines.” When I heard its first two blow-out-the speakers singles in my car – Going the Distance and The Archeress – I knew we were in for an impressive collection of songs with Jacob Heath’s signature guitar sounds, Jannea McClure’s drum hyper kinetic drums, andThat The Archeress is an amazing album was not surprising to me given the musical heft of Bella Novela’s first album, “Battlelines.” When I heard its first two blow-out-the speakers singles in my car – Going the Distance and The Archeress – I knew we were in for an impressive collection of songs with Jacob Heath’s signature guitar sounds, Jannea McClure’s drum hyper kinetic drums, and Jackie Laws’ soaring vocals. But when I ingested the rock opera in its entirety for the first time, I was simply blow away. It rightly belongs up there with best of the genre, including Tommy and The Wall. I probably listened to the complete album twenty times the first week I had it. The final couple of songs – the Spaghetti-Western-flavored “The Drifter” and “The Last Act” (which needs to be featured in the right episode of The Walking Dead) – truly nail the feeling of desolation and bitter survival in this zombie apocalypse. This was my album of the year in 2010. If you have a chance to catch this band live in the LA area or on one of their Western US tours, do not miss it. Collapse

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