• Record Label: Domino
  • Release Date: Sep 21, 2018

Generally favorable reviews - based on 15 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 15
  2. Negative: 0 out of 15
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  1. Oct 15, 2018
    O’Brien isn’t afraid to tackle heavy subjects (there are songs about self-doubt, faith and even a tribute to 19th century mathematician Ada Lovelace), but it’s all pushed through with a real lightness of touch that means that it’s easy to give The Art Of Pretending To Swim plenty of repeat listenings.
  2. Sep 24, 2018
    There's an intricate balance struck between analogue and digital, between raw confession and meticulously engineered sonic detail.
  3. 80
    Villagers fans will no doubt love this record, which has the capacity to obtain a new fanbase with O’Brien’s newly found sound.
  4. Sep 21, 2018
    By all accounts, The Art of Pretending to Swim is a remarkably encompassing record for a group that has been lauded as exclusively one genre of music. O'Brien and company prove that folk music is an emotive device, a way of describing a certain atmosphere, a moment in time, or place on the seaside.
  5. Sep 21, 2018
    The Art of Pretending to Swim is a strong example of how one man with an unlimited number of tracks to fill can create a compelling and revealing collection of songs. If this doesn't always sound like what one would expect from Villagers, its emotional impact shows that it's clearly O'Brien's work.
  6. Sep 21, 2018
    It remains to be seen whether The Art Of Pretending To Swim will gain Villagers hoards of new followers, but fans of the Irish five-piece will put their fourth record right up there with their best.
  7. 80
    The Art of Pretending to Swim is Villagers’ most assured, and daring, album.
  8. 80
    This is a songwriter who has mastered his craft and now has applied a frivolity to his record and the outcome is the most essential release to date.
  9. Sep 19, 2018
    The Art of Pretending to Swim is never less than pleasant, and there are no bad songs here. But it's only intermittently interesting because O'Brien's vocals and melodies are mostly just okay.
  10. Sep 18, 2018
    The inevitable has caught up with O'Brien, who finds himself struggling to stay afloat on The Art of Pretending to Swim. The self-produced record dives into murky waters in an ambitious attempt to incorporate an electronic flair to an already complete set of folk tunes.
  11. Mojo
    Sep 17, 2018
    The Dubliner's fourth album of original material is his most varied sonically, yet is perversely his least fussy, happy to let a simple melody be carried by his distinctively sweet, slightly prim diction. [Oct 2018, p.84]
  12. Uncut
    Sep 17, 2018
    All up, it's a quiet knockout. [Oct 2018, p.37]
  13. Sep 17, 2018
    Much like Villagers’ previous releases, the overriding feeling is of well-crafted, thoughtfully structured songs. The intimacy created by O’Brien’s delicate voice is as ever enhanced by beautifully chosen tonal colours.
  14. Q Magazine
    Sep 17, 2018
    It's an impressive reminder of what made him so special in the first place. [Oct 2018, p.119]
  15. Sep 17, 2018
    The Art of Pretending to Swim is an album that will reveal itself after a few listens.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 6 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 6
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 6
  3. Negative: 1 out of 6
  1. Nov 29, 2018
    Conor O'Brien has produced some incredible songs across the last decade or so and is arguably the standout Irish songwriter of the 2010's inConor O'Brien has produced some incredible songs across the last decade or so and is arguably the standout Irish songwriter of the 2010's in terms of not just really great songs but albums that are beautiful, interesting and experimental while all the time remaining accessible. Incredibly, album number 4, "The Art of Pretending to Swim" is his best work so far, blending all that is good about the Villagers projects into a sublime album. Highlights include "A Trick of The Light", "Long Time Waiting" and "Love Came With All That It Brings" but to be honest the whole album is majestic. Full Review »