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Mixed or average reviews- based on 109 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 39 out of 109
  2. Negative: 39 out of 109
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  1. Dec 9, 2020
    The Beginning may not be BEP's most original work, but it still has its triumphant moments. The album some moments relies on 80's nostalgia but at others goens into the futuristic sound they explored better in their previous album. Still can be a fun album you can listen on a sunny day when you wanna build your energy up. But one thing can be its major flaw: too much willi.iam and fergie,The Beginning may not be BEP's most original work, but it still has its triumphant moments. The album some moments relies on 80's nostalgia but at others goens into the futuristic sound they explored better in their previous album. Still can be a fun album you can listen on a sunny day when you wanna build your energy up. But one thing can be its major flaw: too much willi.iam and fergie, not enough and Taboo. Expand
  2. Apr 29, 2015
    The Black Eyed Peas experimented with electronic music on the E.N.D., and it was successful. It wasn't that great of an album, but it was better than this album. This album reads to be almost a complete replica of The E.N.D. Almost everything is similar - pretty bad lyrics and OK production.'s low robot voice also appears here, making you think you must be dreaming about the factThe Black Eyed Peas experimented with electronic music on the E.N.D., and it was successful. It wasn't that great of an album, but it was better than this album. This album reads to be almost a complete replica of The E.N.D. Almost everything is similar - pretty bad lyrics and OK production.'s low robot voice also appears here, making you think you must be dreaming about the fact that this is another album. BE ORIGINAL, BEP. I liked a small handful of songs on here - but the majority of them sounded like E.N.D. outtakes. Grade: C-/D+. Highlights: "Whenever", "Fashion Beats". Worst songs: Every song that reads like a replica of The E.N.D.'s material, which is almost everything. (The link for the page of this album and their other albums seems to be broken - I got here by removing the "The" in "The Black Eyed Peas" in the URL, I just figured it out) Expand
  3. Mar 24, 2013
    Few songs were catchy and memorable, "The Time (Dirty Bit)" and "Just Can't Get Enough" were the stars of this album, where the other songs were not near as impressive.
  4. Mar 7, 2013
    I have just about enough with these techno songs. The Black Eyed Peas fall into a troubled abyss and even though this album is better than Monkey Business the Peas just need to stop.
  5. Jul 11, 2012
    It would've been better if the Peas ( specifically), had been more original and be rebellious to the mainstream. Also, had Taboo and Apl been on vacation for the 95% of the time they were making this album? They Peas definitely risked going to a new style of sound using auto-tune and 8-bit sound, and they failed... 'The Beginning' wasn't put together cleverly. Thankfully, it'sIt would've been better if the Peas ( specifically), had been more original and be rebellious to the mainstream. Also, had Taboo and Apl been on vacation for the 95% of the time they were making this album? They Peas definitely risked going to a new style of sound using auto-tune and 8-bit sound, and they failed... 'The Beginning' wasn't put together cleverly. Thankfully, it's catchy enough for me. Expand
  6. Nov 27, 2011
    The Beginning came second. The E.N.D. (Energy Never Dies) was first both chronologically and in quality. The Black Eyed Peas are a band that has delivered many best-sellers in the last decade. In this album, the band plays around with different effects and styles; some for the better and others for the worse. The quality of the music varies from the lets listen again to turn it off rightThe Beginning came second. The E.N.D. (Energy Never Dies) was first both chronologically and in quality. The Black Eyed Peas are a band that has delivered many best-sellers in the last decade. In this album, the band plays around with different effects and styles; some for the better and others for the worse. The quality of the music varies from the lets listen again to turn it off right now range. The E.N.D. was full of best-sellers.
    The Energy Never Dies was the bandâ
  7. Sep 8, 2011
    I am a big Peas fan, but this was very disappointing. The songs sound the same, the lyrics are just plain dumb and there is WAY too much auto-tune! The only good songs are Just Can't Get Enough, Whenever, Someday, The Situation and The B.O.Y but the rest are just awful!!!
  8. Jun 26, 2011
    Not as good as THE END but it continues its traditions of euro-dance very well and very cohesive tracks.
    A good try but not great.Standout tracks like Light Up The Night,Love You Long Time,Fashion Beats,Someday etc.
  9. Apr 9, 2011
    This is pretty weak. It's filled with average, mid grade songs. I only really liked Own It, Whenever, The Time (Dirty Bit) and XOXOXO. I gave them each a 7. Yeah, a 7 rating is the highest any song got from this album. The next in the list are tolerable, which means I gave them a 6. Love You Long Time, The Situation, Someday, Fashion Beats, Play It Loud, The Best One Yet and Don't Stop TheThis is pretty weak. It's filled with average, mid grade songs. I only really liked Own It, Whenever, The Time (Dirty Bit) and XOXOXO. I gave them each a 7. Yeah, a 7 rating is the highest any song got from this album. The next in the list are tolerable, which means I gave them a 6. Love You Long Time, The Situation, Someday, Fashion Beats, Play It Loud, The Best One Yet and Don't Stop The Party. Don't bother listening to anything else on the album. Expand
  10. Mar 18, 2011
    This album will disappoint die-hard Black Eyed Peas fans. Far removed from their initial sound, this album is quickly becoming overly poppy and synthesized. That is not to say it doesn't include some great beats and tracks: Do It Like This and Don't Stop the Party are stand-out electronic dance songs that will please the lover of electro music. This album does include some great songs: inThis album will disappoint die-hard Black Eyed Peas fans. Far removed from their initial sound, this album is quickly becoming overly poppy and synthesized. That is not to say it doesn't include some great beats and tracks: Do It Like This and Don't Stop the Party are stand-out electronic dance songs that will please the lover of electro music. This album does include some great songs: in particular, Whenever, Everything is Wonderful, The Time, and The Best One Yet. However, there are some real shockers on this album as well- XOXO and Love you Long Time. The worst BEP album yet, unfortunately, and only worth the buy if not just to see what the fuss is about. Expand
  11. Dec 24, 2010
    There's way too much Auto-Tune. The lyrics aren't smart. Fergie is missing in action most of the time. Standout tracks: "Someday", "Whenever"
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  12. Dec 15, 2010
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album its a deception for all BEP fans who have been following them for a long time, they just made this album to sell something new, its just the "The E.N.D" style but really repetitive, they didn't make a new style or beat like they always do when a new album came out, they are like 1-2 good songs, don't think so they are really proud of this CD. Expand
  13. Dec 5, 2010
    So-so album ! It's not the best of the Black Eyed Peas, but in general it's a good album.I think they need to work more for and Fashion beats is my favourite song.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 19 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 19
  2. Negative: 4 out of 19
  1. Jan 13, 2011
    Simply put, this album suffers from Beyonce syndrome--it does nothing to further the group's catalogue. Last time around, the Black Eyed Peas were exploring new territory, and the results were contagious. Now, it seems as though the group, particularly, is stuck on auto-pilot.
  2. Jan 10, 2011
    Although the overall plot of the album is sparse, it's hard to deny the enjoyment it can bring to you. If you know what to expect when you hear it, you can take The Beginning for what it is: a feel good album.
  3. Dec 21, 2010
    Unforgivably bad.