
Generally favorable reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 12
  2. Negative: 0 out of 12
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  1. May 21, 2019
    With The Best of Luck Club, Lahey has surpassed the achievement of her fantastic debut, changing things up enough musically to keep it fresh, but without losing any of the wit or songwriting prowess that made her one of the best young artists working today.
  2. May 17, 2019
    On The Best of Luck Club, Alex Lahey adds a few new tricks to her repertoire without losing touch with what she was already doing so well, and based on this music, it's a safe bet that she'll be delivering more great songs in the future.
  3. May 17, 2019
    Like a message from a wise friend, The Best of Luck Club is worth revisiting whenever you’re in need of a little perspective.
  4. May 16, 2019
    The Best of Luck Club sounds and feels like a breakout record and, hopefully, Lahey can lead the charge when it comes to the army of Aussie acts currently knocking on the door of widespread adoration.
  5. May 16, 2019
    The Best of Luck Club, is a definite step up for Lahey. Initially, it may seem like a lateral move, as it's a lot like I Love You Like a Brother. The themes are similar: relationship troubles, self-care, and a heavy dose of heart moves. The structures are fairly similar, as well. The growth shows itself in the details.
  6. 80
    Going from strength to strength, the road that The Best of Luck Club brings will undoubtedly be filled with Lahey's sounds making people move, proof that she is indeed doing it right.
  7. May 15, 2019
    The Best of Luck Club may lack some of the whimsy that got her noticed, but with this more mature turn, Lahey has expressed some lyrical depth that wasn't quite there the first time around.
  8. May 15, 2019
    Lahey stands out for her versatility. With buoyant wit, she rolls with the changes and delivers a lucid, omnivorous perspective that’s all her own.
  9. May 15, 2019
    Despite an overall likeability and affable sheen--it’s a little flatter than that.
  10. May 15, 2019
    The album has immense scale, wonderfully indulgent soundscapes and limitless sing-alongs.

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