• Record Label: BMG
  • Release Date: Sep 4, 2015
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Universal acclaim- based on 177 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 8 out of 177
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  1. Sep 11, 2015
    1 If Eternity Should Fail: average.

    2 Speed of light: Bad but good vocals, Bruce doing well. Music very well played as you would expect from legends but nothing to 'hook' the listener. 3 The Great Unknown: Yep good. A 'go to' track on this album. 4 The Red and the Black: Pure Harris, good, uses a lead guitar whilst Bruce sings....works! Heaven can wait 'whoah o whoahs take away
    1 If Eternity Should Fail: average.

    2 Speed of light: Bad but good vocals, Bruce doing well. Music very well played as you would expect from legends but nothing to 'hook' the listener.

    3 The Great Unknown: Yep good. A 'go to' track on this album.

    4 The Red and the Black: Pure Harris, good, uses a lead guitar whilst Bruce sings....works! Heaven can wait 'whoah o whoahs take away from solid track...

    5 When the river runs deep: Ave/boring

    6 Book of Souls: Yep good, not epic but solid. Would be good live heaps of classic Iron Maiden guitar work.

    7 Death or Glory: Below average

    8 Shadows of the Valley: Good, great guitar melodies/solos, will return for more of this. Heaven can Wait 'whoahs' luckily don't take too much away from this...

    9 Tears of a Clown. Good track, catchy, good hooks great solos. Lyrics somewhat disrespectful if written about Robin Williams...

    10 The Man of Sorrows. Average track.

    11 Empire of the Clouds. Yep average Mariner esc track, some good stuff, nice on a long car journey, but won't be looking it up for a specific listen...

    Overall, I'm a huge Iron Maiden fan, my first ever 'owned' album was Number of the Beast when I was 8 years old, these guys are Gods to me. But I call it as I see it, and unfortunately not enough great guitar, chorus or vocal hooks will keep me interested in 'The Book of Souls'. By god they know how to play their instruments though...

  2. Sep 9, 2015
    I am a big Maiden fan and love almost all their work. I really wanted to love this record especially after reading all the glowing revues before hearing it, but truth be told I think it's an very weak album. Most of the riffs are just slight reworkings of old familiar favorites. The overall feel is that they are trying too hard to do something epic, something like their own version ofI am a big Maiden fan and love almost all their work. I really wanted to love this record especially after reading all the glowing revues before hearing it, but truth be told I think it's an very weak album. Most of the riffs are just slight reworkings of old familiar favorites. The overall feel is that they are trying too hard to do something epic, something like their own version of Trans Siberian Orchestra, but they just fall short and the songs all song the same and lack the power and focus I am accustomed to from these true masters of the genre. Empire of the Clouds is just a long mess or over repetitive nothingness that never has a focus or build up or payoff. Rime of the Ancient Mariner it is not, and not even close. Red and Black is perhaps the best but even it has the familiar undertones of the main riff of Rime of the Ancient Mariner.

    Sure Bruce sounds great as always and the musicianship is excellent, but the mixing, and overall live feel just comes off sounding less crisp, heavy and hard as I usually expect from Maiden. There's not really a single memorable song of the bunch and I don't foresee any of these songs ending up on my favorites playlist. I laud them trying to be different, but different isn't enough, it also has to be good, and I just don't feel it from this effort. Sure it's better than most of the crap that comes out from everyone else out there today, but as a Maiden album it is arguably one of my least favorite.
  3. Sep 4, 2015
    Better than TFF, but nowhere near the old classics. Still, great overall musicianship proves that they still have it. It's just the ideas that are gone. Plus, like on last several albums, there are songs where Dickinson just won't stop singing (and it's pretty much clear that those are songs that he wrote)!P.S. Take a special look at "The Red and The Black"'s instrumental part, it's oneBetter than TFF, but nowhere near the old classics. Still, great overall musicianship proves that they still have it. It's just the ideas that are gone. Plus, like on last several albums, there are songs where Dickinson just won't stop singing (and it's pretty much clear that those are songs that he wrote)!P.S. Take a special look at "The Red and The Black"'s instrumental part, it's one the Maiden's (and HM's) best ever! Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 20 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 17 out of 20
  2. Negative: 0 out of 20
  1. Oct 2, 2015
    Forty years down the line, Maiden has proven that they’re still the best metal band in the world; we never had any doubt, but The Book of Souls is one hell of a reminder.
  2. Sep 21, 2015
    An album that wouldn't be out of place if it had come out 30 years ago.
  3. Sep 11, 2015
    The flipside of all the editorial freedom is that rather too much of the album is made up of endless midtempo guitar chug, which can feel like a bit of a chore after a while.