• Record Label: Zoe
  • Release Date: Mar 6, 2007
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 10 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 10
  2. Negative: 0 out of 10

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  1. JohnD
    Apr 28, 2007
    Obviously the last reviewer (Todd W) is clueless. Second generation musicians? Harry and Karen? REALLY??? Are we comparing this to Muskrat Love, or Taxi? This must be someone who listens to too much Rap, or perhaps went to too many Hot Tuna (Electric band) concerts and has no eardrums. This is an album that touches the heart, without being pretentious. I'm not a country music fan... Obviously the last reviewer (Todd W) is clueless. Second generation musicians? Harry and Karen? REALLY??? Are we comparing this to Muskrat Love, or Taxi? This must be someone who listens to too much Rap, or perhaps went to too many Hot Tuna (Electric band) concerts and has no eardrums. This is an album that touches the heart, without being pretentious. I'm not a country music fan... but Mary has a way to get the message across the boundary of typecasting. Great album. Expand
  2. MattD.
    May 1, 2007
    I completely disagree with Todd W. Mary Chapin is one of the finest around. Whether it be the imagery in "Twilight" or the more political "Houston," she never fails to impress. Musically, this CD is almost as good as Come On Come On.
  3. AllenS
    May 8, 2007
    This is such a fine album--free of the tiresome pyrotechnics and harshness that too often poses as authenticity and utterly obscures music. No problem like that here. Plenty of good, melancholy strolls here. How does a complete stranger manage to sound like she's putting a hand on your shoulder and offering a sympathetic word for those all-too-common wounds? It's a rare singer This is such a fine album--free of the tiresome pyrotechnics and harshness that too often poses as authenticity and utterly obscures music. No problem like that here. Plenty of good, melancholy strolls here. How does a complete stranger manage to sound like she's putting a hand on your shoulder and offering a sympathetic word for those all-too-common wounds? It's a rare singer or artist who achieves this. But again she does. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
  1. Time will tell, of course, but in The Calling, Carpenter may have her finest moment yet; it also feels like an artistic rebirth.
  2. If the new album goes farther in advocating a political conscience--"On with the Song" takes jabs at the jingoistic rubes who dissed the Dixie Chicks, while "Why Shouldn't We" insists we'll have worthy heroes in office again one day--it largely invokes the same quiet, warm, and conversational tone as its predecessor.
  3. Only a singer-songwriter with the force and clarity of Mary Chapin Carpenter could make nihilism sound so cheery.