• Record Label: Domino
  • Release Date: Oct 21, 2022
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Universal acclaim- based on 289 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 34 out of 289
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  1. Oct 25, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. It seems to me like an album about a car, and all the stories, experiences and feelings lived that involve such an object. The concept of the album starts from the simple idea of ​​being an album of "songs to listen to in the car", and from there it develops a somewhat more complex content.
    I don't particularly like this bunch of nonsense falsetto. The band sought to innovate in several aspects, which certainly made Alex do the same in terms of vocals, but it seems to lack technique.
  2. Oct 25, 2022
    Instrumentalmente, nos presenta un sonido cuyas nuevas generaciones de músicos o artistas no se atreverían a explorar. Las letras se ven sencillas a simple vista, pero esa es la magia que Alex Turner practica en sus canciones al conectar cada palabra como una pieza de un rompecabezas para finalizar con poesía. No es sino hasta cuando te das cuenta que explotas en ese CLICK y en laInstrumentalmente, nos presenta un sonido cuyas nuevas generaciones de músicos o artistas no se atreverían a explorar. Las letras se ven sencillas a simple vista, pero esa es la magia que Alex Turner practica en sus canciones al conectar cada palabra como una pieza de un rompecabezas para finalizar con poesía. No es sino hasta cuando te das cuenta que explotas en ese CLICK y en la realización aprecias el arte en sus escritos.

    Remanente de sonidos y letras antiguas que nos recuerdan a David Bowie, Nat King Cole, Billie Holiday e incluso música clásica. Sin duda es una odisea auditiva y se hace mejor con cada escucha. Enorgullece la madurez de la banda y se evidencia un crecimiento musical único en cada uno de sus discos, este no siendo la excepción. Superó todas las expectativas. Es una lástima que sea un álbum tan infravalorado y superado por otros que llegan a ser superfluos y mediocres como Midnights de Taylor Swift. The Car es sin duda un trabajo de excelencia con gran dedicación, gran conflicto de sentimientos de parte del autor y en mi opinión. La encarnación y personificación musical misma de la palabra, meliflua/melifluo.
  3. Oct 26, 2022
    Parece que o album foi feito só pra ter coisa nova, não chega a ser ruim mas é bem generico, quem gosta da banda acredito que va gostar do album, mas não me agradou muito, achei legal porém esquecivel
  4. Nov 2, 2022
    A great addition to the Arctic Monkeys' discography, with its orchestral elements and David Bowie-influenced vocals.
  5. Nov 18, 2022
    I think it's a blended album, all the songs fit together as a whole package. a great listen.
  6. Nov 22, 2022
    This is not the better Arctic Monkeys album (after "AM", it's pretty hard to beat that record). But it isn't bad. It's better than "Tranquility Base", but not comparing to "AM", "Favourite worst", "Whatever People", et cetera. But, in the end, this don't really look like an Arctic Monkeys album, just like and Indie Pop/rock album.
  7. Dec 11, 2022
    The band manages to mature as its members with each album, and not unlike the new Arctic monkeys album shows this perfectly with songs that are not so commercial but with a lot of quality
  8. Dec 16, 2022
    Brilliant album. Great to see the band continually evolving and trying new sounds
  9. Mar 25, 2023
    this album is a masterpiece. it's cinematic and the lyrics are deep and profound. love it sm
  10. Apr 16, 2023
    evreyone says that we should never expect another AM or wtpsiatwin because they always have a distinct sound with each record.

    However , that is not the case with the car,which does not even sound like the arctic monkeys but more of a cover band trying to rip off the magic of tranquility base. Evreything they tried making with this record has already been done better by the last shadow
    evreyone says that we should never expect another AM or wtpsiatwin because they always have a distinct sound with each record.

    However , that is not the case with the car,which does not even sound like the arctic monkeys but more of a cover band trying to rip off the magic of tranquility base. Evreything they tried making with this record has already been done better by the last shadow puppets Unlike tranquility , which had a cohesive theme and a cool concept that immersed you in the sci fi world created with care by Alex Turner , this new record doesnt have a concept , or a purpose , its just a bland attempt at art rock , with the orchestra putting in more work than the band itself and barely any interesting guitar bits or drum fills Evrey song just builds up without ever reaching a climax and Turner has a horrible barritone voice with bad attemps at falsetto
  11. Apr 17, 2023
    sem duvida o melhor álbum do arctic monkeys. a sensação trazida pelo instrumental é incomparável, principalmente a música "Hello You", aquele violino no fundo deixa tudo mais profundo e magico
  12. Jun 28, 2023
    It certainly won't appeal to the Stone Island football LADS but for my money this is one of, if not the best thing they've ever produced.
    I've been an admirer of the band for years but never crossed over into a real fan but TBHC started to sway me more towards that and this has completely solidified it.
    It's a stunning album that manages to be sad, sexy, muted and grandiose in equal
    It certainly won't appeal to the Stone Island football LADS but for my money this is one of, if not the best thing they've ever produced.
    I've been an admirer of the band for years but never crossed over into a real fan but TBHC started to sway me more towards that and this has completely solidified it.
    It's a stunning album that manages to be sad, sexy, muted and grandiose in equal measure.
    It's undoubtedly polarised their fanbase and if you're looking for any of their previous jumpy indie gear then you'll be dissapointed.
    If, like me, you're into jazz, soft rock, deep electronic stuff and a bit of nostalgia you'll find yourself with it on loop.
    Mirrorball and Statues....in my opinion, are some of the best stuff they've ever written and I'm very excited to see where they take it after this. Hopefully more of the same with even more of Alex Turners on stage crooner vibes and even more lounge core writing.
    Some "fans" are clearly gutted It's not 2006 anymore and the Arctic monkeys are no longer the football terrace's favourite band....ain't progress wonderful
  13. Aug 3, 2023
    Took a while to creep up on me, but when it did... it's probably their best album.

Universal acclaim - based on 25 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 24 out of 25
  2. Negative: 0 out of 25
  1. Nov 7, 2022
    The Car is a slick mover, immaculately appointed and often beautiful. What it’s driving at, though, can feel naggingly elusive.
  2. Oct 31, 2022
    There is one salient, nailed-on fact about this enigmatic album, however. It’s how easily its most anthemic cuts will slot into those revved-up Arctic Monkey festival set lists.
  3. Oct 26, 2022
    Turner seems to be angling for atmosphere, not hooks, with his melodies. The free-floating croon helps The Car amiably drift in space but it also highlights how the record could use a couple of elements to bring it back to earth.