• Record Label: Bighit
  • Release Date: Jun 4, 2021
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  1. Jul 8, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. they aren't playing around and it shows ;> keep streaming on spotify, yt, and other platforms 'cause this album deserves more Expand
  2. Jul 8, 2021
    The best album i've ever listenned to. All of the songs are amazing and catchy
  3. Jul 8, 2021
    I absolutely LOVE this album! There are so many different tracks with different styles (frost and no rules) and they pulled off those styles amazingly! Txt are truly the 4th gen leaders and I’m so glad to see what comes next!
  4. Jul 8, 2021
    I love this album, it has different kinds of genre of music, and his vocals are amazing. If this a new era of TOMORROW X TOGETHER I can't wait to the new music, beacuse It's amazing
  5. Jul 8, 2021
    nao tenho palavras pra descrever esse album, qualquer sensação que ele traz é boa e relaxante
  6. Jul 8, 2021
    El álbum es increíble; en particular cada una de las canciones tiene su propio estilo, demuestra el crecimiento de los artistas. Espero con ansias sus próximos proyectos.
  7. Jul 8, 2021
    This album has to be TxT's best so far. It's starts off with 'Anti-Romantic' a sad but calm song that sets the mood and continues to the title song, a pop-rock song that also shows sadness through it's it's lyrics but with a catchy melody. The other b-sides also have each of their own color and all come together to form an amazing album. It was nice to know that the TxT members took partThis album has to be TxT's best so far. It's starts off with 'Anti-Romantic' a sad but calm song that sets the mood and continues to the title song, a pop-rock song that also shows sadness through it's it's lyrics but with a catchy melody. The other b-sides also have each of their own color and all come together to form an amazing album. It was nice to know that the TxT members took part in writing lyrics and even producing a song (Huening Kai's 'Dear Sputnik for example), which shows how talented they are. My favorite has to be 'Frost'. Great album!! ❤️ Expand
  8. Jul 8, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The Best 2021 CB Low-key Vibing every song especially Frost , 0×1= Lovesong and ofc Ice cream , Magic , Dear Sputnik man every single one Expand
  9. Jul 8, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Me encanta este álbum es mi favorito, Anti romantic se ha hecho muy popular y ya veo porqué, pude identificarme con la letra de no rules es una canción con un ritmo bastante divertido.
    0x1=LOVESONG es el tema principal, me encanta la canción me hace sentir tan nostálgica y la letra es tan sentimental, al mismo tiempo me parece que sea una canción muy pegadiza por lo que me sigo quedando con Run away de su álbum magic como mi tema principal favorito. Aún así amo LOVESONG es una obra de arte. Amo todo FREEZE
  10. Jul 8, 2021
    Esse novo álbum do TXT é simplesmente incrível, com certeza meu favorito. Fico feliz em saber que um álbum no qual eles tem tantas autorias está sendo aclamado mundialmente. Sempre continuarei me orgulhando dos meus meninos
  11. Jul 8, 2021
    Amazing album!! It's so good see then growing that much!! I love all the songs!!
  12. Jul 15, 2021
    this album is legendary!! this album has various genre so.. you should start listening to this.. this is my favorite album of them for now(?) I'm waiting for the next comeback!!!
  13. Jul 9, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Its their 2nd full album yet with no skips. they are really talented and the raw vocals in this album is just chef kiss. no one is doing like them.. every album of Tomorrow X Together (txt) shows us new gener every time. . i really appreciate how their company allows their artist to participate in their album, songwriting, composing, producing it.. anything their hard work pays off.. when they have debuted just in 2019. their growth is amazing,
    this album is really great i serious recommend it to everyone.
  14. Jul 10, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I'm a teenager and I completely relate to this album, on a spiritual level. This album is based on a story of a teenage boy whose world has collapsed due to this pandemic and he's having a hard time trying to survive all of this, and then he finds his lover, who has the capability to save him through this mess. The title track (second track in this album) "0x1=lovesong (I know I love you) ft. Seori" talks about how the girl's presence in his life saved him from the mess. This song also has a music video, which gives the vibe of a "coming of age" movie. Whereas the first track talks about how he's afraid to give in entirely when he's in love. The third track "Magic" is an upbeat song, and the group's first original english track, talks about how the arrival of a special someone in their life makes their life magical. The fourth track called " Ice cream" is like a cold realisation to the listener. It shows the hidden nature of humans; we want to wish some bad stuff for everyone even though we're not like that on the outside. The fifth track "What if i had been the puma" relates back to one of their tracks on EP "The dream chapter: eternity", called " Puma", in which they talk about the real life incident that took place in Seoul some years back, of how a puma wanted to achieve her freedom by escaping from the zoo, but her leap for freedom costed her, her life. Here in the this track, wiihbtp, they talk about what choice would've they made if they were in place of the puma. The sixth track "No Rules" talks about how everyone wants to live in a world without any rules, contradictory to what the pandemic wants us to do. The seventh track "dear sputnik" talks about how the boy wants to find and just go off on an eternal adventure with his partner, "sputnik". The concluding track " Frost" talks they're stuck in this world of covid-19 without a way out. Multiple of these tracks have contributions from the artists of the group TXT themselves, and also from hit-songwriters like Ashnikko, Mod Sun, Salem Ilese, RM of BTS, and many more. This album is a soul-healing album for me, since I'm a teenager and can completely relate to what they sing and express. Every track touches my heart, not just the lyrics, but their soulful voices and the melodies. I think this album definitely deserves a 10/10. Expand
  15. Jul 11, 2021
    The album is perfection. Very diverse very unique. Each song has a different spice added to it. The lyrics are very meaningful
  16. Jul 14, 2021
    It is an album that demonstrates the growth of the group since their debut, show songs so inspiring and charming that they make you want to listen to it again and again, the maturity and professionalism that they show in this album is surprising, you should listen to it you will not regret it.
  17. Jul 15, 2021
    great album, TxT has a very distinguished sound from their peers in the 4th generation (leaders btw!), which I love. 0x1=lovesong and anti-romantic are truly iconic. freeze is forever.
  18. Jul 17, 2021
    I would say The Chaos Chapter: Freeze is easily one of the best albums to come out this year. It has diverse range of genres that makes every listening experience a worthwhile one. The vocals of the members blend perfectly with the harmonious melody. The lyrics are meaningful and relatable, especially as they mostly portray the Gen Z experience. It's got everything a good album has.
  19. Jul 22, 2021
    É o melhor álbum da carreira, eu espero grandes coisas do txt a partir de agora, acho que eles exploram muito bem vários gêneros musicais e técnicas de vocal, os conceitos são incríveis e cada membro foi creditado em alguma música, então eu realmente apreciei ainda mais as letras dessa vez!
  20. Jul 22, 2021
    i have to make 75 characters so here i will list my face songs from the album and why

    1. what if i had been that puma - it sounds so good like it hits the right part of my brain 2. no rules - it’s SO SO SO fun like everytime i hear it i want to start dancing 3. 0x1=lovesong - OMG i can’t decide whether this is their best tt or not (cysm was my favorite b4) they all sound so good the
    i have to make 75 characters so here i will list my face songs from the album and why

    1. what if i had been that puma - it sounds so good like it hits the right part of my brain

    2. no rules - it’s SO SO SO fun like everytime i hear it i want to start dancing 3. 0x1=lovesong - OMG i can’t decide whether this is their best tt or not (cysm was my favorite b4) they all sound so good the vocals are amazing the lyrics are so sad like omg are y’all okay and then taehyuns voice when he says ikily
  21. Jul 24, 2021
    This album brings a different vibe from the old ones. It feels like Tomorrow x Together has grown up in their music and got ready for the new race in the future. I highly recommend '0X1=LOVESONG'.
  22. Jul 31, 2021
    The only word that i would use to describe this album is amazing. This is for sure their best album so far.
  23. Sep 26, 2021
    Really good album, my ears got blessed listening to this, these boys did a really good job not only singing but working on it, congrats to txt!
  24. Nov 2, 2021
    The best album of 2021.... Through this album the have showed immense growth and their top notch vocals as well as performance.
  25. Nov 2, 2021
    Through this album they have expressed the felling of the youth. I can't wait for their upcoming discography
  26. Nov 3, 2021
    THE CHAOS CHAPTER : FREEZE is so good and I love all the songs .....
  27. Apr 9, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I am in love with this album. I heard people saying that The Chaos Chapter: Freeze is really a masterpiece and I cannot disagree with that. Starting from Anti-Romantic and ending with Frost, it gives the listener a wide range of emotions: makes you sad, makes you cry, makes you happy or makes you feel like you are the king of this world. The album has been on repeat since I heard it, and it will continue being my top10 albums all time. Expand
  28. Apr 11, 2022
    SOOOO GOOD!! i was not a moa when i first listened to this album and i was also not much into kpop, but i am now because of it. anti romantic got pretty popular on tiktok and i heard it and thought it was pretty addicting, but i did not decide to listen to the full album until many months later. when i finally gave freeze a listen i was surprised by the different sounds! BASICALLY FREEZESOOOO GOOD!! i was not a moa when i first listened to this album and i was also not much into kpop, but i am now because of it. anti romantic got pretty popular on tiktok and i heard it and thought it was pretty addicting, but i did not decide to listen to the full album until many months later. when i finally gave freeze a listen i was surprised by the different sounds! BASICALLY FREEZE IS A TOP TIER ALBUM!! FROST BEST SONG! Expand
  29. May 21, 2022
    This was a huge step forward for them. You can see how much their music matured in this album, while still maintaining their essence and continuing their story. Dear Sputnik is my personal favorite.
  30. Jun 12, 2022
    it's an amazing album. lots of great songs. txt is total gen z group. i love it
  31. Sep 21, 2022
    I am not a fan of this group and I just recently discoved them on Spotify, boy this album is so good. It is like a story book that you have to listen from start to finish. I still don't like Kpop but I think that I will give the genre a try.
  32. Sep 20, 2022
    This is my favorite album from TXT, every single song is a smash. No skips at all
  33. Jan 10, 2023
    I am not a fan of this group but this album is so good. This is my favorite album from TXT, every single song is a smash. No skips at all. The vocals on this album, particularly on the songs Anti Romantic and 0x1=LOVESONG, are incredible as well as their lyricism. There is simply not a bad song on this album. All the songs are different and unique. EVERY SONG in the album is my favorite.
  34. Jul 11, 2023
    THE CHAOS CHAPTER: FREEZE it's a PERFECT ALBUM, songs that represent every facet of today's society and a great reflection of generation z, this album is amazing, its repackage (FIGHT OR ESCAPE) it's amazing too, adding two new songs and a remix of the powerful song LOVESONG. The vocals on Anti-Romantic are really beautiful, perfect song to open the album, Moving on to the powerful titleTHE CHAOS CHAPTER: FREEZE it's a PERFECT ALBUM, songs that represent every facet of today's society and a great reflection of generation z, this album is amazing, its repackage (FIGHT OR ESCAPE) it's amazing too, adding two new songs and a remix of the powerful song LOVESONG. The vocals on Anti-Romantic are really beautiful, perfect song to open the album, Moving on to the powerful title track 0X1, a song in my opinion, deserving of many awards, the music video is PERFECT! Following the album we find MAGIC, a song 100% in English, the first of the group worth noting, very moved like magic, Ice Cream have a delicious, fresh, and forceful rhythm to give strength to the album, I love it. Balance game (What if I had been that PUMA) It is a very particular song on the album, and its lyrics are impressive, "choose your answer A or B", "I have to choose, but they still ask me if I am unable to decide my answer", as well as its rhythm. Listening it in concert is different. Speaking of No Rules, wow, an extremely upbeat song, its choreography proves it, but don't be fooled, the lyrics don't equal the rhythm, listen to the song and then read the lyrics, Maybe you will get a slight surprise. And Dear Sputnik and Frost to close is the best possible combination, I love Dear Sputnik, ohhh God the high notes here take you to heaven. Frost has an incredible video, which is part of the Universe of the group (THE STAR SEEKERS), MOA (TXT's fans) in particular, has great theories from that video. THE CHAOS CHAPTER: FREEZE is an album that you must listen to, just like the music videos and Performances of the songs...Well, once you hear the songs you will want to see them in performances or possibly live, I assure you they are impressive in concert. This album has 0 skips. Expand
  35. Dec 25, 2021
    They boys surprised me. This album shows off their improvement in music, in their vocal skills... The repackage album is even better than this one, they did a great job. Looking forward for their next project.
  36. Jul 7, 2021
    I really enjoyed this album, with different sounds it created a teenage atmosphere where we find love, heartbreak, mood swings and different themes that nowadays a teenager can live, it could be very easy to identify.
  37. Jul 7, 2021
    Anti-Romantic 95
    0X1=Lovesong (I Know I Love You) 100
    Magic 85 Ice Cream 85 What If I had Been that PUMA 80 No Rules 100 Dear Sputinik 100 Frost 100 media score: 93 An incredibly decent kpop album, FREEZE features lyrical participation from all members of the group. The title track is a shocking mix of rock and kpop, the members serve up beautiful, matured vocals, (compared
    Anti-Romantic 95
    0X1=Lovesong (I Know I Love You) 100
    Magic 85
    Ice Cream 85
    What If I had Been that PUMA 80
    No Rules 100
    Dear Sputinik 100
    Frost 100

    media score: 93

    An incredibly decent kpop album, FREEZE features lyrical participation from all members of the group.

    The title track is a shocking mix of rock and kpop, the members serve up beautiful, matured vocals, (compared to their previous work) , and amazing performances throughout the era.


    A harmonious track and a quiet one for the album's vocals, the ballad about romanticism in young people's lives is somewhat charming and fancy, in a mature and sad way, but in just the right measure.

    0X1=Lovesong (I Know I Love You)

    After the choice disco music
    on their last release txt comes up with a pop rock perfection, the track, lyrically strong about the feeling of withdrawal from love just like a drug, is impactful and powerful. The vocals of members taehyun and hueningkai fit the chorus perfectly.

    Lovesong is an extremely dark and meaningful song, a rare thing in kpop title tracks, but the members continue to serve up star quality in their magnificent performances.


    The group's first song in English has a pure and cozy feeling, a total break from the tension of the previous track ''lovesong''. Magic is about the sweet, initial part of love, where nothing matters but the company of your lover.

    Criticism goes to the very pointed and unnecessary autotune in the construction of the track, but at the end of the day it is still a fun song.

    Ice Cream

    The next track sounds weak upon first listen, but ages a bit better. A pun on the pronunciation of ice cream in the chorus is an interesting and amusing charm, but otherwise the song has a danceable and inviting construction.

    What If I had Been that PUMA

    The fifth track continues with the problem of autotune, the voices get a bit generic, but the charm of the members' dancing voices is still worth it, it's still the kind of song where you know it's bad but it's a nice bad song.

    No Rules

    An extremely danceable and joyful song (the disco instrumental sounds very similar to "Comme Des Garçons (Like The Boys)" by Rina Sawayama !), the track has a strong and catchy chorus, it is impossible for someone not to have the melody stuck in their head after listening to it.

    The performances bring a daring choreography with pelvic movements, but in the usual cheerful and colorful way. The stages with loose, loose clothing during the era are funny and invite us to roll around wildly.

    Dear Sputinik

    A hybrids rock shows us again the STAR quality of the members of txt, the deep and captivating lyrics makes us travel with the voices of the five boys. a perfect song to be performed in stadium shows, and it is possible to feel this feeling throughout the song, this uncontrollable desire to hear this song live in a crowded show.
    Frost The last track of the album has a very distinctive beginning, the striking laughter of the hueningkai member impacts us in the very first seconds. The low pitched vocals of the members grow with every second, leaving the track with an experimental and hybrid taste. Ashinikko's touch on the track is remarkable, the collaboration of international producers on the album has benefited the group's incredible productions, making the discography more and more epic and unique. ------------------------ TXT froze our hearts in a way that was so warm and amazing, the chaotic energy flows through every song on the album, showing why the group is called the "it boys" of the fourth generation of kpop. The group marks a strong presence in the group of new generation singers, showing their purpose in the world music scene as global stars. As well, we can see tomorrow x together's musical authenticity as one of the leading youth music groups in the world.
  38. Jul 7, 2021
    reis da quarta geração, entregando sempre música de qualidade, a title perfeita com os vocais la no talo e as bsides também não ficam muito pra trás, anti romantic hit orgânico que não teve nada além de qualidade pra hitar, enfim mitos
  39. Jul 7, 2021
    Easily the best album on the first half of the year. The vocals are so powerful, each track is different in a very good way, they really did an amazing job.
  40. Jul 7, 2021
    TXT are some of the few artists whose albums I look forward to and never get disappointed. Since their debut they have been showing us an incredible variety of music genres and I am sure that also on this album everyone will find something for themselves. A wonderful, well-composed and coherent work. I'm also very pleased that members were involved in the production and writing of theTXT are some of the few artists whose albums I look forward to and never get disappointed. Since their debut they have been showing us an incredible variety of music genres and I am sure that also on this album everyone will find something for themselves. A wonderful, well-composed and coherent work. I'm also very pleased that members were involved in the production and writing of the lyrics. Let's keep it up! Expand
  41. Jul 7, 2021
    this is the best album I ever heard in my entire life, I am very proud and feel so happy to see this guy's achieving their dreams, moa
  42. Jul 7, 2021
    Tomorrow X Together’s The Chaos Chapter: FREEZE encapsulates the feeling of youth and its challenges. The album manages to create an amazing story with 8 songs talking about the struggles of romance and pain. The vocals of each member is also amazing and gives the album an extra flare along with the beats and rhythms. The album is a define pick to recommend to others and I decided to rateTomorrow X Together’s The Chaos Chapter: FREEZE encapsulates the feeling of youth and its challenges. The album manages to create an amazing story with 8 songs talking about the struggles of romance and pain. The vocals of each member is also amazing and gives the album an extra flare along with the beats and rhythms. The album is a define pick to recommend to others and I decided to rate it high bc of the first song on the album, anti romantic! Please take time to listen to this wonderful album! Expand
  43. Jul 7, 2021
    The Chaos Chapter: Freeze is an insanely well put together album. Tomorrow X Together continue to show their growth as artists in this album, with most of the songs the boys having took part in. In knowing that, this album becomes even more intimate and personal. All the songs are undeniably love at first listen, and your love for them increases as you delve more into each individual song,The Chaos Chapter: Freeze is an insanely well put together album. Tomorrow X Together continue to show their growth as artists in this album, with most of the songs the boys having took part in. In knowing that, this album becomes even more intimate and personal. All the songs are undeniably love at first listen, and your love for them increases as you delve more into each individual song, especially the lyrics and vocals of Tomorrow X Together that leave you in awe every single time. Expand
  44. Jul 7, 2021
    this is one of the best albums they have made so far to tell you the truth. all the song are incridible and sooo different from one another, that it really takes you on a trip with soo many different emotions. the lyrics are also all amazing, the story telling was soooo well made and the distinct sounds they experimented with just sealed the deal for me. i'm sorry but this album is reallythis is one of the best albums they have made so far to tell you the truth. all the song are incridible and sooo different from one another, that it really takes you on a trip with soo many different emotions. the lyrics are also all amazing, the story telling was soooo well made and the distinct sounds they experimented with just sealed the deal for me. i'm sorry but this album is really just wooowwwww, it left me speachless when i first heard it and i just reaaaalllyyy loved all the tracks. thank you for making this amazing album, looking forward to the futureeeee Expand
  45. Jul 7, 2021
    txt is the next big thing... this album really sticks up to its name and gives you that chaotic feeling by setting the tension higher with each track
  46. Jul 7, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. album ini dipenuhi dengan lagu yang sangat sangat bagus dan worth it to listen, dan lagu favorit saya adalah title track 0x1 lovesong Expand
  47. Jul 7, 2021
    TOMORROW X TOGETHER is a group that is built to last a long time. Over the course of their career, they have demonstrated exceptional range as performers and singers, purely because they are willing to take genre risks that other groups of their generation are not. Each title track is so distinct from its predecessors, and all of their discography follows an authentic storyline about theTOMORROW X TOGETHER is a group that is built to last a long time. Over the course of their career, they have demonstrated exceptional range as performers and singers, purely because they are willing to take genre risks that other groups of their generation are not. Each title track is so distinct from its predecessors, and all of their discography follows an authentic storyline about the struggles and triumphs of youth, which they present with earnestness. You just can't help but root for them, because you believe them. Later on in their careers, their earlier works will be nostalgic.

    This album is one that TXT should be particularly proud of, as they were involved in the production and writing for a majority of the tracks, one of which has the youngest member (born in 2002) as the main producer. They have credits on their last album as well, but this album seems to be more personal. In interviews and behind-the-scenes clips for this album, all members demonstrate acute emotional intelligence, especially when discussing the title track, 0x1=LOVESONG. TXT's strength is that they are genuine. They assume vulnerability just as easily as they do jubilance or passion or anger in their other tracks. Whatever a performance needs, they will provide, 100%. FREEZE seems to have been a MAJOR turning point in their career, its numbers blowing all previous ones out of the water, as they experience a massive increase in new listeners. Looking forward to seeing their ORGANIC, CONSISTENT growth continue.
  48. Jul 7, 2021
    I really loved this album, not only for the rock vibes, but for the feeling that the songs transmit.
  49. Jul 7, 2021
    All the songs from this albums are great and amazing, all the are different genres and the title track songs is somethings I haven't seen before in a K-pop group which I personally love seen when a K-pop groups goes out of the usual and experiments and plays with it.
  50. Jul 7, 2021
    This is an album with no skips. if you're a music lover you can enjoy every song of this album regardless of the age. This album shows not only the growth of the group but of every member who's shows their individual glow. One of the best albums so far
  51. Jul 7, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. A really good album with a strong message and meaning full lyrics. Has the potential to become the sound of generation. I really enjoyed listening to it. Expand
  52. Jul 7, 2021
    I just love how all the songs tells a story in different genres. Genuinely one of the best albums released this year.
  53. Jul 7, 2021
    The chaos chapter freeze has a great diverse sound throughout the album. No song sounds the same and the lyrics are very meaningful. Considering Tomorrow x Together’s audience are teenagers and young adults (gen z) They talk about problems that relates to to their audience and make their audience feel like they are connected to the group in some way or another. The pop rock to hyperpop,The chaos chapter freeze has a great diverse sound throughout the album. No song sounds the same and the lyrics are very meaningful. Considering Tomorrow x Together’s audience are teenagers and young adults (gen z) They talk about problems that relates to to their audience and make their audience feel like they are connected to the group in some way or another. The pop rock to hyperpop, they have it all in much more in this album! I recommend giving this album a listen!! Expand
  54. Jul 7, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I like this album so much, i think this album is the best album by kpop act this year and the fact that the members participated especially Hueningkai is a producer for one track "Dear Sputnik" make it more amazing. This is superior album. Expand
  55. Jul 7, 2021
    The album is just incredible each song has a unique vibe but at the same time relate to each other. The album has fun and lively songs but also nostalgic songs.
  56. Jul 7, 2021
    This is an amazing album. I think this is my favorite from them. I love their sound and how they have grown since 2019 and can’t wait to see more of them in a future! :)
  57. Jul 7, 2021
    I'm going to start by saying that I have never in my life liked the entire discography of a group, but with TXT this is different. I literally love ALL of their songs and the ones in this album are no exception. When I first heard the teaser for the songs I thought I might not like some of them because they aren't really my style and what I like, but there is something about this ones thatI'm going to start by saying that I have never in my life liked the entire discography of a group, but with TXT this is different. I literally love ALL of their songs and the ones in this album are no exception. When I first heard the teaser for the songs I thought I might not like some of them because they aren't really my style and what I like, but there is something about this ones that I ended up absolutely loving them. Everything is so diverse and the lyrics, as always, are very much relatable, it makes me proud to know that all of the members were involucred in the writing of them and one of them even helped produce one of the songs. This shows a lot of their talents, not only in how they are excellent at singing and dancing, but in writing and producing as well.
    I have to say as well that this album had such a different concept, it was something very new to them and can say that, as they worked really hard on it, they nailed it.
    I'm not giving a 10 just because I know next comeback is going to be even better, but this doesn't change the fact that this is my favourite album ever.
  58. Jul 7, 2021
    In this new album, TXT brings so much reflections about our life, solitude, relationships and more. Dear Sputnik is definitely my favorite with 0X1=LOVESONG right after. The boys are super talented and I hope we'll see them working on lyrics and production even more in the next albums.
  59. Jul 7, 2021
    I love how this album provides me with so much listening variety. Dear Sputnik and 0x1 Love Song are dear to me because I really love that pop rock sound but the dark tones in Frost is so delicious. The album is so aptly named because it evokes the turmoil of growing up and the push and pull of contrasting emotions that make up the landscape of adolescence and the struggle of a personI love how this album provides me with so much listening variety. Dear Sputnik and 0x1 Love Song are dear to me because I really love that pop rock sound but the dark tones in Frost is so delicious. The album is so aptly named because it evokes the turmoil of growing up and the push and pull of contrasting emotions that make up the landscape of adolescence and the struggle of a person swinging between the poles of jadedness and hope. Expand
  60. Jul 7, 2021
    this is the best album yet! i love the musicality growth of tomorrow x together. we'll look forward to your future songs and activities. not elevator but stairs!
  61. Jul 7, 2021
    All the songs here are a true masterpiece and I am literally obsessed with this whole album
  62. Jul 7, 2021
    Un excelente album de verdad lo recomiendo, se que muchos no querrán darle una oportunidad por la diferencia de idioma pero pueden buscar la traducción de las letras fácilmente. Si eres de la generación z este album es definitivamente para ti y si no pues también, cuenta con una variedad de géneros para todos.
  63. Jul 7, 2021
    Tomorrow X Together have always amazed people with their music and are always in constant growth as artists and with this album they've outdone themselves. with all the members participating in the process of The Chaos Chapter: Freeze it makes it feel more personal and they show perfectly the maturity they have achieved with only 2 years in the industry. Every song in this album is specialTomorrow X Together have always amazed people with their music and are always in constant growth as artists and with this album they've outdone themselves. with all the members participating in the process of The Chaos Chapter: Freeze it makes it feel more personal and they show perfectly the maturity they have achieved with only 2 years in the industry. Every song in this album is special and even though they all are different genres they have something unique that only TXT can bring into the music that makes the album feel in harmony. Expand
  64. Jul 7, 2021
    Este álbum fue una obra maestra, totalmente merecedora de mucho más reconocimiento, TOMORROW X TOGETHER tiene mucho más que ofrecer y demostrar! y lo va haciendo poco a poco. En este álbum la firma y huella de cada uno de ellos quedó marcada. La calidad de las canciones es tan alta que desde la comienzo uno la disfruta.
  65. Jul 7, 2021
    This album is very unique. It has very different sound that not many other boyband do.
  66. Jul 7, 2021
    I think this album is easily the album of the year. Has it all. You can enjoy different genres and wonderful songs. I love him so much! TXT deserve the world.
  67. Jul 7, 2021
    It has a diversity of musical genres in the same album and as a result you get a roller coaster of emotions. I recommend that you get carried away by the melodies!
  68. Jul 7, 2021
    Es realmente un álbum increíble, honestamente es uno de los albums más completos y diversos que he escuchado no solo en el kpop sino en la industria de música en general, disfrute la composición al 100
  69. Jul 7, 2021
    IT'S SOOO DOOPEEEE! LOVE IT It is one of the best albums of this year, without a doubt they performed amazingly on this album, congratulations!
  70. Jul 7, 2021
    So first, Anti-romantic: 9/10. I was really excited when I saw Alex Hope worked on this track, and I was not disappointed; it's definitely got the strawberries and cigarettes feel I was anticipated, but it doesn't loose txt's sound or style. The producing builds really nicely throughout the song, and the way the instrumental is done in the chorus gives a distinct feeling of release; itSo first, Anti-romantic: 9/10. I was really excited when I saw Alex Hope worked on this track, and I was not disappointed; it's definitely got the strawberries and cigarettes feel I was anticipated, but it doesn't loose txt's sound or style. The producing builds really nicely throughout the song, and the way the instrumental is done in the chorus gives a distinct feeling of release; it reminds me a bit of Feel Something by Bea Miller and some songs by Ashe, and it's immensely satisfying to listen to. I find it really comforting when I'm sad, and really relaxing when I'm doing well. It's one of my favorite songs to be released this year.

    0X1=lovesong: 10/10. Oh my god. I love this song. The way the backing vocals in the chorus and the instrumentals work together give me chills when I listen to this song at full volume. It has a distinctly full sound, like no details were overlooked. I was watching a producer review this song [Form of Therapy on Youtube] and they mentioned that txt didn't just use guitar to create a rock sound; the drums and vocal style commit too the sound. I think it absolutely paid off; I love the aesthetic of the music video and the styling, but the sound of it alone makes this my favorite txt title track so far.

    Magic: 8/10. The promotion for this song has been super fun for me. It's energetic and upbeat and it feels good to listen to. I think txt did a really good job with this as their first English song, and I'm really happy to see it getting radio play. It feels very boyband to me, in a good way, and it's a really fun pop song. I didn't love the 'clap you hands' bit on first listen, but after seeing it get performed I came to like it a lot more.

    Ice Cream: 9/10. Okay, so, when I heard the 'you scream, I scream' bit in the album preview, I thought I would hate this song. I fully anticipated it to be the first skip in txt's discography, but within a couple hours that thirty second clip was totally stuck in my head. The ee-yeah in the chorus right after was like, insanely addictive, and when the song came out and I heard the first verse I was totally sold. The whispery, new rules adjacent singing is my favorite thing, ever. I love the lyrics, too; the metaphor of ice cream being initially sweet but inevitably melting is very pleasing to me, and the bitter tone the whole thing has paired with the bright sound is everything.

    What if I had been that Puma: 9/10. So, I've heard a lot of criticism of this song because of the auto-tune, and Teen Vogue called it the most polarizing song on the album. Personally, it doesn't bother me, but I think even if it does bother you, you can't deny that this song is well built. The beat is catchy and the lyrics are candid and the flow of the song is well done. It's really easy for me to listen to, and it's definitely one of my favorite tracks on the album.

    No Rules: 10/10. This song might be my favorite promotional b side of all time. If there's one thing txt are gonna do, it's make a song that is extremely bright sounding and fun to listen to with really depressing lyrics, and this song does it very well. The "I don't wanna dance anymore" in the chorus while txt are dancing and grinning at the camera paired with the extremely uptempo producing feels almost comical and a bit manic. I love it.

    Dear Sputnik: 8/10. Oh my god. The chorus of this song is so good. I am so thrilled that txt did more punk pop-ish stuff with this album, and I'm really happy that a song Kai produced made it onto the album. It makes me really excited about what he'll do in the future. The only thing I didn't love about this song was the pre-chorus, but it grew on me after a few listens.

    Frost: 7/10. The intro to this song is so strong, the feel is so dark, and the unhinged element in the lyrics is very thrilling to me. This song executes it's theme really well with the noisy producing and scream-singing in the chorus, and the "really lost my mind, really really really lost it" in the pre chorus is constantly stuck in my head. I also though it was really cool to see them working with Ashnikko. I took 3 points off because it's not really my style sonically, and I don't seek it out a ton. I have to be in a very specific mood to listen to it, but I think people who are into louder music would really like this song. Also, I'm a very big fan of the way the songs tied to txt's storyline have progressed sonically; the softness in Nap of a Star carries over to Magic Island, and then in Eternally we cut between that dreamy sound and edgier sections. In Frost, we've moved on to this all encompassing darkness, or chaos.

    Overall, I was really thrilled with this release, and it's since become an album I'm really fond of. It feels like a really strong extension of txt's sound, and the increase in member participation makes me like it even more. I love this album, and I can't wait to see what they do next.
  71. Jul 7, 2021
    It is an album with a good variety of songs with different musical genres. The production is on another level, the sound quality is very good and the themes covered in the songs lyrics can make young people relate.
  72. Jul 7, 2021
    0X1=LOVESONG deserves 100 .Rate this album a lot because of this song. Dear sputnik soty
  73. Jul 7, 2021
    un grupo que lo tiene todo y lo da todo, todavía faltan muchas cosas que ver pero desde ya son increíbles
  74. Jul 7, 2021
    For me all the songs can give me different emotions everytime I listen to it. That's so cool!
  75. Jul 7, 2021
    In comparison to their past albums, this feels more personal. The emotions are more raw and genuine and as a listener, I loved how I can hear the stories of each song. I loved their past albums, they all had amazing sound, and their vocals were remarkable but the thing that I liked most about this album is how involved the members were. I think this album is the start of TXT's journey toIn comparison to their past albums, this feels more personal. The emotions are more raw and genuine and as a listener, I loved how I can hear the stories of each song. I loved their past albums, they all had amazing sound, and their vocals were remarkable but the thing that I liked most about this album is how involved the members were. I think this album is the start of TXT's journey to finding their sound and I applaud them for that. Honestly, there are songs in this album that I believe had been auto-tuned. Though I think the songs fit those well, I would have loved to see more raw vocals just like how it was on Anti-Romantic and 0X1=LOVESONG.

    Overall, it was an amazing album and I cannot stop listening to it now (I think my Spotify is confused about why I keep playing these). Now, I feel more excited about what the group has to offer for their next one.

    Congratulations to the boys and the company. And of course to the fans.
  76. Jul 7, 2021
    Esse é um full álbum pequeno de apenas 8 músicas, mas cada uma delas tem suas próprias cores e são marcantes, mesmo as não promovidas, fora isso são todas de gêneros musicais diferentes, compartilhando a mesma vibe, acho que isso foi possível pelo talento dos artistas que se envolveram profundamente com a construção desse álbum maravilhoso, super recomendo!
  77. Jul 7, 2021
    Tomorrow X Together's discography has always been diverse, but their latest comeback album FREEZE elevates the group to a whole new level. The genres range from pop-rock to r&b and dance pop, and the lyrics feel even more nuanced and mature. FREEZE offers listeners the whole spectrum of human emotions and deserves every accolade it's received. Plus more.
  78. Jul 7, 2021
    Honestly, this album is the best. It's debut on #5 on Billboard 200. The songs in this album is honestly a bop and all good. They all participated on writing the song and producing. THIS IS REALLY THE BEST!!! THIS ALBUM DESERVE A ALBUM OF THE YEAR
  79. Jul 7, 2021
    O álbum é realmente perfeito, fiquei sem palavras ao escuta-lo pela primeira vez!! 0x1 Love Song tem tudo para estourar. Porfavor dêem amor aos membros!!
  80. Jul 7, 2021
    The album is very significant and has shown the musical growth of the korean boy band very well and how they continue to prove their music as a 'no-skip' album. Not only that, it also offered a wide variety of music genres which includes electropop, hybrid pop rock, disco pop, minimal dance pop, hiphop, retro funk pop, alternative rock, and hyperpop based on trap. This alone showcases howThe album is very significant and has shown the musical growth of the korean boy band very well and how they continue to prove their music as a 'no-skip' album. Not only that, it also offered a wide variety of music genres which includes electropop, hybrid pop rock, disco pop, minimal dance pop, hiphop, retro funk pop, alternative rock, and hyperpop based on trap. This alone showcases how TOMORROW X TOGETHER is willing to take the risk and explore something new in their music career, making more room for growth. I recommend this album to people who would like to experience a whirlwind of emotions all in one album, as the future of kpop is in good hands. Expand
  81. Jul 7, 2021
    I really like the differents sounds The bsides are increible, i love this album
  82. Jul 7, 2021
    As someone who is familiar with Tomorrow x Together's discography, this new album of the renowned kpop group was yet another refreshing album in the kpop scene; it displays a more mature side of them while still retaining their youthful and bubbly essence; this new chaos chapter following their previous dream chapter is a series that I will definetly look forward too.

    As someone who is familiar with Tomorrow x Together's discography, this new album of the renowned kpop group was yet another refreshing album in the kpop scene; it displays a more mature side of them while still retaining their youthful and bubbly essence; this new chaos chapter following their previous dream chapter is a series that I will definetly look forward too.

    0X1=Lovesong (Tittle)
    New Rules
  83. Jul 7, 2021
    the album is full of different genre, but still match with the theme. rock, hip hop, disco, oooh they're so good !!
  84. Jul 7, 2021
    This album is amazing and deserves all the praise and more. TXT never disappoint in terms of diversity when it comes to their music, and this album is no different. With a mix of genres, they truly outdid themselves this comeback.
  85. Jul 7, 2021
    I really enjoyed this album. As a casual listener i can say that this albulm doesn't have the typical songs that you use to hear. How can i say it? this sounds more mature and youthful at the same time, plus i searched for the lyrics of some songs and you can sympathize with them, i really appreciate that since i'm not a big fan of the "rude/dominating boys" concept on k-pop
  86. Jul 7, 2021
    one of their most diverse albums, the b-sides as just as good as the tittle track and the concept of the album is really innovating
  87. Jul 7, 2021
    This album has an amazing concept and a great story behind it. The songs have very deep and beautiful meanings
    It is an album that can simply be defined as art
  88. Jul 7, 2021
    It is a very good album I enjoyed it very much I became a fan immediately I enjoyed it and loved it too much
  89. Jul 7, 2021
    Un album lleno de sentimientos. Es un album en el cual es evidente ver el crecimiento artístico de los integrantes. Desde vocalistas, a escritores a productores. El "genre", es un mix que ha sido usado, ya en otros cantantes y grupos, sin importar el idioma en el cuál canten. Ahora, ¿porqué funciona con TXT? Por el simple hecho, que esa "raw voice" hace que las canciones tengan ese toqueUn album lleno de sentimientos. Es un album en el cual es evidente ver el crecimiento artístico de los integrantes. Desde vocalistas, a escritores a productores. El "genre", es un mix que ha sido usado, ya en otros cantantes y grupos, sin importar el idioma en el cuál canten. Ahora, ¿porqué funciona con TXT? Por el simple hecho, que esa "raw voice" hace que las canciones tengan ese toque perfecto para que cada canción, sea placentera para el oido. desde"I know I love you" hasta "No rules", el mix es perfecto, el puentes encaja y el rap es sencillo pero catchy. Les doy un 9 por la simple razón de que se y estoy segura que ellos seguiran creciendo, mejoraran su toque e identidad artistica y nos seguirán dando mejores álbum. Teniendo un futuro por delante muy positivo y estoy preparada para gozarlo todito. Expand
  90. Jul 7, 2021
    a very enjoyable experience. the lyricism and production was top tier. kudos to them!
  91. Jul 7, 2021
    Their voices together just sound magical, they transmit the feeling of every song. Love the album
  92. Jul 7, 2021
    TXT never fails with any of their releases! love the wide range of variety of genres TXT always explore. Cant wait for the next album! Best 2021 release so far!
  93. Jul 7, 2021
    i am not too much into kpop, but i saw my sister talking about this group for quite a long time, and i accidentally heard her playing anti-romantic. let me tell you i just fell in love with their voices! oh my god these artists sing so well ! and i was bored so i checked out their recent album as well, and i don't regret it one bit ! since then when they caught my interest i have checkedi am not too much into kpop, but i saw my sister talking about this group for quite a long time, and i accidentally heard her playing anti-romantic. let me tell you i just fell in love with their voices! oh my god these artists sing so well ! and i was bored so i checked out their recent album as well, and i don't regret it one bit ! since then when they caught my interest i have checked out their entire discography and these boys never disappointed me. they experiment with their music and it's never the same old type like the other kpop group i checked out last year. their music just never misses ! Expand
  94. Jul 7, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. every single song in this album is amazing, their voices, the lyrics and the melody everything's just perfect Expand
  95. Jul 7, 2021
    This album is just so perfect. It's got a bunch of different genres for people with different tastes, the vocals and raps are insane, and the overall production of it is so high quality. As expected, txt never miss!!
  96. Jul 7, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. all the tracks are bangers y'all this is my current favorite album hehe they're the best and tomorrow x together too they're all THE BEST Expand
  97. Jul 7, 2021
    this album is wonderful, the experimentation with various genres is great and does not lose its essence
  98. Jul 7, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The Chaos Chapter:Freeze is a good and almost perfect, for my opinion, album because of it's own uniqueness. It is consist of 8 tracks with different music genres, each members of the group also participated in this album. The songs have catchy melody and beats but the lyrics says otherwise. You can relate to the songs well that it can make you feel like they wrote and made this song for you. Many people likes this album so much too so I would give 9 out of 10 for overall! Expand
  99. Jul 7, 2021
    It's so good, all of the songs in this album are catchy and nice and also TXT members participated on this album that makes it special.

Universal acclaim - based on 4 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 4
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 4
  3. Negative: 0 out of 4
  1. Jul 7, 2021
    This album is a demonstration of how BigHit Music’s in-house producers and TXT members' composing skills blend smoothly to experiment with sound in clever but relatable narratives. ... The Chaos Chapter: Freeze is a surreal album in which a mix of sounds, music genres, and metaphorical lyrics seem out of shape – until you step to the right distance to appreciate the whole painting.
  2. Jul 7, 2021
    Aside from the delicate "Anti-Romantic," the rest of the effort keeps the energy high with its hybrid blend of electronic, hip-hop, and anthemic rock flourish, resulting in a wholly engaging listen that ends all too soon.
  3. 100
    This new record not only keeps up that 100 per cent strike rate of golden tunes, but also gives us their best release to date. It’s an album that represents huge growth. Their vocals are more powerful and emotive than ever. ... Like true Gen Z artists, they pull from an extensive palette of genres, but manage to make each – be it angsty rock or a return to disco-pop – feel like it’s a sound they’ve been honing for ages.