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Universal acclaim- based on 9 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 9
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 9
  3. Negative: 1 out of 9

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  1. Nov 13, 2020
    Metacritic where's the other mclusky albums?? Their final proper album before the mcluskyism best of/rarities boxset is a beast of an album, it's not as tuneful and immediate as the two albums that preceded it but if you a fan of noise rock and are willing to give it a few listens then this album is a truly hideously beautiful piece of art.
  2. Jan 10, 2012
    MikeH really did judge this LP way too fast. Whilst the 2 previous McLusky LP's were immediately accessible, with catchy little 'pop tunes', this is a far deeper, harder offering. Gone are the bouncy, nursery-rhyming, replaced by something far harder, more mature & with balls twice as big & hairy. I was definitely taken aback by it, it wasn't what I was expecting, but it soon grew on meMikeH really did judge this LP way too fast. Whilst the 2 previous McLusky LP's were immediately accessible, with catchy little 'pop tunes', this is a far deeper, harder offering. Gone are the bouncy, nursery-rhyming, replaced by something far harder, more mature & with balls twice as big & hairy. I was definitely taken aback by it, it wasn't what I was expecting, but it soon grew on me & now feel that it stands up against their previous two outings, it's just dressed differently . . . and gave us a glimpse as to where Falco would go with the fabulous & awesome FOTL. Expand
  3. SeamusF
    Jun 14, 2004
    Sounding more like a follow-up to Queens of the Stone Age's excellent "Songs for the Deaf" than their own breakthough "Mclusky Do Dallas," this band seems ready to challenge for the punk-metal crown. While "Dallas" was more about talking credible, gangsta-esqe trash to other bands, "Difference" brings forward recent and historical influences -- listen for notes of The Fall, Nirvana, Sounding more like a follow-up to Queens of the Stone Age's excellent "Songs for the Deaf" than their own breakthough "Mclusky Do Dallas," this band seems ready to challenge for the punk-metal crown. While "Dallas" was more about talking credible, gangsta-esqe trash to other bands, "Difference" brings forward recent and historical influences -- listen for notes of The Fall, Nirvana, and the Sex Pistols, without really ripping off any of those. Trust me, this is a good thing. This is a band that's coming into its own, and one I'm looking forward to enjoying in the years ahead. Expand
  4. CraigL
    May 21, 2004
    Album of the year. Nobody can match the rockingness, catchiness, or mega hilariousness of McLusky. The greatest band alive.
  5. markf
    May 20, 2004
    Thank you, Metacritic for finally including Mclusky (that's the correct spelling.) I think that you undeinterpreted DIY's rating, but no biggie. I probably give this one about an 8.5, but I think "Mclusky Do Dallas" is stronger even though that album told everyone to "F**K This Band.' This new album basically has Mclusky telling EVERYBODY to F**k themselves, we don't Thank you, Metacritic for finally including Mclusky (that's the correct spelling.) I think that you undeinterpreted DIY's rating, but no biggie. I probably give this one about an 8.5, but I think "Mclusky Do Dallas" is stronger even though that album told everyone to "F**K This Band.' This new album basically has Mclusky telling EVERYBODY to F**k themselves, we don't give a shit. All Mclusky seems to want to do is fry their bassline into your brain and hope that you will repeat their mantra that "our ex-singer is a sex criminal." Of course, the fact that they can make such complete horse-pucky so convincing is part of their charm, and I do mean charm. Female punks will have to converge at Mclusky concerts. I'd better stop before I either sound too sexist or some kinda enterpreneur. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 15 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 15
  2. Negative: 0 out of 15
  1. It’s not mush, it’s just not quite as gleefully obvious as Mclusky Do Dallas was. But, by the same token, they’re not just treading the same ground.
  2. Q Magazine
    Mclusky are unique and getting better. [Jul 2004, p.118]
  3. If the fact that Albini seems to bury Falkous’ yelps behind too much dissonance bothers you, there’s plenty of joyous wreckage to revel in.