
Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
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  1. Sep 19, 2016
    The album could offer some really tender moments, but because they’re buried under lyrics that talk about nothing but sex, they’re lost. Instead, The Divine Feminine leaves a sour taste behind and entirely misses an opportunity to truly honor the female gender.
  2. Sep 19, 2016
    Miller's grown-ass beats clash with his juvenile boasts, so he often ends up sounding like a well-meaning kid who can't stop putting his kicks up on the fancy furniture.
  3. Sep 19, 2016
    Few lyrics are particularly arresting (on My Favourite Part, new girlfriend Ariana Grande is told that she doesn’t know how beautiful she is) and there’s some mid-album filler as Miller struggles to add hooks to cosmic G-funk.
  4. The Wire
    Nov 8, 2016
    The Divine Feminine is well-intentioned and well-staffed, but ultimately lacks the sort of specificity in vision that would do its subject matter justice. [Nov 2016, p.61]
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 132 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 4 out of 132
  1. Dec 16, 2016
    The fourth full-length release for the Pittsburgh rapper feature gusset appearances from Bilal, CeeLo Green, Ariana Grande, Kendrick Lamar,The fourth full-length release for the Pittsburgh rapper feature gusset appearances from Bilal, CeeLo Green, Ariana Grande, Kendrick Lamar, Njomza, Anderson .Paak, and Ty Dolla $ign. It comes with a Comtemporany R&B and some Alternative Rap experimenting and exploring Funky music. It's just too fun and very apreciatible the way Mac Miller and others rappers have been taking after Kendrick Lamar's To Pimp a Butterfly flow. Just in love with it. Full Review »
  2. Dec 16, 2016
    All in all, The Divine Feminine is an experiment well done. Mac Miller’s creative mind explores the ins and outs of the modern relationshipAll in all, The Divine Feminine is an experiment well done. Mac Miller’s creative mind explores the ins and outs of the modern relationship while maintaining a certain level of sophistication that can be considered timeless. Full Review »
  3. Sep 27, 2016
    I liked this album and it had some really good and smooth songs. It's good and enjoyable sound. It's a chill tone and will be brought into myI liked this album and it had some really good and smooth songs. It's good and enjoyable sound. It's a chill tone and will be brought into my normal listen cycle. Some of these songs sound kind of messy and other songs are underwhelming. I just wanted the album to be better. But overall it has some classic 10/10 tracks (We & Dang!). Overall enjoyable. Full Review »