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Universal acclaim- based on 132 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 4 out of 132
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  1. Dec 22, 2020
    only liked 2 songs from the project and not to take a dump on the other songs but the beats were great until a certain point then took a dive. favorite song was "Dang!"
  2. Nov 29, 2016
    If you are expecting the Mac Miller from 2010-2013, then this album is not for you. This is a rejuvenated Mac Miller who is trying to change his lyrics and style of music. Unfortunately, I like the old Mac and found this album to be very boring. I miss the Mac where he would talk about ice cream and yogurt.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
  1. The Wire
    Nov 8, 2016
    The Divine Feminine is well-intentioned and well-staffed, but ultimately lacks the sort of specificity in vision that would do its subject matter justice. [Nov 2016, p.61]
  2. Oct 3, 2016
    Mac Miller isn’t a good rapper, and he definitely can’t carry a note, though he tries to do that a lot on this one. However, he has a vision of what he wanted this album to sound like and then carried it through with all the right producers and features, which is a talent in and of itself.
  3. Sep 21, 2016
    All in all, The Divine Feminine is an experiment well done. Mac Miller’s creative mind explores the ins and outs of the modern relationship while maintaining a certain level of sophistication that can be considered timeless.