• Record Label: 4AD
  • Release Date: May 23, 2006
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 118 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 94 out of 118
  2. Negative: 19 out of 118

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  1. JustinB
    Jul 9, 2006
    guys, like what you like. stop bashing each other on whether this is good or not. if you don't like the album, realize others might like it and vice versa. i really like it, very dense and rewarding. good work.
  2. BrianH
    Jun 7, 2006
    This is certainly not for everyone. However, Scott Walker has honed his craft to perfection with this album. This is the sound of a man who knows exactly the sound he wants, and he gets it. Whether anybody else is on his wavelength seems to be beside the point. If you happen to connect with the music, then this is the album of the century. If not, it's going to be unlistenable. This This is certainly not for everyone. However, Scott Walker has honed his craft to perfection with this album. This is the sound of a man who knows exactly the sound he wants, and he gets it. Whether anybody else is on his wavelength seems to be beside the point. If you happen to connect with the music, then this is the album of the century. If not, it's going to be unlistenable. This is not "pop" music in any sense of the word. Having said that, it shouldn't sound too far out to people familiar with "Tilt" or 20th Century avant-garde classical. This is ugly music for an ugly world, and Scott pulls it off perfectly. Expand
  3. ClaraP
    Jul 4, 2006
    it is SO EASY to give something a 1 or a 0 and slag it off. have any of you fools ever done ANYTHING with such intensity, with such clarity, with such bloody-minded determination? which will last longer, which carries more weight? a 10-year-in-the-making musical statement from one of the most enduring, most highly regarded and uncompromising men in music, or a poorly considered opinion it is SO EASY to give something a 1 or a 0 and slag it off. have any of you fools ever done ANYTHING with such intensity, with such clarity, with such bloody-minded determination? which will last longer, which carries more weight? a 10-year-in-the-making musical statement from one of the most enduring, most highly regarded and uncompromising men in music, or a poorly considered opinion and a tossed of 'comment'. face it. you're not worthy to review a single note or word of this. Expand
  4. jamesm.
    May 16, 2007
    Thus far the record of the new century, from an artist who made some of last century's best records, i.e. Scott 3. Psst... These aren't waltzes for dodo's. psst. This noirish take on life in a post modern world is accurate and revelatory. psst. And not, I might add with touches of absurdist humor..psst. There has always been an eerie strain running through Scott's Thus far the record of the new century, from an artist who made some of last century's best records, i.e. Scott 3. Psst... These aren't waltzes for dodo's. psst. This noirish take on life in a post modern world is accurate and revelatory. psst. And not, I might add with touches of absurdist humor..psst. There has always been an eerie strain running through Scott's recordings, now with this stripped down, bleak, spare approach the essence of life, if not music itself, is laid bare for all to see, and for all to hear.psst... Expand
  5. PatrickJ
    Oct 2, 2006
    album of the year for sure. no other album has grabbed me as much this one
  6. terrificlistener
    Jun 7, 2006
    Well, it's funny. I started to worry there were too many idiots jumping on this whole Scott_is_a_godlike_genius bandwagon. Nice to know there are douche bags who'll never get it. Now go back to listening to your wilco albums.
  7. axelfoley
    Jun 9, 2006
    Oh, shut up all of you metacritic whores, it's all about music and feeling , not about scores and all that garbage. The album's great, there's no need theorising and pontificating about Scott Walker. You either get it or you don't. Thoise who say it's the "worst vocals ever" probably had a full-frontal lobotomy, but who cares? The man is a genius, you half-assed Oh, shut up all of you metacritic whores, it's all about music and feeling , not about scores and all that garbage. The album's great, there's no need theorising and pontificating about Scott Walker. You either get it or you don't. Thoise who say it's the "worst vocals ever" probably had a full-frontal lobotomy, but who cares? The man is a genius, you half-assed critics can all get fucked. See ya Expand
  8. DaveW
    Aug 2, 2006
    Absolutely superb! This album cements Scott as the greatest EVER. I wouldn't worry about others not liking it folks. It does take a bit of getting into and must be played loud, as it says in the notes.
  9. killABen
    Aug 8, 2006
    Scott Walker rules. There is no 'On Your Own Again' or 'Montague Terrace (In Blue)' on this album but nonetheless, it's the kind of decadent, self-indulgent recording that all artists should be so lucky to make.
  10. joeythelips
    Jun 14, 2006
    Can't believe some of the negative comments here. You people have NO FUCKING CLUE about Scott.
  11. jewishprincess
    Jun 14, 2006
    This album is great, sheer terror and brilliance.
  12. StephenJ
    Jun 16, 2006
    I find this album's detractors interesting. Their comments remind me about the way people reacted towards any great, and forward-looking work. People said the same kinds of things about the Rite of Spring by Stravinsky. Of course, now that work is regarded as one of the greatest works of music of all time. Maybe one day "the Drift" will be considered as the "Rite of Spring" of I find this album's detractors interesting. Their comments remind me about the way people reacted towards any great, and forward-looking work. People said the same kinds of things about the Rite of Spring by Stravinsky. Of course, now that work is regarded as one of the greatest works of music of all time. Maybe one day "the Drift" will be considered as the "Rite of Spring" of popular music. It is a radical change, but one which is well-needed. Whether or not you like the combination of sounds he used, if you take one single sound or part out, the entire thing would collapse. Scott Walker is a genius, I believe that. Expand
  13. Mystic
    Jun 20, 2006
    Amazingly transcedental melodies which the general music listener has had no exposure unless versed in RIO or Avant Jazz/classical offerings. Brilliant work that will be hailed by crtics and music fans beyond the 21st century.
  14. MJ
    Jun 7, 2006
    There has never been anything quite like 'The Drift'. That doesn't mean it is good. It is simply a monumental work that some wll digest faster then others. It is quite exciting, and, contrary to other reviewers here , it is an enjoyable experience Certainly the best this year.
  15. Dostoyevsky245
    Jun 9, 2006
    Certaimly not for everyone and THAT'S a good thing. Walker proves it's all about going too far. An amazing record.
  16. MarianK
    Jun 11, 2006
    The music is challenging. There has never been anything like it. Scott Walker is a genius. He knows exactly what sounds he wants. I like it very much after the third play.
  17. SCARS
    Jun 15, 2006
    How can anybody rate it with one star? This is not music? You bet it isn't. It's A LOT more than that. Fuck you and your record collection .
  18. BrandonS.
    Jun 17, 2006
    What Elvis should have been.
  19. AllyD
    Jun 9, 2006
    It's a shame a few critics couldn't find it in themselves to give this exceptional album a favourable review. The music is challenging, but ultimately rewarding. If you want to hear some ubiquitous sweet "3 min power-pop song" then stay clear. If you are genuinely interested in music and the limitations of it's broad scope, you'll be ultimately rewarded by listening to It's a shame a few critics couldn't find it in themselves to give this exceptional album a favourable review. The music is challenging, but ultimately rewarding. If you want to hear some ubiquitous sweet "3 min power-pop song" then stay clear. If you are genuinely interested in music and the limitations of it's broad scope, you'll be ultimately rewarded by listening to this album. i've heard it about 50 times so far and I've not even scraped the surface. one of the tracks has precussion of someone pummelling a slab of pork ..and on another he squalks like donald duck. Sound smug and pretentious? It's not. An excellent piece of work. Highly recommended. Expand
  20. tchsatoris
    Jul 23, 2006
    I can't stand how people can't handle artistic music. Think of all the different types of progressions and modern achievements in art, now think of all the crap in the music business! Kudos to a man who creats artistic music. Yes, this is not meant to be for the radio listening crowd, so why do they feel like they have the right to critic it!?
  21. Rawfoodforall
    Aug 29, 2006
    Scott Walker comes as close to the edge of his 30 year musical experiment as he can,,,,,,while still managing to score a record deal. To continue on this path would mean an album of lyrical silence.......interrupted only by carefully placed Scott burps and farts. He puts his voice in an unrelenting neutral, plays with syntax, hones and flays the language,.......the music. And still, the Scott Walker comes as close to the edge of his 30 year musical experiment as he can,,,,,,while still managing to score a record deal. To continue on this path would mean an album of lyrical silence.......interrupted only by carefully placed Scott burps and farts. He puts his voice in an unrelenting neutral, plays with syntax, hones and flays the language,.......the music. And still, the semantical effect, that is so obsessively calculated,is powerfully emotional. It's brilliant that he accomplished his goal. As always, the album is about humankind.,,,.... it just doesn't rely on garrulous theories or cliched antics to reveal the state we are in. I think he seeks to unfold......not confound., really...........and sometimes it's better for you and me when it isn't spelled out. Expand
  22. HenryB
    Dec 14, 2006
    Scares me shitless. All very pretentious but worth every minute.
  23. michael
    Jun 17, 2006
    There's really nothing else like it, and I find it overwhelmingly powerful. Like Jacques Brel plus Leonard Cohen plus Trent Reznor plus Alban Berg. It makes perfect sense that those who've heard this dense, dark album either love it or hate it. It's "musique maudit," but I cam't shake it for the life of me. Beautiful and brilliant. Sorry, haters, I'm proud to have There's really nothing else like it, and I find it overwhelmingly powerful. Like Jacques Brel plus Leonard Cohen plus Trent Reznor plus Alban Berg. It makes perfect sense that those who've heard this dense, dark album either love it or hate it. It's "musique maudit," but I cam't shake it for the life of me. Beautiful and brilliant. Sorry, haters, I'm proud to have drunk the Kool-Aid. Expand
  24. pacow
    Jun 24, 2006
    musicians are stupid. they don't know anything about music.
  25. DanB
    Jun 13, 2006
    Hypnotic and Bleak, this LP really lays down the gloom. It is interesting and challenging in equal measure with a payoff of visionary heights and depths. Dynamic. In some morose way, it even reminds me of Antony in a dark hour.
  26. JackW
    Jun 16, 2006
    Matt D., if you had to take out The Wreckers cd to put in Scott Walker, I'm pretty sure he was never meant to be there in the first place.
  27. neil
    Mar 21, 2007
    why are people lsitening to this album who don't like difficult music...this is scary shit and the people who are giving it zeros....who knows
  28. ErikH
    Jun 17, 2007
    This is an extremely difficult album that a lot of people will hate. You can tell just by reading the user reviews which of these people actually know what to expect from a Walker album and those who just listened based on a Metacritic score or Pitchfork review. It took me about two months (and dozens of listens) to penetrate this album. When I finally did, I found it terrifying, deep, This is an extremely difficult album that a lot of people will hate. You can tell just by reading the user reviews which of these people actually know what to expect from a Walker album and those who just listened based on a Metacritic score or Pitchfork review. It took me about two months (and dozens of listens) to penetrate this album. When I finally did, I found it terrifying, deep, and breath-taking. There's as much to be found in its moments of tape-hiss and silence as there is when it reaches it's most decadent moments. Worth listening, but only if you're willing to invest time in it. Expand
  29. Oct 24, 2014
    it's dark, its wonderful, and quite frankly its creepy as hell. Yes, this is Scott Walker at a pretty extravagant working rate, except maybe a smaller rate than Bisch Bosch or Soused, but still, fair to say, pretty bloody extravagant.
    The album in its entirety is there to challenge you, to scare you, but at the same time to entertain you and pull you in. Which it does brilliantly.
  30. mikes
    Jun 7, 2006
    quite interesting, i'd have to disagree with user reviews here so far. Keep in mind I don't usually like experimental music. But this album on the contrary is quite entertaining and unique. The main thing I look for when hearing an artist is their songwriting. It doesn't matter what style of music you play if you have good songwriting you can make any style of music work. quite interesting, i'd have to disagree with user reviews here so far. Keep in mind I don't usually like experimental music. But this album on the contrary is quite entertaining and unique. The main thing I look for when hearing an artist is their songwriting. It doesn't matter what style of music you play if you have good songwriting you can make any style of music work. His songwriting is nothing short of excellent and is a breath of fresh air in the stale indie music scene, which in my opinion the indie genre has become more of a style, than a category based on your record label or independence from a record label and recording budget. The lyrics and good production is what brings depth to this album, tons of depth for repeated listenings. Expand
  31. madsl
    Jun 6, 2006
    If you approach The Drift like a theater play you will probably find it bewitching and quite unique. The problem is that you seldom sit through a play more than once...and The Drift gets quite boring and portentous on repeated listens. After all this is an album of music not some far-out cabaret experiment!
  32. dannyc
    Jul 20, 2006
    anthony & the johnsons with a cinematic immensity or 21st poetry with an arthouse soundtrack > it's genuine enough not to be pretentious, just frickin hard for anyone else to catch any of the abstract wavelengths that this 'epic' floats on...
  33. othostice
    Jul 9, 2006
    I respect what Scott Walker attempts to do every ten years or so, and sometimes, as with parts of Tilt, the results are impressive and even listenable (e.g the Jacques Brel covers). Alas, for all his Walker's aestheticism, this CD will join Neil Young's WELD and Lou Reed's METAL MACHINE MUSIC in the "records to empty a party at 3 a.m" hall of fame.
  34. MT
    Jun 11, 2006
    Before fans of this album decide to attack me or assume that I listen to "poppy" albums, I'd like to clarify: I don't. I generally adore progressive albums, especially those that stray from the mainstream, but this, I simply found boring and mostly unlistenable. For being a supposedly lush and rellentless, I found the album to be frustratingly slow paced. Although many parts of Before fans of this album decide to attack me or assume that I listen to "poppy" albums, I'd like to clarify: I don't. I generally adore progressive albums, especially those that stray from the mainstream, but this, I simply found boring and mostly unlistenable. For being a supposedly lush and rellentless, I found the album to be frustratingly slow paced. Although many parts of the album are catharticly frightenting (which is a good thing), most of the album failed to provide me with any sort of frightening adreline rush, and Walker's vocals, which are as whinny and incomprehensible as the worst emo bands out there, did not help the album at all. If people want exapansive, frightening music, there are much better choices out there than Scott Walker's attempt. Expand
  35. AlexF
    Sep 20, 2006
    As a comedy album, I give this an 8. Unfortunately, I don't think it is. This sounds like the product of some gloomy teenagers with no musical training, but lots of notions of what they deem "artsy" or "avant garde".
  36. AnonymousMC
    Jun 17, 2006
  37. RobertG
    Jun 5, 2006
    Just because it sounds different doesn't mean it is good. This is atrocious. Consider me shallow but I think listening to music to be an enjoyable experience. "Challenging" is a red flag. This is supposed to be terrifying but I find it monotonous and unmoving. This is a case of the emperor's new clothes, because it is different people feel they are missing out on it. I'm Just because it sounds different doesn't mean it is good. This is atrocious. Consider me shallow but I think listening to music to be an enjoyable experience. "Challenging" is a red flag. This is supposed to be terrifying but I find it monotonous and unmoving. This is a case of the emperor's new clothes, because it is different people feel they are missing out on it. I'm not afraid to say it has been my least favorite album of 2006. If someone sees hating an album as some kind of accomplishment, well mission accomplished. Expand
  38. jesse
    Jun 9, 2006
    Worst vocals I've heard since.... uh... can't think of any yet... ok worst vocals ever.
  39. paulh
    Jun 12, 2006
    This is quiet possibly one of the worst things ever recorded - a sign of the times we live in that something like this can be elevated to artistic status, vocals are appaling, lyrics at times meaningless at others pretentiously self-aware.Boys this is not avant-garde music.But we live in an age where anything that deviates from the tried and tested norms will be lauded and laureled.He is This is quiet possibly one of the worst things ever recorded - a sign of the times we live in that something like this can be elevated to artistic status, vocals are appaling, lyrics at times meaningless at others pretentiously self-aware.Boys this is not avant-garde music.But we live in an age where anything that deviates from the tried and tested norms will be lauded and laureled.He is over-reaching from the very begining.just coz something is "difficult" doesnt mean its profound...music is elongated, contorted, absolute torture. Gave a musician friend this album to listen to and he burst out laughing after about 10 seconds..This album could tip anyone slightly suicidal over the edge Expand
  40. Ken
    Jun 14, 2006
    I listen to a LOT of music. This is hardly music. It may will be raw & emotional but it's hardly quality music. Its inexplicable critical acclaim convinces me all the more that (most) critics are jaded incompetent fools.
  41. MattD.
    Jun 14, 2006
    Makes me cry, and as The Wreckers say, "it's not the good kind."
  42. DrewD
    Jul 7, 2006
    This is bad. I've listened to it 11 times trying to get it. I still can't, and this is coming from somebody who likes Tilt. I refuse to believe anybody actually enjoys this crap. Everybody must either be lying to be hip or decieving themselves into thinking it's good.
  43. DaveE
    Jun 13, 2006
    I find it very amusing that this album is considered, based on its artistic merit, an "excellent" album. When I try to decipher what exactly is artistic about it, I end up latching onto its incessent weirdness and unrelenting collage of ugly sounds. Is it art to sit at a keyboard, fiddle around a bit, and pound out "blocks of sound" which could have easily been produced by anyone with I find it very amusing that this album is considered, based on its artistic merit, an "excellent" album. When I try to decipher what exactly is artistic about it, I end up latching onto its incessent weirdness and unrelenting collage of ugly sounds. Is it art to sit at a keyboard, fiddle around a bit, and pound out "blocks of sound" which could have easily been produced by anyone with determination, time, and a haughty enough attitude to consider endless sonic ramblings as something genuinely musical? Or perhaps its artistic to pair it with an absurdly terrible voice which, unlike other unconventional voices, fails to embody an interesting personality. I've searched this album for talent, but I hear only a delusional fool tinkering on his keyboard, communicating "poetry" which is straight from a 10th grade pothead's diary. About the only thing of artistic merit in this album is the pop culture phenomenon its generated. Expand
  44. kd
    Jul 7, 2006
    I find it terribly self-indulgent and ultimately a horrible listen. It's bad+silly+horrid... why it's a triple axle of tripe.
  45. DarrylD
    Sep 6, 2006
    Spent enough time with this, even after a bad first impression. The songs (sic) are essentially unlistenable. Those who champion this as substantial are drugged or happy to be part of the "out" group. All this rant about edgy and power is just a bootkissing demonstration. It's the emperor's new clothes by the critics and some of the public is afraid to say what's so Spent enough time with this, even after a bad first impression. The songs (sic) are essentially unlistenable. Those who champion this as substantial are drugged or happy to be part of the "out" group. All this rant about edgy and power is just a bootkissing demonstration. It's the emperor's new clothes by the critics and some of the public is afraid to say what's so painfully clear. This album is terrible. Expand
  46. emilyc.
    Jun 29, 2007
    How about if I just moan while shoving a crooked stick in my pussy and record it. It would be far more interesting than this shit, and would probably sound about the same.
  47. TonyS
    Dec 21, 2006
    This is unlistenable crap. I don't know if he was trying to be Nick Cave or something, but it didn't work. I don't usually dump on so-called "critics' darlings," but how the hell can you like this record?
  48. stuartr
    Jun 23, 2006
    challenging is one word for it just as its a challenge crawl through a 3ft pool of excrement with your hands tied behind your back .
  49. Kas
    Jul 26, 2006
    Umm.. WTF was that I just listened to? Rolling Stone calls him a cult artist, Im not sure I disagree, I wished I had joined Heaven
  50. KyleH
    Nov 16, 2006
    Calling this "music" would be an insult to the first neandarthal to hit a rock with a stick.

Universal acclaim - based on 30 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 27 out of 30
  2. Negative: 0 out of 30
  1. Even at its most dissonant and abstract, this record is human to the core, and if you're ready to face a few demons, it's as inspiring as music gets.
  2. His effort to make the most tense, uncomfortable record in the world has resulted in something that actually feels pretty straightforward, uncomplicated, and digestible.
  3. The Drift--in all its nightmarish, bloody glory--is as bold and profound a comment on our times as has emerged so far this century.