• Record Label: 20/20/20
  • Release Date: Feb 22, 2005
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  1. WayneB
    May 25, 2005
    This is for you if you enjoy sitting patiently quiet in your easy chair, allowing these beautiful melodies to wash over like the gentlest clean ocean wave. Although not as fully realized as their earliest Sup Pop releases, More Sad Hits and The Wondrous World Of..., this lovable couple once again prove that staying true to your roots (w/ their earliest ground breaking work in Galaxy 500), This is for you if you enjoy sitting patiently quiet in your easy chair, allowing these beautiful melodies to wash over like the gentlest clean ocean wave. Although not as fully realized as their earliest Sup Pop releases, More Sad Hits and The Wondrous World Of..., this lovable couple once again prove that staying true to your roots (w/ their earliest ground breaking work in Galaxy 500), can be a successful formula. As Eno once said, change nothing and continue with immaculate consistency. Also, Kurihara (Ghost's guitarist) again sits in and adds his understated magic to the song palette. Yes, the earth is blue and this recording proves it! Collapse

Generally favorable reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
  1. The most satisfying and sheerly transfixing work of the twosome's career.
  2. Alternative Press
    Taken individually, Damon & Naomi's songs possess distinct personalities.... However, when consumed as a whole, The Earth Is Blue metamorphoses into a thin musical mist. [Apr 2005, p.116]
  3. Fans of the newly resurgent psych-folk scene should definitely investigate the record and the band, too.