• Record Label: Island
  • Release Date: Apr 12, 2005
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  1. JBlaze
    Apr 22, 2005
    It's a good album, the more I listen to it the more I like most of the tunes. But it's not her best. I like it anyway. And I believe she redeemed herself after the debacle that was Glitter and Charmbracelet.
  2. hboogie
    Apr 22, 2005
    Just when I thought Mariah was out of the race, comes "Emancipation". I am not clearly sure what she is emanicipating herself from, but that's another story. Although Mariah continues to display her insecurities and complexities which led to her "breakdown" after "Glitter", this album surprisingly displays Mariah's amazing vocal range and talent. If one listens to "Mimi" at face Just when I thought Mariah was out of the race, comes "Emancipation". I am not clearly sure what she is emanicipating herself from, but that's another story. Although Mariah continues to display her insecurities and complexities which led to her "breakdown" after "Glitter", this album surprisingly displays Mariah's amazing vocal range and talent. If one listens to "Mimi" at face value, not taking into account Ms. Carey's illustrious career, I would consider it a pretty good album. Definitely back on the saddle, it appears as if the worst in Mariah's unfortunate and tumultous times are passing. Just in time too because one more flop would have meant another record label, another campaign ad to attract her now distant audience... Expand
  3. RobertM
    Apr 22, 2005
    I was pleasantly surprised the 1st time I listened, with the first couple of songs off the album really catching my attention. "We Belong Together" is great. Really, a solid, urban.pop mix, and a fantastic "comback" album.
  4. Emanc1patePaNdeM0niuM
    Apr 22, 2005
    Very impressive album! The last 5years have been very turbulent for Mariah. Flop albums from Glitter and Charmbracelet did not help her image or reputation. More importantly, they left a scar on her flawless track-record in the decade of the 90s. What I aboslutely love about this album, is that Mariah has amazingly been able to channel all the negativity and write an album that is amongst Very impressive album! The last 5years have been very turbulent for Mariah. Flop albums from Glitter and Charmbracelet did not help her image or reputation. More importantly, they left a scar on her flawless track-record in the decade of the 90s. What I aboslutely love about this album, is that Mariah has amazingly been able to channel all the negativity and write an album that is amongst her best work of all time. Marketed as the 'return of the voice,' this album definitely proves this statement. Evident in songs like Mine Again, Stay The Night and Circles & Fly Like A Bird, Mariah proves why she earned the title of 'greatest vocalist of all time' in a recent MTV poll. Another feature of this album is the absence of whisper crap and rapper domination that plagued and to an extent caused the flops of Glitter and Charmbracelet. The Highlights of this album include the 1st and 2nd singles: It's Like That and We Belong Together. This is Mariah at her best. Showcasing her diversity as an artist, these 2 songs bring together Mariah's strengths and capabilities of an artist. Great songwriting, catchy melodies, strong production and most importantly breath-taking vocals. Other impressive tracks and potential singles include: Stay The Night, Say Something. For an artist that has been constantly knocked down in the past 5 years. You have to give credit to Mariah for getting 'back up on the horse' to deliver such a strong album that rivals her Masterpieces of Butterfly and Daydream. If Butterfly was a MONA LISA and Daydream was a SISTINE CHAPEL The Emancipation of Mimi is a Picasso !! All masterpieces in their own right. If recent sales in the USA are anything to go by (in which she debuted at #1 with a massive 407,000 sold in the first week), it seems the general public agree! :) Congratulations Mariah on a remarkable comeback. This album will confirm your title as the 'biggest selling female artist of all time.' Expand
  5. NickF
    Apr 23, 2005
    AWSOME! Her range is... wow! Oh, yeah and she HOTT
  6. Patk
    Apr 26, 2005
    i have been a huge mariah fan since the beginning, i don't know, i have mixed feelings about this album. when i first went through the songs on the cd i was a little disappointed, but after a few listens some of the songs started growing on me. The best songs on the album imo is "we belong together" and "stay the night" - she does use more of her vocals but it definitely isn't i have been a huge mariah fan since the beginning, i don't know, i have mixed feelings about this album. when i first went through the songs on the cd i was a little disappointed, but after a few listens some of the songs started growing on me. The best songs on the album imo is "we belong together" and "stay the night" - she does use more of her vocals but it definitely isn't up to par. The album does have a retro feel to it. overall, i guess i'm a bit disappointed.... Expand
  7. ThiagoB
    Apr 28, 2005
    The best highlights are: 01. 9,6 - We Belong Together We Belong Together is definetely the most important and beautiful song of the album, important because early reports shows that this is gonna be one of the hugest sucess in Mariah's carrer, and beautiful because the R&b-slow-jam rhythm brings you a sentimentalism while Mariah cries a river for her lost lover. 02. 9,2 - Fly Like a The best highlights are: 01. 9,6 - We Belong Together We Belong Together is definetely the most important and beautiful song of the album, important because early reports shows that this is gonna be one of the hugest sucess in Mariah's carrer, and beautiful because the R&b-slow-jam rhythm brings you a sentimentalism while Mariah cries a river for her lost lover. 02. 9,2 - Fly Like a Bird Mariah Carey brings up in this song the art of her smooth voice in the beggining with the power of her belting voice in the end... Fly Like a Bird a gospel-inspirational song and its different from anything Mariah has ever done, With a Jazz/Soul vibe the song brings you such an excitement at the end that it makes you feel a complete euphory 03. 8,9 - It's Like That Its Like That is different from anything you have ever listened from Mariah. With a Club-R&b Hit Vibe, The song brings the message: "This is my night, no stress, no fights, I'm making the most of life". Chosen to be the first single the song matched perfectly to what radios are asking for these days... 04. 8,8 - Joy Ride Joy Ride is the type of song that makes you feel above the clouds.. With its pop down-rhythmed energy, the song is quite simple but catches your attention with the hooks that are all over the song, such as "way up high, a joy ride" and its outstanding bridge resounding full-love sentences such as "We found paradise, forever you and I..." 05. 8,5 - One And Only Mariah gets together with Twista on One And Only to bring the "men are from mars and women are from venus" message. A typical R&B song with a differential, It's impossible to listen this song and don't get it stucked in your head from the very first time. While it happens Twista gets the chance to enhance the song with a nasty rap "To kiss your lips with desire, Twista and Mariah"... 06. 8,5 - Stay The Night Take this note, Stay The Night is different from anything you have ever heard. Its Old-Vibe-R&B-Rhythm sends you back to what would be a very modern song in the 70`s... The Chorus burns as fire while Mariah screams perfectly words such as "night" "light" and "drive" 07. 8,3 - I Wish You Knew People would say that I Wish You Knew is just one more of Mariah's ballads. THough It's not ! The song sends you back for 90's where it could possible be a ballad compared to Mariah's "Daydream" Era. With some Mariah discurses between the song, and an audience (even being fake) the song brings you all the jazz/pop vibe you would like to listen on a rainy Sunday. 08. 8,0 - Shake It Off Shake It Off would match perfectly on a R.Kelly or even an Usher's album... It has a very strong R&B Rhythm with some contemporary street-urban vibe Expand
  8. MarieEliseP
    May 12, 2005
    This is certainly Mariah's best work in years... To me this is the more logical progression from her 1990s CD Butterfly... 1gazillion times better than Rainbow, Glitter and Charmbracelet combined. I honestly don't know why there are still so many people who want to put her down... this album is even better than her earlier works such as the Emotions CD, which simply showcases This is certainly Mariah's best work in years... To me this is the more logical progression from her 1990s CD Butterfly... 1gazillion times better than Rainbow, Glitter and Charmbracelet combined. I honestly don't know why there are still so many people who want to put her down... this album is even better than her earlier works such as the Emotions CD, which simply showcases her voice but has can muster little depth and true emotion. Her voice might have deteriorated a bit... but I think her voice had been at it's worst during the Rainbow days where her voice is gritty and raspy throughout and occassionally would even break when she belts. I honestly was one of the people who initially thought her voice was already gone, but listening to this album and listening to her perform in the VH1 Save the Music tells me clearly that the voice indeed is stil there. Even at its current state, her voice is still superior to that of contemporary Whitney and newbies Christina, Beyonce, and especially Alicia Keys (who as early as her second album is already showing signs of vocal deterioration. Cut her some slack, vocal change is a natural phenomenon of agiag. Vocal quality and timbre do change as you mature. No one made an issue of how Aretha Franklin's voice changed through the years! I think it's just a matter of how a performer uses her voice. She might have struggled with this vocal change in the last few years and might have even misused it in her last three cd efforts Rainbow, Glitter, and Charmbracelet, but she certainly is learning how to harness her still glorious and powerful voice now. With a little less overnight partying, and probably a little less "purple" she could still regain her superbly glorious voice. Expand
  9. beckyk
    May 12, 2005
    this is an amazing album ! keep it up mariah it couldnt have been any better
  10. EdS
    May 14, 2005
    I don't blame Rolling Stone or New Musical Express for playing safe with their low ratings to protect their "credibility". They favor alternative and rock anyway. I myself stayed away from everything she did after Butterfly. But, after sampling the clips at Amazon (and eventually buying it), I believe she's recaptured her charm from her early albums, like Emotions or Music Box. I don't blame Rolling Stone or New Musical Express for playing safe with their low ratings to protect their "credibility". They favor alternative and rock anyway. I myself stayed away from everything she did after Butterfly. But, after sampling the clips at Amazon (and eventually buying it), I believe she's recaptured her charm from her early albums, like Emotions or Music Box. It almost sounds like she's a new artist trying to prove us again with these vocal chops. Good job Mariah! You won me over again. She still packs more talent than any of the American Idols. My favorite is the unusual pairing with Snoop Dogg on "Say Something" - kind of echoes "Someday" with the humor of Snoop. Bottom line - I'm entertained and been playing it again and again. Would be nice to have this in DVD-audio. Expand
  11. LinardA
    May 15, 2005
    Mariah Carey might have lost some of her power belting over the years...But...Mariah is Mariah! Sell or not...asked a small kid who is she & you'll get a replied back "oh the diva who can sing as high as a dolphin".Now, see what I mean! One & Only!~
  12. mattr
    May 20, 2005
    Good Work. Welcome back
  13. ChadH
    May 22, 2005
    i think this is one of the best cd's since Beyonce's Dangerously In Love(which was one of the best cd's ever).
  14. hugec
    May 6, 2005
    definitely a 10! "we belong together", no doubt, is the best song in the album, and the best song that mariah has delivered in many years. with this album, mariah has proven her tenacity and, once again, her superior artistry!
  15. OmarB
    May 6, 2005
    Good album. One or two songs I could have done without but otherwise the album is pretty solid.
  16. BridgetG
    Jun 13, 2005
    I love this whole cd. I couldn't believe how good all the songs were. I play it overand over and over...
  17. eddiel
    Jun 14, 2005
    way better than the last 2 albums
  18. AlexJ
    Jun 18, 2005
    And the skank is back! How did she manage to get Snoop Dogg on her record? No, wait, I know *cough*. Having to stomach this crap is punishment enough but then i had to sit in a car full of people who thought it was the best thing since Led Zeppelin. Ech. I would only have to see Carey to ask, "Why are you still living? Shouldn't you be on Sunset Blvd by now?"
  19. triciam
    Jun 9, 2005
    I really love Mariahs' new album, track 2 is the bomb!
  20. AnnieB
    Jul 12, 2005
    Wherever her voice now vs. during her debut, Mariah is now very comfortable with her voice, for all its strengths and weaknesses- a mark of a legendary singer. This album is meant to be feel-good, so don't expect any deep introspections about "being emancipated." As a feel-good album, Mimi definitely delivers, particularly when she puts in her old-school soul influences (samples, Wherever her voice now vs. during her debut, Mariah is now very comfortable with her voice, for all its strengths and weaknesses- a mark of a legendary singer. This album is meant to be feel-good, so don't expect any deep introspections about "being emancipated." As a feel-good album, Mimi definitely delivers, particularly when she puts in her old-school soul influences (samples, production, background vocals, instruments) in It's Like That, Mine Again, Stay The Night, Get YOur Number, Circles, Your Girl, I Wish You Knew. Look for these old-soul elements, they're very smartly done. Weakest part of the album is Nelly's participation, one review was right, he sounded like he just phoned in his parts. Good thing the Neptunes' idea of good drums saves the day for halfbaked uptempo numbers Say Somethin' and To The Floor. Expand
  21. SarahT
    Jul 16, 2005
    Is a fantastic album. Wish people wud stop dissing people who can actually sing, many of us can't, couldn't and wudn't!
  22. StephenFunk
    Jul 18, 2005
    Awful. Mariah Carey is a self-obsessed diva, and proof that Americans are getting stupider.
  23. AlanaO
    Jul 21, 2005
    This is a terrific album....a breath of fresh air. Most people who aren't classically trained don't realize that what is being mistaken for vocal weakness, is her ability to control the volume and tone of each note that she sings, with ease.....but hey...we're talking about people who like pop, which translates: Popular Culture...anything that is in style right now. Mariah This is a terrific album....a breath of fresh air. Most people who aren't classically trained don't realize that what is being mistaken for vocal weakness, is her ability to control the volume and tone of each note that she sings, with ease.....but hey...we're talking about people who like pop, which translates: Popular Culture...anything that is in style right now. Mariah has been able to keep up with the trend (somewhat) and grow vocally and showcase her talent year after year. Too bad you can't appreciate it...HATERS. To those real Mariah and quality MUSIC fans, we 've got a good cd to listen to. Collapse
  24. TBoneM
    Jul 2, 2005
    I hate Mariah Carrey. I will always hate Mariah Carey. I will continue to hate Mariah Carey. I'm sure she'll be up for a grammy cause of those old asshats are friggin idjuts. Mariah should hook up with Rob Thomas. Their children would be the musical equivalent of a roach infestation.
  25. rnbmast3r
    Aug 31, 2005
    This is a great album with the super hits 'We Belong Together' , 'Shake It Off', 'Say Somethin', and 'One and Only'. And the album features Snoop Dogg, JD, Twista and other great Hip-Hop/R&B stars. must have for about anyone
  26. RaVANY
    Aug 8, 2005
    This is by far one of Mariah's best efforts. Her voice has gotten a lot weaker, but she can still blow the likes of Lindsey, Britney, Jessica, Ashley, and Hilary out of the water. However Beyonce and Christna are another matter. Both Beyonce and Christina love Mariah's music and grew up emulating her and with good reason. For the better part of the 90s she was infact the queen This is by far one of Mariah's best efforts. Her voice has gotten a lot weaker, but she can still blow the likes of Lindsey, Britney, Jessica, Ashley, and Hilary out of the water. However Beyonce and Christna are another matter. Both Beyonce and Christina love Mariah's music and grew up emulating her and with good reason. For the better part of the 90s she was infact the queen bee. Alas all good things must come to an end. Keep in mind that Mariah's vocal pinnacle has come and gone, but she's still amazing. Anyone who has a concert on DVD or downloaded for the mid 90s knows what Ms. Carey was really capable of and few savor Patti, Celine, or Whitney can touch that. Mariah is an icon and I'm overjoyed to see her kicking ass on the charts again. All the best MARIAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Expand
  27. SaadH
    Sep 1, 2005
    This album sucks
  28. JD
    Sep 2, 2005
    I cannot believe how envious some of you are of Mariah's success. This is obviously an incredible album, so deal with it. You wish your favorite singer can sing as good as this, but they cannot, it is humanly impossible. Oh, and by the way, how is Mariah a "poser"? She started the Hip-Hop and Pop collaboration with 'Fantasy (Remix)', tell me an artist previous to her who I cannot believe how envious some of you are of Mariah's success. This is obviously an incredible album, so deal with it. You wish your favorite singer can sing as good as this, but they cannot, it is humanly impossible. Oh, and by the way, how is Mariah a "poser"? She started the Hip-Hop and Pop collaboration with 'Fantasy (Remix)', tell me an artist previous to her who has done this. Haters. Anyway, this album is incredibly good, not as good lyrically than her last album, Chambracelet, but definetly is incredibly better than Charmbracelet musically and vocally. The highlight of this album is obviously 'We Belong Together', I mean, the song has been #1 for 14 weeks, 15 if you count the week Carrie Underwood stole the top spot from her. Obviously she is doing something incredibly right. Other highlight ballad's include 'Joyride', 'Mine Again', 'Circles', 'Stay The Night', 'I Wish You Knew', and 'Fly Like A Bird' 7 of the 14 tracks are R&B Ballads, so stop saying she is a "poser", it's not all Hip-Hop, and apparently you guys didn't even bother giving the 2nd half of the album, the ballad side, a chance. The other 7 are technically hip-hop cuts, but they really work. Anyway, this album is worthy of any music fan's CD collection. If you like Urban AC, listen to 'Fly Like A Bird', if you love pop give 'Shake It Off' a try. If you are an Urban junkie, definetly listen to 'Your Girl'. Even if you are a fan of country, lyrically, 'We Belong Together' will do it for you! The only genre this CD possibly couldn't fit into is Rock. Anyway, this album is incredible, and anybody who doesn't realize this is either deaf, a mariah hater, or doesn't appreciate good music. Give the 'Glitter' thing a rest, Mariah is definetly back, whether you like it or not. Expand
  29. MaxZ
    Jan 10, 2006
    Mariah Carey has proved herself over her 15 years. Although Glitter was a major flop and Charmbracelet destroyed her vocals, this album is Mariah picking herself back up. With 17 #1's she's tied with Elvis Presley and maybe she'll beat Beatles. This album has songs that are a reminder why she has broken so many records. Although I think this album is her pinnacle in this Mariah Carey has proved herself over her 15 years. Although Glitter was a major flop and Charmbracelet destroyed her vocals, this album is Mariah picking herself back up. With 17 #1's she's tied with Elvis Presley and maybe she'll beat Beatles. This album has songs that are a reminder why she has broken so many records. Although I think this album is her pinnacle in this millennium, Mariah always proves us wrong over and over again. Also I'd like to forgive all those people who are too narrow-minded to realize Mariah's success. Expand
  30. steveb
    Jan 14, 2006
    A great album. I love every track, especially Mine Again, Fly Like a Bird and Making It Last All Nite. Mariah's debut album remains one of the favorites in my collection.
  31. LouiseC
    Jan 14, 2006
    Mariah rose out of the grave that her harshest critics and haters had so quickly dug up for her in 2001. They eulogized her too quickly but she never looked down. She looked up and asked for strength -- something she had all along. That strength was her talent and skill to tear the competition apart. 8 Grammy noms, and numerous World Music Awards, Vibe Awards and Radio Music Awards later, Mariah rose out of the grave that her harshest critics and haters had so quickly dug up for her in 2001. They eulogized her too quickly but she never looked down. She looked up and asked for strength -- something she had all along. That strength was her talent and skill to tear the competition apart. 8 Grammy noms, and numerous World Music Awards, Vibe Awards and Radio Music Awards later, she's still rippin' it. Hail the *real* Queen, haters! Expand
  32. RyanC
    Jan 15, 2006
    hot tamales
  33. giano
    Jan 15, 2006
    It's definitely the best album of 2005!!! No question about it!!! Mariah's the best ever!!!
  34. Nene27Leo
    Jan 15, 2006
    Mariah is often imitated,but never duplicated. Come on haters lets be realistic. Mariah is not only extremely talented, she is also original. Many newcomers inspire to be like Mariah. Just pust her outfits aside and acknowledge true creative talent.
  35. DannyM
    Jan 15, 2006
    Mariahs returned to her roots and made her best album since her first emancipation, butterfly, definetely the best album released by a female artist this year, probably the best overall
  36. SiriK
    Jan 15, 2006
    I just love her and all her albums!!
  37. KeanL
    Jan 15, 2006
    Simply Irresistible!
  38. ramp.i
    Jan 15, 2006
    great r&b album.. teom redefines the term R&b. great job mariah.
  39. DavidA
    Jan 17, 2006
    This is one of the best albums she released. All of the songs will grow on you on repeated listenings. Standouts are of course We Belong Together, One and Only, Joy Ride, So Lonely and Say Something!
  40. mimio
    Jan 24, 2006
    this is a good album. Mariah has a great voice. I think she could do a lot of different styles of music. now she does r&b, she does it very well. I love her. She and whitney are the best. I would love to hear jazz from her or another strong voice song so that i could give her a 10. But she is the best, i love the songs of mine again and circles and may many more... I hope that they stop this is a good album. Mariah has a great voice. I think she could do a lot of different styles of music. now she does r&b, she does it very well. I love her. She and whitney are the best. I would love to hear jazz from her or another strong voice song so that i could give her a 10. But she is the best, i love the songs of mine again and circles and may many more... I hope that they stop some day about the way she is dressed. She is beautiful, and she has a beautiful voice no one can take that away from her, god has given her that beautiful voice. Expand
  41. JoeA
    Jan 5, 2006
    Calling it trash would be an insult to trash.
  42. allenw
    Feb 11, 2006
  43. MatthewA
    Feb 16, 2006
    this cd is the best cd ever. no one can beat this cd it is still in the top 10 after about 45 weeks and that is a very long time. this cd has helped me grow inside because the song we belong together. that song helped me to grow and not to cry anymore because my baby and i broke up and i didnt no what to do but this song helped me and so did many other songs but this song is always going this cd is the best cd ever. no one can beat this cd it is still in the top 10 after about 45 weeks and that is a very long time. this cd has helped me grow inside because the song we belong together. that song helped me to grow and not to cry anymore because my baby and i broke up and i didnt no what to do but this song helped me and so did many other songs but this song is always going to be my number one song and this song helped me not to do anything stupid and just let out everything in tears. Thank you for this cd. Expand
  44. drewB
    Mar 8, 2006
    just when i thought music couldn't get any worse, she proves me wrong
  45. peterp
    Apr 27, 2006
    The individual songs are great. Incredible voice control and excellent singing. Mariah has great potential, only... EVERY SINGLE SONG SOUNDS THE SAME WAY! Because basically every song is about chasing a guy, you get the feeling that you're hearing the same song, with a slightly different beat. Also, has anyone else noticed that ever since Mimi hit that high note while singing the The individual songs are great. Incredible voice control and excellent singing. Mariah has great potential, only... EVERY SINGLE SONG SOUNDS THE SAME WAY! Because basically every song is about chasing a guy, you get the feeling that you're hearing the same song, with a slightly different beat. Also, has anyone else noticed that ever since Mimi hit that high note while singing the national anthem, she used it at the end of every song. Expand
  46. AlbertoF
    Jun 17, 2006
    I love this cd
  47. Balb
    Aug 14, 2006
    4 votes for the number of nice songs on it, meaning only 4 songs worth listening
  48. MarkM
    Nov 14, 2005
    boring! not the come back she was promising!
  49. AllanSe7ens
    Nov 4, 2005
    THE EMANCIPATION OF MIMI out shined her previous efforts (Glitter, Charmbracelet and Rainbow). This album puts her back to the top. Standard tracks We Belong Together, Your Girl, Fly Like A Bird, Say Something and Stay The Night.
  50. AK.
    Dec 11, 2005
    Listen to "Illinois" by Sufjan Stevens. He got NO Grammy nominations, yet he has the highest rated CD OF THE YEAR, not only by critics, but listeners as well. The reason Mariah Carey is even being nominated for Grammies for this record is because she's MARIAH CAREY. ooooooo. And even with the benefit she gets from previous success, this cd still only got a 61% on average. This CD Listen to "Illinois" by Sufjan Stevens. He got NO Grammy nominations, yet he has the highest rated CD OF THE YEAR, not only by critics, but listeners as well. The reason Mariah Carey is even being nominated for Grammies for this record is because she's MARIAH CAREY. ooooooo. And even with the benefit she gets from previous success, this cd still only got a 61% on average. This CD showed no evolution musically from her other records. Maybe the lyrics had a little more meaning behind them, but without anything catchy or interesting, what's the point of listening? She doesn't deserve Grammy nominations for something as subpar as this. Expand
  51. LoriU
    Dec 25, 2005
    First of all, we are experiencing history as we know it every day. Mariah is a true artist who geniunely knows how to write great ballads but not only that hip hop, r&b, whatever. Mariah said it herself that she's always wanted to do hip hop because she grew up with it and loves it. You know what, this album totally proves that she can raise the bar for so many artists out there. You First of all, we are experiencing history as we know it every day. Mariah is a true artist who geniunely knows how to write great ballads but not only that hip hop, r&b, whatever. Mariah said it herself that she's always wanted to do hip hop because she grew up with it and loves it. You know what, this album totally proves that she can raise the bar for so many artists out there. You people who diss her, why??? Do you realize how many artists want to be her or want to copy her formula? She's already a legend and will continue to rise like a phoneix year after year. Expand
  52. LucasN
    Apr 12, 2005
    a pleasant return to form
  53. nikkir
    Apr 12, 2005
    People are complaining that she suffers from anonimity on this record. Her voice is all over the place. Although it is not in top shape like it has been in the past, her voice has improved since her last effort. I give her props for defying what fans were expecting and giving us something we can be proud off.
  54. moes
    Apr 13, 2005
    this album is super cool
  55. TalimicusN
    Apr 13, 2005
    The album in my opinion is "sub-standard" Mariah gets the points for trying, but haven't we heard this before!
  56. SandyS
    Apr 13, 2005
    Amazing!.........Vocally she's back so haters can say whatever they want......Even the critics they don't know nothing!.........all they do is hate on Mariah.......well this CD rocks!.......I love all the songs.......She's still the best
  57. JasonS
    Apr 13, 2005
    Mariah needs to change her tune, very boring.
  58. scottc
    Apr 13, 2005
    The album is much better than the last two. Some songs have old Anita Baker sound to them. The Neptunes produced many of the songs, and though several rappers are featured on a few songs (Snoop dogg, Nelly, Twista, etc.), the songs feel more like those guys on a Mariah Carey song rather than the other way around. I also thought lyrically the songs were nice. They are full of heartache and The album is much better than the last two. Some songs have old Anita Baker sound to them. The Neptunes produced many of the songs, and though several rappers are featured on a few songs (Snoop dogg, Nelly, Twista, etc.), the songs feel more like those guys on a Mariah Carey song rather than the other way around. I also thought lyrically the songs were nice. They are full of heartache and sadness, but that seems to be where she is right now. Over all, I am enoying the album. Expand
  59. AmberN
    Apr 14, 2005
    This is definitely the best album by far! I am digging the diversity of the album. She has the power ballads, the dance jams, the hot collaborations. I absolutely love the whole album...the ballads give me goosebumps and the jams get me dancing! Definitely the best from MC yet! The Voice never left! MC is better than ever!
  60. ErickaM
    Apr 14, 2005
    This album is simply amazing. My fave Mariah album to date!
  61. JimmyF
    Apr 14, 2005
    This is by far the best album of 2005!!! Mariah is in top form on this cd, this is a must have for anyone who likes good music!! If you are tired of the sound of today, I definately reccommend this cd, there is something for everyone whether you like ballads, r&b, hip hop, dance, or whatever, trust me it is on there!!!!!
  62. ADSpain
    Apr 15, 2005
    Buen arranque.... para irse estrellando hasta el aburrimiento... lástima, seguiré esperando su "renacimiento"
  63. DwightV
    Apr 17, 2005
    This is better than her last few albums "Rainbow", "Charmbracelet" and "Glitter" but Mariah can still do better ("Butterfly"). This album is a bit more urban. It's predictable and bland. She's not separating herself from the other r&b 'n' hip-hop girls.
  64. PersnicketyRogers
    Apr 18, 2005
    Usually, drugs are the creative catalyst for a musician who when sober can't write shit. But, in Mariah's case, she can't write shit either chemically enhanced or clean as a whistle. Just say no to Mariah kids. Thank you.
  65. EjaazS
    Apr 18, 2005
    A masterful collection of R&B perfection to redefine the direction of music these days. Mariah survives haters and concentrates on her forte: music and voice. Highlights are: "We Belong Together", "Get your #", "One and Only", "Shake it Off"... puurrfect
  66. JacoP
    Apr 21, 2005
    This needless to say sucks. What amazes me is that most of the users are praising it like its a gift from God. It's not! And you people seriously need a lesson in what makes good music.
  67. hopek
    Apr 21, 2005
    I was reading through some of the reviews and I couldn't believe some of the things I read. How can you people say this album is bad? You must not be a fan of any of her music if you think this album is bad. This is the best album I have bought in a long time. I never really buy music anymore I just download them. This album was without a doubt worth buying. Insteead of getting worse I was reading through some of the reviews and I couldn't believe some of the things I read. How can you people say this album is bad? You must not be a fan of any of her music if you think this album is bad. This is the best album I have bought in a long time. I never really buy music anymore I just download them. This album was without a doubt worth buying. Insteead of getting worse and losing her touch, Mariah Carey is getting better and better with each album she makes! Whats great about Mariah is that she writes her own music from personal experiences. When I listen to her songs I can connect with them because more than likely its something that I have gone through as well. This album was a lot better than Charmbracelet, I think. I love all of her albums but this is surely one of hte better ones. Bottom line is, if you are a fan of Mariah go out and buy this albumj.... you WILL NOT be dissapointed! Expand
  68. JayY
    Apr 21, 2005
    The critics simply expect too much from Mariah Carey. But who can blame them? This is the American Diva that moved the music industry with hits like, "Hero," and, "Whenever You Call." This album is definitely not a flop, infact MTV and local street clubs were just dying to have another hit like, "It's Like That." But to the critics and her truly devout fans... Mariah Carey has lost The critics simply expect too much from Mariah Carey. But who can blame them? This is the American Diva that moved the music industry with hits like, "Hero," and, "Whenever You Call." This album is definitely not a flop, infact MTV and local street clubs were just dying to have another hit like, "It's Like That." But to the critics and her truly devout fans... Mariah Carey has lost her touch. Tracks like "We Belong Together," and "Fly Like A Bird," are mere snapshots of Mariah's former self. Aside from Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey is the next tragic hero of American Diva-dom. The most ironic thing is, their duet, "When You Believe," (back in the day) was the best sounding thing ever. Expand
  69. LesleyJ
    May 13, 2005
    Mariah, keep up the good work. I feel your voice is coming into itself and you are able to use it at ease.You are one of my favorites. I love this CD. LesleySTL
  70. victorc
    May 31, 2005
    So, there has been a long time we don`t hear anything about Mariah, but now, at long last, she´s back with voice, tasteful, beauty and much less diva than in the 90´. Those altogether makes her place ensured in the charts and even better now she is stronger and confident. Mariah always calls her fans as LAMBS, which is very cute and more we now can call her by MIMI. The world So, there has been a long time we don`t hear anything about Mariah, but now, at long last, she´s back with voice, tasteful, beauty and much less diva than in the 90´. Those altogether makes her place ensured in the charts and even better now she is stronger and confident. Mariah always calls her fans as LAMBS, which is very cute and more we now can call her by MIMI. The world now are ready to receive once again mimi, our old and new friend and, if you´re not leave( be nice or leave) Expand
  71. EmilyL
    Jun 12, 2005
    Amazing cd!! i cant stop listening to it! Her voice is so awesome...Listen to the background vocals too. I love when she layers the vocals. It's so beautiful!
  72. ChrisW.
    Jun 24, 2005
    Mariah really really devlivers on this album. I listen to it at least 3 times every day. Excellent album, great lyrics, great beats, great vocals. Everyone I recommended this album to so far agreed that it is a must have. Excellent job Mariah!!
  73. gr
    Jun 26, 2005
    Great album...Grammy is calling her name w/ this one..good work Mariah!!!
  74. tonys
    Jul 19, 2005
    One of the most satisfying albums of her career!
  75. KeshC
    Aug 29, 2005
    Amazing album. Mariah truley has a voice and it is ion thi able with all its glory. Great ballads, RnB.
  76. ClaytonT
    Jan 11, 2006
    BEst album of her Career! The voice is indeed back and the writing though alittle juvinile is fun and still consistent. Many artist would do good to take note from her ability to have fun on her records and not take themselves so seriously. She is a lengend indeed and will always be the greatest and hardest working talent in the music industry.
  77. JaysonJ
    Jan 14, 2006
    MARIAH IS No.1!!!!
  78. rays
    Jan 14, 2006
    love this album!
  79. DanO
    Jan 15, 2006
    Awsome! I haven't taken this CD out of my player until I purchased the "Ultra Platnum" edition with addtional songs, including "Don't Forget About Us" which was MC's 17th Billboard #1. Mariah has proven again that she is the at the top of her game. Her vocals are a bit raw but that just undedrpins the emotion the song is projecting. There are quite a few good female Awsome! I haven't taken this CD out of my player until I purchased the "Ultra Platnum" edition with addtional songs, including "Don't Forget About Us" which was MC's 17th Billboard #1. Mariah has proven again that she is the at the top of her game. Her vocals are a bit raw but that just undedrpins the emotion the song is projecting. There are quite a few good female artists, but MC has proven she deserves her place at the top. The album is rich with mid-tempo songs and some bouncy urban club toons. But most of all this album and it's songs leaving you wanting more, true to Mariah's urban and R&B style. She has avoided the bubble gum with this CD and it shows how she has matured, and what she can do when she is in control of her creative expression. I highly recommend this album be in everyone's collection! Expand
  80. cs
    Jan 15, 2006
    Well, anyone who rated this below a 5 obviously has not heard it. No prejudice towards the Queen of Music, Mariah. This R&B is classic and appeals to every person. The R&B junkie will be drawn to tracks such as "Mine Again" and "Stay the Night" while the rap-inclined will love "So Lonely" and on the Platnium Edition "Makin it Last All Night". There is something for everyone on this Well, anyone who rated this below a 5 obviously has not heard it. No prejudice towards the Queen of Music, Mariah. This R&B is classic and appeals to every person. The R&B junkie will be drawn to tracks such as "Mine Again" and "Stay the Night" while the rap-inclined will love "So Lonely" and on the Platnium Edition "Makin it Last All Night". There is something for everyone on this incredible release which will stand the test of time and rank with MJ's Thriller, ACDC's Back in Black, and any Beatles or Elvis album. Expand
  81. RoofusB
    Jul 23, 2006
    Terrible...this "album" is in a tie with Mary J. Blige's "album" for the absolute worst human creation of all time....Terribly put together....horribly cliche...and is it just me or does every song pretain to the same idea...?...I for one would be happy if Ms. Carey and Ms. Blige would just retire and stop wasting valuable resources and materials on their "life-changing" Terrible...this "album" is in a tie with Mary J. Blige's "album" for the absolute worst human creation of all time....Terribly put together....horribly cliche...and is it just me or does every song pretain to the same idea...?...I for one would be happy if Ms. Carey and Ms. Blige would just retire and stop wasting valuable resources and materials on their "life-changing" cd's...Mariah Carey does not care about you..Mariah Carey doesn't even know you...this production was made for the sole purpose of making money and making money alone...not to for you... Expand
  82. DarylJ
    Dec 21, 2005
    Absolutely astounding. I listen to it whenever Im in the car
  83. Apr 16, 2011
    This album is brilliant! Filled with potential singles, it cemented her comeback and showed that she wasn't just coming back with one song. Of course, We Belong Together is a standout, but It's Like That, Fly Like A Bird, Circles, Your Girl, Say Somethin', One And Only, I Wish You Knew, Joyride, heck I could name all the songs .... these are the standouts. A real strong album that threwThis album is brilliant! Filled with potential singles, it cemented her comeback and showed that she wasn't just coming back with one song. Of course, We Belong Together is a standout, but It's Like That, Fly Like A Bird, Circles, Your Girl, Say Somethin', One And Only, I Wish You Knew, Joyride, heck I could name all the songs .... these are the standouts. A real strong album that threw her back into the limelight deservedly. Expand
  84. May 19, 2012
    The album starts with the lead single "It's Like That", produced by Jermaine Dupri, with the line 'I came to have a party'. Unbeknownst to her, Mariah would definitely party-it-up with her comeback album, returning to her golden pedestal of the nineties. The singles are at the beginning (the aforementioned, "We Belong Together" and "Shake It Off") and they are definitely great songs.The album starts with the lead single "It's Like That", produced by Jermaine Dupri, with the line 'I came to have a party'. Unbeknownst to her, Mariah would definitely party-it-up with her comeback album, returning to her golden pedestal of the nineties. The singles are at the beginning (the aforementioned, "We Belong Together" and "Shake It Off") and they are definitely great songs. After that, Mariah lets "the voice" loose. On songs "Mine Again" and the Kanye-produced "Stay The Night", Mariah roars, proving detractors wrong; "the voice" is still there and very much present. She keeps her belting in check; she demonstrates exactly why she's placed in the upper echelon of vocalists, but doesn't over-do it (high-range whistles, melismatic thirty second pieces, etc..). After "Stay The Night", we get the light, poppy "Get Your Number". It's very reminiscent of her earlier nineties singles, based on a sample, but the theme is more mature. Mariah isn't singing about a dream lover taking her away or a guy that's making her feel a variety of emotions. Regardless, it's a very fun song. The next few tracks are all great with the exception of the other Neptunes-produced track, "To The Floor (Feat. Nelly)". We go from the beautifully written "Circles" ('but inside I kept repeating/'don't you let him see you cry'/and I casually turned my head/as the tears rolled down my eyes'), to the light, jovial "Your Girl". Tracks "I Wish You Knew" and "Joy Ride" are also pleasant to listen too.
    The gem of this album is the last track, the powerful "Fly Like A Bird". Words cannot describe the climax of the song, so it's best if you check it out yourself. 9. The two tracks by The Neptunes prevent this album from getting the perfect score, but they're not enough to give this album less than a nine.
  85. May 29, 2014
    Mariah uses the retro sounds of the 70, easily making majority of the ballads instant classics. With her power house vocals, she blows the listeners away.
  86. GSF
    Mar 4, 2015
    Possibly MiMi's most cohesive record; a true return to form for the second highest selling female artist of all time. Each track melts into the next with Mariah's mid-range crooning (her vocals aren't are strong as they once were, esp in 2015, but the production conceals this setback near seamlessly)
  87. Apr 24, 2021
    Amazing Album, Maraiah´s voice is angelical, all the songs is perfects no skips!
  88. Angush
    Apr 29, 2007
    well done mariah~
  89. jessicaJ
    Feb 16, 2007
    this album is incred it's soulful and has club jams she has a soultry voice and all the people who gave it a low score didnt listen to it she been on top for 16 years she has 17#1's and she was the only artist of the 90's to have a #1 in every year 1990- 1999 in her first 4 years of her career she sold 45 million record and had 4 # 1's on her first album and that sold this album is incred it's soulful and has club jams she has a soultry voice and all the people who gave it a low score didnt listen to it she been on top for 16 years she has 17#1's and she was the only artist of the 90's to have a #1 in every year 1990- 1999 in her first 4 years of her career she sold 45 million record and had 4 # 1's on her first album and that sold over 11 Million she's DIVA in respect she sold 150 million record throught her career and she won award BEYONCE and Mary never heard of, The album is a classic it sold 7 million in 1 year top album of 05 it has the rytmnic song one and only she has some flow and the soulful mine again dance floor banger it's like that and the top song of 05 we belong together. the uptempo get your number and the old school flavor of circles she doing the damn thing congrats Expand
  90. maria
    Apr 7, 2007
    album rocks!!!!
  91. AlexanderT
    Jul 15, 2007
    The album is great. it is one of those albums that you are able to listen to right through a number of times. special tracks include - your girl, we belong together, joyride and i wish you knew
  92. AliA.
    Apr 22, 2008
    This album should have been called 'The Return Of Mimi'. its a brilliant album that has all the classic Mariah we have come to love. its got ballads with power house vocals ('Mine again', 'fly like a bird'), dance ('It's Like That') and more! this is really a return to form! and for the haters who say that she can't sing? ummm...she IS the This album should have been called 'The Return Of Mimi'. its a brilliant album that has all the classic Mariah we have come to love. its got ballads with power house vocals ('Mine again', 'fly like a bird'), dance ('It's Like That') and more! this is really a return to form! and for the haters who say that she can't sing? ummm...she IS the HIGHEST SELLING FEMALE ARTIST OF ALL TIME!!!!! and the world has recognized her for her voice and other talents (songwriting and producing)! Mariah rocks! Expand
  93. JayM
    Dec 25, 2006
    Mariah indeed emancipated "Mimi" and we want to see more of her. A blend of soulful ballads such as "Mine Again" and "Stay the Night" into the biggest hit of the 2000's "We Belong Together" staying #1 for 14 weeks in the US, she shows that "The Voice" ain't goin' nowhere and that Mimi stands a great shot at tearing into the Beatles record of 20 #1 singles. "Don't Mariah indeed emancipated "Mimi" and we want to see more of her. A blend of soulful ballads such as "Mine Again" and "Stay the Night" into the biggest hit of the 2000's "We Belong Together" staying #1 for 14 weeks in the US, she shows that "The Voice" ain't goin' nowhere and that Mimi stands a great shot at tearing into the Beatles record of 20 #1 singles. "Don't Forget about Us" tied her with Elvis for 17 #1 singles, and "Emancipation" was the best selling album of 2005, she also hits with hip-hop dancing music such as "Get Your Number" and "Say Somethin'" with other artists among the likes of Jermaine Dupri, and Snoop Dogg. Finiishing with her arguable best song of all time "Fly Like a Bird" and as the song says hopefully "Carry me higher" and this album carried Mariah higher than ever Expand
  94. CheyM
    Oct 23, 2006
    It was a really inspiring CD and all of the songs inspired me to do more things with my life
  95. martinJ
    Feb 16, 2007
    pathetic music. Mairah can't sing. never release an album again
  96. JamesL
    Mar 11, 2007
    Im giving this album a 5 in the hope that Mariah Carey's next album brings something different to the table. I thought this album had some nice, solid songs on it such as We Belong Together, Fly Like A Bird, and Don't Forget About Us... but the album as a whole failed to blow me away. Buy her debut, Emotions, Music Box, Daydream, or Butterfly, No.1's instead, they are her Im giving this album a 5 in the hope that Mariah Carey's next album brings something different to the table. I thought this album had some nice, solid songs on it such as We Belong Together, Fly Like A Bird, and Don't Forget About Us... but the album as a whole failed to blow me away. Buy her debut, Emotions, Music Box, Daydream, or Butterfly, No.1's instead, they are her only artistically creative albums. Expand
  97. GonçaloS.
    Apr 13, 2009
    I love Emancipation of Mimi, it has everything that I love in a singer: passion, power, vocals and good lyrics. Mariah's best album.
  98. MichaelK.
    Jul 19, 2009
    One of carey's most brilliant works ever and definitely one of the best recordings on its genre of the 2000's. A very respectable one by an artist that returns to walk fast to the state of legend. This album is really the comeback and has influenced so many artist already.
  99. RockyM
    Mar 22, 2007
    I would make this cd over a million im a huge mariah carey fan all of the songs are amazing im telling you we belong together dont forget about us and fly like a bird say something shake it off its .like that yal its like that yalllllll shes the best hot singer ever nobody has that kinda voice its a mazing amazing best singer ever fuck yall if u u think shes suck shes the fuckin best. she I would make this cd over a million im a huge mariah carey fan all of the songs are amazing im telling you we belong together dont forget about us and fly like a bird say something shake it off its .like that yal its like that yalllllll shes the best hot singer ever nobody has that kinda voice its a mazing amazing best singer ever fuck yall if u u think shes suck shes the fuckin best. she work her ass off maaaaan......!!! Expand
  100. KaiwenS
    Jul 25, 2007
    Really really bad album!!!

Generally favorable reviews - based on 16 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 16
  2. Negative: 1 out of 16
  1. Entertainment Weekly
    Heavy on ballads and midtempo love songs, it always keeps at least one foot (more often both feet) planted firmly in comforting old-school diva soul. [15 Apr 2005, p.76]
  2. There aren't any great songs among Mimi's club tunes and pop-chart-conscious tracks, and Carey is still suffering from a serious crisis of confidence.
  3. Despite its grim title with its visions of messy self-absorption, The Emancipation of Mimi is - mostly - cool, focused and urban.