• Record Label: Island
  • Release Date: Dec 3, 2012
User Score

Mixed or average reviews- based on 62 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 35 out of 62
  2. Negative: 24 out of 62
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  1. Jul 20, 2016
    que piso na cadela da cheryl flopada sem talento
    esse album é tudo vão se foder seu bando de aidetico dando nota baixa
    se fosse album da rihanna desgraçada ia ter um monte de gente babando esse hinario
  2. Dec 4, 2012
    In recent years, it has sort of become the norm for X-Factor judges to release their own material once on the show. Tulisa is no exception. However, this led to speculation about the quality of her music. She has an unremarkable voice, but in "The Female Boss", something actually struck me.

    The listener is introduced into the world of female bosses by means of deep, emotional piano
    In recent years, it has sort of become the norm for X-Factor judges to release their own material once on the show. Tulisa is no exception. However, this led to speculation about the quality of her music. She has an unremarkable voice, but in "The Female Boss", something actually struck me.

    The listener is introduced into the world of female bosses by means of deep, emotional piano notes. What's really not deep is the cliche speech Tulisa gives about "inna beauty". After Young, Live It Up and Damn conclude, the dance feel of the album is dissipated. I'm not saying that "British Swag" is not infectious (because it is indeed an album highlight), but it was misplaced in the album. As the album progresses, I became intoxicated with certain songs such as Counterfeit and I'm Ready. All in all, I found the album to be quite an outstanding collection of music.

    HOWEVER..........if you don't have an eclectic love for pop music, DO NOT purchase the album because it doesn't suit you. There's a sound for everything on this album, which makes it so love-able.

    Personally, I would have left some songs out. Steal My Breath Away, Foreigner and Kill Me Tonight were songs which I felt do not go with the rest of the album. I think they are the filler tracks on "The Female Boss".

    Conclusion: Excellent debut with songs which can become hits effortlessly (Live Your Life, Visa). An enjoyable and warm collection which can have huge success depending on its management.
  3. Mar 5, 2013
    I Dont think at all this albums rating should be so low it is the best album ever in my opinion, tulisa worked hard on it it was hard for her to go solo and she has made a super fantastic alum that i love and it deserves 100 if you ask me ,it is just unreal and great basically i love it.
  4. Jan 13, 2013
    Opening with some cheesey lines in "Intro", first impressions leave you skeptical as to what else is in store on "The Female Boss" -- then Tulisa's chart-topping "Young" kicks in. One thing that makes this album stand out from the crowd is the variety of different sounds, from ballads like "Skeletons" to urban-esque tracks like the infectious "British Swag" and "Visa". There are some sureOpening with some cheesey lines in "Intro", first impressions leave you skeptical as to what else is in store on "The Female Boss" -- then Tulisa's chart-topping "Young" kicks in. One thing that makes this album stand out from the crowd is the variety of different sounds, from ballads like "Skeletons" to urban-esque tracks like the infectious "British Swag" and "Visa". There are some sure hits on the album if dealt with correctly. With an almost perfect blend of slow and fast jams, "The Female Boss" is deserving of more praise than it has had; if only it was given the chance to be judged on the merits of the album rather than Tulisa's misjudged character, unfairly portrayed by the media. "Scream and Shout" would have earned it a deserving 10/10, if only Britney didn't take that hit from beneath her feet! A brilliant album overall -- "let's drink to it!" Expand
  5. Jun 10, 2016
    "The Female Boss" isn't a bad album, but also not a great one. Tulisas's voice is really powerful and commercial, she can make good high notes, but I don't know why the producers abused so much with auto-tune. The album is pretty commercial and phonographic, but they don't made good choices for singles. In general, is a album normal pop/eletronic/dance album.
  6. Apr 12, 2019
    actually a very good album. wouldn't call it the best album ever, but it deserves a better rating. tulisa really is underrated.

Generally unfavorable reviews - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 0 out of 6
  2. Negative: 2 out of 6
  1. Jan 7, 2013
    A lamentable debut all round.
  2. Q Magazine
    Dec 11, 2012
    Tulisa struggles to get to grips with the predictably generic R&B ballads, but when the pace is upped and she shouts along to Young and the feisty M.I.A.-lite Live It Up, the personality that has turned her into a phenomenon of out times transcends her obvious limitations. [Jan 2013, p.112]
  3. 40
    The few redeeming moments come when she ceases her bellowing and shows a little restraint, as on the surprisingly likable Skeletons.