• Record Label: Sire
  • Release Date: Sep 30, 2008
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 30 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 27 out of 30
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 30
  3. Negative: 3 out of 30

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  1. HannahR
    Oct 15, 2008
    Amazing, really listening to the lyrics of the song you totally get exactly what he went through.
  2. JosephC.
    Oct 13, 2008
    Amazing. Some of the best music I've heard in a very long time. Buy this if you get the time and money.
  3. BrianB.
    Oct 13, 2008
    The hooks aren't as poppy but the message is stronger.
  4. Scott
    Oct 2, 2008
    Amazing album. Heartfelt and beautiful.
  5. MatthewK.
    Oct 5, 2008
    Andrew Mcmahon is a genius. I really dig his style. This type of album is very rare and better than any trash that I hear on the radio.
  6. LeeR.
    Oct 12, 2008
    Inspiring. amazing. smart. soft. its just perfect. i think he smacked the sophomore slump in the face, and made an amazing piece of work.
  7. AmandaB.
    Oct 26, 2008
    If I could vote more than 10 i would..Andrew is amazing. The Glass Passenger is one of the best albums I have ever heard. I don't know what the guy who said it's terrible is thinking. Dumbass.
  8. MattS.
    Oct 26, 2008
    Amazing. How anyone could say anything else is crazy and plain wrong. Andrew McMahon shows off his matured songwriting and arranging skills in every single song. Absolutely a fresh breath of air in today's stagnant music scene.
  9. Oct 5, 2013
    CorporateDouche is a corporate douche. They didn't even write a remotely valid review.

    The Glass Passenger compliments both Jack's Mannequin's 1st and 3rd studio albums. Andrew McMahon once again demonstrates his deep train of thought and provides us an album with dark insights to life as well as his path to enlightenment. His vocals are extremely unique and shouldn't be dismissed;
    CorporateDouche is a corporate douche. They didn't even write a remotely valid review.

    The Glass Passenger compliments both Jack's Mannequin's 1st and 3rd studio albums. Andrew McMahon once again demonstrates his deep train of thought and provides us an album with dark insights to life as well as his path to enlightenment. His vocals are extremely unique and shouldn't be dismissed; there are one too many soul singers out there and women that sound like Rihanna and whatnot.

    The bonus track "Doris Day" is the main highlight of this album. A combination of electronic instrumentation as well as his punk rock style construct a song of upbeat proportions and tonal melancholy.
  10. Sep 17, 2013
    Not on the level of Everything in Transit, nor will anything Andrew McMahon ever produces from here on out. But an attractive and quality release nonetheless.
  11. JoshJ.
    Oct 6, 2008
    It starts off fair enough, but Crashin' has a problem with not ending when it should have. Spinin' is probably the stand out track of the whole album. Lyrically swim is too obvious, and melody is almost too mellow. If you're not paying attention, you'll fall asleep. American Love is a decent song. It grows on you, but fist listen it just passes on by. What gets you off It starts off fair enough, but Crashin' has a problem with not ending when it should have. Spinin' is probably the stand out track of the whole album. Lyrically swim is too obvious, and melody is almost too mellow. If you're not paying attention, you'll fall asleep. American Love is a decent song. It grows on you, but fist listen it just passes on by. What gets you off again just passes you by. It's a recurring theme of the album. Suicide blond is fun, a bit more uptempo than the previous 3 songs, but not enough to salvage what seems to be a lacking middle section of the album. Annie use your telescope is a fantastic song to sing to, and has a great melody. Unfortunately the lyrics are far too vague. From there the album picks up a bit, the tempo is still down from previous works by Andrew. Then, you find yourself listening to Andrew force a horrible falsetto in Caves. Starts off horrible. It picks up a bit, but not really enough to be the statement song of the album he wants it to be. Miss. California is nothing but pure pop fluff, and I personally loved it. Overall, it's a 7. The middle lacks alot, but if you listen to it enough it really grows on you. If you've been following Andrew's career from his days in Something Corporate, you really miss the old sound, but this new stuff is a breath of fresh air. Unfortunately it didn't quite fit as well as he probably hoped it would. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 7
  2. Negative: 0 out of 7
  1. The Glass Passenger might not bare the same pop hooks as "Everything in Transit," but it does stay afloat under the weight of McMahon's past, which bodes well for the songwriter's future work.
  2. Jack's Mannequin frontman Andrew McMahon sticks to his formula of friendly piano and new-wave-influenced beats on his second album.
  3. Perhaps if these songs were served with a helping of irony, it would be easier to swallow, but as it is, The Glass Passenger crumbles under its own weight, largely due to the fact that McMahon is no longer writing songs just for fun the fun of it.