
Mixed or average reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 12
  2. Negative: 1 out of 12
  1. It feels as if Manson now feels liberated from not being consistently in the spotlight, and his music has opened up as well.
  2. Alternative Press
    The army of noise behind his bitterness is at once massive and impressive. [Jul 2003, p.117]
  3. Blender
    His campiest, and skimpiest, since his debut. [#17, p.138]
  4. It's an inferior re-run of the Marilyn Manson hammer horror panto that's been showing since '96.
  5. If you aren't down with Manson, this won't change you one bit. But for Manson fans, Grotesque is beautiful.
  6. Inventive and powerful enough to merit intermittent attention, but ultimately crushed by the weight of its hoary pretensions.
  7. Mojo
    Better than the conceptual barf of its predecessor Holy Wood, but not as sharp as his best record to date, '98's glammy Mechanical Animals. [Jun 2003, p.100]
  8. There's nothing that catchy here - Manson seems to have used all his best hooks already. But it's not terrible, and it sounds good LOUD.
  9. Even with several excellent songs... it's the lyrical inanity that makes the most lasting impression.
  10. Q Magazine
    The good news is that Grotesque rocks like a bastard.... Not so good news is that Manson's shock shtick still lacks real substance. [Jun 2003, p.103]
  11. What's surprising is that there's still so much life in what Manson is rehashing.
  12. Uncut
    Seems to be his regular melange of jackboot glam and electro-metal spiced up with those endearingly juvenile stabs at pretension and subversion. [Jun 2003, p.94]
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 118 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 95 out of 118
  2. Negative: 9 out of 118
  1. CynthiaV
    Aug 27, 2008
    Manson does not disappoint. My favorite songs are ''spade'', ''[s]aint'', Manson does not disappoint. My favorite songs are ''spade'', ''[s]aint'', ''Mobscene'' and...pretty much all of them. Full Review »
  2. DanC
    Feb 19, 2008
    This was my first MM album at the age of 11 and I thought it was amazing. Listening to it now brings back so many memories. My particular This was my first MM album at the age of 11 and I thought it was amazing. Listening to it now brings back so many memories. My particular favourite songs are: (S)aint Spade Doll - Digga - Buzz - Buzz - Ziggety - Zag. Full Review »
  3. tobyl
    Jun 21, 2004
    Very disappointing. Antichrist, Animals, Holywood were in a completely different league. This though is just one lame routine industrial boom Very disappointing. Antichrist, Animals, Holywood were in a completely different league. This though is just one lame routine industrial boom boom. I honestly wouldn't have bought it if it wasn't for Manson's name on it. I've probably listened to it for only three or four times in one year. Please Marilyn. let's get it over with the singles and get to a new album! Full Review »