• Record Label: Merge
  • Release Date: Feb 19, 2008
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 17 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 15 out of 17
  2. Negative: 1 out of 17

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  1. JackC.
    Apr 17, 2008
    "The Golden Age" is good solid record worth hearing. There are some strikingly good songs on here, such as "the decibels and little pills," "all my love," "sleeping beauty," and "the stars." All of it is pretty solid really. The only real gripe I have and why I'm only giving it an 8 is just because things start to feel a little monotonous over the course of the 13 tracks.
  2. Mages
    Apr 10, 2008
    I can't stop listening to it.
  3. DejanSt.
    Apr 8, 2008
    Much more than I expected. A return to form. Beautiful.
  4. NuemesNuemes
    Mar 30, 2008
    I think this is AMC's pop album. Golden Age does not have quite the depth or audio sonics of 60 Watt Silver Lining or Mercury. It sounds closest to West & Everclear in specific ways. Eitzel wrote easier to grasp and frankly, happier, lyrics on Golden Age and it's still 100% lovely Eitzel. Vudi's guitar work is much better here then on Love Songs For Patriots (he sounded I think this is AMC's pop album. Golden Age does not have quite the depth or audio sonics of 60 Watt Silver Lining or Mercury. It sounds closest to West & Everclear in specific ways. Eitzel wrote easier to grasp and frankly, happier, lyrics on Golden Age and it's still 100% lovely Eitzel. Vudi's guitar work is much better here then on Love Songs For Patriots (he sounded rushed or unfocused on LSFP). Drums and bass sound good. I miss Danny's voice though, I think he's a good match with Mark. The backing vocals on Golden Age sound... boring. As far as AMC/Eitzel albums go I think it's an 8. As for comparing it to other artist's albums it's an easy 10. So I give it a 9 here. The Golden Age is brilliant and worth purchasing and will likely give you much enjoyment. Expand
  5. GrahamS.
    Mar 5, 2008
    A return to form - for a recently reformed and remodeled AMC. High points on this disc, and there are many beautiful moments here-rival their best.
  6. LasseG.
    Mar 3, 2008
    A grower!
  7. RM.
    Feb 26, 2008
    Stronger than I expected. A couple of clunkers but overall I think it's better than San Francisco. More stripped down than Mercury.
  8. GuyH.
    Feb 26, 2008
    AMC back to what they do best - deceptively simple both lyrically and musically but over time all of those addictive little subtleties reveal themselves leaving you absolutely hooked. 'The Dance' is the undisputed highlight if you are looking for a standout track that will grab your attention straight away. The album contains so many incredible slow burners - 'Grand AMC back to what they do best - deceptively simple both lyrically and musically but over time all of those addictive little subtleties reveal themselves leaving you absolutely hooked. 'The Dance' is the undisputed highlight if you are looking for a standout track that will grab your attention straight away. The album contains so many incredible slow burners - 'Grand Duchess', 'Who You Are', 'Decibels' and 'Victory Choir' are four particular favourites. Give this album time - live with it for two weeks and I dare you to find fault. A 'Golden Age' indeed! Expand
  9. GrayV.
    Feb 25, 2008
    AMC, new lineup and all, have done a great, subtle job arranging Eitzel's newest set of tunes. The lyrics are, as always, cutting, moving, and, yes, funny as hell. A real grower, "The Golden Age" is well worth your time.
  10. TaylorH.
    Feb 25, 2008
    This is naive and arrogant music at it's lowest. remember you are dying right this moment, so waste no more of your time reading this bitter attack on a stupid band with a stupid name........cheers, and God Bless You sheltered souls... oh and by the way, you're an idiot, though Jesus still somehow loves you.

Awards & Rankings


Generally favorable reviews - based on 20 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 17 out of 20
  2. Negative: 0 out of 20
  1. AMC’s second second-life album (recorded with L.A. musicians on bass and drums) is as gorgeous and disorderly as any in its nine-album catalog.
  2. While the quality and beauty of The Golden Age can stand confidently beside those two classics ["Everclear & "Mercury"], it stands alone as another distinct chapter in the life of this band, precious to those who know them.
  3. Mojo
    Aficionados will welcome a renewed emphasis on Vudi's idiosyncratic string-bending, erecting iridescent frames around Eitzel's through-a-glass-darkly vignettes. [Feb 2008,p.105]