
Generally favorable reviews - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 7
  2. Negative: 0 out of 7
  1. Ultimately, on the strength of The Golden Mile, the longevity of The Peth seems, at best, questionable.
  2. Neither virtuosic nor devoid of a sense of pitch, he achieves something equally important to both in terms of significance--believability.
  3. The Golden Mile is more substantial: a very well-made rock record of perfect length (about 45 minutes) and contradictory catharsis.
  4. Mojo
    The Peth prove they're no mere cracked actors. [Oct 2008, p.110]
  5. Q Magazine
    The end result is 10 songs that switch direction with ear-pricking regularity and generally avoid the sub-Oasis ladrock you might have expected Ifans to churn out. [Oct 2008, p.143]
  6. Uncut
    A hazy, boozy affair that threatens to collapse at any time but is buoyed by good-times psychedelic pub-rock chuugers. [Oct 2008, p.105]
  7. Featuring actor Rhys Ifans, who's purported to be SFA's original singer from way, way back, the Peth (Welsh for "thing") make what sounds like psychedelic rock recorded in a pub, all claustrophobic and ear-ringingly fantastic, after the pile-up of pints has turned drunkenness into a not-so-silent lucidity.

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