• Record Label: Sub Pop
  • Release Date: Apr 16, 2011
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 22 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 20 out of 22
  2. Negative: 1 out of 22
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  1. Jul 20, 2021
    This album is amazing. Many of the limitations such as their seemingly repetitive instrumentals may be seen as a downside, but in reality work in the album's favor, being used as way of connecting each song together. By only using guitars and pianos with liminal editing, this album feels like listening to a live indie band at a small music hall, which I love. The lyrics weigh neither tooThis album is amazing. Many of the limitations such as their seemingly repetitive instrumentals may be seen as a downside, but in reality work in the album's favor, being used as way of connecting each song together. By only using guitars and pianos with liminal editing, this album feels like listening to a live indie band at a small music hall, which I love. The lyrics weigh neither too boringly simple or too obnoxiously complex, which is a sentiment i wish other folk albums could carry. Overall, this album is very much worth listening to. Collapse
  2. Mar 19, 2019
    I remember just browsing through iTunes back when this album came out and the cover intrigued me enough to click on it and sample some stuff. I ended up loving it and this album definitely holds a special place for me and it remains one of the very few albums I find myself going back to. Having 3 different singers provides a unique and despite having their own individual styles, TheirI remember just browsing through iTunes back when this album came out and the cover intrigued me enough to click on it and sample some stuff. I ended up loving it and this album definitely holds a special place for me and it remains one of the very few albums I find myself going back to. Having 3 different singers provides a unique and despite having their own individual styles, Their harmonies are near perfect. I would highly recommend it. Expand
  3. Sep 9, 2016
    Sorry user davidson, but this album isn't either of the two negative things you mentioned.

    It's both original and is quite far from being repetitive. Give this album a listen from an amazing band that might have had it's best work on it's first wide release album, which is getting more typical these days. I have some great memories attached to this album and with good reason, it's
    Sorry user davidson, but this album isn't either of the two negative things you mentioned.

    It's both original and is quite far from being repetitive.

    Give this album a listen from an amazing band that might have had it's best work on it's first wide release album, which is getting more typical these days.

    I have some great memories attached to this album and with good reason, it's can hit you in the feels very often and can catch you singing along without even knowing it.
  4. May 3, 2014
    The Head and The Heart prove to be a powerful band, that includes folk aspects in metaphorical touching songs, their debut is, without a doubt, a genuine piece of magic.
  5. Dec 10, 2013
    Repetitive and derivative., but at least it's repetitive.

    Over sentimental, overly borrowed, overly styled, overly lacking in content. I'm sure there's someone trying on a tight fitting grey pleather jacket and seeing which pouty face goes with it and I'm sure this person likes the band and would make an impassioned argument against my claims. If it wasn't for the uninspired live
    Repetitive and derivative., but at least it's repetitive.

    Over sentimental, overly borrowed, overly styled, overly lacking in content. I'm sure there's someone trying on a tight fitting grey pleather jacket and seeing which pouty face goes with it and I'm sure this person likes the band and would make an impassioned argument against my claims. If it wasn't for the uninspired live performance I may have kept said opinion to myself. But sister, this is a cruel world and some people are gonna knock the stuff you like. And sister, sometimes they're right.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 18 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 18
  2. Negative: 1 out of 18
  1. Sep 13, 2011
    There's potential in the chemistry, but no daring.
  2. Aug 5, 2011
    Moments of delicate introspection such as Winter Song and Josh McBride (from their Chapel Sessions) aside, their straining for both authenticity and jollity can bring to mind people knocking on your door wielding pamphlets.
  3. 40
    They may have plenty of heart but their heads are lost in the clouds.