
Generally favorable reviews - based on 21 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 21
  2. Negative: 0 out of 21
  1. 'The Invisible Invasion', like both it's predecessors, takes one or two listens to really get into, but once there has an engaging appeal about it that makes it possibly The Coral's most obvious "singles" album to date.
  2. Freed of the need to sound how people expect them to, the seven piece get the chance to show that they can turn in proper, craft-standard pop when they need to.
  3. Finds the Coral attempting to fuse both sides of their personality.
  4. Uncut
    They sizzle with verve and invention. [Jun 2005, p.98]
  5. What really makes The Invisible Invasion excellent, better even than that oft-feted debut, is what they achieve when they go a little bit crazy.
  6. Q Magazine
    The least adventurous and most disappointing Coral album to date. [Jun 2005, p.106]
  7. Mojo
    Recasting love songs as ghost stories, and with no recycled early '80s moves, The Coral's self-created world seems reinvigorated. [Jun 2005, p.96]
  8. The Invisible Invasion is far from a masterpiece... but it encouragingly signals a definite progression in the Coral’s thematic and arrangement skills.
  9. The Coral have reverted to a subdued and almost jaded sound-- Invisible Invasion reveals way too many wrinkles and stretch marks for a band barely into their twenties.
  10. The overall impression is of an album that you’d never be ashamed to own but wouldn’t necessarily feel the need to play all that often, either.
  11. With a darker theme comes a darker sound.
  12. Filter
    Feels exactly like a dance-less, British-not-Scottish Franz Ferdinand who have been deeply infused with Sgt. Peppers' '60s pop whimsy. [#16, p.90]
  13. Under The Radar
    Repeated listens will help get you past the initial disappointment of a less experimental Coral album. [#10, p.105]
  14. Rolling Stone
    They better themselves by refusing to try so damn hard. [8 Sep 2005, p.114]
  15. The Invisible Invasion isn't necessarily a bad record, it's just nearly critic-proof, providing all of the evidence for whether or not any given listener will like it entirely by its many points of direct comparison.
  16. The Coral's trade has made them less rumbling and more meandering, more coherent but less mysterious.
  17. Restores songcraft without losing much ambition.
  18. Blender
    Strange and compelling. [Sep 2005, p.132]
  19. Outstanding production, clever lyrics and catchy melodies should add up to the sort of record capable of making a serious splash. Unfortunately, Invisible Invasion demonstrates an unwavering adherence to established musical traditions.
  20. Magnet
    This Invasion manages to be not only a perversely unique look at the Doors' cabaret rock but also makes for a catchier Coral. [#69, p.91]
  21. This is The Coral at its best: tight and stimulating, earthy and radiant.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 17 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 17
  2. Negative: 2 out of 17
  1. Simon
    Sep 12, 2005
    A pleasant surprise from The Coral. You always get that one album in a year that takes you by surprise and for me it's "The Invisible A pleasant surprise from The Coral. You always get that one album in a year that takes you by surprise and for me it's "The Invisible Invasion". This album combines the bright elements of The Coral's previous work where psychedelic folk clamor was at the forefront of their soundscape. Although still there, an accessible sound shapes up alongside the band Full Review »
  2. AceKabob
    Aug 15, 2005
    The Coral are the biggest bunch of wankers recording "music" today - amateurish 60s mimics wholly lacking originality. Such a shame a zero is The Coral are the biggest bunch of wankers recording "music" today - amateurish 60s mimics wholly lacking originality. Such a shame a zero is as low a score as I can rate the album. Full Review »
  3. ricardol
    Jun 23, 2005