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Universal acclaim- based on 57 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 52 out of 57
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 57
  3. Negative: 5 out of 57
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  1. Nov 15, 2017
    A reminder of just how good U2 were late 80s/early 90s. This and Achtung Baby were their high water mark, Its being a slow decline since then really. A classic album though is always a classic album, and this still holds up well.
  2. Mar 7, 2019
    Best album of the 80's. Don't deny it. Every track was a hit. My personal favourite was 'Mothers of the Disappeared'. Such a beautiful song. The album starts off with 3 of the best songs in history, holy damn, 'With or Without You'. Definitely 10/10
  3. Mar 23, 2023
    U2 was already on an upward trajectory when The Joshua Tree dropped in 1987, and were catapulted into the rarified air of rock and roll superstardom right after. This is as close to a perfect album as I’ve ever heard, and is still by far my favorite. My friends and I played my cassette tape of The Joshua Tree so much that year, our senior year, that it broke and was immediately replaced.U2 was already on an upward trajectory when The Joshua Tree dropped in 1987, and were catapulted into the rarified air of rock and roll superstardom right after. This is as close to a perfect album as I’ve ever heard, and is still by far my favorite. My friends and I played my cassette tape of The Joshua Tree so much that year, our senior year, that it broke and was immediately replaced. It was our soundtrack through graduation and the summer after before we moved into on to the next part of our lives. I still get misty eyed when I hear the beginning of Where The Streets Have No Name. Just a beautifully done love letter to America from U2. Expand
  4. May 26, 2020
    For me, this album has a 9.7, but it needs to be rounded to 10 here. The songs in this album are amazing, full of energy and emotions. The composition is gorgeous. Near perfection. This album has one of the most epic intros of all time.
  5. Aug 21, 2020
    Avec Achtung Baby, le chef d'oeuvre de U2 qui a marqué l'histoire de la musique à tout jamais. Trois tubes mythiques et Bullet The Blue Sky, une chanson exceptionnelle proche de Led Zeppelin.
  6. Apr 21, 2022
    This is the the sound of a truly great band at the top of their game. An all time classic!
  7. Aug 3, 2017
    For me, this album is up there with the best of them. I feel it is Bono and co's best effort although it's a photo finish with this and "Achtung Baby" . On "The Joshua Tree", it all seems to come together just right, the vocals are pristine, the guitars searing and rythm section play a stormer. Thematically it all fits. The open 3 songs are pure perfection. Famously frontloaded, the restFor me, this album is up there with the best of them. I feel it is Bono and co's best effort although it's a photo finish with this and "Achtung Baby" . On "The Joshua Tree", it all seems to come together just right, the vocals are pristine, the guitars searing and rythm section play a stormer. Thematically it all fits. The open 3 songs are pure perfection. Famously frontloaded, the rest of the album doesn't quite live up to the opening but there are enough diamonds present to allow the record to sit among the greats. A monumental rock album. If you hate U2 that much that you cannot acknowledge the records brilliance then you are cutting of your nose to spite your face. Enjoy it. Expand
  8. Feb 3, 2020
    This is an album packed with raw musical talent with incredible catchy and awe inspiring ballads that are easy to see how they put U2 on the map. Excellent.
  9. Mar 27, 2020
    The Joshua Tree (Super Deluxe) by U2: 8.34 (Regular = 9.12)

    Where The Streets Have No Name: 1 :) I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For: 1 :) With Or Without You: 1 :) Bullet The Blue Sky: 1 Running To Stand Still: 0.75 Red Hill Mining Town: 1 :) In God’s Country: 1 :) Trip Through Your Wires: 1 :) One Tree Hill: 1 Exit: 1 :) Mothers Of The Disappeared: 0.75 Luminous
    The Joshua Tree (Super Deluxe) by U2: 8.34 (Regular = 9.12)

    Where The Streets Have No Name: 1 :)
    I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For: 1 :)
    With Or Without You: 1 :)
    Bullet The Blue Sky: 1
    Running To Stand Still: 0.75
    Red Hill Mining Town: 1 :)
    In God’s Country: 1 :)
    Trip Through Your Wires: 1 :)
    One Tree Hill: 1
    Exit: 1 :)
    Mothers Of The Disappeared: 0.75
    Luminous Times (Hold On To Love): 1
    Walk To The Water: 0.5
    Spanish Eyes: 1
    Deep In The Heart: 0.75
    Silver And Gold: 1 :)
    Sweetest Thing: 1 :)
    Race Against Time: 1
    Beautiful Ghost: 0.25
    Wave Of Sorrow (Birdland): 1 :)
    Desert Of Our Love: 1 :)
    Rise Up: 1 :)
    Drunk Chicken / America: 1

    21/23 ~ .913 -> 8.34

    The Joshua Tree should be the example that other rock bands use to create their music. This is a nearly flawless album, and the only one so far that has earned a 10/10 rating. Though The Joshua Tree was released over 30 years ago, its music still rocks today and is full of really diverse and catchy songs. This “Super Deluxe” version adds 12 more songs to the standard album, and while I enjoyed them, they did not prove to be a beneficial addition to the already-perfect standard album. That being said, I highly recommend this album to everyone who loves music. U2 is a great band. Music rarely gets better than The Joshua Tree, since I have no complaints about any of the songs. Everyone should have The Joshua Tree downloaded onto wherever they store their music (or as a CD, vinyl, etc.). Highlights: Where The Streets Have No Name, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, With Or Without You, Bullet The Blue Sky, Red Hill Mining Town, In God’s Country, Trip Through Your Wires, One Tree Hill, Exit, Luminous Times, Spanish Eyes, Silver And Gold, Sweetest Thing, Race Against Time, Wave Of Sorrow, Desert Of Our Love, Rise Up, and Drunk Chicken / America.
  10. Mar 11, 2019
    One of the greatest albums of all time. The Joshua Tree is the peak of U2's musical work. In my opinion there is no doubt that this is their definitive work. The beginning is full of instant classics that are still relevant to this day. The back half does suffer for simply not being as good as the front half, but overall, it is a fantastic listen for any rock fan.
  11. Mar 23, 2021
  12. Jul 17, 2020
    На третьей песне хочется закончить. Однообразно, занудно, слащаво, примитивно как в каждой отдельной композиции, так и в альбоме в целом. Всю жизнь группа верна себе.

Universal acclaim - based on 5 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 5
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 5
  3. Negative: 0 out of 5
  1. Magnet
    Jun 28, 2017
    At 30 years of age, it's only better than it was... It gets zero help from unnecessary remixes and wee heft from an era-appropriate Madison Square Garden concert recording. [No. 143, p.58]
  2. Uncut
    Jun 6, 2017
    There are no retrospective documentaries or scholarly essays to help unpack one of U2's most conceptually rich works. This cautious, conservative repackage may not diminish the greatness of the original album, but it does sell it short. [Jul 2017, p.46]
  3. Mojo
    Jun 6, 2017
    The righteousness is on full display in New York City. On Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bono howls, “We’re so sick of it!” If such declarations were beginning to sound sanctimonious at the time, 30 years of legit activism--including sitting down repeatedly with ideological adversaries such as Trump VP Mike Pence--casts Bono’s piety as the real deal. ... Thirty years later, U2 continue their pursuit of the righteous; looking back to be sure, but suited to this moment all the same. [Jul 2017, p.104]