• Record Label: BMG
  • Release Date: Jul 17, 2020
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 16 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 16
  2. Negative: 5 out of 16
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  1. Aug 8, 2020
    Their best album since 1999. The greatest songs are Bullet Holes, Blood River, Flowers on a Grave, Ghosts In the Machine, and The Kingdom. Some other good songs the can be played every once in a while for extra bush goodness are Send In The Clowns, Quicksand and Falling Away. Blood RIver is my favorite due to its heaviness, Bullet Holes is a close second with a powerfull bass and flowersTheir best album since 1999. The greatest songs are Bullet Holes, Blood River, Flowers on a Grave, Ghosts In the Machine, and The Kingdom. Some other good songs the can be played every once in a while for extra bush goodness are Send In The Clowns, Quicksand and Falling Away. Blood RIver is my favorite due to its heaviness, Bullet Holes is a close second with a powerfull bass and flowers on a grave has the most memorable hook. It is a heavy album just like I hoped they would finally make after 21 years, its been so long I am glad the day finally came. These reviewers like Rolling Stone are hotgarbage! Expand
  2. Jul 29, 2020
    Essentially this an Institute album. The reason I make that statement, is the album is chasing after colorless nu-metal loudness, and Gavin Rossdale trying his least to change his game up, his flat hookless delivery makes every single song a drag, adding to his self parody, is his lyrics being bizarrely non sensical yet generic.
  3. Jul 28, 2020
    BUSH's 'The Kingdom' supplies groovy, classic hard rock and grunge whilst still retaining their more radio friendly vibe. I'm not quite sure why this album has been reviewed so poorly by some. Is it generic grunge rock? Is it quite sterile and clean? Yes to both. But is it bad? Definitely not. Some of the lyrics are a little generic or nonsensical but that's the case for the majority ofBUSH's 'The Kingdom' supplies groovy, classic hard rock and grunge whilst still retaining their more radio friendly vibe. I'm not quite sure why this album has been reviewed so poorly by some. Is it generic grunge rock? Is it quite sterile and clean? Yes to both. But is it bad? Definitely not. Some of the lyrics are a little generic or nonsensical but that's the case for the majority of songs in the charts these days. Give it a chance and make up your own mind. Personally, it's a return to form and hopefully will mean we get to see them on the big stages across the UK again very soon. Collapse
  4. Jul 27, 2020
    Really not good. The songs are a mess and words are awful. Some decent background musicianship completely obscured by terribly written songs and vocals.
  5. Jul 27, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Disclaimer: never understood the appeal of Bush. Lyrics are rubbish and nonsensical, lead singer is probably the most overrated in the genre, somewhere between wishing they were as good as Creed and a D-rate Pearl Jam knockoff. Listened to this album hoping they aged better. Didn’t check songwriting credits but embarrassed for whoever wrote these turds. Cringe. Just terrible. I can tell the other band members are talented players but the lead singer taints all. Skip this one and check our some local teen band instead. I’m sure they would be better. Expand
  6. Jul 18, 2020
    Classic Bush without all this new age sissy computer generated non-music nonsense that is becoming all too common these days. Just Bush being Bush and still using their actual talents on stringed and percussive instruments like the good old days when music was music. I applaud them for staying true to their sound after so many years of terrible music becoming mainstream.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 5 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 5
  2. Negative: 1 out of 5
  1. Jul 23, 2020
    Flipping the unevenness and sonic confusion of their three 2010s albums on their heads, Bush take this opportunity to prove that they've still got enough in them beyond '90s nostalgia.
  2. 60
    The Kingdom is Bush at their most confident. [Jul 2020, p.89]
  3. 80
    The Kingdom is a healthy and dynamic record, leaning toward a heavier sound that is majorly consistent. And Rossdale’s piecemeal, emotive style of songwriting serves the record well, leading with heart and less structure or obligation.