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  1. MarioP
    Jun 29, 2006
    Totally agree with Michael. The arrangements are even worse than those of Dear Catastrophe Waitress, and the tunes are totally forgettable, barring a good (Another Sunny Day) and a decent (Funny Little Frog) one. A huge disappointement from them, and I guess after listening to this and DCW there's no way back. I really loved them from Tigermilk through Fold Your Hands Child. Shame Totally agree with Michael. The arrangements are even worse than those of Dear Catastrophe Waitress, and the tunes are totally forgettable, barring a good (Another Sunny Day) and a decent (Funny Little Frog) one. A huge disappointement from them, and I guess after listening to this and DCW there's no way back. I really loved them from Tigermilk through Fold Your Hands Child. Shame really that they've gone for this idiotic sunny pop. Expand
  2. Phil
    Feb 8, 2006
    Absurd - reminds me of The Monkees, The Partridge Family, or Brady Bunch. Can't you just see the polyester slacks, floral print shirts, and the stupid smiles on their face as they sing sing sing so merrily these delightful little ditties. Ugh. Save me, please.
  3. andrewm
    Feb 7, 2006
    B&S get better with each release! Love it already.
  4. dodobird
    Feb 7, 2006
    This may arguably be the best album that B&S has put out.
  5. KeriH
    Feb 8, 2006
    This is how pop used to be done in the 60's and 70's. Lots of good infuences used on thei album to good effect. An album to lift your mood!
  6. CulleyS
    Feb 8, 2006
    I first heard Belle & Sebastian 10 years ago in 1996. I walked into a record store and "If You're Feeling Sinister" was playing. The store manager, a friend of mine, told me this was the new B&S album and then gave me a promo copy, which I still have today. Over the past ten years I have seen B&S live and will seen them again this March with The New Pornographers. I have about 30 I first heard Belle & Sebastian 10 years ago in 1996. I walked into a record store and "If You're Feeling Sinister" was playing. The store manager, a friend of mine, told me this was the new B&S album and then gave me a promo copy, which I still have today. Over the past ten years I have seen B&S live and will seen them again this March with The New Pornographers. I have about 30 live shows, have every single, EP, and album they have put out. A few DVDs and some other live footage from festivals and TV spots as well. When I first heard "The Life Pursuit" several months ago, it was a live version... I then heard a promo of the full album shortly thereafter. When I purchased the album, I purchased the deluxe version with DVD. The DVD features B&S playing six songs from "The Life Pursuit" live in a BBC studio. This album has some very strong songs on it: Mornington Crescent is a standout, but other highlights include: White Collar Boy, For the Price of a Cup of Tea, and Dress Up in You. Belle and Sebastian have defintely improved over the past ten years as musicians and songwriters. While this may not have the classic feel of "If You're Feeling Sinister," it is still an improvement from a technical standpoint. Expand
  7. Mark
    Feb 8, 2006
    A little over-produced, but, a GREAT album
  8. PiotrW
    Mar 20, 2006
    Brings a beatiful springtime to still winter Poland... Each song seems like a different separate jewel... Makes me smile every time I put this into my player.
  9. BradK
    Mar 6, 2006
    I'm going to just go ahead and say this is the best Belle and Sebastian CD I have heard (including Sinister). With energy and vitality to spare, the hooks grab and the harmonies move. Looking at its worst three reviews, you see they come from Rolling Stone and Blender -- not , in my book, sources of trustworthy reviews -- and Alternative Press, an emo/punk magazine that for some I'm going to just go ahead and say this is the best Belle and Sebastian CD I have heard (including Sinister). With energy and vitality to spare, the hooks grab and the harmonies move. Looking at its worst three reviews, you see they come from Rolling Stone and Blender -- not , in my book, sources of trustworthy reviews -- and Alternative Press, an emo/punk magazine that for some reason decided to review every genre. I hope metacritic isn't weighting those critics at an average or high level. Expand
  10. Andrew
    Feb 15, 2006
    Really good album. A happy dissonance between the words and the music.
  11. ZhibinD
    Feb 20, 2006
  12. Matt
    Feb 7, 2006
    Yes, it's different, but it's a good example of how pop doesn't have to be superficial.
  13. JohnK
    Feb 7, 2006
    Great, great album.
  14. BernardA
    Mar 8, 2006
    This cd proves once again why I think that the B & S are one of the best bands of the last decade & a half. I know many people will compare this to IYFS & DCW but it is great on its own terms. Songs like Another Sunny Day, Funny Little Frog & Dress Up in You are classic B & S. Most of the other songs show the band going in a different directions with lots of success. I do hear some glam This cd proves once again why I think that the B & S are one of the best bands of the last decade & a half. I know many people will compare this to IYFS & DCW but it is great on its own terms. Songs like Another Sunny Day, Funny Little Frog & Dress Up in You are classic B & S. Most of the other songs show the band going in a different directions with lots of success. I do hear some glam influences in songs llike The Blues are Still Blue. Another great release by the B & S. Expand
  15. BrendanD
    Dec 27, 2006
    Simply put, this is the best record of the year, and quite possibly it's the best pop record of the decade. Honestly, I know there are a lot of B&S fans out there, but I've never, ever been one of them. They were always to cute, to precious, too twee for me, which is kind of funny, considering I absolutely adore the Sea and Cake. So I turn on "The Life Pursuit," and I'm Simply put, this is the best record of the year, and quite possibly it's the best pop record of the decade. Honestly, I know there are a lot of B&S fans out there, but I've never, ever been one of them. They were always to cute, to precious, too twee for me, which is kind of funny, considering I absolutely adore the Sea and Cake. So I turn on "The Life Pursuit," and I'm listening to the first track. Ho-hum. La-de-da. Then the chorus of "Act of the Apostle" comes in, replete with its ringing organ and Carol Kaye-esque bass line, and I get kind of happy. 'Okay,' I think, 'This might not be too bad.' And then, "Another Sunny Day" comes on and absolutely blows my mind. I remember distinctly that it was springtime here in Chicago. I remember that because it was nearing the end of my last year in college, the trees were coming back, the weather was warming up, and I wasn't sober a day. And Belle & Sebastian made it all the better. I'd walk down the street listening to "The Life Pursuit" on my now dearly-departed iPod, smiling irrepressible smiles because the music made my so freakin' happy, like the Beach Boys' "Sunflower" or any number of Polyphonic Spree live shows I've got. Art Brut's got the chops, the Secret Machines have the emotion; Grandaddy's got the sentiment, and Jenny Lewis has the beauty. But Belle & Sebastian get my vote -- easily -- for album of the year. Expand
  16. AdriansREvenge
    Feb 10, 2006
    Belle and Sebastian
  17. stanh
    Feb 10, 2006
    Love them, and love the album!!!!
  18. JustinB
    Feb 10, 2006
    this is a great album...the songs are fun, everyone who listens will enjoy this.
  19. ScottP
    Feb 10, 2006
    Pretty good, but they have done better.
  20. Jason
    Feb 17, 2006
    Not bad it just me or does this sound exactly like ELO?
  21. tommyph
    Feb 27, 2006
    This album is likely to be in my top 10 of '06 and top 200 of all time! Nice bluesy feel!
  22. JJ
    Feb 6, 2006
    belle & sebastian are overrated. none of their stuff actually sounds good.
  23. Shane
    Feb 6, 2006
    A pop masterpiece.
  24. MachuzzlewitSweedlepipe
    Feb 7, 2006
    Another collection of melodies and lyrics that any songwriter would give their left lung for. Slightly more genre-hopping than previous albums but no less charming.
  25. ChrisC.
    Feb 7, 2006
    Solid. I think overall it is more consistent than DCW. It can't touch IYFS or Tigermilk though.
  26. PeterP
    Feb 7, 2006
    It's fun.
  27. [Anonymous]
    Feb 7, 2006
    A masterpiece!
  28. LanaM
    Feb 7, 2006
    This is my favorite band. B&S never disappoint me. Their new album lives up to their existing high standards and was completely worth the wait.
  29. CarlosM
    Feb 7, 2006
    Ver good, definitively is the second albm of the rebirth of Belle and Sebastian (after the Storytelling soundtrack). The femenine chorus are reallyt catchy and, sometimes, sublime. Really deserves to be number one in UK. And this album proves that, basically, Stuart Murdoch is a pop genius. Period.
  30. ALittleMulroneycakesSoBeguiling
    Feb 8, 2006
    "And lo, for the mighty Stuart of Murdoch and his Apostles did finally Release a New Album. And there was much rejoicing, for The Mulroneycakes did return to Metacritic to proclaim that it was good." Yes, it's Dear Catastrophe Waitress 2 and it's ace. Look how many people have called it "their best since If You're Feeling Sinister". It probably is, too. I loved Dear "And lo, for the mighty Stuart of Murdoch and his Apostles did finally Release a New Album. And there was much rejoicing, for The Mulroneycakes did return to Metacritic to proclaim that it was good." Yes, it's Dear Catastrophe Waitress 2 and it's ace. Look how many people have called it "their best since If You're Feeling Sinister". It probably is, too. I loved Dear Catastrophe Waitress to little bits as well (to the extent that I actually posted an epic review of it on Christmas Day of all times). The Life Pursuit takes the template of DCW and uses it to build an album that leaves its predecessor in the dust. Anyone else notice that their influences seem to be moving forward in time as they go on? Early B&S was sixties as anything, but now we seem to be up to the mid-seventies - savour the squelchy glam-funk of White Collar Boy, or the frankly glitter-covered The Blues Are Still Blue, which features Murdoch doing quite a commendable impression of Marc Bolan, and the band doing an equally good impersonation of T-Rex with tambourines. And then there was Sukie in the Graveyard. The title, the lyrics, suggest another mid-paced, catchy, whimsical, string-drenched quasi-ballad about another sensitive girl. What we get is boisterous snyth-funk, half-rapped by Stuart Murdoch. Even knowing B&S' propensity for surprise, I was shocked at that first burst of power-Geddes. Not that they've left behind the fey indie pop with strings and horns and that simultaneously annoying and endearing thing where Stevie scrapes his finger across the guitar strings - Dress Up In You and Another Sunny Day will satiate your Feeling Sinister urges (if you don't mind a chorus centred around a swearword on the former, and why should you?). Oh, and then there's Funny Little Frog, which almost went top ten in this country and deserved to as well. I should point out that Sarah Martin's backing vocals are, at times, almost indistinguishable from the dear departed Isobel's by this stage. All that's missing is Stevie's song and Sarah's song - Murdoch's front and centre on all of these. Not that that's a bad thing - Stevie has a B-Side on the Funny Little Frog CD single, fact fans, and Sarah practically duets We Are The Sleepyheads - which incidentally is a highlight, another piece of lyrical dummy selling, reading like a creepier Fox In The Snow, but playing something like an energised Bowie pre-Eno. So many famous names glide through the listener's head as the album wears on...Bolan, Slade, Bowie, George Clinton for heaven's sake - Clinton collaborating with Stevie Wonder on Song for Sunshine. And yet it's all uniquely Belle and Sebastian in the final analyisis, and all the better for it. Blimey, even Playlouder like it, and they rode the post-Peasant B&S hatred bandwagon like they had Sitting Bull on their tail. What am I talking about? Look, speaking as Recognised Authority On Belle And Sebastian (in the Plymouth postal district), I can confirm: This Album Is Good. In fact, it probably IS their best since Sinister. There's a turn-up. Peace. Expand
  31. matta
    Feb 8, 2006
    The first truly fantastic album of 2006. B & S's poppiest, catchiest album to date, and probably their best (although DCW and IYFS are up there too). Not a bad track (Except for the lone not-written-by-Stuart Murdoch track "To be Myself Completely"), and several instant classic B&S tracks, including White Collar Boy, Dress Up In You, Sukie in the Graveyard, and For the Price of a Cup The first truly fantastic album of 2006. B & S's poppiest, catchiest album to date, and probably their best (although DCW and IYFS are up there too). Not a bad track (Except for the lone not-written-by-Stuart Murdoch track "To be Myself Completely"), and several instant classic B&S tracks, including White Collar Boy, Dress Up In You, Sukie in the Graveyard, and For the Price of a Cup of Tea. An absolutely essential album. Expand
  32. RobP
    Feb 8, 2006
    Lovely. 13 great pop songs on one album. Not as long lasting as their old stuff.
  33. AbrahamJ
    Feb 8, 2006
    I really like this albums sincere enthusiasm for the music we call pop. It's their best since 'If You're Feeling Sinister'. Isobel Campbell and Mark Lanegan's new album is great too!
  34. Jamie
    Feb 9, 2006
    This bit of pop perfection ties with Tigermilk as B&S' most coherent LP in my book. And it's a friggin' blast to listen to.
  35. MasterP
    Mar 1, 2006
    Good upbeat good-times music. Less, well... gay than earlier albums, but gay enough for "upbeat good-times."
  36. Simon
    Mar 30, 2006
    This is one of Belle & Sebastian's best albums, withiout doubt. The song writing is strong as is the musicianship. The band plays to their strenghts but equally creates something fresh and very today. Definitely one of the best pop bands of the modern era.
  37. psst
    Apr 15, 2006
    i like it a lot. a bit too much hysteria.
  38. RichardA
    Apr 19, 2006
    Cracking stuff, a really joyous and infectious record. Takes them far beyond the old stuff, and all the better for it.
  39. sk
    Apr 2, 2006
    it could be their best album
  40. AaronQ
    Apr 28, 2006
    Solid pop record. Makes me want to explore the band's entire catalog.
  41. BlayzeH
    Apr 4, 2006
    Great, an improvement on the songwriting from Dear Catastrophe Waitress, just if they had the same producing.
  42. kickstand
    May 16, 2006
    Features the best song ever written about laundry ... what more can you ask for?
  43. time
    Aug 8, 2006
    Score another point for the greatest indie band in the world.
  44. Guy
    Jan 4, 2007
    Best album of the year hands down.
  45. JTR
    Jul 2, 2007
    It's always nice to be reminded why you love a band. This is such a solid album, so full of joy, wit, and inspiration.
  46. ScottE
    Oct 18, 2006
    Not their best overall, but certainly better than anything since Sinister -- the above reviews have it right.
  47. MathewB
    Feb 11, 2006
    Amazing, easily their most diverse record. Musically they experiment with numerous styles ("Song for Sunshine" actually sounds like a song by "Sly and the Family Stone" if you can believe that) without a single mis-step. Every song is great. And as musically expansive as this record is, it all blends together perfectly while always mainting the unique qualities of all previous "Belle and Amazing, easily their most diverse record. Musically they experiment with numerous styles ("Song for Sunshine" actually sounds like a song by "Sly and the Family Stone" if you can believe that) without a single mis-step. Every song is great. And as musically expansive as this record is, it all blends together perfectly while always mainting the unique qualities of all previous "Belle and Sebastian" work. This is the milestone record that they will be known for. Expand
  48. steve
    Feb 11, 2006
    I am old enough to share Stuarts nod. Teriffic pastiches,hugely entertaining. I laughed outloud at least twice at the delicious irony. Wonderful lyrics,tunes I whistle. Pop has got its brains back. Murdoch is the new Ray Davies? No of course not.But you know what I mean. Staring at falling snow as I write and listen.Appropiate .Buy it.
  49. MattB
    Feb 11, 2006
    After three full listens, the new album went from good to great to brilliant. It's as confident and exciting as Dear Catastrophe Waitress, but the new producer returns to the band its magical and mysterious aura. It's a fantastic meld of early and current B&S. It will surprise you, it will comfort you, it will make you very, very happy.
  50. Alex
    Feb 12, 2006
    What a pleasant surprise. The lyrics are rich and smile-provoking, and the melodies are varied and catchy. The atmosphere of wistful melancholy isn't as conspicuous as it was pre-Catastrophe Waitress days, but the songs are still beautiful.
  51. Michael
    Feb 14, 2006
    Hearing this was like finding out your best friend in college got married and drives a minivan. Any of the dark wit that characterizes the best of Belle and Sebastian is buried under the clunky, emabarrassing arrangements here. Stuart Murdoch tries to get tough on 'Sukie in the Graveyard' and ends up sounding like the white kid who tries to rap in the school talent show. All the Hearing this was like finding out your best friend in college got married and drives a minivan. Any of the dark wit that characterizes the best of Belle and Sebastian is buried under the clunky, emabarrassing arrangements here. Stuart Murdoch tries to get tough on 'Sukie in the Graveyard' and ends up sounding like the white kid who tries to rap in the school talent show. All the wrong turns that started with 'Legal Man' reappear on this album. The only jewel in this heap is 'Another Sunny Day' which combines Murdoch's clever, ironic lyrics with the band's knack for melodies that seem like they've always existed. The rest of the album is a disappointing, mediocre pastiche. The acclaim this album is receiving is baffling. Expand
  52. berdk
    Feb 15, 2006
    great great great
  53. Dave
    Feb 15, 2006
    For me, it's the album Dear Catastrophe Waitress wanted to be. Happy poppy fun, plenty of hooks, infectious beats and Stuart's smart lyrics.
  54. NickD
    Feb 15, 2006
    Can we stop with all the bloody recividism please? The people ("Michael", I'm looking at YOU) who wish Belle & Sebastian had made seven Tigermilks or seven Sinisters are not music fans, they're sad little people who feel only they can understand music fully. No, this isn't the same album as If You're Feeling Sinister, but ten years on, if it was then it'd be a Can we stop with all the bloody recividism please? The people ("Michael", I'm looking at YOU) who wish Belle & Sebastian had made seven Tigermilks or seven Sinisters are not music fans, they're sad little people who feel only they can understand music fully. No, this isn't the same album as If You're Feeling Sinister, but ten years on, if it was then it'd be a travesty! What we do have is Murdoch's best, catchiest melodies set to a band now more in tune with 70s revisited than the Felt back catalogue, there's a few tunes not so good, but it's top notch songs most of the way through. The toys-out-of-the-pram, only-I-should-be- allowed-to-like-this-band- and-they-should-sound-how-I- want-them-to people are baffling here, not the accalaim. Expand
  55. MurrayC
    Feb 16, 2006
    A very welcome return to form- and then some. Lots of excellent music here for a sunny spring day (as hoped), and at least a couple surprises that make you want to groove long after the sun has set! Who would've foreseen "The Blues are Still Blue" from this band!? Great stuff.
  56. JoeyM
    Feb 26, 2006
    This is the best-sounding record of the year! I'm smiling each time I listen to it. It really puts me in a positive mood. Beautiful melodies and witty lyrics.
  57. PeterH
    Feb 6, 2006
    This has some of their best work on it. It also has some tracks i find indifferent. These aremy intital thoughts which could change....
  58. TobyMcG
    Feb 7, 2006
    pretty decent
  59. guyh
    Feb 8, 2006
    love it!!!!!
  60. JaredS.
    Feb 8, 2006
    With the first couple of listens to this album I thought it was the same bubble-gummish stuff that made DCS very good but kind of sickeningly sweet at times. Upon further examination I found the depth that I had always loved in B and S and felt they had been missing with DCS. What a great, deep examination of faith it expresses. And another great album from those lovable Scottish intellectuals.
  61. JESSEB
    Feb 9, 2006
    The best Belle and Sebastian album since Tiger Milk. Ignore the critics who think Belle and Sebastian have changed their formula for the worst. This album shows a more mature and yes, fun side of the group. The Life Pursuit represents a band that is further expanding the art of pop music, giving the finger to the indy critics, and having a blast at the same time.
  62. CaitieF
    Mar 16, 2006
    Fantastic. Definitely one of the best albums of the 2000s by far, with catchy song after catchy song throughout the album. I bought this on a whim and was instantly in love with it on the first listen. "The Blues Are Still Blue" was stuck in my head for days and is by far the best song on the record, but that's not to say less of the rest of it, it has a wonderful combination of Fantastic. Definitely one of the best albums of the 2000s by far, with catchy song after catchy song throughout the album. I bought this on a whim and was instantly in love with it on the first listen. "The Blues Are Still Blue" was stuck in my head for days and is by far the best song on the record, but that's not to say less of the rest of it, it has a wonderful combination of uptempo songs and wistful ballads. I was never into B&S prior to this, but now I think I shall do a bit more exploring of their stuff! Expand
  63. DanB.
    Mar 19, 2006
    A third of it is like a Bowie tribute album, but it's more awesome than derivative. I love 'sukie in the graveyard' best, at the moment.
  64. jdg
    Mar 31, 2006
    I highy anticipate this album coz I love DCW. except of "Another Sunny Day" the album is disappointing. No more smart lines and forggettable tunes. Shame.
  65. AndreaB
    Mar 7, 2006
    Soild, creative, refreshing, yet somehow forgetable
  66. TomB
    Apr 28, 2006
    Without a doubt, B&S's best album. I really liked this when it came out, and now I utterly love it. Probably the most charming album I've heard, ever.
  67. Ant
    Apr 9, 2006
    While not as lyrically funny as Dear Catastrophe Waitress, this album is incredibly catchy and addicting. I really can't stop listening to it.
  68. JaimeZ
    May 23, 2006
    The first B&S that made me smile for an hour or two....Morrissey meet The Monkees in a summer resort.
  69. MattA
    Aug 27, 2006
    It's not nearly as bold or compelling as other pop indie rock albums (such as Of Montreal's Sunlandi Twins), and it seems like a step back to the sunshiney fluff of The Beach Boys from decades before. For what it's worth, the album sounds great even if it's fairly forgettable in comparison to much bolder Indie efforts this year.
  70. ArikK
    Dec 11, 2006
    The pop melodies are well crafted and well produced. The lyrics are amazing and fit extremely well, and the album as a whole flows together incredibly. Probably one of my favorite albums this year.
  71. D
    Dec 19, 2006
    They made it!
  72. Andy
    Feb 13, 2006
    Possibly my favirote so far. Not as timeless as Sinister and the writing isn't as unique as DCW but it is definitely the most fun they have ever had on an album.
  73. LeonardoF
    Feb 13, 2006
    It's funny because the songs are not bad... but they fail to catch your attention - it's just too bland.
  74. Ben
    Feb 16, 2006
    I fail to understand anyone who finds this album bland. I haven't wanted to dance this much in ages. Particularly, I don't understand Michael's comment that this continues the wrong that begun with Legal Man, as to me Legal Man was dance-in-the-streets good. This is certainly a departure from earlier albums, but it is still thoroughly B&S. It is a more cohesive (despite its I fail to understand anyone who finds this album bland. I haven't wanted to dance this much in ages. Particularly, I don't understand Michael's comment that this continues the wrong that begun with Legal Man, as to me Legal Man was dance-in-the-streets good. This is certainly a departure from earlier albums, but it is still thoroughly B&S. It is a more cohesive (despite its eclectic sound) record than DCW - if you like, DCW was their attempt to break into a new form, and this is their success. From the crazy catchiness of "white collar boy" to the relaxing, uplifting "song for sunshine", it is a wonderfully crafted record, and the near overproduction of DCW is replaced here by a band that is well produced but still distinctly all the things that make B&S amazing. I wasn't sure where this album stood at first, but when Stuart sung "you were chained to a girl who would kill you with a look / it's a nice way to die, she's so easy on the eye", and "she said 'you aint ugly, you can kiss me if you like' / go ahead and kiss her! you don't know what you're missing!", I knew it was another gem. This is B&S as they should be, and if it lacks something from the days of Sinister, it's also gained something. I would rather listen to their sound modulate over time than have Stuart turn out a bunch of photocopies of Sinister and get stale. It is a fun, wonderful album. Expand
  75. BradP
    Feb 23, 2006
    Excellent effort - a nice updating of the B&S sound. For those who wish for a repeat of Sinister - Stuart is too old for that, school is long done. While he can still sing those songs (the terrific "Sinister Live" on iTunes from 2005 shows how much better B&S is now) he can't be stuck in 1996 forever and neither can we. The Life Pursuit has muscle, punch and hooks galore, and yet Excellent effort - a nice updating of the B&S sound. For those who wish for a repeat of Sinister - Stuart is too old for that, school is long done. While he can still sing those songs (the terrific "Sinister Live" on iTunes from 2005 shows how much better B&S is now) he can't be stuck in 1996 forever and neither can we. The Life Pursuit has muscle, punch and hooks galore, and yet retains the essential lightness that is B&S. It is the work of a songwriter now in his thirties who has seen more, done more, heard more than he had 10 years ago. I really enjoy this album. This is great POP, sunny and driving but also full of bite, wit and intelligence. I am sure it will be regular on the summer stereo in my house. Expand
  76. tomislavs
    Feb 28, 2006
    i'm their fan for a quite long time, and i have to say though i thought i'll be quite dissapointed with the album cause i heard some roumors that they've changed since their famous tracks the boy with the arab strap and similar - i think they stayed true to themselves and they are still b&s. So glad for you guys! Lots of luck.
  77. MarkO
    Mar 29, 2006
    I have everything thing they've recorded and this is hands down their best. Variety, energy and heart make this one of the best of the year.
  78. AndrewC
    Apr 17, 2006
    My favourite B&S album since 'Sinister'. Their sound has truly evolved into something great. Makes 'Dear Catastrophe Waitress' sound like a mediocre transitional album.
  79. RG
    Mar 29, 2007
    great b & s album, they have been on a downhill slump, dear catastrophee was ok ( loved i m a cuckoo) but this is looking back at a great age of pop and making great pop for today. they are very comfortable with themselves, and i think dear castrophee helped with that. def their best album since if you are feeling sinister
  80. ReubenF
    Dec 18, 2006
    My first musical love was The Smiths, and so predictably enough, I kinda like Belle & Sebastian as well. I know they don't like being described as 'Twee Pop', and most likely their fans wouldn't like that description either, but it seems to me quite apt. The website World Wide Words gives the definition as follows: "It means excessively or affectedly quaint, My first musical love was The Smiths, and so predictably enough, I kinda like Belle & Sebastian as well. I know they don't like being described as 'Twee Pop', and most likely their fans wouldn't like that description either, but it seems to me quite apt. The website World Wide Words gives the definition as follows: "It means excessively or affectedly quaint, sentimental or mawkish, sometimes coupled with words like nauseatingly. It Expand
  81. Apr 1, 2012
    Belle & Sebastian really have made a fantastic record. The Life Pursuit has some of the best tracks that this band has ever written. It never gets old and it always seems to get better with each listen. The first time I listened to it, I put it on again after I was done the first time. All In All, Belle & Sebastian haven't failed yet and this certainly fits perfectly in their wonderfulBelle & Sebastian really have made a fantastic record. The Life Pursuit has some of the best tracks that this band has ever written. It never gets old and it always seems to get better with each listen. The first time I listened to it, I put it on again after I was done the first time. All In All, Belle & Sebastian haven't failed yet and this certainly fits perfectly in their wonderful discography. A- Expand
  82. Jun 11, 2013
    This is my first Metacritic review, and even though The Life Pursuit is 7 years old, I have to rave about this album. This is Belle and Sebastian at their best: catchy, well-crafted melodic indie-pop with thoughtful, self-aware lyrics. Highlights for me: Funny Little Frog's boppy piano pop and hilarious lyrics, and White Collar Boy's perfectly balanced mix of thumping drums, fuzzed outThis is my first Metacritic review, and even though The Life Pursuit is 7 years old, I have to rave about this album. This is Belle and Sebastian at their best: catchy, well-crafted melodic indie-pop with thoughtful, self-aware lyrics. Highlights for me: Funny Little Frog's boppy piano pop and hilarious lyrics, and White Collar Boy's perfectly balanced mix of thumping drums, fuzzed out bass line, plus its subtle and not-so-subtle social commentary.
    If you like being happy, listen to this album.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 35 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 29 out of 35
  2. Negative: 0 out of 35
  1. Q Magazine
    The presence of more filler than is comfortable does not detract from the creative health in evidence on the better songs. [Feb 2006, p.100]
  2. The band sounds reinvigorated even when returning to well-trodden turf, and even livelier when moving away from it.
  3. Hence we get an album which, musically at least, veers all over the place, from chamber pop to glam to, God help them, hotel lobby jazz. In other hands, this would be a terrible mess, but in each instance you feel like the group are inching ever closer to that perfect pop moment.