• Record Label: Parkwood
  • Release Date: Jul 19, 2019
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Universal acclaim- based on 1106 Ratings

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  1. Jul 19, 2019
    No words!! Just listen for yourself and you’ll find the excellence. This album is way better than I’d thought I’d be
  2. Jul 19, 2019
    Outstanding release! It matchs perfectly high quality sound with powerful message.
  3. Jul 19, 2019
    Beyoncé once again proves that no other artist comes close to her.
    Album of the year.
  4. Jul 19, 2019
    LOVED every moment! League of its own truly. Definitely a contender for Album of the Year.
  5. Jul 19, 2019
    Amazing!! SEAMLESS AND PEERLESS. Beyoncé mixes different genres and pulls together different artists and makes an album that tells the story of the lion king whilst presenting a impeccable atandalonr album.
  6. Jul 19, 2019
    Beyoncé is proving again why she's the best nowadays.
    All african beats and vibes connects during the songs and give the album an extra fresh energy with a beautiful tribute to the African culture
  7. Jul 19, 2019
    It is a sonically breathtaking album based off the story of the Lion King, that authentically showcases the soundscape of Africa.
  8. Jul 19, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Start to finish this album is more than music! It is a visual experience! It is an anthem, and an invitation to celebrate BLACKNESS! Particularly, "Brown Skin Girl" is much needed in a word that tells Black and Brown cis and trans women that their lives don't matter! Beyoncé proves that she is "BIGGER" than any label you can give her! She is bigger than a single, a stream, a #1 song, Grammy of the Year, an Oscar, etc!! Beyoncé is a "Mood 4 EVA" and is constantly evolving! She is here to embrace her culture, welcome both internationally known and locally known artists, allow Blue Ivy to express herself artistically, and shine a bright and proud light on being BLACK! Beyoncé is not only a mother to Blue, Sir, and Rumi, but she is MOTHER to us all!! Listen to album and be inspired! Be proud and be unapologetically BLACK! Expand
  9. Jul 19, 2019
    The range! The GOAT does it again. A full journey that’s not at all hindered by the source material that inspired the project, a common trait amongst this type of concept album.
  10. Jul 19, 2019
    Incrível. Releitura perfeita do filme o Rei Leão. Os ritmos usados no álbum tem tudo a ver com o filme. Perfeito!
  11. Jul 19, 2019
    Toda vez que você acha que ela se superou, aí que ela mostra algo totalmente diferente... Muito obrigado por existir na mesma geração que você!!!!!
  12. Jul 19, 2019
    Beyoncé mais uma vez nos entrega um trabalho maduro e que está acima da média das outras cantoras.
    A pluralidade cultural foi bem trabalhada em faixas que são ligadas por interludes maravilhosas.
  13. Jul 19, 2019
    It sounds beautiful, it is totally balanced and powerful.
    I'm speechless!!!
  14. Jul 19, 2019
    BEYONCÉ? BEYONCÉ? BEYONCÉ? - In Tiffany New York Voice

    She is the queen hoes, bown down

    That's it
  15. Jul 19, 2019
    Beyoncé always bring to us the best of her. I loved every single track in this album. Beyoncé is a legend
  16. Jul 19, 2019
    It’s been an amazing experience to listen this kind of Beyonce music. I loved the fact she credits any little work of her daughter Blue Ivy. It is how to be an artist, tbh. She produced whole album. Amazing. I especially liked Brown Skin Girl and Already songs.
    In conclusion, it’s an 10/10 album with no skip songs.
  17. Jul 19, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Not my favourite album of her but that pretty much personal.
    I love the production, I am familiar with African sounds and Beyoncé nailed it.
    Very powerful lyrics and the use of interludes from the movie make it sounds like a mini story itself.

    Favourite songs: Water, Brown Skin Girl, Bigger and SPirit.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 13 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 13
  2. Negative: 0 out of 13
  1. Jul 25, 2019
    Overall, it works and is another jewel in her crown — one that she, overall, can be proud to call hers.
  2. Jul 24, 2019
    Ultimately, The Gift is a deft balancing act that weighs personal songwriting flourishes and meaning with Disneycore tropes, as well as a sincere desire to celebrate the music of the African diaspora with its fundamentally commercial obligations.
  3. Jul 24, 2019
    On The Lion King: The Gift, Beyoncé deftly connects a kid's flick to something bigger, honoring not only Africa and its traditions but also shifting perspective to future destiny and greatness. It's a superior statement and a lesson on how to properly execute a winning soundtrack.