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Mixed or average reviews- based on 22 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 22
  2. Negative: 10 out of 22
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  1. Mar 27, 2021
    Although there is some serious experimentation throughout the album, the musical arrangements sound similar to what Rob Zombie has released in the past 20 years, for better or for worse. Yet, where the biggest evolution in Rob’s music comes from is his approach to sex. Although still prevalent as much as other common topics (i.e. drugs, violence, satanism), the lyrics aren’t as explicitlyAlthough there is some serious experimentation throughout the album, the musical arrangements sound similar to what Rob Zombie has released in the past 20 years, for better or for worse. Yet, where the biggest evolution in Rob’s music comes from is his approach to sex. Although still prevalent as much as other common topics (i.e. drugs, violence, satanism), the lyrics aren’t as explicitly demeaning towards women. Trust me, in 2021, this is progress. Expand
  2. Mar 21, 2021
    Rob's most ambitious album yet as it turns out is also his most interesting by far. Not only do you still have the outstanding chemistry between Zombie, John 5, Piggy D, Ginger fish and producer Zeuss but now you have that chemistry fueling a crazed concept album about the birth, corruption, disintegration and eventual death of a universe filled with both monsters and madness.
    Keep up the
    Rob's most ambitious album yet as it turns out is also his most interesting by far. Not only do you still have the outstanding chemistry between Zombie, John 5, Piggy D, Ginger fish and producer Zeuss but now you have that chemistry fueling a crazed concept album about the birth, corruption, disintegration and eventual death of a universe filled with both monsters and madness.
    Keep up the great work guys!
  3. Mar 20, 2021
    Tf was that ... do better John !!!!! Change your guitarist and you'll guys will reach height real soon .
  4. Mar 16, 2021
    I guess I have to face the awful truth that Rob Zombie peaked (for myself) nearly 20 years ago with The Sinister Urge. Since that time his albums seem to be more about the imagery and art surrounding the music rather than the music itself. I’ve watched it happen to many bands over the years. Korn, Marilyn Manson, and Tool are a few that come to mind instantly. They standardized theirI guess I have to face the awful truth that Rob Zombie peaked (for myself) nearly 20 years ago with The Sinister Urge. Since that time his albums seem to be more about the imagery and art surrounding the music rather than the music itself. I’ve watched it happen to many bands over the years. Korn, Marilyn Manson, and Tool are a few that come to mind instantly. They standardized their sound, and even though you can listen to the new music by these bands, you can tell they’re just going through the motions, or at the very least have lost that raw edge that attracted people to them in the first place. And that can’t be replaced. But in regards to this album specifically; I must say it’s not a total disaster, but basically on par with his last album from 2016. I expected so much more after a nearly five year wait. And with everything the world has been going through in the past year, I was hoping for something that felt more genuine, more real. This was really his time to shine, and instead we got basically just another typical Zombie album like we’ve had for the past 15 years. There was really no surprises anywhere to be found on this album. I hear elements of Sinister Urge here and there. But it just sounds so forced. Something is off. He’s trying to be trippy and heavy, but it’s not coming across like it should. It feels pretty empty. I feel like this is a consumer product not a piece of musical artistry. So basically it’s a standard Zombie album of the post 2006 era. There’s 3-4 songs on it that are decent. Not great but ok. I’ll still go see his concerts because damn they’re fun, but this album will be quite quickly forgotten I think. Expand
  5. Mar 14, 2021
    It is not an album that presents something new, it plays with the same sounds and there is no innovation.
  6. Mar 12, 2021
    Ok, I have been working in the music industry off and on my whole life. While I respect this artist and what he brought to the table, there is a time that a person needs to take a very long term break. Sorry Rob, it's true. The industry has to keep reinventing itself to keep from dying.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 5 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 5
  2. Negative: 1 out of 5
  1. Mar 22, 2021
    Fun, wild, and addictive, The Lunar Injection Kool Aid Eclipse Conspiracy builds upon 2016's already-impressive Electric Warlock and winds up being one of Zombie's best.
  2. Rolling Stone
    Mar 12, 2021
    Offers the same disco-metal dreck he's been peddling for 30 years. [Mar 2021, p.73]
  3. Mar 12, 2021
    As with most of the LP, the instrumentation and lyrics are equal parts memorable and evil. Let’s face it, memorable and evil are two traits any fan would want from a Rob Zombie album.