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Generally favorable reviews- based on 25 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 20 out of 25
  2. Negative: 3 out of 25
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  1. Sep 16, 2022
    Simply put, this is another masterpiece from TMV. A very different animal from anything they've done in the past, but the past is certainly still present. Every song is shorter and concise, but packed Full of layers, synths and beautifui vocal melodies. This may be their Pop album, but it's definitely just as complex as anything they've done before, and the production is top notch. Not aSimply put, this is another masterpiece from TMV. A very different animal from anything they've done in the past, but the past is certainly still present. Every song is shorter and concise, but packed Full of layers, synths and beautifui vocal melodies. This may be their Pop album, but it's definitely just as complex as anything they've done before, and the production is top notch. Not a single moment is wasted here. 10/10 Expand
  2. Sep 16, 2022
    An intimate, experimental and concise masterpiece from the Volta. One of those examples of less being more.
  3. Sep 18, 2022
    This takes me back to a new world, a rover mission onexcellence. mArs(on) volt/AGE.
  4. Sep 19, 2022
    Delightful experience. The Mars Volta comes back with a different approach, one that's powerful yet accessible.
  5. Sep 25, 2022
    This is a beautifully crafted album with lush production, emotionally dense lyrics and gorgeous vocals from Cedric. Omar stuffs so many ideas and layers into these songs that it requires multiple focused listens to uncover all that is going on. It may be tagged as a pop album but it’s still good old progressive Mars Volta, just more concise and focused, and much more accessible. 10/10
  6. Oct 8, 2022
    I didn't think there would be another TMV album, let alone one this good. They came back and made the music they wanted to make not the music they were expected to make, and they did it absolutely perfectly.
  7. Feb 20, 2023
    A progressive-pop record with many layers to peel back with repeated listens. The beauty on this album is immense, but there are also moments of classic volta throughout. Easily the most accessible TMV has ever been.
  8. Sep 16, 2022
    Not as good as their first three albums, but a solid addition to the repertoire nonetheless.
    I appreciate the fluid nature of The Mars Volta's sound, them never being content with repeating the same cliches. And, though I prefer the likes of Frances the Mute, it is nice to have a TMV that is all around solid music without any of the fluff... because, for as good as Frances was, 4 minutes
    Not as good as their first three albums, but a solid addition to the repertoire nonetheless.
    I appreciate the fluid nature of The Mars Volta's sound, them never being content with repeating the same cliches. And, though I prefer the likes of Frances the Mute, it is nice to have a TMV that is all around solid music without any of the fluff... because, for as good as Frances was, 4 minutes of croaking frogs isn't exactly the most exciting prelude for a song.
    Solid album, just be sure to go in expecting a sound akin to their later work (though I'd say it beats out Noctourniquet and Octahedron).
  9. Sep 16, 2022
    Honestly this is not the sound I want from the mars volta. Overall the album is too slow, too filled with ballads. Don't get me wrong, the songs are good, they are well executed by excellent musicians, and I actually enjoy most of the album. Yet, the best song, it's closer, the requisition, is the song which channels the ost of the old sound. I hope, should they decide to give us one moreHonestly this is not the sound I want from the mars volta. Overall the album is too slow, too filled with ballads. Don't get me wrong, the songs are good, they are well executed by excellent musicians, and I actually enjoy most of the album. Yet, the best song, it's closer, the requisition, is the song which channels the ost of the old sound. I hope, should they decide to give us one more album down the road. That they return to a bit more up tempo song writing. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 11
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 11
  3. Negative: 0 out of 11
  1. Oct 20, 2022
    The Mars Volta becomes more rewarding with repetition. Despite the outwardly more accessible style, the group has stuffed the record full of interesting musical choices.
  2. Classic Rock Magazine
    Oct 19, 2022
    Where once they would gallop, here they lope, they slide, giving themselves all the time in the world. Hardcore fans of the weird stuff are going to hate it. ... This is clearly the right music for this stage in their musical evolution. [Nov 2022, p.70]
  3. Uncut
    Oct 19, 2022
    The furious cumbia/rock fusion of "Graveyard Love" and the gentler cosmic pop of "Tourmaline" may comprise a new creative apex for these inveterate overachievers. [Dec 2022, p.29]